First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 858: Break into the cave

The Dragon King of the East China Sea blocked the space coordinates. The secret of the sea was of great importance, and Zhang Bairen should never be allowed to enter casually.

Murderous flashes in Zhang Bairen's eyes, there is bound to be a spring of one yuan in the small sea space, and the divine water of good fortune in the eyes of one yuan spring is something he must have, and he must not give up.

Now that the Dragon King of the East China Sea stands in front of him and obstructs his path forward, Zhang Bairen absolutely does not allow it.

"Eat me a great!"

Zhang Bairen smashed it out, and the seawater instantly condensed into ice, spreading in all directions, trying to freeze the entire canyon.

The dragon king of the East China Sea stretched out a dragon claw, and the sky seemed to be dark in an instant. The next moment the dragon caught the purple thunder and lightning, smashing into a club made of ice.

"You dare to stop me, today I will kill you to enlighten you!" Zhang Bairen's eyes were filled with murderous intent, one shot down and the East China Sea Dragon King tied with the East China Sea Dragon King, and the East China Sea Dragon King did not let the wind fall.

"Hate that my mana and supernatural powers are limited, I can't really control the entire East China Sea, otherwise, how can I tell you to be presumptuous in front of this king!" The dragon claws of the East China Sea are electro-optically connected, and the power grid is drawn around Zhang Bairen.

In Zhang Bairen's eyes, the murderous circulation, the power of the ice in his body continued to condense, isolating all lightning from his body.


The gorge between Zhang Bairen and the Dragon King of the East China Sea collapsed, the ground was shaken, and the mountains and rivers were turbulent in a radius of hundreds of miles. It was strange to say that everyone outside was completely unaware of it.

The two played against each other with hundreds of moves, and the East Sea Dragon King looked gloomy and said: "Zhang Bairen, why are you going to the Canghai World? My Canghai World does not have what you want, so why bother with this king."

The longer it takes, the more uncomfortable it will be for the Dragon King of the East China Sea. While he wants to fight with Zhang Bairen, he must also try to suppress the aftermath of the battle between the two. It should not be taught to leak out and disturb the sentient beings in the East China Sea. For the Dragon King of the East China Sea, this is One load runs.

Zhang Bairen was silent, but his stick in his hand was like a dragon, wagging up and down constantly, and he became a ball with the Dragon King of the East China Sea.

This time the two had no outside interference, but the battle was fun. Although Zhang Bairen was trained as a god, he couldn't win the East China Sea Dragon King.

"Weird! Weird! The last time I fought with the Dragon King of the East China Sea, it seemed that this fellow didn't have such a strong strength. How could he be able to do so many tricks with me now, as if he still had extra energy?" Zhang Bairen was extremely strange in his heart.

"Zhang Bairen, no matter what you plan, as long as you are willing to hand over the ancient true dragon's dragon ball, this king will help you achieve it. What do you think?"

Looking at the Dragon King of the East China Sea, Zhang Bairen sneered: "You are a good guy who is fighting. If you want something, the governor of the city can get it with his own ability. Why bother with the Dragon King."

"I don't know how to live or die." The Dragon King of East China Sea was angry, and his dragon claws flicked his fingers. It seemed that he weighed ten thousand catties, and the popsicles in Zhang Bairen's hand were all broken.

Zhang Bairen was taken aback, never thought that the old dragon king had soared so much after taking hormones.

While fighting, suddenly the infinite divine light from the horizon shone down, illuminating the dark canyon like a dreamy hazy, the infinite starlight seemed to be a real dragon, passing through the void and submerged into the small world coordinates.

"Is this? Qinglong star moves, Donghai's great courage actually moves Qinglongheng to bless Longzi! Such courage is really domineering, is Donghai not afraid of backlash" Zhang Bairen looked at the fuzzy dragon-shaped starlight, suddenly My heart tightened, as if thinking of something, the whole face changed color.

Donghai Longjun smiled coldly: "This is a celestial phenomenon, not by humans. It is in line with the rise of the East China Sea Dragon Palace to win the Azure Dragon Perseverance.

The Dragon King of the East China Sea saw Zhang Bairen's mind being seized by the stars for a while, and suddenly a smug smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Haha, you are in the game, today is your death date!"

In Zhang Bairen's piercing eyes, the East Sea Dragon King spit out a red training and smashed it down on his head.

At this time, the popsicle in Zhang Bairen's hand has not yet recondensed, and it is difficult to flip and move for a while, and the whole body is held by the East Sea Dragon King. The opponent keeps attacking, and Zhang Bairen can't resist this thunderous blow.

In addition to hard resistance, it is really impossible to think of any way.

The Dragon King of the East China Sea suddenly shot a dragon ball from his mouth and slammed it on Zhang Bairen's head like a thunder. Then Zhang Bairen's face burst with shock and his body fell into the endless valley.

"Hahaha, you still rely on your ability to be monstrous, don't you want to be buried in the East China Sea? Your head is hard, can you harden the dragon ball of this king?" Donghai Dragon King slowly came to Zhang Bairen's body with a touch of pride in his eyes. Grabbing Zhang Bairen's body, swaying back and forth: "Weird! Weird! Why don't you see the soul of this fellow? Even the god's body is missing? I can kill his body, but I can never kill his god. Dharmakaya!"

The East Sea Dragon King turned this thought in his mind, but the next moment he saw the corpse in his hand turned into a purple robe.

"It's not good, it's in the plan!" The East China Sea Dragon King was shocked, and he turned around quickly, only to feel that a bad wind sounded behind him. A stick fell on the East China Sea Dragon Queen's back, and the hit East China Dragon King rolled, then fell off and fell. In the distant canyon, life and death are unknown.

"Old thing, I still want to calculate your grandfather. Without three points of real ability, how dare I come to you in the East China Sea Dragon Palace?" Zhang Bairen was proud of his face, and the popsicle in his hand swayed, sensing the sky in the sky, and suddenly punched out. , Poke the void into a hole, and Canghai Dongtian instantly appeared in front of Zhang Bairen.

Zhang Bairen took a step forward and was about to step into the cave sky of the sea, who knew that a dragon roar sounded behind him, and the dragon king of the East China Sea swung his tail with a **** blow, and drew towards Zhang Bairen fiercely.

Zhang Bairen was expressionless, he just stepped out with a light footstep, and instantly came to the junction of Canghai Dongtian and the East China Sea, scattered the popsicles in his hand, and even the Dharma body was put away, just looking at the East China Dragon King blankly.


The violent wind rolled up, blowing Zhang Bairen's hair and pink robe.

After all, the dragon tail stopped ten feet away from Zhang Bairen.

Zhang Bairen stood there blankly, with a smug in his eyes, and waved his hand: "See you tomorrow!"

The East China Sea Dragon King’s attack had to stop. If he didn't want to destroy Canghai Dongtian, he could only stop.

Looking at Zhang Bairen's back, the silver teeth of the East China Sea Dragon King were about to break, but he dared not step forward.

The Dragon King of the East China Sea is in the realm of seeing the gods, and the dragon king who sees the realm of the gods is almost invincible in the realm of seeing the The small Canghai world carries the power of the realm of invisible gods, what about the dragon king of the East China Sea?

"Zhang Bairen! If you dare to hurt my child, I will never die with you!" Donghai Dragon King's eyes were bloodshot, like two red lanterns.

Zhang Bairen waved his hand, and Dongtian's power automatically restored the space barrier, and his figure gradually disappeared from the eyes of the Dragon King of East China Sea.

"Who is it! Who leaked the location of Xiaocanghai Dongtian? The Dragon Palace knows that there are only a handful of Xiaocanghai Dongtian's. Who leaked the information to Zhang Bairen?" Donghai Dragon King's eyes were murderous. The same is true of breaking into the Dragon Palace treasure house, it is simply not alive.

"This king must break your corpse into ten thousand pieces! Must break your corpse into ten thousand pieces!" The Dragon King of East China Sea was angry.

"Ah sneeze!"

Prime Minister Turtle sneezed, wearing a robe, looking at the stove in front of him speechlessly. Seeing the battle in Xiaocanghai Cave in my eyes, he muttered: "My lord, I am also doing this for you. Zhang Bairen is too insidious. There are five innate divine wombs. If I Donghai can't satisfy his demands, I'm afraid that there will be no peace in the East China Sea. My main enemy in the East China Sea is Matsu, and Zhang Bairen's goal is not in the East China Sea. Matsu is the main enemy! Only by getting rid of Matsu, my dragon can see Middle Earth. "

After speaking, Prime Minister Kame picked up the memorial in his hand and walked out of the Crystal Palace.

"This is Xiaocanghai Cave Sky?" Zhang Bairen stepped in, frowning immediately, a pair of eyes swept across the cave sky, the entrance was full of endless sea water, and there was no continent.

"Weird! Weird! Where did Yuan Tiangang go?" Zhang Bairen looked around. At this time, an ominous premonition loomed in his heart. The sky in the sea is so big, and it is all sea water. He wants to find someone who can jump alive. Sea eye is not easy.

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