First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 842: Arrest Baidi, fight against the sky

Chunguijun's eyes are full of incredible belief. Although the real Yang Shen can live forever and never die for several reincarnations, he is not immortal.

You will definitely not live for thousands of years, I am afraid that even a thousand years will be choking!

"How many years has this old thing lived? How can you say that you are an acquaintance of the Baidi? The three emperors and the five emperors are all lingering and panting, and their souls are scattered. What is the ability of the Spring Return King to survive?" Guan Zizai couldn't sit still, and immediately without a word Take a step forward and walk towards the Baidi mansion.

Li Shimin swept through the Baidi mansion. When the mansion was opened last time, there were many illusions and various elixir, but now it was empty and seemed very abnormal.

"Sir, the Baidi mansion contains mystery, and the cave and sky overlap. I can't see the mystery in it!" Li Shimin wandered around for a while, after all, he couldn't help but look at Chunguijun.

Junguijun rolled his eyes, can you see through if you can't see through?

"Please be better than Ji General! What a character Bai Di was in ancient times, if you are a General, Bai Di will definitely not be willing to be insulted by your younger generations" Chunguijun's voice turned into a line and entered Li Shimin's ears.

Li Shimin nodded and scanned the Baidi mansion with a pair of eyes, and then said: "Where is the Baidi? The last to learn Li Shimin, if you want to borrow the Baidi emperor's fate, please also ask your Majesty Baidi to fulfill it."

In the depths of the cave, Emperor Bai frowned, looked at the two figures below, secretly meditating in his heart, and collected the actions of the two in his eyes: "I'm afraid that the person who came is not good! The old man now wants to reshape the body of Nirvana. It’s really unlucky for people to come here! Li Shimin, right? This emperor will bear with you for the time being. When I reshape my body in the future, I will inevitably lead you to retribution."

"Baidi, you are also a powerful person in my human race anyway, do you want to learn to shrink your head? Back then, the five human races suppressed the heavens and hundreds of races, how mighty it was, I never thought that now I have become a dog of the bereavement!" Li Shimin expressed regret. Color, there is a sound in the mouth.

Baidi's face was gloomy, entrenched in the womb of God, but he was silent.

"Bai Di, you are also a senior of my human race anyway, don't tell me this junior to look down on you, you have lost your fame in vain! It is a pity that a generation of emperors has no more spirit in the past. What use is it for you to linger now? I, let me cross the world on your behalf!" Li Shimin shook his head and said, "I didn't expect that the dignified Emperor Bai was actually timid and fearful, greedy for life and fear of death. What a pity!"

"Zhuzi! Dare to insult me!"

Baidi's voice jumped like thunder, shaking the endless void.

Even though he knew that this was the opponent's violent general technique, as the once supremely powerful, Baidi still couldn't stand this violent general, and suddenly a sharp and unparalleled sword energy hovered and fell from the void.

The sword qi is pure, the pure and pure Western Gengjin qi, seems to be able to cut everything.

Unlike Zhang Bairen's murderous intent, Baidi's swordsmanship is sharp and sharp, which seems to be able to cut through all things and destroy everything.

Li Shimin changed his color in amazement and turned his immortal body in an instant, only to hear a ‘pouch’, his chest was broken by sword energy, and the blood flowed like a shot in a moment.


The crisp phoenix screamed, and a layer of red flame burned in the wound. Li Shimin's expression changed wildly: "The speed at which I recovered from my injury has actually been reduced by more than ten times."

It's just that the Emperor Bai in the state of a remnant soul still has such power. If the Emperor Bai is reborn, wouldn't he be able to kill himself with a sword?

Li Shimin felt that his actions today were a bit reckless, and the horror of the Baidi was a bit beyond his expectations. Today, the Baidi must be beheaded, otherwise the dangers will be endless.

Sword Qi didn't know where it came from, and didn't know where it went, Li Shimin didn't even notice the trajectory of Baidi's shot.

Chunguijun shook his head and signaled Li Shimin to continue to anger Baidi.

"Is Baidi's method? It's nothing more than that, even my immortal body can't be broken! It seems that the so-called ancient emperor is just a vain name!" Li Shimin gritted his teeth and bit his scalp to start the mocking hatred mode.

"I want you to see how powerful the ancient emperor is. The emperor must not be humiliated!" The murderous intent flowed in Baidi's eyes, and the sword energy was cut out from the void again.




The sound of flesh-and-blood penetration spread throughout the audience, and Li Shimin was already bleeding in an instant.

"If you don't have a bit of luck, this emperor's sword will be your dog's head!" Baidi's voice is majestic, shaking the void: "The junior who does not know the heights of the sky and the earth quickly retreat, the emperor spares you, otherwise the emperor today Even if you suffer a backlash from heaven and earth, you will be killed."

"Kill? You don't want to speak big words, the old man has found your hiding place, or get out of here, and obediently ask my son to swallow you!" Chunguijun suddenly said, the green air flow all over him, and he invaded the void. .


At this time, the Emperor Bai noticed the follower-like Chunguijun, the long sword in his hand was flowing, and the void was wiped out in an instant, and the layers of green air currents were wiped out.

The Lord of Spring Return is not moving like a mountain, but continues to release green smoke, constantly determining the position of Baidi.

After a while, I heard Chunguijun laughed loudly: "Hahaha, I found you, you are not dead, don't you let me come out and die!"

Chunguijun's fingers turned into emerald green, and a finger seemed to penetrate the void and pulled towards the Emperor Bai in the depths of the space.


Sword Qi swept across, and Chun Guijun retracted his fingers, half missing.

However, he saw Chunguijun's face pale: "As expected of Emperor Bai, his strength has recovered so quickly. If you give you some more time, the old man may really help you."

Baidi is not in peak state, so why is he in peak state?

Regarding the Emperor Bai, Spring Guijun did not have any fear, but suddenly stretched out his hand, an emerald green branch spread into the void, entangled towards the Emperor Bai.

I don't know what this branch is, but the sword aura of Emperor Bai has been cut continuously.

"Damn it! Why are you familiar with this **** method!" Baidi wiped away most of his memory. At this time, he looked at the Spring Return Lord below, and suddenly showed a shocked look. Why couldn't his own swords help this immature branch. And looking at your branches, there is always a very familiar feeling for some reason.

For some reason, there is always a sense of familiarity facing Spring Return.

"Yo! It's so lively here!"

Seeing that Baidi was about to be captured, he saw a figure in white clothes descending.


Guan Zizai pinched the nine-character mantra, the green branch unexpectedly lost control and flew towards Guan Zizai.

"Come!" Chunguijun's complexion changed, and the green branches scattered instantly, and he looked at the white figure with a gloomy expression.

I thought that Emperor Bai was about to turn into his own prisoner, but I never thought that such an accident would happen again.

"Guan Zizai! Why are you here!" Li Shimin looked at the figure in white clothes, his pupils suddenly shrank, and his eyes were full of murderous intent.

"Second Young Master Li, don't forget whose site this is! This is Shonan, the site of my Bailian Society. I have to ask why you are here! You came to this site secretly and didn't fight with you. Hello, it's impolite!" Guan Zizai fluttered in white, pinched Lanhua's finger and stood in the field.

Li Shimin's face turned gloomy, and his eyes looked at Chunguijun: "I will stop Guan Zizai, and my husband will continue to deal with Baidi. Let's catch Baidi and immediately withdraw, and we will never entangle him."

Chunguijun nodded, and the branches in his hands began to condense. Li Shimin stepped forward and stood in front of Chunguijun: "Su Wen Guan Zizai is the number one master in southern Hunan. This son is not talented. I want to ask for advice. I wonder if you can Enlighten me?"

"You?" Guan Zizheng looked at Li Shimin up and down, then shook his head: "Second Young Master Li must not take his own humiliation. It would be appropriate to ask the gentleman next to you to do some tricks with me. As for you... I'm afraid it is unworthy!"

"Whether you are worthy, you will know if you try!" Li Shimin punched out, and Fengming sounded.


Guan Zizai pointed out and hit Li Shimin's fist together, and frowned suddenly: "Phoenix Qi? The Phoenix Qi that destroys all laws? You are not a queen, how can you have Phoenix Qi?"

Although Li Shimin's phoenix aura could not consume his divine power, it could suppress a part of it, which made Guan Zizai somewhat uncomfortable.


Guan Zi's formula is changing, and his palm stretches out to hit Li Shimin.


Li Shimin flew more than a dozen steps backwards under the Douzi Yin Jue, a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

"Damn nine-character mantra!" Li Shimin cursed.

The mantra of fighting characters can increase a person's power several times, dozens of times, and hundreds of times. It can be called an invincible method, the most incompatible with the magical powers of heaven, and it is simply heaven-defying and impossible to play. The enemy suddenly skyrocketed dozens of times in strength, how to fight this battle?

ps: Thank you for the rewards of the "Jiwen Pavilion" and "I can't see a series of numbers". Add more... Can you postpone it! ! !

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