First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 864: 1 move




The Dragon King of the East China Sea looked at the dragon ball that exuded dazzling purple brilliance, and the ancient qi mechanisms filled the sea. The entire East China Sea cheered in an instant, as if it sensed some great existence, echoing it far away.

The East China Sea Dragon King's heart beat wildly, and his eyes began to engorge. This was not a true dragon dragon ball at all, and a true dragon dragon ball could not have this aura.

In the historical legend of the dragon family, only the dragon ball of Zulong is purple.

"Do you want it?" Zhang Bairen played with the dragon ball in his hand.

"Tell me your terms!" Donghai Dragon King licked his lips. It was funny. As a magnificent Dragon King, his lips were actually dry, which was so funny.

"My condition is..." Zhang Bairen said in a long voice, "I just won't give it to you, you come and hit me!"

While speaking, Zhang Bairen took advantage of the moment when the Dragon King of the East China Sea was lost, broke through the sea water and rushed out of the canyon, and fled to the human race.

"Bring me back! Leave the Dragon Ball!" With a murderous face, the Dragon King of East China Sea suddenly jumped up, unscrupulously playing his own spirit, and chased Zhang Bairen from a distance.

It is a pity that Zhang Bairen has already taken the lead, breaking the sea directly, landing on the coast of the East China Sea, and heading towards Middle Earth.

"Leave me the Dragon Ball!" The East China Sea Dragon King was thunderous and rushed towards Zhang Bairen.

"Long King stay alive, don't enter the mainland, I'm afraid Zhang Bairen is thinking about lure the king into Middle Earth, and then take the opportunity to cramp and peel his skin to eliminate the troubles, the king must not be greedy, and Zhang Bairen's calculation!" Prime Minister Turtle came and grabbed the tail of Donghai Dragon King.

The Dragon King of the East China Sea halted, and a foot that stepped onto the coast immediately stopped, and then turned into a human form.

"Terrible!" The Dragon King of East China Sea was shocked secretly, and he almost caught Zhang Bairen's calculation.

In the distance, Zhang Bairen stopped and looked at Prime Minister Turtle with a gloomy expression: "You old tortoise is bored! You dare to spoil my good deeds!"

Listening to Zhang Bairen's icy words, Prime Minister Tortoise chuckled: "Supervisor, we are not fools. Old tortoise knows what calculations you make! Although the Dragon Ball is attractive, the chaos of the human race is not far away, and we will have our own plans in the future."

"Well, the governor will just wait for your care!" Zhang Bairen turned his eyes from the old turtle, and looked to the side of the East China Sea Dragon King: "You old Loach is fateful. You escaped today, otherwise you can eat it all today. Dragon feast."

After listening to Zhang Bairen's words, the Dragon King of the East China Sea slowly retreated towards the deep sea: "Dragon Ball is considered to be this king, and will be deposited with you for the time being. When the human race is in chaos in the future, this king will naturally lead me to the water celestial master and ask the governor for advice!"

"Huh!" Zhang Bairen snorted coldly and turned to leave the coast.

Seeing Zhang Bairen's away back, Prime Minister Turtle touched his heart, revealing a lingering look: "My lord, this time is really too dangerous. I almost fell into the trick of the little thief! Fortunately, the lord stopped his steps in time, otherwise it would count. The dragon kings of the four seas gather together, and the king cannot be saved."

Thinking that Zhang Bairen had five innate gods in his body, Laogui suddenly felt cold in his heart, not half the temperature.

In this era, one **** is already invincible, let alone the five incarnations of innate gods?

The Dragon King of the East China Sea looked gloomy, and after a while he said, "No matter, after waiting for him for seven or eight years, my dragon clan can take the opportunity to go ashore. It will not be too late to settle with him, and now it is not too late to solve Mazu first."

The Dragon King of the East China Sea turned and dived back into the deep sea, calculating **** Ma Zu, but he was obsessed with the dragon ball in his heart, like a demon.

Zulong's Dragon Ball!

That is the dragon ball of Ancestral Dragon, if the dragon can get it, wouldn't it soar into the sky?

"Ancestral Dragon Dragon Ball must be obtained!" The East Sea Dragon King's eyes flashed with desire, an unprecedented desire, and he didn't even have much interest in defeating Mazu.

Zhang Bairen came to Matsu God Realm, and after thanking Matsu, he turned and returned to Zhuo County.


In front of Seongnam Gate

At this time, the people in the city still did not disperse, and no hundreds of people lived by the Zhang family's porridge.

Zhang Bairen walked back to the yard with his hands on his back without expression. Zhang Lihua was weaving a straw mat in the yard.

"Sir, are you back?" Zhang Lihua looked at Zhang Bairen, her eyes lit up.

Zhang Bairen smiled and nodded, and then sat beside Zhang Lihua, holding Zhang Lihua in his arms: "Lihua's craftsmanship is getting better and better."

"I have nothing to do all day, and weave straws, which will grow over time, and gradually practice makes perfect," Zhang Lihua said with a smile.

Zhang Bairen hugged Zhang Lihua and did not speak. He seemed to notice that Zhang Bairen was not very interested. Zhang Lihua tentatively asked, "Mister, the plan for this trip is not going well?"

Zhang Bairen put his head in Zhang Lihua's arms, causing Zhang Lihua's face to be flushed, and punched Zhang Bairen on the shoulder: "There is no right type, you are now a high-powered chief governor, how can you be so spoiled?"

"Originally the plan went well, but it was a pity that it was mixed up at the last moment!" Zhang Bairen's voice was a little regretful: "I wanted to kill the Dragon King of the East China Sea, help you bathe in dragon blood, forcibly open the body secret, but unfortunately by that old tortoise The plan broke."

Zhang Lihua was silent when he heard the words, and there was a hint of guilt in his eyes: "My husband is disappointed. Lihua can't get past the hurdles in her heart, she can't understand her heart!"

Zhang Bairen stood up, looked at Zhang Lihua, and smiled: "We have time. You have swallowed the blood of the phoenix and prolonged your life for thousands of years. As time passes, you can naturally see through the essence of the world, and then let go of the past."

"Lihua met her husband in this life and didn't have any regrets... The only thing she had trouble with was that she could not leave her husband with a son and a half." Tears fell on Zhang Lihua's face.

Zhang Bairen sat up in Zhang Lihua’s arms and gently wiped Zhang Lihua’s cheeks: "It’s not your fault, it’s really my Dao Gong is now at a critical juncture and cannot be broken; when it will grow in the future, you will have to give me a lot of life. Only children."

Zhang Lihua just chuckled and pressed Zhang Bairen's head in her arms.

The two narrated their sorrow for a while, and Zhang Bairen said, "How is mother?"

Zhang Lihua sighed helplessly: "It's still the same! Actually...this drop of phoenix blood should be given to the mistress."

Zhang Bairen shook his head, the power of Phoenix Blood was too domineering, and Mother Zhang was mortal, swallowing it rashly, saying that she would not turn into a monster.

As for asking his mother to practice Taoism, Zhang Bairen didn't dare to mention it. His mother's hatred of Taoists back then is still fresh in his own memory.

As for martial arts, Zhang Bairen used Changpu pills to wash the marrow and cut hair of Zhang's mother. Now 15 years have passed and the foundation has been firmly established.

During the five years outside the Great Wall, Zhang's mother didn't know what had happened. Her body's vitality loss was quite serious. According to Zhang Bairen's view, Zhang's mother would die suddenly within ten years.

Zhang's mother's loss of vitality is also an important factor in Zhang Bairen's having to open the secret place in advance and embark on the path of spiritual practice.

Now Mother Zhang and Zhang Lihua take calamus pills all day long. In the past 15 years, they have a solid foundation, but they have achieved twice the result with half the effort in practicing martial arts.

Zhang Bairen took out a blue book Juan from his sleeve and handed it to Zhang Lihua: "This is the martial art that I carefully selected in the Imperial Palace. It is the most suitable for my mother to practice. For fifteen years, I have searched through the library of the Imperial Palace. Only this skill Most suitable for mothers, you find a chance to pass this book over."

"You, as a child, don't go to but ask me as an outsider to go. How can it make sense!" Zhang Lihua rolled her eyes.

Zhang Bairen smiled bitterly: "Mother may not be willing to see me!"

In fact, Zhang Bairen guessed that his mother might not not look frustrated with her. Back then, she ordered the countless treasures to be hidden, which would inevitably arouse the dissatisfaction of Zhang's mother. Unfortunately, Zhang Bairen was too busy to pay attention.

"You are doing your filial piety for me." Zhang Bairen stood up and looked at the sun in the sky: "The Second Eastern Expedition is about to begin, and I have to retreat and practice. The troubled times of the Sui Dynasty are not far away! Not far! Nothing! Strength can only be turned into cannon fodder."

"In fact, the son also has the opportunity to bet. At the beginning, the Li family lady was the chance of the governor. If the chief governor takes the Li family lady strongly, it may not be..." Zhang Lihua sighed slightly.

"How can I rely on a woman for food? Stay alive?" Zhang Bairen looked proudly: "Now every anti-king has the destiny, and the Li family may not be able to win the world."

Speaking of this, Zhang Bairen turned and walked outside: "What happened to Yuan Tiangang?"

ps: There are two more chapters today. In February, the two dragons raised their heads, happy holidays everyone.

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