First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 838: Where is your retreat?

Heavenly Emperor Xihe was defeated, but his successor Yi became a sun-shooting hero with a bow length of Zhang, and immediately became Zhang's surname.

The descendants of the Emperor of Heaven secretly claimed to be ‘the descendants of Yi,’ transformed into the surname Zhang and became the descendants of Yi.

Zhang Bairen was a little dizzy when he heard that, Hou Yi in the myth and legend shot the sun, actually two of his ancestors killed each other.

One wants to destroy the world, and the other wants to save sentient beings, so things become like this.

Zhang Bairen was a little speechless, and the three-yang Golden Crow Dafa he had practiced was actually the practice of the ancient heavenly emperor Xihe.

"After countless years of waiting, someone in my Zhang family finally practiced the Sanyang Golden Crow rectification method, and finally can restore the glory of the ancestor again!" The ancestor Chaoyang looked at Zhang Bairen excitedly: "Becoming a new generation of Emperor is your mission! The important task of Zhang Family's rise will fall on your shoulders!"

Zhang Bairen scratched his head: "But... the emperor Xi is incomparable in combat strength. My physical body is not much different from ordinary mortals. How can I reproduce the glory of the ancient emperor? My golden crow must be trained, but the strength of the ancient emperor is not much different. Miles."

The ancestor of Chaoyang sighed helplessly after hearing the words: "I don’t know how many tens of thousands of years have passed since ancient times. My Zhang family’s inheritance is missing. I have gone through turmoil several times and have been chased by powerful people from all walks of life. Fortunately, there are three emperors and five emperors. I was born and suppressed the world’s heroes, which allowed my Zhang family to be preserved in the dark years of turmoil. This Sanyang Golden Crow Dafa was the only exercise in ancient times. According to rumors, the Emperor used the three-legged Golden Crow hammer to cut his flesh. Only then can the combat power be overwhelming, and the supreme hegemonic body can be cultivated, even if the sun is really hot, it won’t be a thing."

"Split the flesh with the real fire of the sun? It's a bit too crazy!" Zhang Bairen showed a touch of surprise: "The human body can't stand ordinary flames, let alone the real fire of the sun? It was really incredible in ancient times."

Zhang Bairen remembered the Houyi Shooting Sun Sutra taught by Yu Juluo, and thought a thousand times in his heart.

"Bairen, you are my Zhang family's future hope. Whether my Zhang family can become the ruler of the world depends on you!" The ancestor Chaoyang sighed lightly, his face full of enthusiasm looking at Zhang Bairen.

Zhang Bairen smiled bitterly, feeling that the ancestor of Chaoyang was crazy.

How many years have passed since ancient times. How difficult is it to become the ruler of the heavens and the earth?

Now is not the time when the Zhang family was the only one.

However, after listening to the words of the ancestors of Chaoyang, Zhang Bairen at least has some knowledge of the ancient times.

With his fingers tapping the scabbard around his waist lightly, Zhang Bairen wondered how to use the sun's real fire hammer to break his flesh.

No matter how it is deduced, it is the end of a fire burned into bones.

"Bairen, you are the descendants of the Emperor of Heaven, the ruler of this world, the future Emperor of Heaven, and a mere mundane dynasty of the Sui Dynasty, how is it worth your service?" The ancestor of Chaoyang said bitterly: "You might as well follow me to the pure Yang Taoist temple to retreat. , My Pure Yang Taoist Temple only has a picture that has been handed down in the ancient times. It is the treasure of my Pure Yang Taoist Temple. It has never been shown to outsiders. If you watch the nine-day sky map, it may be great for you to worship the nine golden crows. benefit."

Looking at the ancestor of Chaoyang, Zhang Bairen remained silent, but stood with his hands on his back against the cold wind.

"The ancestor, if the Great Sui would die, and the Li family would take control of the Central Plains, it would not be the Great Sui, but my Han family blood that would die!" Zhang Bairen's sword intent was constantly compressed and brewing: "The Li family is in collusion with the Turks, ambiguous. , Such a man of wolf ambition is also worthy to enter the Ninth Five-Year Plan and rule my Han people?"

"Even I can see the situation in the Great Sui Dynasty, let alone you? Don't want to go your own way, the destruction of the Great Sui Dynasty is doomed. Do you think you can control the emperor's thoughts and persuade the emperor not to conquer Korea?" A pair of eyes stared at Zhang Bairen hard, persuading him bitterly.

The Emperor Bai said that what Yang Guang wanted to pursue was the way of the ancient emperor, so naturally he would not give up! No one can persuade or stop Yang Guang from giving up.

Yang Guang makes a desperate move, and success will lead to the foundation of eternity, and failure will be broken.

"The ancestor knows what you think. You want to help the people of the world, but have you considered it for yourself?" The ancestor Chaoyang stared at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes: "Da Sui has no retreat. Where is your retreat? You? Where is his escape route?"

"You are the enemy of the family and the world, where is your retreat?" The ancestor Chaoyang stared at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes.

Hearing this, Zhang Bairen was silent, looking at Chaoyang Patriarch with a pair of eyes. After a while, he said: "Retreat? If you want to become the emperor, you are also destined to be an enemy of the world. No one wants to have a Taishang on his head."

"You only need to practice Golden Crow Dafa, and then come out at the same time in nine days. Even if the ancient gods are resurrected, they are nothing but your dead souls. Sanyang Golden Crow Dafa is your way of retreat. If the opponent is pressed into a hurry, you will destroy the world! Now the majesty of the ancient emperor!" Chaoyang ancestor said.

Zhang Bairen was silent when he heard the words, and then shook his head, neither admitting nor denying the words of Chaoyang Patriarch.

Where is your retreat?

"Where is my escape route?" Zhang Bairen looked at the sky with a pair of eyes.

If a new dynasty is established, you will definitely settle your old accounts with yourself.

Controlling Li Shimin by himself, this is a secret step. It's just that the emperor's dragon qi destroys all laws, and I don't know that under the suppression of the emperor's dragon qi, the magic seed can still exert some power!

"I am waiting for you at Chunyang Taoist Temple. When will you come to Chunyang Taoist Temple, I will teach you the ten-day flight plan." The ancestor Chaoyang said with a pair of eyes: "You must come, don't let the ancestor mine down. Hard work."

Zhang Bairen looked at the ancestor of Chaoyang, standing quietly on the top of the mountain without speaking.

The ancestor of Chaoyang has gone and disappeared, leaving Zhang Bairen alone on the top of the mountain without a word.

Zhang Bairen didn't want to have anything to do with the Zhang family, but Ten Days Liantian Tu could be tempting to imagine.

That is the supreme **** left by the emperor.

Zhang Bairen stood quietly on the top of the mountain, looking down at the birds in the mountains.

No one is optimistic about Da Sui, everyone thought that Da Sui should be destroyed, but Zhang Bairen didn't think so.

"The governor, when the sun is in the sky, the wind will flourish. When the sky is reversed, it will be difficult and thankless. It will be disgusted by the world. The death of the Great Sui is due to the number of days. The governor has extended his life for the Great Sui for hundreds of years, but Yang Guang After squandering, why would the governor insist on going against the sky? Not seeing the Confucianism has died down?" Yuan Tiangang walked erraticly from a distance.

"Who are you old Taoist gang with, actually speaking to the family of the clan?" Zhang Bairen glared at the old Taoist.

Yuan Tiangang’s face was serious, and the question of standing in line was absolutely unambiguous: "Taoists and the chief governor must naturally also be considered for the chief governor. Knowing the general situation and knowing that the Sui will be defeated, the chief governor has to oppose the heroes. It is simply exhausting. Please, of course the poor Dao has to persuade the general governor."

Zhang Bairen silently said after a while: "Even if you stop, you have to play the prestige of the governor, so that the world's powerful family will not dare to attack the governor indiscriminately, and then find a suitable time to return the pill."

"The governor wise" Yuan Tiangang flattered without a trace.

Zhang Bairen's cold light flickered: "The governor of the capital did not say that he was not responsible for the rebellion of the Great Sui, but he did not say that he was not the master of the people under the world. These rebellious courtiers, the people who brought trouble to the people, should be killed or they should be killed. When I kill the three masters, it is me. When it comes out."

Yuan Tiangang didn't say much, there are some things that don't need to be said too much, everyone is smart.

"Let's go, go to Taiyuan!" Zhang Bairen walked toward Taiyuan first.

Taiyuan City

Lee House

Li Xiuning was sitting in the bamboo forest practicing Wu Qin It took a long time before she stood still, and stood there for a long time without speaking.

"Miss, the chief governor sent an article to him" the little maid shouted from a distance.

Li Xiuning came back to wipe his sweat, and walked out of the bamboo forest, only to see the little maid holding a huge wooden box in her hands.

"What is it?" Li Xiuning stepped forward, staring at the wooden box with a pair of eyes, and reached out to open it.


As if struck by lightning, Li Xiuning looked at the guzheng in the wooden box and was speechless for a long time, his eyes were a little red.

"Miss" the maid yelled lowly.

"This Guzheng object returned to its original owner, but it was just right. I won't have anything to do with it in the future!" Li Xiuning took the Guzheng and slammed it towards the pavilion, instantly smashing the Guzheng to pieces.

"Miss!" the maid exclaimed.

This zither is not cheap, and it is not much different than Jiaoweiqin.

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