First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 862: The emperor fights, brothers slash each other

People are old and good, not to mention having lived for thousands of years, and have long been used to the vicissitudes of life.

Zhang Bairen tapped the jade belt around his waist with his fingers to dissipate the magical powers in his hands. Even the innate gods fell asleep. At this time, they stepped on the sea surface, not knowing what they were thinking.

"Zhang Bairen, don't hesitate anymore. Without the permission of the old man, you will never get out of this spring!" Yi Yuanquan looked unhurriedly, as if sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai.

"I have a way. I can only give it a try at the critical moment!" Zhang Bairen took out the simple wooden box from his sleeve, and then slowly took out the Ten-Day Refining Diagram: "This place is the Yiyuan Spring, I only hope that the Yiyuan Spring. The Qi machine can stimulate the ten-day refining diagram to reveal the scene of the ancient times."

Zhang Bairen looked at Yuan Tiangang: "You are afraid that you won't be able to stand the power of Ten Days Refining the Sky. I have a jade pendant here. You can enter it for the time being to escape!"

Seeing Zhang Bairen's solemn expression, Yuan Tiangang knew that the matter was serious, so he didn't dare to say more, and went straight into Zhang Bairen's jade pendant.

Originally, Zhang Bairen couldn't think of this method. It was that Yiyuanquan's eyes kept mentioning the Emperor of Heaven, and suddenly Zhang Bairen's mind came to light.

At that time, Yiyuanquan followed the Emperor of Heaven. It was definitely not willing. The Emperor must have a way to restrain him and forced him to obey his orders.

"Ten Day Refining Diagram! You actually got the Ten Day Refining Diagram too!" Looking at Zhang Bairen's slowly unfolding picture scroll, Yi Yuanquan's eyes suddenly exclaimed.

Ignoring the exclamation of Yiyuanquan, Zhang Bairen's hand was surrounded by the power of the sun, but he saw the power of the sun flowing, and the power of the sun was poured into the ten-day refining map.

The next moment I saw the divine light of the Ten-Day Refining Diagram, which immediately involved Zhang Bairen's will, and disappeared.

outside world

Yi Yuan Haiyan did not stop it, but secretly guarded himself for fear of Zhang Bairen's big move.

Time and space were distorted, and when he reappeared, Zhang Bairen was taken aback.

East China Sea?

Are you still in the East China Sea?

Did something go wrong? Or did the Ten-Day Refining Diagram have great power to bring oneself out?

While Zhang Bairen was pondering, he suddenly realized that something was wrong with the East China Sea at this time, a dead silence! Desolate without any vitality!

In the sea water, ten small round suns kept laughing, and the entire East China Sea was boiled and turned into a pot of seafood soup.

Suddenly, a figure of golden light bursts all over its body. It has fallen here since nine days. Although the figure cannot be seen clearly, the domineering words spread throughout the East China Sea: "Yuanhaiyan, if you don’t come out again, don’t blame this emperor for steaming the East China Sea. You are completely dry, and there is no place to bury you!"

"The Emperor of Heaven calms down! The Emperor of Heaven calms down! The little old man has seen the Emperor of Heaven!"

As soon as the emperor’s words fell, I saw Yiyuanquan’s eyes emerge from the sea, and he didn’t care about his face as a compliment: "The emperor is majestic and heroic, and the young man is in love at first sight, willing to follow His Majesty and wait on His Majesty’s side.

"What are you capable of, and you are worthy to follow me? This emperor is short of a good spring, so you can be the emperor's spring!" The Emperor grabbed the spring with a big hand, and actually uprooted the spring, and the sun burst into flames and golden light. , Constantly burning Yiyuanquan.

"Master Tiandi forgive me! Master Tiandi forgive me! The little old man is willing to cooperate with the Lord Tiandi to impose restrictions!" But I saw Yiyuanquan constantly begging for mercy in the scorching sun.

"Count you acquaintance!" The Emperor of Heaven snorted coldly, and stretched out a finger, only to see that the spring eye became larger, and three words were carved on the wall of the spring eye.

The text is shining, and I can't see the shape, I only know that it exudes an aura of destruction.

"Xi, you have done too much! The One Yuan Spring is related to the safety of all beings in the world, and is the source of all vitality. You quickly release the One Yuan Spring!"

A divine light flew from a distance, angering Tiandixi.

Xi turned his head and glanced at the figure, shook his head and the real fire of the sun converged in his hand, turned into a spear, and instantly penetrated the person's chest and nailed him to the distant cliff.

"When the emperor seizes the divine water of good fortune and completes the final transformation of the golden crow, I will settle accounts with you! You **** who doesn't know good or bad dare to commit the crime, the emperor will punish you nine races!" As the emperor looked at Yiyuanquan, Without waiting for the emperor to speak, Yi Yuanquan opened his mouth and waited for Xi to enter.


As soon as Xi entered the Yiyuanquanyan, he saw the ancestor of the oneyuanquanyan smile frantically: "Hahaha, Xi you have been tricked! What you practice is the Avenue of the Sun, and today is your death date. This place is the source of the world's water, and it is restraint. Your land."

While talking, divine light appeared in all directions, and it was actually a series of innate gods who had ambushed here long ago, waiting for a sneak attack on Xi.

Xi looked at the eight powerhouses blankly, and sighed softly: "You are all old brothers who accompany this emperor, are you going to betray me now?"

"The Emperor of Heaven, you have changed! For a woman, it is absolutely unacceptable for me to die! The past is the past, and you will never be able to go back to the past. If you are willing to give up this idea, I will kneel down. Apologize. If you continue to be stubborn, you can't say that we have to make a break!" said one of the dimly dim people.

After hearing this, Xi fell into silence, and after a while, he said: "I came from the mortal world, rose from the grass, based on the nine heavens and ten places, and defeated all the world's heroes. Why did I rise to the top?"

"Wang Tu Baye, in my eyes less than one-tenth of her, everything I do is to resurrect her!" Xi's eyes began to fierce, and the real fire of the sun was slowly gestating: "When things are up to now, you are waiting. Tell me to tell me to give up, this is absolutely impossible!"

"No one can tell the emperor to give up, even the eight of you can't do it!" The murderous circulation in Xihe's eyes: "I will kill whoever blocks me!"

"Tiandi, I will stand up from the grass, and accompany you in the north and south wars. Both are brothers of life and death. Isn't it as good as a woman in a mere district?"

"I wait for the brotherhood to be accumulated by countless lives and deaths on the battlefield, can it not be as good as a woman?" someone scolded again.

"Not in time!" Xi He's face was solemn, and his voice was full of determination.

"Good! Good! Good! I wait for the brothers to have nothing to say. You have destroyed the East China Sea, but you can no longer teach you to destroy all living beings." One of them laughed wildly, and the cold spear in his hand pierced Xihe.


Xihe punched through this person's heart, looking at the hideous and unbelievable face, Xihe sighed slightly:

"Back in the decisive battle against the Golden Crow Ancestor Soul, this emperor was in desperate situation. It was you who took the fatal blow for me, and none of your bloodline and heirs could bear the cause and effect of the Golden Crow and turned into ashes. I owe you this life. Make up for it!"

"There is no future life, I only cultivate this life. I don't want to kill you, but I don't want to see you harm the people. I die well! Seeking benevolence and benevolence, you don't have to feel guilty!" The man turned into ashes, only a hideous one. Xihe's face was printed in Xihe's heart.

"Being benevolent and benevolent, I am waiting to push you to the position of the emperor of heaven, and now you want to kill the people, I will never agree!" Another person's whole body flashed thunder, piercing Xihe's heart.

If you don't fight back, Xihe can only die! Fight back, the other party will undoubtedly die!


The blood splattered Xihe's robe, looking at the gradually dimming gaze, Xihe's expression was dull.

"Freed! On the road to the future, go on your own, and we won't accompany you anymore!" The man turned to ashes after speaking.

"Go! Go! You don't even know what realm I have reached, go quickly!" Xihe yelled at the six people From the moment you killed the second brother, The fate of our brother is doomed, everything should come to an end" One of them held a flag banner in his hand, with a resolute expression on his face: "I want revenge for the second brother! "


With a punch, the flag banner shattered and the divine body shattered.

"I beg you, let's go!" The blood and tears fell in Xi He's eyes.

"Being for benevolence and benevolence, death deserves its rightful place! Brother, wake up!" Another rushed up.

"I can't die! I can't die! I definitely can't die!" Xi He muttered to himself, eyes full of madness: "I can't die, the grand plan is right in front of me, and I must not fall short."

In the madness, one punch fell and another person turned to ashes.

"The sea of ​​bitterness is boundless, it's the shore when you look back!" Another rushed over.

"Why! Why are you forcing me! Why!" Xi He yelled at the sky.

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