First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 849: Orthodoxy or blood?

Zhang Bairen just sat quietly on the high platform, stroking the scroll in front of him, not looking at the people below.

Listening to Zhang Fei's words, Chaoyang Ancestor's expression suddenly changed: "That evil barrier, did you actually practice Joy Zen again?"

Zhang Fei's face was bleak, if it weren't, he wouldn't have to come here in a low voice.

At this moment Zhang Fei broke away from the restraints, looked at Zhang Bairen on the high platform, and knelt on the ground again with a'poof': "Bairen, I beg you! This is the last time! You give Baiyi another chance, he After all, it’s your brother!"

"Father! What are you doing! Hurry up! You don't ask him!" There was a panic and stern scream from down the mountain. Zhang Baiyi chased after him. Seeing such a humble scene of his father, his hairs stood up and his head exploded. Up.

How could my father beg for him so quietly?

The spine that has never been bent is so low!

Seeing this scene, Zhang Baiyi only felt that his soul was about to explode. He never thought that his father would have paid so for himself.

Kneeling before, Zhang Bairen stopped him, but Zhang Baiyi didn't say much. Now that Zhang Fei really knelt down, Zhang Baiyi couldn't wait to die immediately.


An emerald-green air current flicked across Zhang Bairen's palm, and then the vegetation sprang up, as if he had come alive, pulling Zhang Fei straight up again.

"Zhang Bairen, no matter how high your cultivation base is, you can't go against the general rules and ask you to kneel down for you!" Zhang Baiyi angrily rebuked Zhang Bairen.

"Who is he kneeling for? Isn't it for you? If you stand up, he doesn't have to kneel down and beg for help! You don't need to be so humble to beg me!" Zhang Bairen watched the picture scroll without looking back: "The last time I was asked to give up. You Dao Gong, he knelt in my yard all night in the face of the heavy snow. The governor couldn’t see it before he took action to dissolve your cultivation. Who knows that you are not worried, and you repeat the same mistakes."

"Father!" Zhang Baiyi looked at Zhang Fei when he heard the words, his eyes were bloodshot and densely covered with red lines, dripping blood and tears: "Why didn't you say it earlier? Why didn't you say it earlier!"

"The dog can't change eating shit, and the mud can't support the wall. You should retreat. Don't make noise in front of the governor!" Zhang Bairen flicked his finger, and the sky rose wildly, and he left the two of them down the mountain.

On the other hand, the three old men of Chunyang, look at me and I look at you, their faces are full of iron.

"Bairen, stop it for the time being, if you do it like this, it's better to just talk about it!" Chaoyang ancestor stopped.

Hearing this, Zhang Bairen stopped and turned his head to look at the people below: "What else is there to say? I have seen a lot of this kind of dude. The nature is easy to change, and there is nothing to say."

Zhang Fei just begged: "Bairen, I am sorry for my father, but I also ask you to be merciful. Baiyi is innocent. Anyway, it is your brother..."

"Cure him and tell him to harm other girls' innocence?" Zhang Bairen slowly rolled up the picture and put it into the box slowly: "It seems that wanting to stay in a quiet retreat for a few days is not feasible!"

"Bairen, Baiyi is your own brother anyway, so you can't open the net?" Chaoyang ancestor said.

Hearing this, Zhang Bairen looked at the people below, and his eyebrows slowly clustered together: "You and others are all true and honest, do you know the fate?"

Everyone nodded.

Zhang Bairen said: "It is easy to change the number of fate, but it is difficult to bear the cause and effect! If I help him change the number of fate, if he does evil in the future, all the cause and effect will fall on me, how will I cause trouble to myself?"

"But if Baiyi is good, the good deeds will be recorded on you in the future" Zhang Fei said quickly.

Zhang Bairen shook his head: "Can he do good? It's better to pray for the sow to come up the tree."

"Zhang Bairen, do you dare to insult me!" Zhang Baiyi was immediately unhappy, and angered Zhang Bairen.


Zhang Fei slapped Zhang Baiyi into a daze, "You shut up!"

Zhang Baiyi looked at Zhang Fei with an aggrieved face, but could not speak with tears in his eyes.

"If you can fight for a future, you will be willing to die for your father! Leave it to your father, don't talk!" Zhang Fei said to Zhang Baiyi before turning to look at Zhang Bairen.

"If you continue to talk about this person, please don't open your mouth!" Zhang Bairen slowly walked off the meteorite with his hands on his back.

"Bairen!" Zhang Fei's eyes reddened: "If you don't want me, I will jump off the cliff and fall to pieces, making you feel guilty for a lifetime."

"Why am I guilty? You and I have no grace to nurture, this matter is not in my way!" Zhang Bairen shook his head, eyes full of disdain.

If you change individuals, you might not say so, but Zhang Bairen does not. Regardless of whether or not Zhang Fei and Zhang's mother were born with a congenital qi, Zhang Bairen will be reborn. Even if he changed a man, Zhang Bairen would be reborn.

Zhang Bairen's reincarnation is a definite, irreversible cause and effect. But Zhang Fei is just a process. Zhang Bairen and Zhang's mother are irreversible definite numbers, but Zhang Fei is a variable. When any man is combined with Zhang's mother, Zhang Bairen will still be reborn. Rather than being like a normal person, spiritual wisdom is slowly born after the combination of parents, and another kind of variable is born from the combination of another person. It is especially important for the grace of fertility.

For Zhang Bairen, Zhang Fei is just a coincidence and has no other meaning. Even if you change a man, Zhang Bairen is still Zhang Bairen, born before the union.

Seeing Zhang Bairen really didn't move at all, everyone below felt cold, never thought that Zhang Bairen was so determined, and his heart was hard as iron.

Everyone didn't know the cause, and didn't know the cause and effect. Naturally, they didn't know the key points. They only thought that Zhang Bairen was hard-hearted and walked into the left.

Looking at Zhang Bairen, he was about to go down the mountain, while the ancestor Chaoyang hurriedly stepped forward: "Bairen, how about the cause and effect of refining the sky map in ten days?"

"Isn’t that you want me to protect the Taoism of Chunyang Taoism for thousands of years?" Zhang Bairen paused and looked at the ancestor of Chaoyang: "It’s not impossible for me to shoot. Since then, I have nothing to do with Jinding Temple and Chunyang Taoism. Causal entanglement!"

"For thousands of years, I still choose to ask me to help this dude who can't get up to the wall by mud, everyone choose one! Orthodoxy is more important or this dude is more important!" Zhang Bairen carried his hands with his hands on his back, and his eyes flashed a little mocking smile.

Listening to Zhang Bairen's words, the ancestors of Chaoyang said: "The Ten Days of Heaven Refining is a treasure handed down from the ancients. It is not enough to protect it for a thousand years!"

Zhang Bairen heard the words and looked at the ancestor Chunyang: "I said enough, that's enough!"

"You hand over the ten-day refining map, why do you need to guard my pure sun Taoist temple!" Zhang Baiyi said in annoyance.

Zhang Bairen shook his head: "The transaction has been There is no room for remorse."

Speaking of this, look at the ancestor Chaoyang: "Do you want me to save him, or to protect the Taoist Temple of Chunyang for thousands of years?"

"Father, Baiyi is the only seedling of my pure Yang Taoism. If Baiyi is gone, what is the use of Pure Yang Taoism?" Zhang Fei looked at Chaoyang Patriarch.

"The child is gone, just another one! Why waste such a great favor for a man who has countless bad roots and never repents!" Zhang Bairen's eyes were full of carelessness. Zhang Baiyi glared when he heard Zhang Baiyi's beard, but he dared not speak.

Zhang Fei's face was gloomy, and after a while, he said, "Father, you make a choice! The Pure Sun Taoist Temple belongs to my Zhang family. If Baiyi is not a weapon, the power will inevitably fall. What is the use of this Taoism? Or blood is important. "

The ancestor of Chaoyang looked at his two brothers, and the ancestor of Sunset said: "I listen to the big brother!"

"It's all sever by elder brother" Zhengyang ancestor said.

When the ancestor of Chaoyang heard this, he looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes, and after a while he said: "Baren, are you so eager to draw a line with Zhang Bairen?"

Zhang Bairen remained silent, just looked at a small flower, and then twisted it in his hand.

"Let's do it!" The ancestor Chaoyang said with a solemn expression: "After removing the foundation of Baiyi, you and I will have no cause and effect since then."

"Thinking about it clearly, I see that the evil spirit on this kid's face is constantly entangled, even if the foundation is removed, he will repeat the same mistakes" Zhang Bairen asked.

"Don't think about it, if the blood is gone, what is the significance of the existence of the Taoist lineage?" Chaoyang ancestor looked majestic.

Zhang Bairen nodded, and then looked at Zhang Baiyi: "Although you can't support the wall with mud, you can't stand a good father!"

After speaking, he stretched out his palm and took Zhang Baiyi before his eyes.

"Bairen, dissolve this child's memory, I am teaching him again!" Zhang Fei said with a resolute expression.

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