First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 843: Baidi was captured, weird branches

Li Shimin looked at Chunguijun with an ugly expression, his eyes looked far away, and then he looked at Guan Zizai, a little speechless.

According to common sense, it is easy to see the **** of warriors suppress the real person of the sun **** (pseudo sun god), but what freak did he encounter? The opponent's strength suddenly soared dozens of times, how can we fight this battle?

Chungui Jun, who was about to take the opportunity to drag Baidi's divine fetus, also changed his color at this time, his eyes were full of shock: "How is this possible? This is the nine-character mantra of Taoism, you actually obtained the nine-character mantra of Taoism!"

Guan Zizai was standing in the field with his orchid finger pinched, looking at Li Shimin and Chunguijun with a pair of eyes, with smiles at the corners of his mouth: "The two come to Hunan, but they don't even say hello. It would be too much to put himself in his eyes. If the two are willing If you leave obediently, you will assume that nothing happened. If you continue to resist stubbornly, you will not be merciless."

Li Shimin stepped forward at this time and wiped away the blood stains at the corners of his mouth: "Although you have mastered the Nine Secrets of Taoism, I have the true body of Tianfeng Immortal, you can't kill me! Sir, just let it go, and I will hold the Bailian Society. the Lord."

While Chunguijun looked silent and didn't know what he was thinking about, after listening to Li Shimin's words, he just said, "The meeting is divided into half. Since you were hit by you, let's stop for the time being. How about giving you half of the benefits?"

Guan Zi looked into the void with a pair of eyes. At this time, Emperor Bai said from the void: "Guan Zizai, as long as you are willing to help me suppress these two bastards, this emperor will teach you supreme swordsmanship! Zhang Bairen and this emperor are inexorable friends As long as you are willing to help the emperor clean up these two bastards, the emperor will ask Zhang Bairen to do three things for you unconditionally!"

"Oh?" Guan Zizai's eyes lit up when he heard this. He was thinking of selling Zhang Bairen as a favor, but he never thought that there would be such a benefit.

Who is Zhang Bairen? The person who has the most hope for longevity, it is no exaggeration to say that no one in Da Sui dared to say that he could defeat Zhang Bairen.

This kind of near-invincible existence actually owes three favors to himself, and Guan Zi instantly rejoices: "Okay! Just as Baidi said, I will help you, just how to make Zhang Bairen owe me three favors, Bai Emperor Ke needs to think about it."

"Don't worry, where Zhang Bairen is, this emperor will naturally explain it!" Baidi's voice was sonorous and powerful.

When things come, I can’t take care of so much. I will teach myself to escape the danger first. As for the three favors of Zhang Bairen owing to Guanzizai, it is not a difficult task for the Emperor Bai! Is one life worth three favors? Zhang Bairen is thinking of a way to compensate.

"Bai Di rest assured that even if the master of this Guanzuo fights his own fate today, he will never let this younger generation renegade steal the merits of the predecessor!" Guan Zi's printing tactics changed again: "All!"

This blow was sent to Jun Zijun, Chungui Jun did not dare to ignore the supernatural powers of Guan Zizhen, he could only tickle his teeth with anger, withdrew the magical powers from his hand, and the green light flashed with a palm, and shrouded towards Guan Zizhen.

The green light is dull, but unparalleled, and can draw on the world's vitality for its own use.

Guan Zi didn't notice for a while, and was swept by the green light on his left arm, and saw that his originally tender left arm was actually covered with wrinkles, like an eighty-year-old lady, losing the glory of time.

"What a domineering supernatural power!" Looking at his arm, Guan Zishang's face changed color, a drop of clean water in the Yujing bottle fell on his arm, and the wrinkles disappeared and the matte was restored again.

"Huh! Your bottle is a treasure," Chunguijun's eyes flashed with greed.

Guan Zizai had no expression on his face, and the nine-character printed tactics in his hand changed again: "A soldier is coming!"

This time the shot is the four-character mantra, and the Linzi Jue turns into the supreme seal, which suppresses the time and space of Guan Zi's body, and the demons will not invade, and will not be infected.

The green light in Chunguijun's hands returned without success, looking at the fist marks that were suppressed, his complexion suddenly became hard to look.

"I come!"

Li Shimin stepped forward and formed a seal in his hand before Chunguijun: "Tianfeng Chaoge!"

In the midst of the gathering of energy, I saw the countless divine light entangled and flowed in the void, turning into a fiery red phoenix, welcoming it towards the seal of Guan Zizhen.

The phoenix in Li Shimin's hand is not the real phoenix qi, but the phoenix qi that gathers the fate of heaven and earth.

A song from the Heavenly Phoenix Dynasty, the phoenix aura pervades, and constantly suppresses the world's laws.

When facing the Yin Jue, the nine-character mantra of Guan Zizai also fell into a disadvantage, or it was weakened by 30%.

Guan Zizai's expressionless face, with the blessing of the Douzi Yin Jue, not to mention that only 70% of the weakened 30%, even if the weakened 90% is only 10%, the skyrocketing dozens of times is definitely not something Li Shimin can stop.

Doesn't it mean that ten percent has doubled several times.

"Bang!" Li Shimin stepped back five steps, the flames all over his body was burning, his state recovered instantly, he was blocked in front of Guan Zi-zai, and he must not be allowed to take one step beyond the thunder pond.

At this time, Li Shimin's only fortunate thing is that Guan Zi is practicing Taoism, not martial arts. If the martial arts powerhouse gets the nine-character mantra decision, it is definitely not Li Shimin that can resist.

Of course, the warrior seems to be unable to make his debut!

"Fight!" Guan Zizai's face was expressionless, and continued to perform Taoism.

Li Shimin had the real body of Tianfeng at this time, and he was not afraid of Guan Zizai. Although he was beaten by Guan Zizao with no power to fight back, he could temporarily stop him.

"Guan Zizai, you are using a weapon! A blow to call this kid dead, you are so barehanded, the other party is constantly resurrecting, how can you help him?" The Baidi in the void was anxious.

Relying on your "fight" mantra, if you are willing to use your weapon and tell this kid to open your mouth, how can you be your opponent? As long as the opponent is split in half, how can it be resurrected?

Li Shimin's complexion changed when he heard the words, and Guan Zizai said blankly: "Since Pang Dao took the shot, he has never used a weapon against anyone. The weapon is ominous, so it's better to have less contact!"

"You guys have broken their heads when they practice cultivation!" Void Baidi suddenly stamped his feet with anger, a little furious.

When is this, do you still care about this and that?

Would Guan Zizai say that he didn't want to kill Li Shimin and forge feuds with the Li family? And he sent a message to Zhang Bairen, the other party was already on his way, right?

"Bai Di, don't worry, Pang Dao only needs to save you!" Guan Zizai said nonchalantly.

After listening to Guan Zi-zai's words, Baidi was speechless. Wasn't he also concerned about Li Shimin's aura and didn't want to kill this fellow?

With a sneer at the corner of Chunguijun's the imprints in his hands changed again, and the light of the divine light continued to grow stronger, turning into an emerald green seed, attacking the whole body of Chunguijun.

"Hey! Why is this method a little frightening? You can't call that kind of person close!" The Baidi divine fetus was murderous, and the sharp energy gathered, and the sharp and unparalleled sword energy continued to cut the void, strangling towards the seed. .

Facing the Baidi, Chunguijun was also depressed at this time.

Among the five elements, Jin Kemu.

Own power is wood, and it happens to be restrained by the opposing party's extremely pure and extremely murderous Taibai Gengjin. How do you call Chunguijun to play?

The seed was actually wiped out by that wisp of murderous intent, turned into powder.

"It's not a coincidence, you can only use your strength to crush it, and then use thunder means to deceive this one time!" Chungui Jun's heart was moved, the murderous intent in his eyes continued to gather and linger, and the green mist in the sky madly invaded the Baidi Divine Baby , After all, stopped at the white emperor's whole body three feet, was wiped out by the quintessence of Taibai murderous intent, and was unable to make progress for a long time.

The two of them held a stalemate like this, while watching Zizai fighting with Li Shimin, they thought they would continue to stand still like this, but after a while, they saw Chungui Jun suddenly attacked, and the sky full of fog instantly condensed and turned into two. Green branches. The two branches in the endless divine light broke through the blockade like thunder, and the ray of Taibai Geng golden sword aura did not cut off the green branches, but left a clear wound.

Every wound was cut in half, but the branches could not be cut off after all.

Then before everyone could react, Chunguijun's branches swept away at the divine womb, only to see that the divine womb was hanging on the branches without any resistance, and was dragged out by Chunguijun from the sky.

"Not good!" Seeing this scene, Guan Zizai, who had been slowing his hands, suddenly changed his expression wildly.

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