First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 850: Looking for the gods of good fortune

"Oh?" Zhang Bairen was taken aback, but he didn't expect Zhang Fei to be really cruel.

Zhang Fei's face was determined: "Erase the memory!"

"Father, don't! The child knows wrong! The child must have changed, please believe the child!" Zhang Baiyi was frightened to the ground.

"Master, is this too much?" Zhao Ruxi was also anxious and grabbed Zhang Fei's arm.

Zhang Fei clenched his fists, nails embedded in his palms, dripping red blood slowly dripping.

"The old man seemed to know that he was wrong before he looked at Baiyi. You will often ring the alarm by his side in the future, and you will definitely not do it again. Erasing the memory is equivalent to restarting everything. Even if the memory is born in the future, it will be another person. Are you willing?" The ancestor Chaoyang began to persuade.

"Grandpa save me! Grandpa save me! I don't want to be erased! I don't want to be erased, my child knows it is wrong! My child really knows it is wrong!" Zhang Baiyi kept kneeling and begging for mercy: "Father, you believe me Once! You believe me once!"

Zhang Bairen looked at Zhang Fei with a pair of eyes: "When you stop constantly, let's suffer the chaos. The evil spirit of this kid has been in his bones. How can I re-behave without erasing the memory? Without erasing the memory, it just treats the symptoms and not the root cause! "

"Zhang Bairen, I'm fighting with you!" Zhang Baiyi glared at Zhang Bairen, but was pressed by Zhang Bairen, unable to move.

Zhang Fei looked at Zhang Baiyi, who was panicked and panicked.

"Fine, just trust him once!" Zhang Fei said helplessly.

"Thank you father!" Zhang Baiyi repeatedly kowtow to beg for mercy.

Zhang Bairen didn't say much, pressing a palm on Zhang Baiyi's Baihui acupoint, wiping out the true qi in the opponent's body like a ruin, breaking it up into essence and submerging in his body.

Looking inside Zhang Baiyi's body, Zhang Bairen shook his head secretly: "A mess!"

What is mess?

The power of Buddhism, the power of Heavenly Master Tao, and the power of Golden Summit View are mixed together. What is it that is not a mess?

Breaking up his true energy and turning it back into essence, Zhang Bairen retracted his palm: "As long as he takes the right way in the future and practices the right way hard, there is still some hope of dividing into the way. If the heart cannot be taken back, the mistake will be repeated in the future."

After speaking, Zhang Bairen looked at the three elders Zhang Fei and Chunyang: "You wait and do it yourself!"

Zhang Bairen turned and left, leaving everyone in the field silent, Zhang Baiyi's expression was firm: "Father, you personally supervise the child, the child must correct the law, get the right way!"

"If you can have this heart, it won't be wasteful to wait for me to pay!" Zhang Fei smiled reluctantly, encouraging Zhang Baiyi.

"Zhang Bairen has no young or old, and is not prepared for virtue. Those who really don't know how to cultivate and become enlightened, will have their retribution in the future!" Zhang Baiyi said angrily.

"If you have his ability, as a father, I would rather you have no old and no young, and be unworthy!" Zhang Fei patted Zhang Baiyi on the shoulder and turned away.

The third elders of Chunyang looked at Zhang Baiyi, and all sighed softly. The ancestor Chaoyang patted Zhang Baiyi on the shoulder: "Cultivate hard, you will not be weaker than your elder brother in the future!"

Zhang Baiyi's face was gloomy: "I don't have his big brother!"

Listening to Zhang Baiyi's angry words, all three of them barely smiled before returning to Chunyang Taoist Temple.

As Zhang Bairen erased and completely cut off the last bit of grace of Chunyang Taoist Temple, the three old men of Chunyang were bitter, thinking about how to retrieve the relationship, cause and effect.

Zhang Bairen walked down the mountain, Yuan Tiangang sat bored at the bottom of the mountain, playing with a gossip compass in his hand.

"Let's go!" Zhang Bairen sighed softly.

"Take care of it?" Yuan Tiangang said with a smile.

Zhang Bairen nodded: "There was a little mistake, I just hope it doesn't matter to the overall situation."

"You have to look for the divine water of good fortune, the old man estimates that this divine water of good fortune can only be found in the four seas!" Yuan Tiangang said lazily: "Mazu is now fighting the Four Seas Dragon King, you should go to the four seas."

"The Four Seas?" Zhang Bairen frowned, he really didn't want to get involved with the Four Seas. The Dharmakaya of the innate **** is perceiving the rhyme derived from the heaven and the earth, and it is good to be able to not be alarmed.

"What do you want the divine water for creation? You have a deep foundation now, and the only difference is the heat, what do you want the divine water for creation?" Yuan Tiangang's eyes were full of puzzlement.

"Nature is useful to me" Zhang Bairen frowned.

Fortune God Water is a kind of Innate True Water. Compared with ordinary Innate True Water, Fortune God Water is extremely precious. How precious is it? Since the beginning of the world, the three emperors and five emperors have only heard that the **** Nuwa has the divine water of good fortune, and then never heard anyone talk about the scales of the divine water of good fortune. It can be seen that this divine water of good fortune is extremely precious.

"Even if the Dragon Palace of the Four Seas has divine water of good fortune, I'm afraid I won't give it to me!" Zhang Bairen grabbed the curling hair around his ear.

"So you have to use the power of Mazu to help Mazu subdue the dragons, and the dragons will naturally offer the divine water of good fortune!" Yuan Tiangang looked at Zhang Bairen curiously: "It's strange, what do you want the divine water for good fortune."

Zhang Bairen nodded and looked towards the East China Sea with a pair of eyes. "I'm going to find Mazu! Mazu has been dealing with the four seas all year round, and he should know some details about the four seas."

Zhang Bairen stepped forward, shrank into an inch, and headed towards the realm of Matsu.

Yuan Tiangang's Yang Shen erratic: "Wait for me."

Zhang Bairen came all the way to the coast of the East China Sea. Matsu has opened the door to the Dharma and extradited Zhang Bairen.

"Wait for me..." Yuan Tiangang exclaimed, only to hear a'pop' bounced off by a light curtain, making her dizzy: "Wait for me! Empress Ma Zu is too stingy, I don't mean it. Just want to eat and drink? Is it necessary?"

"Sister!" Zhang Bairen walked into the Mazu Dharma realm. At this time, the Mazu Dharma realm changed greatly and became vast and boundless. Zhang Bairen couldn't see the edge at a glance.

The last time Zhang Bairen came to the Matsu Dharma realm, he could still see some of the realities of the Matsu Dharma realm. Now when he comes to the Matsu Dharma realm, the whole Dharma realm seems to be transformed into a real world, except for the absence of the sun, moon and stars, it seems to be no different from the real world.

Zhang Bairen's expression was stunned, and he didn't expect that in just a short time, the Mazu Dharma Realm would actually take a step forward.

"What? Are you shocked?" Ma Zu lightly covered his mouth and smiled, his beautiful face was full of triumphant expression: "Last time the Great Sui State Festival, driven by countless faiths, my sister, my Dharma Realm was long gone. Same day."

Zhang Bairen regained his gaze, and there was an endless sea below the Mazu Dharma Realm, floating above a continent, scattering immeasurable golden light, like a city, floating above it quietly.

"Sister is a good way" Zhang Bairen's eyes are straight The power of faith is transformed into an entity and piled up into an immeasurable world. How much power of faith does it take? If you can give yourself this power of faith, the six-character mantra stickers would have evolved and immortalized.

"Sit down! Why are you free to come to my kingdom today?" Ma Zu looked at Zhang Bairen and offered a glass of water.

Shimizu is not ordinary water, but the tears of whales.

It is not an ordinary whale, but a big whale that has become a climate. Every tear can wash its body.

I haven't heard that fish can cry!

Zhang Bairen took the jade cup and took a sip. The taste was not good, but the whole body was clear, as if the turbidity was washed away.

"My sister and Sihailong clan battle, how is the battle now?" Zhang Bairen looked at Ma Zu.

Ma Zu looked serious: "What else? The Four Seas Dragon Kings work together in the sea. I am not an opponent. But the Four Seas Dragon Kings dare not land on the shore. On the coast, the Four Seas Dragon Kings are not my opponents. Both sides have scruples and cannot personally intervene. If you can let the following races fight, it’s hard to see a victory for a while. My sister has been running the world for hundreds of years, and there are some masters under her. I am afraid that the dragon king and the dog will jump over the wall in a hurry.

Zhang Bairen looked at Ma Zu in surprise, and never thought that Ma Zu could defeat the Sihailong Clan with such a certainty.

"My little brother came here today to look for the divine water of good fortune in the world!" Zhang Bairen spoke a little without concealment.

"Shen Shui of good fortune? What do you want that sacred water of fortune?" Ma Zu's expression was the same as Yuan Tiangang's, and he was immediately stunned.

"Is it weird?" Zhang Bairen asked in surprise.

"Although the divine water of good fortune contains the power of endless good fortune, but no one can make it, it can be called the first waste water in the world. In ancient legends, except for the **** of Nuwa, no one has ever heard that anyone has used the divine water of good fortune!" Ma Zu was surprised. Tao.

ps: Compensation for the rewards of the two daoists later!

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