First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 859: Bullying and fearing hardship

The One Yuan Sea Eye is not an ordinary sea eye. The One Yuan Sea Eye has its own thinking and intelligence. The most important thing is that this servant will run around and can transform everything in the world. How do you call Zhang Bairen to find it?

After carefully sensing Yuan Tiangang's position, Zhang Bairen's eyes slowly converged with sword intent, and he took a step towards the sense of darkness.

Zhang Bairen stopped and changed direction from time to time. After five hours of walking and stopping, he finally stopped. Then the universe suddenly unfolded in his sleeves and collected all the water in it.

The spring eye had already turned into a drop of water. If it hadn't been for the five gods in Yuan Tiangang's body as the coordinates, he really couldn't find the one yuan eye of the East China Sea.

Don't say to yourself, even the heroes of the East China Sea can't find the one yuan sea eye, no wonder no one can steal the one yuan sea eye in the east sea in ancient times, the reason is actually here.

Stepping out to the shore, Zhang Bairen took out the wooden basin and continuously filtered the seawater in his sleeves into the basin.

Pour out a little and feel it carefully.


Zhang Bairen poured out the sea water, poured out a little bit of sea water from his sleeve, and fell into the wooden bucket: "Still not!"

After tossing back and forth dozens of times like this, all the seawater was completely tossed, Zhang Bairen looked at the last remaining basin of seawater: "Yuanyuanquan, the deity knows that you have opened up your spiritual wisdom and practiced Taoism. Possess the ability to illusion all things in the world. The local governor is definitely not what you think. If you want to ruin your way and refining you, what the local governor asks is the divine water of good fortune. As long as you give him some divine water of good fortune, The governor will definitely not embarrass you."

There was no movement in the water in the wooden barrel. Zhang Bairen looked at the wooden barrel with his eyes, speechless for a long time.

"Do you really think I can't do anything with you?" After a long time, I heard Zhang Bairen's voice gradually became cold: "Then tell you to try my method! Really wait for the Governor to force you out, you will know Ben The governor is great."

After speaking, Zhang Bairen landed a palm in the wooden barrel, a ray of murderous intent circulated in his eyes, and a round of small sun converged in his hand, slowly approaching the wooden barrel.


The sea water evaporates continuously, turning into mist and dissipating in the air.

"Want to run?" Zhang Bairen shook his sleeves, intercepting one of the mists, and then confined within a radius, ten suns slowly emerged all over his body, working toward the mist.

"If you want to hide in the fog and escape, I haven't asked this seat to answer or not! I want to see how long you can last under the real fire of the sun!" Zhang Bairen said coldly.

"Yihe! You big demon, you are back! You are back!" I heard a panic sound, and then I saw a drop of water molecules colliding in the real fire of the sun, and the words revealed Endless panic.

"It's not going to show up soon!" Zhang Bairen's voice was cold, and his eyes were filled with murderous intent.

"Tiandi forgive me! Tiandi forgive me! The little old man knew it was wrong! The little old man knew it was wrong!" The void was distorted, and a spring eye covering a radius of three meters suddenly appeared in front of Zhang Bairen.

At this time, the spring was open and closed, and no water flowed out, but repeated begging for mercy.

"This is the Eye of One Yuan Spring?" Zhang Bairen looked at the Eye of One Yuan Spring, with a look of shock in his eyes.

ancient! Vicissitudes! indestructible! The endless rhythm of water flows in it, and the profound meaning of water seems to be hidden in the eyes of this spring.

"The emperor is forgiving! The emperor is forgiving!" Yi Yuanquan kept asking for mercy.

"Don't be long-winded, let me ask you, is there any good fortune water in the eyes of Yiyuanquan?" Zhang Bairen glared at the fountain.

Quanyan flatly said: "Of course there is! Of course there is! The old man has the origin of the world's water in his body, and the divine water of good fortune is naturally among them."

Speaking of this, Yi Yuanquan said with his eyes: "I didn't expect Lord Tiandi to be able to reincarnate after suffering, it is really gratifying!"


Zhang Bairen thought in his heart, and said calmly: "Do you know the emperor?"

Yiyuanquanyan quickly said: "Back then, the Emperor of Heaven was so mighty, and the whole world turned into a mighty Tanggu. My monster clan was one of the generals of Lord Heaven. Don't Lord Heaven remember?"

Having said that, Yi Yuanquan looked up and down Zhang Bairen, and then said after a while: "So, you are not the emperor of heaven! You just got the inheritance of the emperor, I will say, the dog thief Yihe has been shot to death by Yi, long ago The soul is gone, how can it come back to life!"

Speaking of this, Yi Yuanquan said with an old-fashioned eyes: "The younger generation boy, you are not bad, it is really a great opportunity to have the inheritance of the Emperor of Heaven."

Zhang Bairen didn't care about Yiyuanquanyan's words, but quietly said: "The deity wants some good fortune divine water..."

"No, no, I don’t have good fortune here. Where can you go? The hairy boy still wants to intimidate the old man. I really don’t know where the world is. When the old man was born, your ancestors didn’t know where they were conceived!" Yi Yuanquan said impatiently. .

Hearing this, Zhang Bairen stared at Yi Yuanquan without saying a word. This old thing is a model of bullying and fearing hardship.

Zhang Bairen was silent in his heart, looking at the noisy Yiyuan Spring, ten golden crow shadows circling slowly around his body, and his words were indifferent and quiet: "Although I am not the reincarnation of the emperor, I have also practiced ten golden crows."

The noise stopped abruptly, it seemed that it was a duck whose neck was pinched.

Looking at the ten golden crows spinning around Zhang Bairen, Yiyuanquan could confirm that this was definitely not a false illusion.

"Ahem! Why didn't you say that you trained ten golden crows... Your old man will be the overlord of heaven and earth in the future, the future emperor of heaven! The whole world will be stepped on by you, and the little old man will be your **** , If you are thirsty, the little old man will offer you sweet spring water to fill you with combat effectiveness and eliminate fatigue..." A series of flattery rushed towards his face, and Zhang Bairen was speechless for a long time before he said: "You can have good luck in your body. Shenshui?"

If it weren't for how to take out the Divine Water of Good Fortune, he would have already hit it with a stick.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! But the little old man can't control the divine water, so the governor needs to come to the little old man to fetch it!" Yiyuanquan flatly said: "There are good luck divine water in the little old man's stomach, and the governor wants it. There are many. I just hope that in the future, Lord Tiandi can ask the little old man to follow him, and wait on the back of the horse, and the little old man will be satisfied."

"Aren't you old guys still scolding the emperor to be a thief?" Zhang Bairen stared at Yi Yuanquan.

Yi Yuanquan smiled and said: "Where do you dare! How dare the little old man! It must be the Lord Tiandi who heard it wrong."

Speaking of this, Yi Yuanquan’s eyes swept across Zhang Bairen: "Although the Emperor Tiandi has trained into ten golden crows, how can his divine body be so fragile? Don’t wait for your majesty to urge the ten golden crows, I’m afraid that your own body has been affected by ten golden crows. Turned into ashes!"

Zhang Bairen's heart moved upon hearing this. He was not in a hurry about the good fortune of Shenshui. Anyway, the one-yuan spring could not run away. First ask about his ancestors: "Old man, let me ask you, have you ever seen the emperor?"

Yiyuan Spring nodded: "Naturally I have seen that year, the underworld was overwhelming and deterring the world, and ten days of refining the law in the world, causing numerous deaths and injuries to all living beings in the four seas, and countless sea creatures suffering unspeakably. It is the military division next to the emperor. All the decisions of the emperor were personally consulted by me. The emperor was able to run wild in the past, but I have half the credit."

"Oh?" Zhang Bairen was taken aback: "I didn't expect the senior to be so powerful."

"Oh! World changes, the reincarnation of the heavens, and the years are not forgiving! It is a pity that Xi's life!" Yiyuan Quanquan's eyes are full of vicissitudes: "Now that the new Emperor of Heaven is born, the old man will naturally follow the Emperor of Heaven and make suggestions for the Emperor , Conquer the world, sweep the world against the party!"

Zhang Bairen looked at the eyes of Yiyuanquan, and he was secretly surprised: "Could this be the domineering spirit of the emperor? The younger brother worships Natou when he sees it?"

Before Zhang Bairen’s thoughts came back, he listened to Yi Yuanquan’s eyes: “The Emperor Tian was defeated, and the old man was banned by the Sihailong Clan for doing too much. He also asked Lord Tian to be merciful and ask the little old man to release the ban. My son will definitely put all my heart and soul into the saddle for the heaven and earth, and make plans to pacify the world."

"It turns out that this servant was forbidden by the Sea Clan, no wonder it has to be restrained by the orders of the Sea Clan." Zhang Bairen looked at Yiyuan Spring and understood the reason in his heart.

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