First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 861: Hosta is mysterious, collect divine water

Take a chance?

Is luck so easy to touch?

Zhang Bairen and Yuan Tiangang were sitting in front of the pond speechless. At this time, the ridicule of the Yiyuan Spring sounded: "Boy, don't think too much about it. Come out quickly, even if the **** of good fortune is in front of you, you can't take it away."

Zhang Bairen was silent, and Yiyuanquan kept hitting Zhang Bairen’s enthusiasm: "Hahaha, kid...Don’t think too much. Do you really think that you can get an innate **** Dharma body to be omnipotent? Back then, the Emperor Xi could not take away the innate god. Shui, compared with the Emperor of Heaven, your kid is far behind."

"Can't you old guy just shut up and stop for a while?" Zhang Bairen stared at the gods of good fortune with a pair of eyes, listening to the noise of Yiyuanquan's eyes, his heart was immediately full of impatience.

"Hahaha, the old man is just telling the truth!" Yiyuanquan's consciousness laughed.

"The universe in the sleeves!" Zhang Bairen opened the universe in his sleeves, but he still passed in front of the gods of good fortune, without seeing the slightest movement.

Zhang Bairen's expression was distressed: "This time it is really troublesome, even in the sleeves you can't make contributions!"

The two were immersed in thoughts, and at this moment, suddenly the hosta on Zhang Bairen's head flashed with a sparkle, and a cold air was poured into his mind along the Baihui point.

"Yes!" Zhang Bairen stood up suddenly and looked at the dreamlike water, showing ecstasy.

"Surprise, make a fuss, how can you..."

Yi Yuanquan was halfway through his words, and he was immediately held back, his face was shocked: "This is impossible!"

Zhang Bairen pulled out the hairpin gently with his fingers and swiped at the void in front of him. The dreamlike time and space seemed to be disconnected in an instant.

I saw that the hosta seemed to have a magical rhythm flowing by, and the colorful springs turned into silk threads, completely absorbed by the hosta.

Inspired by the heart, Zhang Bairen could feel that the divine water of good fortune was in the hosta, and the hosta could be taken out by himself.

At this time, the hosta exuded a radiance, and Zhang Bairen suddenly felt that he had never known this hosta.

The mantra of the hosta was a part of his own understanding. It was the fundamental method of manipulating the hosta, but even so, the power of the hosta was somewhat beyond his expectations.

This hosta is too powerful, can only be used as a killer, and consumes too much true energy.

The hosta was slowly inserted on the jade crown. At this time, Zhang Bairen's face was full of smug smiles, and he glanced at the dazed Yuan Tiangang: "Let's go!"

"This... is it taken away?" Yuan Tiangang said blankly.

Zhang Bairen stepped out of the cave. At this time, the overwhelming real water poured down, and the cave was instantly transformed into a piece of Ze State.

Zhang Bairen dragged Yuan Tiangang's Yang Shen to ride the wind and waves, and came to the sea again.

The power of true water is definitely not something Yuan Tiangang Yang Shen can bear.

"Captain, let's go and see the little dragon king" Yuan Tiangang showed a worrisome eye.

Zhang Bairen nodded: "It depends on what the little dragon king has!"

outside world

Yiyuan Spring Water’s face was full of shock: "Is this taken away? Is this taken away?"

Zhang Bairen and Yuan Tiangang came to the place where the little dragon king was. They saw that the one-meter-long little dragon king turned into a three-meter long, suspended in a sea of ​​real water, surrounded by stars, seemingly guarded by a real dragon.

Zhang Bairen's eyebrows suddenly tufted, and a murderous intent flashed in his eyes: "This little dragon king has born a touch of the power of the blue dragon. I am afraid it will be a curse in the future. My human race will fill in the enemy again!"

Yuan Tiangang smiled bitterly: "Can't kill! Can't kill!"

"The little dragon king received the blessing of Qinglongheng. If he rashly beheaded, he would suffer the backlash of the Four Elephants' Constant Qi Luck. No one would have expected this to happen!" Yuan Tiangang smiled bitterly: "We can only find a cause and effect in the future. , Beheaded it. Now I do it for no reason, I'm afraid the consequences are unpredictable."

Zhang Bairen was silent when he heard the words, but now he saw the waves of the sea, and the figure of the little dragon king was gone.

"Yiyuanquanyan, now that the treasure is in hand, it's time for the local governor to leave. Open the passage!" Zhang Bairen looked at the void.

"Captain, you are afraid you can't leave. This divine water of good fortune is extremely precious. Use one drop less. Please also ask the Governor to leave the divine water of good fortune. The little old man will naturally open the space to let the Governor leave." Yiyuan Spring's eyes sounded, and the sea water condensed. , Turned into a spring eye, watching the two silently.

Zhang Bairen's expression became serious: "People are untrustworthy, do you want to violate the agreement?"

"The old man is not a human, and I don't understand the rituals of the human race. I only know that you will also leave the gods of good fortune." The sea water behind the eyes of the Yiyuan Spring turned into a monster with a terrifying face, and the three people were surrounded by overwhelmingly.

"You old man doesn't have a long memory, and you have to do it." Zhang Bairen's eyes were murderous.

"The governor, as long as you are willing to leave the divine water of good fortune, the old man will never embarrass you! I have countless sea beasts here, and it is definitely not a leisure time. Even if the governor's power is overwhelming, he will definitely not be able to escape the little old man's means."

The divine water of good fortune is so precious that Zhang Bairen thought that he could not take the divine water of good fortune before, so he told him to come in generously. I never thought that something went wrong today, and the divine water of good fortune was actually taken away. .

Looking at the overwhelming sea beast, Zhang Bairen sighed slightly: "Your Excellency really wants this?"

"Leave the divine water of good fortune, all kinds of real water in the eyes of my sea are at your disposal!" Yiyuan Spring Water did not change its face, and its voice became much firmer.

Hearing this, Zhang Bairen slowly closed his eyes and began to confide in his mouth: "There was a curse in ancient times, the name is: Fubo. There is a **** of water in charge of the world's waters, and the world's rivers..."

Zhang Bairen has a loud voice, sometimes clear, sometimes insignificant.

I saw the sound waves passing by, and the waves solidified in an instant, and all the demons instantly turned into real water and scattered on the sea.

"Fubo Curse! You actually mastered the Fubo Curse!" Yi Yuanquan shouted hoarsely with a sharp eyes.

Zhang Bairen dared to cross the sea, the innate **** Dharma body is only part of it, more because of this Fubo curse.

Fubo curse was born to be the nemesis of the sea monster. When the curse passed, all the real water was calm and calm, disappearing without a trace.

"Capital Governor, you have so many secrets, is this Fu Bo curse willing to exchange with the old way?" Yuan Tiangang looked at Zhang Bairen with his eyes tightly.

"Are you sure?" Zhang Bairen looked at Yuan Tiangang with a smile.

"OK" Yuan Tiangang nodded very surely.

"You should know what this Fubo Curse represents? For Yuhai Clan, as long as someone learns the Fubo Curse, they are endlessly hunting down. Do you really want to learn?" Zhang Bairen said with a smile.

Yuan Tiangang suddenly woke up from greed when he heard the words, and in a short time he struck a spirit: "Forget it! Forget it! This technique is not for me! It is not for me!"

After listening to Yuan Tiangang’s words, Zhang Bairen shook his head: “If I hadn’t met those sea beasts before, I wouldn’t have used the Fubo curse. These sea beasts are all made of real water, and they would not be more powerful than the real sea monsters. Fubo curse, you and I will explain here, this grandson is an invincible existence here, and we are all calculated by this grandson."

After speaking, Zhang Bairen said loudly: "Lao quickly open the channel and let the deity go out, otherwise you won't blame the deity for breaking your space!"

"You don't leave the divine water of good fortune, don't think of it! If you have the ability, you will break the belly of the little old man. If you can break it, even if I lose!" The voice was triumphant and confident.

Zhang Bairen stretched out his palm, and saw the real water condensed and turned into a thousand-foot-long icicle, which was then extremely compressed and turned into a handy size.

"Drink!" Zhang Bairen suddenly smashed the stick in his hand, but saw the space in front of him shattered, revealing endless darkness, and then there was no and then, it still existed in the eyes of Yiyuanquan.

"Huh, you are too big for your support, but you don’t know that I am the first spring in the world. The foundation of all life lies. I don’t know why I call it one yuan? One yuan represents endless. If you don’t allow me, you I can never get out of the spring! All the previous fears were fooled by the little old man, but I wanted to fool you to make you rest assured! If I didn't count you, how could you feel at ease?" Yiyuanquan's voice was cold and cold. : "Hand over the inheritance of the Emperor of Heaven, and leave the divine water of good fortune, otherwise this place will be where you are buried. In the future, this will be the cemetery for you!"

"Really refined!" Zhang Bairen cursed secretly in his heart.

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