First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 832: Misfortune

The shadow assassin, here is the shadow assassin beside Yang Guang, who is not far from the focus of Meng Meng.

"What's the matter?" Zhang Bairen held tea and looked down at the respectful shadow assassin.

The shadow assassin is like a shadow, which can dissipate in the air at any time.

"Your Majesty asks the Governor to come over and discuss the matter of the Second Levy!" the shadow assassin said.

Zhang Bairen nodded: "The governor still has things to explain to his wife, so let's go back now."

The Shadow Assassin took a look at the palace and exited the hall without a trace, leaving Zhang Bairen with a green complexion and came to the incense burner.


Still Ambergris!

Looking at the curling ambergris, Zhang Bairen extinguished the ambergris with a flick of his finger, and came to the bed of Empress Xiao, and whispered through the curtain: "Mother, hasn't this remnant been removed yet?"

Empress Xiao looked gloomy, and his silver teeth gritted: "Zhang Bairen, this is the second time. You have broken my innocence twice in this palace, and this palace does not want a second time!"

Zhang Bairen smiled bitterly: "Manny, this is your bedroom, is it my responsibility?"

"Get out of here!" A pillow flew out, and Zhang Bairen ran away in embarrassment, leaving the bedroom, silent in his heart.

It was only halfway through both times, and was disturbed. Yang Guang deserves to be the emperor of the Great Sui Dynasty. He has a lot of days and luck. It is not easy to cuckold him. He has to calculate the number of days.

This is the number of days, and the number of days does not allow Zhang Bairen to defile the Queen of the Sui Dynasty.

Zhang Bairen was a little dazed. He went in half way twice. Isn't this a taint? Da Sui Qishu is really sunset, otherwise I won't have a chance at all!

Walking out of Queen Xiao's bedroom, Zhang Bairen secretly used Taoist skills to cleanse the smell on his body so as not to reveal any flaws.

After returning to the palace, Yang Guang was sitting in front of the case and waiting.

Zhang Bairen saluted, and then sat silently under Yang Guang.

Yang Guang looked at Ye Mingzhu speechless for a long time, and then said after a while: "Is Da Sui really incorrigible now?"

Zhang Bairen's eyes drooped, his eyes and nose, nose and heart, and he listened to Yang Guang said after a while: "I'm actually making a gamble."

"Anyway, Da Sui is already like this, it's better to have a shocking throw!" Yang Guang seems to be muttering: "If I win, I can reverse the universe, and Da Sui will turn into an empire for all ages. If I lose, it won't be more than the current situation. Suffer."

Speaking of this, Yang Guang looked at Zhang Bairen: "Looking at the history books, the dynasties of the past have only been in a hurry for hundreds of years. If the Sui Dynasty continues like this, it will be difficult to escape the cycle of heaven and earth, and it will be replaced by people in a hundred years. That's it! It's not as good as the universe. Throw your life and fight for it. Success will lead to the foundation of the world, but failure will fall ahead of schedule."

Zhang Bairen was taken aback, but he didn't expect that Yang Guang would have made a big deal long ago and was ready for the fall of the Great Sui Dynasty. Some words that I wanted to persuade were swallowed back into my stomach.

"I need Aiqing's support!" Yang Guang looked at Zhang Bairen.

Zhang Bairen slowly shook his head: "Different ways are not conspiring. Now Da Sui is displaced and the people are starving for thousands of miles. How can the subordinates sit idly by? How can you help your Majesty to oppress the people?"

Zhang Bairen's words are light, but there is no doubt.

Yang Guang stared at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes: "Aren't you afraid that I will kill you? Even if you hatch the innate gods, you are definitely not my opponent. The power of the emperor's dragon energy is beyond your imagination."

Zhang Bairen was silent and Yang Guang said: "I really didn't misunderstand you, and I don't need you to help me suppress the rioters in the world. You can only promise me one thing."

"What's the matter?" Zhang Bairen looked at Yang Guang with a pair of eyes.

"Guarding the Yang family for five hundred years, don't call the Yang family the queen!" Yang Guang stared at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes.

"Okay!" Zhang Bairen's words solemnly responded.

With the palm of his hand stretched out, Sun Simiao's memorial fell a few years before Yang Guang's case: "Sun Simiao left with a seal and went into the mountain to cultivate hard."

Yang Guang sighed softly: "The situation has reached this point, is no one optimistic about me?"

Zhang Bairen was silent, silent.

"Why should this be!" Yang Guang sighed softly, as if saying to himself.

"Zhang Heng has a reputation for being upright, his majesty killed the hearts of the loyal and righteous people of the dynasty" Zhang Bairen said after a while.

"It's not that I want to kill him! It's that Zhang Heng was designed by others, and the evidence is dead! The evidence is as strong as a mountain, what can I do?" Yang Guang looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes: "You are not in my position, I don't know my difficulties! If you don’t kill it, the family of clans will have an excuse in the future, I'm afraid it will be more difficult to restrain."

Zhang Bairen heard the words in silence, and after a while he said: "Zhang Heng can't die in vain!"

Yang Guang is non-committal. He is now focused on the second battle, and he doesn't care about fighting for power and profit.

"Your Majesty, there is one more thing for the subordinates to start!" Zhang Bairen said suddenly.

"What's the matter?" Yang Guangdao.

"Your Majesty, please make a national sacrifice to the Three Emperors and Five Emperors!" Zhang Bairen said.

Yang Guang looked at Zhang Bairen in surprise, and Zhang Bairen smiled and said: "But it's just a rainy day. Now the three emperors and five emperors are declining, and they are controlled by the family of clans. If your majesty can make a national sacrifice, perhaps the Sui Dynasty will have the last opportunity."

"Quick! I ordered the Ministry of Rites to do it. The fifteenth day of the first lunar month this year is the day of sacrifice!" Yang Guang granted Zhang Bairen's request.

Hearing this, Zhang Bairen said goodbye, turned and walked out of the palace.

Didn't Yang Guang know that Zhang Heng was wronged?


But I had to kill it! There is a strong proof that if the mountain does not kill them, wouldn't the powerful family have an excuse in the future?

Zhang Bairen walked out of the palace and looked at the Big Dipper in the sky: "The emperor is not stupid! Everyone has his own abacus, but I don't know who is better at it."

Back at the Military Secret Mansion, Zhang Bairen waved his big sleeve and released the concubine.

"The Governor is forgiving! The Governor is forgiving! The concubine knows nothing!" The little concubine knelt down and begged for mercy.

Zhang Bairen slowly squatted down and gently stroked the hair around the woman's ear, revealing a beautiful face.

This little concubine was only seventeen or eighteen years old, with red palm prints on her face, tattered clothes on her body, and faint blood stains visible in her seven orifices.

"Oh! Of course the governor knows that you are wronged. As a concubine, everything depends on the master to survive. There is no time to help conceal something. Where will you be framed." Zhang Bairen looked at the woman and secretly slandered: " Although Zhang Heng is an upright official, he is also a bureaucratic style. An old lady who has come to spoil people's flowery maidens, deserves to be framed by others and has been tricked."

Zhang Bairen's fingers fell on the top of the woman's head, Baihui, and a ray of Qi spread to her body.

After a while, he said, "Nanjiang's technique! The poison has been removed, but there are still residual Qi machines that have not been removed."

Zhang Bairen retracted his palm and his eyes were full of surprise: "There is collusion with Nanjiang!"

Southern Xinjiang most likes the weird ghost and **** Gu poison technique, even if the Yang Shen is not able to check it, it will be tricked. Moreover, the Gu Poison technique is extremely overbearing and strange, which is really a headache.

"Come, send him back, just say that the governor of the capital will give the Zhang family an explanation!" Zhang Bairen said to the outside, I don't want to go back! I don't want to go back! Lord, please don't send me back! "The concubine knelt to the ground, begging again and again.

Zhang Bairen sighed in his heart, but he also understood the woman's situation. Zhang Heng died because of it. You can imagine the situation of a concubine in Zhang's house.

Just when I was about to speak, I only listened to the little concubine saying: "The governor, the eldest son covets the beauty of the inferior concubine. When the master is alive, he can still restrain himself. Now that the master dies, when the first seven days pass, I am afraid that the little girl is innocent , Please also ask the Governor to show his favor and save the little girl from the fire!"

Hearing this, Zhang Bairen was stunned, and for a while, a sense of gossip came to his heart.

Zhang Heng's son covets his father's concubine?

Your circle is really good at playing, so messy!

"Come on, tell me in detail what's going on!" Zhang Bairen lowered his head, with interest in his eyes.

After a long time, Zhang Bairen stood up in the shame of the little concubine's gaze. This thing was really bloody.

Everything has to start with rain...

After setting up the concubine, Zhang Bairen sat in the hall in a daze: "It's not appropriate to track down the murderer only with the Southern Frontier Gu Poison. I don't know the art of the sky, and I can't trace the murderer back to the murderer."

Zhang Bairen fell into silence. After thinking for a long time, he couldn't find any flaws. Only one conclusion rose in his heart: "Zhang Heng is dead in vain. I don't know who made the plot."

"My family is unfortunate!" Zhang Bairen shook his head.

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