First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 863: Conquer 1 yuan sea eye

When the last person died under Xihe's fist, Xihe had already passed two lines of blood and tears across the world, slowly flowing down.


Why are you forcing me!

Xihe choked silently, and the Qi machine around his body kept tumbling and boiling.

"Boom!" The next moment the world turned, Zhang Bairen's will returned to reality, tears were already in his eyes at this time.

At that moment, he seemed to have turned into Xihe, and personally sent the siblings who lived and died together on their way home.

Slowly put away the ten-day refining chart, Zhang Bairen was silent for a while before nodding: "The emperor is right, brothers are like brothers, and women are like clothes! As the **** emperor of the heavens and all realms, his arms and legs can be broken, how can he not Wear clothes? You can grow your hands and feet if you break them. If your clothes are broken, you have to find someone to make a weave. It's too much trouble."

Recalling the three seal tactics left by Tiandi Yihe on the wall of the ancient well, Zhang Bairen secretly figured out in his heart that he inherited Xihe's technique, but he could still peek into the doorway.

"Boy, don't struggle, obediently leave the gods of good fortune, I let you have a way of life, or you will die here, don't force Lao to change your mind" The noise of Yiyuan Spring came from the sky.

Zhang Bairen was expressionless, and ignored the noise of Yiyuanquan's eyes, but was cold in his heart: "When I understand the three mantras, I have to make you look down on them."

Zhang Bairen just stood on the surface of the sea with his eyes closed, constantly comprehending the three mantras left by the emperor, that Yi Yuanquan saw this, but he was just patiently lobbying. He had time, anyway, he was idle and lonely all day, so persuade Zhang Bairen Very interesting.

One day, two days, three days, and on the third day, Zhang Bairen had already realized, listening to the noise from the air, a sneer appeared in his eyes.

"Zhang Bairen, don't bother. When you get here, you have only one dead end. Even if you are an innate god, the law body can't get out of the obstacle! If you listen to persuasion, you can still suffer less..."

"Yiyuanquanyan, you dare to count on me, today this seat tells you to know how great!" Zhang Bairen suddenly opened his eyes and interrupted Yiyuanquanyan's words.

"Oh?" For some reason, a bad feeling suddenly appeared in Yi Yuanquan's eyes.

Zhang Bairen just sneered, and then the light in his hands flashed, but the next moment he saw the sky and the earth crack, the entire void trembled, and the ocean of endless real water roared.




"It hurts me!"

"It hurts me!"



From all directions came the screams of Yuan Haiyan: "This is the means of righteousness between heaven and earth, **** righteousness, and even pit me when I die, ancestors and you are endless! Patriarchs, me and you are endless!"

Zhang Bairen was expressionless and changed his formula again.

The first formula is to forbid, to forbid all the methods and all the gongs of the Yiyuanquanyan, at the same time it hurts to the bones.

The second formula is refining, refining it with the real fire of the sun, gradually burning the body to pieces.

The real fire of the sun overwhelmed the sky surging from all directions. I don't know where the real fire of the sun came from. It just popped out of the void abruptly. Suddenly, the endless sea surface had a big day.

It was indeed a big day, a real projection of the big day, and I saw ten golden crows dancing on that big day.

"The Governor is forgiving! The Governor is forgiving! The little old man is willing to surrender! The little old man is willing to surrender!" Yiyuanquan cried and said.

Zhang Bairen's face was expressionless, but he continued to urge Fa Jue, secretly comprehending the mystery of Fa Jue.

It's really hard to imagine that the ancient magic formula is so mysterious.

A scream spread, sounding creepy.

After about a stick of incense, Zhang Bairen stopped the curse, and there were bursts of gasping in the air.

Of course Zhang Bairen didn't dare to really refine Yiyuan Spring. What Xihe didn't dare to do back then, let alone Zhang Bairen?

One yuan spring is the source of water between heaven and earth. If one yuan spring is refined, the consequences are simply unimaginable, and the world may even collapse.

Listening to the gasping in the void, Zhang Bairen's face was expressionless, and his voice was indifferent: "Don't you let the way out?"

The void was distorted, a portal appeared, and Zhang Bairen walked out following the portal, and then appeared again in the small sea world.

Looking at the sweaty spring water, one stream of real water slipped from the spring, Zhang Bairen snorted coldly: "Old man, it's not a big deal to speak, dare to calculate this seat, I will let you know how great today!"

"The governor is forgiving, the young man knows his fault! The young man knows his fault! The young man is willing to be loyal to the governor!" Yi Yuanquan hurriedly surrendered.

Zhang Bairen stretched out his palm, and saw that the Yiyuanquan eye was also interesting, and it actually shrunk obediently, turning into the size of a longan, and falling on Zhang Bairen's palm.

"The Governor, are we here? What about the old guy at Yiyuanquan? It's a pity to be run away by him, otherwise he has to be ugly!" Yuan Tiangang got out of Zhang Bairen's sleeve and looked at the immeasurable ocean in front of him, filled with righteous indignation. .

Zhang Bairen stretched his palm: "Don't get angry, this old thing has now been subdued by me, and I will be regarded as the governor of the city in the future."

"Huh~" Seeing Zhang Bairen's mini Yiyuanquan Eye, Yuan Tiangang suddenly showed curiosity.

Zhang Bairen threw the Yiyuanquan eye into his sleeve casually. In the future, he needed to find a rope to knit and hang it around his waist.

Zhang Bairen didn't dare to refine the Yiyuanquanyan into his own world, but that would be a big event, and the heavens and the earth would break apart.

What makes him wonder is the hairpin on the top of his head, and it seems that something strange is conceived in it.

"Dragon King of the East China Sea must be blocking the door. If you go out, you can’t miss a big battle. It’s been six days since you came out. You Xuyang will return quickly, or you will starve yourself to death and reincarnate with soldiers!" Zhang Bairen looked towards Zhang Bairen. Yuan Tiangang, Yuan Tiangang's face suddenly turned green when he heard this.

Aside from anything else, the Yang God has disappeared and disappeared in the twisted world.

Naturally, Yuan Tiangang couldn't stop Yuan Tiangang in a small cave.

Seeing Yuan Tiangang go away, Zhang Bairen couldn't help but smashed his tongue secretly. After a long time, he said, "What a pity!"

"What a pity?" Yiyuanquan said.

"It's a pity that I didn't become a Yang God. Yuan Tiangang now has to see the Sun God's best way. He must have destroyed his cultivation base and reunited the Yang God's abacus. This drop of pearl tear is the key, but it is a pity that Yang God is not so good. Repaired!" Zhang Bairen said inwardly.

Yi Yuanquan shook his head and said, "When you hear the Tao, you can die in the evening! Since Yuan Tiangang has the destiny to realize the Tao in this life, of course he has to do everything possible to achieve the fruit status. Once he enters Samsara as deep as the sea, no one knows that it will happen. What, will you forget your memory?"

"Let's go, you will meet the Dragon King of the East China Sea!" Zhang Bairen stepped to the outside of Canghai Cave: "The Governor is curious, why are you driven by the dragon clan?"

Yi Yuanquan shook his head and shook his head, and his voice sighed: "The old man was rescued by the Dragon Palace when the Emperor of Heaven was defeated. Over the years, he has been repaying the great kindness of the Dragon Palace and repaying the kindness of the year. But now that I meet you, the old kindness will naturally give up!"

Speaking of this, Yi Yuanquan said with a slight irritation: "It's really hateful. He finally died of the emperor, and now it is in the hands of the descendants of the emperor. This kind of cause and effect is really annoying."

"The Emperor of Heaven died in battle? How did he die?" Zhang Bairen asked curiously.

Yi Yuanquan shook his head and shook his head: "These things are not something you can know. You are still good at practicing and condense the blood of the sun. If you can condense the blood of the sun, you can reincarnate and become the supreme Blood?" Zhang Bairen was puzzled, but didn't ask too much. He has a ten-day refining plan, and he will always be able to retrieve his memories in the future.

Out of the small sea world, the overwhelming sea is surging, and it is still the endless, secluded deep sea canyon.

Zhang Bairen's body is long and jade, and at first glance he sees the fire-breathing Dragon King of the East China Sea.

"The Dragon King calmed down his anger, the local governor was just entering the Xiaocanghai cave sky, what's the big deal, the local governor never destroyed your Canghai cave sky, what do you look like!" Zhang Bairen didn't dare to be careless, and the water **** instantly possessed him.

The Dragon King of the East China Sea stared at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes. After a while, he said, "Zhang Bairen, please make a price!"

"What price?" Zhang Bairen was taken aback.

"How can I return the true dragon's dragon ball!" Donghai Dragon King said with a gloomy expression.

"Do you really want this dragon ball?" Zhang Bairen stretched out his palm, and the dragon ball was suspended in his palm. Suddenly, the vitality of the ancient vicissitudes of life permeated.

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