First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 840: Reopen the Baidi Mansion


Li Shimin and Chunguijun acted in a low-key manner, they quietly avoided spies and came to the Baidi mansion.

Chunguijun's eyebrows opened slowly, and a green light rose to the sky, and the power of faith in endless time and space converged toward this place.

The power of faith that was originally illusory was caught by the eyes of the Spring Return King.

"This is indeed the source of faith. The old Baidi wants to resurrect with the remnant soul. It is just wishful thinking!" Chunguijun closed his eyes and looked at Li Shimin with a pair of eyes: "The Baidi is indeed here, as long as he can swallow Bai The remnant soul of the emperor, you can obtain the ancient fate. The five ancient emperors belong to metal, wood, water, fire, and earth. The white emperor belongs to gold, but you belong to fire. Fire can overcome gold. ."

Li Shimin glanced cautiously when he heard the words, and then said: "The Baidi was hidden deep in the underground palace. Back then, it was only a great feng shui array to pull the Baidi mansion out of the void. Now the earth collapses and the underground palace has no way. Can't enter the Baidi Mansion, what do you say about devouring!"

After hearing the words, the Lord of Spring Return was stunned. He scanned the surrounding dragon veins with a pair of eyes. After a while, he said, "Left blue dragon and right white tiger, here are endless good fortune, taking away a hundred miles of vitality, Bai Di is really not a worry-free master. Taking away the good fortune of a hundred li creatures, let's behead them as a way for the sky."

"As for how to enter the Baidi Mansion? Those vulgar people can set up formations. Isn't the old man worse than those vulgar people? It's just that the birth of Dongfu is a bit more dynamic, let's move faster! Avoid trouble." Chun Guijun began to babble about arranging the formations, stepping on his feet, and personally measuring every inch of land and measuring every inch of ground veins.

A ray of Qi machine slowly penetrated towards the earth veins, and I saw that the earth dragon Qi was like a bird with a frightened bow. After meeting Chunguijun's dragon Qi, he suddenly screamed.


The dragon vein trembles gently, and the fluctuation of the earth causes a chain reaction, spreading throughout the entire southern Hunan.

"Damn it, why Dragon Mai is so alert, what did you do to Dragon Mai last time?" Chungui Jun yelled and quickly retracted his palm.

What did you do to Longmai last time?

Will Li Shimin say that the last time everyone beat and flogged the dragon veins?


At this moment, the three sun gods crossed the void, wearing simple robes, looking down at the two below: "Bold, who are you waiting for? Actually come here to disturb the Baidi to rest."

Li Shimin stepped forward, clasped his fists and bowed his face like a spring breeze: "Everyone, Rong Jin, I'm waiting to hear that the Baidi Mansion was born here, so I'm here to see if there is a chance left by the Baidi, but it accidentally stimulated the dragon veins. Please forgive me."

Looking at Li Shimin and Chunguijun, the three real Yang gods, you see me and I see you, one of them said humanely: "Don't disturb the dragon vein again, or you have to make you look good."

In the past ten years or so, I have been thinking about coming here to pick up cheap warriors and Taoists, and the guardians have seen countless people, but they are all whimsical daydreamers. At first, everyone kept chasing away, but as the flow of people continued, everyone didn't bother to fight. As long as you don't touch the Baidi mansion or dig the dragon veins, I won't be troubled by you. Those dreaming people who can't get the treasure after wandering around will naturally turn around and leave.

Seeing the three walking away, Chungui Jun sighed. He was not afraid of the Guardians, but was afraid that after alarming the Guardians, the two sides fought to alarm the southern Hunan heroes, and then the fun would be great.

"The Guardians are always troublesome, and we still need to find a way to get rid of it!" A murderous intent flashed in the eyes of Jungui Jun.

"The guardian clan can be selected as the guardian of the tomb by Emperor Bai, there must be extraordinary means, we still don't have to do anything, it is important to quickly take advantage of it!" Li Shimin was surprised when he heard this, and quickly discouraged.

He glanced at Li Shimin, Chungui Jun was not commenting, and after a while he said: "We still need to refine the Zhenlong Talisman, but unfortunately there is no Zhenlong nail. If there is a Zhenlong nail, how can there be such trouble."

Junguijun looked at Li Shimin, took out the pen, ink, paper and inkstone from his sleeve, and began to write quickly. After a while, he finished and folded it and handed it to Li Shimin: "I need something here. You quickly ask someone to prepare."

Li Shimin took out a homing pigeon and tied the letter to the homing pigeon, only to see the homing pigeon soaring into the sky and disappearing into the sky.

Li Shimin was not allowed to wait long, but for a long time, I saw a warrior rushing over carrying a box: "Second son, thanks to our Xiangnan foundation is not small, otherwise we really won't have all these treasures."

Li Shimin didn't doubt that he was there. He opened the box, only to see that there was nothing missing in it. Then he said to Chungui Jun: "Sir, it's ready."

Upon hearing the words, Chunguijun stepped forward, looked at the box with a pair of eyes, picked up various treasures at random, and then began to polish the painting symbols.

It took about half a day to see that the Spring Guijun had concocted Jin Zhi and turned it into golden talisman paper 30 cm long and 10 cm wide.

The cinnabar is bright red, with an unknown number of ores added, each of which is carefully polished by the Spring Guijun.

The pen frightened the wind and rain, Fu became a ghost.

Fortunately, Jungui Jun had already prepared and concealed all this vision, and then pinched the Yin Jue in his hand: "Hurry as the rate!"


The talisman paper turns into golden light, which instantly penetrates the bottom layer and falls on the dragon veins, sealing the dragon veins.

"This time it's fine!" Chungui Jun clapped his hands, his divine power flowed, and he unobtrusively explored the dragon veins, continuously measuring the dragon veins here, and throwing down the flags.

After about a stick of incense, I saw Chunguijun clapped his hands and turned back: "It's done, let's open up the passage again and pull out the Baidi mansion. But if you don't be afraid of ten thousand, you are afraid to accidentally alarm the guardian family. It's not good. According to what the old man said, he would simply poison the guardian family to death."

The man who delivered the letter was shocked when he heard the words, and waved his hands again and again: "No! No! Second son, this guardian clan is proficient in ancient witchcraft, boundless mana, the most overbearing and vicious, there is no way to crack the poison! The Sky Toad of the Buddha Road thought of poisoning the Guardians to death, but was noticed by the Guardians. If he were not proficient in the technique of substituting death, he would have nine lives, I'm afraid the bones and scum would have been rotten long ago. Let's do it. Do it, why hurt the innocent?"

Hearing this, Li Shimin nodded: "It's the same reason. It is always a harm to harm the innocent. In the future, karma is for fear of unhappy."

Spring Return Jun heard the words and sneered: "The only real person, Tian Chan, dare to be compared with the old man? The poison that the old man configures can be poisoned even with ancient power. You only need to find a source of water and put the poison in it. It takes less than three days. The guardians will all disappear."

"Some people of the Guardian clan practice in retreat and cut off food. This method may not be able to hide from the other party, but will provoke a big enemy for themselves!" The man who gave the treasure hurriedly persuaded.

"I'm discussing with the second son, there is something for you to talk about!" Chun Guijun glared at the man, then looked at Li Shimin: "what to do, the second son has an idea!"

Li Shimin pondered for a while, and then said: "It's not good to hurt the sky and it's always good. Let's move like this and quickly pull the Baidi mansion out. Even if the guardians really find something wrong, we have already entered The emperor's residence."

Chunguijun reluctantly agreed, and stretched out his and the Yin Jue landed on the golden talisman on the dragon vein below.


In an instant, the world revolves around the world, the universe changes, and waves of vitality are rolled up.

I have to say that the means of Returning to the Spring are extraordinary, and it is really a good means to suppress the sky full of vision within square inches.

The dragon veins rolled, and the Baidi Mansion, which was involved in the cave below, rose slowly.

Inside the Baidi Mansion

The white emperor frowned, and the womb looked up at the void: "How long has it been that the old man's tomb was forcibly pulled up again. It's really a bastard. If you dare to step into the mansion later, the old man will definitely want this bastard. A knife is impossible."

The dust billowed, making people unable to open their eyes.

At this time, a white shadow on the horizon was growing lotus step by step, and came over naked with delicate soles, eyes full of weird colors: "The source of the previous vibrations pointed directly to the Baidi mansion. Could it be that the old thing Baidi was tossing? New tricks? Is Bai Di resurrected? It can't be so fast!"

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