First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 831: Desecrate Queen Xiao

Yang Guang's expression suddenly changed when he heard the words, but facing Zhang Bairen, he didn't have a good attack. He just said: "That's it! Zhang Heng has repeatedly violated the emperor's order and should be killed! But he is dead."

Zhang Bairen looked at Yang Guang with a pair of eyes, then lowered his head after a while and did not answer Yang Guang's words.

"Is Ai Qing prepared for the second battle?" Yang Guang stared at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes.

Zhang Bairen silently said after a while: "East conquered the people and hurt the people, and the army of one million will not be able to conquer Goryeo. What's more, your majesty now has less than one million troops. Your majesty should stop now. Now Da Sui died of starvation everywhere, the people The suffering is unspeakable, the number of days is in the people, not the illusory luck. As long as your Majesty loves the people like his son, what will happen even if the great qi is exhausted? Wouldn't you listen to the will of the people?"

Yang Guang heard the words and sat down with a pair of jade **** in his hands, his eyes piercing: "Aiqing should know that I am not a person who gave up halfway. 300,000 soldiers and hundreds of thousands of soldiers have died in the Eastern Expedition. If you stop here, The sacrifices of millions of people were all wasted."

Zhang Bairen looked at Yu Shiji with a pair of eyes: "Master Yu, you are the confidant of the emperor, and the survival of the Great Sui Dynasty is also a coexistence for you. Do you think your Majesty should go east?"

Yu Shiji smiled bitterly when he heard the words: "The Governor is embarrassing me."

"Now in the presence of the emperor, you only need to say whether you should march east or not!" Zhang Bairen glared at Yu Shiji.

Yang Guang also looked at Yu Shiji after hearing this. Yu Shiji gave a bitter smile, and then said: "Your Majesty, according to the old minister's idea, the Eastern Expedition can be postponed, and the foreign affairs must be settled first. Now the internal turbulence of the Sui Dynasty should be calmed down. It’s not too late to march!"

Hearing Yu Shiji's words, Yang Guang's face suddenly became gloomy: "How do I not know the situation in the Sui Dynasty? But it's all a group of local rogues, and I want to wipe them out. What is the point of a group of refugees? It means to recuperate and regenerate, let me ask you, those who secretly contribute to the situation will give me a few years? How many years do I have?"

Yu Shiji smiled bitterly and clasped his fists in a salute: "Since the governor is here, let the old minister say a few words. Your Majesty is going to march east, the small country of Korea, and the 300,000 army is enough to wipe it down. This time I don’t know why, there was such a big problem. The more than 300,000 soldiers of the Great Sui Dynasty were all lost to Goryeo. His Majesty only killed him in Zhongwen, fearing that he would not be able to convince the public. If things go on like this, he will lose his military spirit."

Yang Guang frowned when he heard this, and Zhang Bairen glanced at Yu Shiji in surprise. He never thought that his hometown would be so courageous. Now that Yang Guang's military power is in control, the family family has to bow their heads just now. If one day loses their military spirit, it will be the day when the Great Sui Dynasty will perish.

"I have cut it myself, and the two Aiqings don't have to discuss it!" Yang Guang waved his hand and interrupted Yu Shiji and Zhang Bairen.

Zhang Bairen's complexion changed when he heard the words: "Your Majesty really does his own way?"

"It's not that I will go my own way, but I have to do it!" Yang Guang's expression was ugly, his face was full of sorrow.

Zhang Bairen heard nothing, but just sat there quietly. Yu Shiji wanted to speak, but looking at Zhang Bairen who closed his eyes and said nothing, he could only swallow the words back into his stomach.

Nowadays, Yu Juluo and Zhang Bairen are sitting in the Sui Dynasty, and there are millions of troops to support them. Even if the beacon is swaying, they are still stable. Otherwise, the clan family would have already started to stumbling. If the army was in the east, Yang Guang would lose the will of the army. I am afraid that Da Sui is really in danger.

But Yu Shiji didn't dare to say this. He didn't believe Zhang Bairen could not see this scene.

The three broke up unhappily, Zhang Bairen walked out of Yang Guang's bedroom, and his expression suddenly became ugly when he heard bursts of laughter from the women in the bedroom.

"The Governor, please stay!" Yu Shiji shouted to Zhang Bairen.

"What's the matter?" Zhang Bairen was in a bad mood and was too lazy to be perfunctory.

"Your Majesty is insisting on the second crusade now, what does the Governor think?" Yu Shiji walked over and said with a sigh of relief.

Zhang Bairen sighed: "What can be done? The people of Da Sui don't know how many starve to death, where can I still have time to deal with Dongzheng."

After speaking, Zhang Bairen flicked his sleeves and turned away.

Seeing Zhang Bairen's back, Yu Shiji shook his head and slowly walked out of the palace.

Zhang Bairen walked straight to Yong'an Palace. Empress Xiao was embroidering at this time. The flowers were dragged with crystal-clear pearls, which looked particularly eye-catching.

"Niang Niang!" Zhang Bairen came all the way to Yong'an Palace, but Qiaoyan was not seen.

"Mister's complexion is not good, sit down!" Empress Xiao looked at Zhang Bairen, showing a strange look.

Zhang Bairen sat down, the maid brought a bowl of tea, and then stepped back. Only Zhang Bairen and Empress Xiao were left in the Nuo Grand Palace.

"What's the matter?" Empress Xiao looked at Zhang Bairen.

"Your Majesty will fight for the second time in Goryeo, and the world will perish!" Zhang Bairen cut the railway firmly.

Nowadays, the people are hungry everywhere, the people don’t have a living, and coupled with the servitude, the people are even more miserable.

Hearing this, Empress Xiao frowned and slowly lowered her needle and thread: "What are you saying is true?"

"Eight or nine do not leave ten, and I don't know the meaning of your majesty's eastward march. It is simply killing a thousand enemies and hurting oneself eight hundred. Although the family of tycoons is injured, it can't be said to be hurt." Zhang Bairen said: "The Xiao family Did Lu Niangniang arrange it?"

Looking at the enchanting face of Empress Xiao, Zhang Bairen couldn't help but look a little fiery when he remembered the intimacy between the two of them last time, and he kept patrolling Empress Xiao.

As if perceiving the aggressive gaze, Empress Xiao adjusted her body slightly, as if she was a little restless.

"Prepared for a long time, the Xiao family has now transferred all their strength underground. If the troubled times come, the Xiao family will retreat, and if the world is peaceful, it will reappear in the world" Empress Xiao said calmly.

Zhang Bairen nodded, and Emperor Xiao was flushed behind, slightly irritated, and said: "You bastard, where do you look! My eyes are daring to take aim, be careful I dug your dog's eyes."

As he spoke, he seemed puzzled and stood up and punched Zhang Bairen.

The footsteps softened, Queen Xiao's robe was too long, she actually stepped on her robe, and then fell towards Zhang Bairen.

It was really a coincidence that Zhang Bairen could not helplessly watch Empress Xiao fall down, and hurriedly stepped forward to report Empress Xiao full.

The tentacles were soft and fragrant, and Zhang Bairen subconsciously grabbed his palm.

A soft moan made people feel angry.

"You hurt me!" Empress Xiao glared at Zhang Bairen, whispering in her ear, "Don't let it go."

Zhang Bairen stood there blankly, looking at the peach-faced, gorgeous Empress Xiao, instead of loosening it, he hugged it tighter. There was no room for the two sides. They were tightly attached to each other, as if they were about to hold Xiao Xiao. The queen rubbed into her body.

"Don't let go!" Seeing Zhang Bairen's aggressive gaze, Empress Xiao was shocked. He was so familiar with this gaze.


A violent struggle!

How could Empress Xiao's strength be better than Zhang Bairen's, a palm snaked into Empress Xiao's clothes like a snake, holding a plump and soft one.


Empress Xiao whispered softly and began to struggle vigorously. Unfortunately, the struggle became weaker and weaker. In the end, she collapsed in Zhang Bairen's arms and the two sides fell together.

Zhang Bairen put his hands up and down, and soon he tore off Empress Xiao's coat and began to fumble back and forth.

Put the gun on the horse

Empress Xiao made a faint cry of pain, and she squeezed in half of her body.

"Da! Da! Da!" came the sound of footsteps.

Although the footsteps were slight, they sounded like thunder in Zhang Bairen's ears. He was planning to go to the end, but he suddenly woke up, pulled out quickly, and began to put on clothes quickly.

"It's not right! It's not right!" Zhang Bairen put on his clothes and looked at the empress Xiao who was limp on the ground like a puddle of water and seemed to have lost her bones. Zhang Bairen's expression suddenly became gloomy.

"It seems to have been calculated again, but the other party's timing is just right!" Zhang Bairen woke up, and Empress Xiao who was not entangled by Zhang Bairen also woke up.

Listening to the approaching footsteps, Empress Xiao picked up the clothes scattered on the ground without saying a word, got into the soft collapse, covered the quilt and lowered the curtain.

Zhang Bairen put on his clothes, sat on the chair blankly, waving a palm and the smell in the air disappeared.

"I have seen the empress! I have seen the governor!" The body of the incoming person was constantly twisting, like a shadow. It is a three-dimensional shadow.

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