First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 839: Frantic spoiler

A guzheng, which is not as famous as Jiaoweiqin, but not inferior to Jiaoweiqin in quality, was smashed by Li Xiuning, causing the little girl to exclaim.

This guzheng was worth a thousand dollars, but it was smashed by my own lady. How angry is this?

My life is not as important as a string of this guzheng.

After smashing, Li Xiuning turned and left, leaving the little girl staring at the sparse guzheng in a daze, and then quickly packed the guzheng, distressed.

Zhang Bairen and Yuan Tiangang walked, traveling all the way to the boundary of the Li Sect.

"What is fate?" Zhang Bairen looked at Yuan Tiangang.

"Knowing the fate of heaven, it is difficult to guard against the sky!" Yuan Tiangang groaned for a long time before sighing heavily.

"It's a good one who knows the fate of heaven, it is difficult to guard against the sky!" Zhang Bairen slapped his palm in praise, his eyes filled with emotion.

Destiny is easy to know, but the number of days is hard to reverse.

Just like the fate of the Great Sui, Zhang Bairen knew that the Great Sui could not continue the second crusade, but what could Zhang Bairen do? Can he stop Yang Guang? Can he stop it?

Zhang Bairen fell into silence, and Yuan Tiangang said: "The Governor, you have to let go of something that should be let go."

"The emperor treats me well!" Zhang Bairen sighed with emotion.

Yang Guang and Empress Xiao were probably one of the two people who treated him best in the Sui Dynasty. The Treasury of the Sui Dynasty allowed it to be used by itself, and the various classics were allowed to be observed by itself. What kind of grace is this?

"Mr. still needs to do something for me." Zhang Bairen stepped on the bluestone and took his steps unhurriedly.

"What's the matter?" Yuan Tiangang was taken aback.

Zhang Bairen looked at the distant scenery with his eyes: "Find me the whereabouts of the sun shooting bow in ancient legends."

"The bow of shooting the sun? The ancient legend is after all a legend. No one knows whether Houyi shoots the sun or not!" Yuan Tiangang shook his head and said, "You asked me to find something illusory. It's really a Taoist priest!"

Just like in the 21st century, I asked you to find the legendary first emperor twelve golden people. Who has seen the twelve golden people?

Or a more appropriate metaphor, asking you to find the legendary relic of the Yellow Emperor. Where do you go to find it?

For too long, the ancestors have evolved into legends.

"I can tell you with certainty that Hou Yi's shooting into the sun is true," Zhang Bairen said with a solemn expression.

"Really? How did the Governor know?" Yuan Tiangang was taken aback, still unwilling to believe it.

Zhang Bairen rolled his eyes. Of course he wouldn't say that Golden Crow has been refined by himself. Can this be done fake?

Shooting the sun bow is the nemesis of the Golden Crow, so you have to prepare early.

Zhang Bairen lacks time, his Dao-born Demon Seed Dafa has not yet been completed, and his Four Swords of Zhu Xian has not yet been thoroughly trained, and there are still four Dao-borns that will have time to hatch in the future.

He still needs to look for the divine water of good fortune, he needs too much, but has not had time to do it.

Yuan Tiangang looked solemn when he heard the words. Since Zhang Bairen said so, it must be true, nine out of ten!

"The Li family is here!" Yuan Tiangang raised his head and said when the two walked for a long time and arrived at the southern Hunan realm.

Standing in front of Li's gate, Zhang Bairen was speechless for a long time. In the past, he came to Li's house by himself, and he was pushed like his grandson, but now he can overwhelm the Li family. The hardships and changes, and how much effort Zhang Bairen has put in, are really not enough for outsiders.

Outside the front door of Li's house, the elders in the line were crowded, walking towards the Li's house one by one.

"General Governor Zhang Bairen is here!" The concierge saw Zhang Bairen with sharp eyes and immediately sang loudly.


For a moment, the crowd was silent. The dozens of guests waiting in line outside all looked at the figure in the purple clothes. When they saw the figure in the purple shirt, the eyes were full of awe, showing a touch of awe. After opening the way, I dare not look more.

Hearing the movement, there was a rush of hurried footsteps. Only the ruddy-faced Li Jiancheng came out of the inner courtyard with extraordinary demeanor. After seeing Zhang Bairen, he greeted him: "I have seen the governor of the capital, the governor of the majority came to the lower house and called me the Li family Pengxuan is brilliant."

Zhang Bairen looked up and down at Li Jiancheng with a pair of eyes: "You kid is a good method, thinking about making the governor into a puppet, you are really bold, and you and I will have retribution in the future."

Li Jiancheng smiled bitterly when he heard the words: "The general governor is more skilled. Not only did the villain fail to calculate it, but instead allowed the general governor to get the chance to refine the divine body. There is no credit, there is hard work."

"Oh, according to what you said, if someone is hunted down and got a chance after jumping off the cliff, you still have to thank those who chase him down?" Zhang Bairen stared at Li Jiancheng, and then looked at Li Jiancheng's body: "I heard that Young Master Li stole it. Xuanming's scepter, I don't know if he can open his eyes to the governor. The governor is very curious about the scepter.

Hearing Zhang Bairen's words, Li Jiancheng's smile suddenly stagnated. He looked at his staring eyes from all directions, and a wry smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "The Governor will have a chance to see it in the future."

"Oh?" Zhang Bairen said'Oh', but didn't say much, just a pair of eyes scanned the field, and then took out a night pearl from his sleeve, handed it to the concierge who was collecting gifts, and strode towards the inner courtyard of the Li family Go.

This Ye Mingzhu was stolen from the Li family empty, so it doesn't hurt to return it to the Li family.

"General Governor Zhang Bairen is here!" Li Jiancheng yelled, and everyone in the court came over to see him.

Looking at those familiar or unfamiliar faces, apart from the ministers of the court, they are the people of the Guanlongmen clan.

Li Yuan, the old fox, sat with him in the main seat, drinking and having fun with everyone.

Zhang Bairen and Li Yuan met Li and sat next to Li Yuan. He didn't know anyone at this table except Pei Renji.

Pei Renji is Yang Guang's confidant, and Li Yuancheng is naturally going to come and go.

"The chief governor, it's better to be famous than to meet, the villain toasts you a glass!" Someone held a glass of wine and said flatteringly.

Reaching out his hand not to hit the smiling man, Zhang Bairen took a sip from the glass, and the man saluted again and again with joy.

A group of people scrambled, and suddenly they only heard someone say: "I have heard that the governor Zhang Bairen and Li Xiuning had made an appointment before. Could the Chai family eat the courage of the bear heart and leopard, and dare to **** a woman from the governor?"

As soon as this statement came out, the atmosphere in the court quieted strangely, and the sound of pushing the cup and changing the lamp disappeared completely, and everyone seemed to have been in a hold technique, silent.

Li Yuan followed the voice with a green face, but saw a Confucian scholar lying on the wine table constantly muttering.

"There is no cultivation base, it is indeed drunk!" Zhang Bairen only glanced at the state of the scholar.

"I want to say that the general governor is too kind. If I were the general governor, I would simply punish the Chai family with a sword, and it would be clean and tidy. See who would dare to embarrass the general governor. The Li family has no eyes and I don’t know Mount Tai. I stopped drinking at the banquet..." The scholar stood up swayingly, and suddenly overturned the table, splashing soup on everyone in the court, but everyone dared not speak.

The atmosphere was depressing and silent, and people couldn't help but tremble secretly. Li Yuan sat there with a gloomy face, looking at Zhang Bairen, who was calm, his eyes kept burning.

"Zhang Bairen is my sub-sage master of Confucianism. How can you allow your Li Jiaguo to look down on people and sit with you? It's damaging your identity!" While talking, the scholar walked out of the gate staggeringly.

Li Jiajiading stood there, his feet as if rooted, and he dared not step forward to stop him.

The scholar vomited as he The vomit was disgusting, and the good banquet made people full of filth. The surrounding guests retreated, for fear of being splashed.

"Crazy and rude!" Li Yuan's face was gloomy, with murderous intent in his eyes.

"This kid is a little bit interesting. Confucian scholars are natural in nature, but they are also true temperaments! This person is not afraid of power and power, and he is the talent I need. If everyone in the Sui can do this, how can they end up like today? The situation" Zhang Bairen's words were not hurried or slow, and they spread throughout the audience.

At the same time, Pei Renji smiled and said, "What the chief governor said is, let's continue drinking! Drinking!"

"Master Li don't go to see the crazy life, lest he drunk and freeze to death on the road" Zhang Bairen looked at Li Yuan.

Li Yuan turned purple and waved his hand to go and chase the scholar.

"Continue to drink at the bar! By the way, why don't you see the second son of the Li family?" Zhang Bairen scanned the audience, but Li Shimin was not seen.

"Shimin has gone to work outside, and he hasn't had time to come back" Li Yuan said in a prevarication.

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