First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 872: Zhang Mu leaves

"Your Majesty, can't make it! Don't make it! Don't make it!" Zhang Bairen hurriedly stepped forward and dragged Yang Guang.

Yang Guang just stared at Zhang Bairen earnestly with a pair of eyes: "Sir, I didn't ask anyone with this one, and I ask my husband to answer me again."

Zhang Bairen smiled helplessly, can this kind of thing be agreed casually?

"It's not impossible to promise your Majesty, but your Majesty still needs to respond to me!" Zhang Bairen was about to refuse, but suddenly there was a flash of light in his mind.

"What's the matter?" Yang Guang looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes.

Zhang Bairen said: "The subordinate has a treasure, called a six-character mantra sticker, which has infinite power, but it lacks faith. As long as your majesty is willing to help me with a state sacrifice, the subordinate will respond to this matter."

The six-character mantra stickers have six levels, one saying: blessing. The second said: revealing the shape. Three said: Everlasting. Fourth said: Jinguang. Five said: immortality. Sixth: detachment.

Now, after nearly a year of wandering ascetic monks outside the Great Wall, the beliefs of the major temples outside the Great Wall have been absorbed completely.

Jinguang is only a preliminary derivative, and it is still far away from Dacheng.

Zhang Bairen is lacking the power of faith. If he can have the six-character mantra post blessing, he may not be unable to suppress his karma in the future.

"Okay!" Yang Guang nodded heavily, anyway, Da Sui is now like this, he is not afraid of tossing.

Can it be worse in tossing?

"Given the strength of the Sui Dynasty, these six-character mantra stickers are bound to be golden, as for immortality..." Zhang Bairen shook his head. It was too difficult to expect at all.

The matter of accepting disciples is not in a hurry. After Zhang Bairen and Yang Guang finalized the state sacrifice, they said goodbye to Yang Guang and walked to Yongan Palace.

Yongan Palace

I didn't even see Qiaoyan, only Empress Xiao seemed to be embroidering something unhurriedly. The fireworks fluttered in the incense burner, and Zhang Bairen bowed: "I have seen a mother."

"Sit down!" Empress Xiao looked at Zhang Bairen: "Qiaoyan went to retreat, and the palace was idle and bored, so I embroidered here."

Zhang Bairen looked at Empress Xiao’s charming faces, took his mind, and said, "Manny, how are things in the Li family good?"

Empress Xiao's expression was calm, his fingertips crossed the embroidery, and his eyelids blinked: "Are you sure that the Li family is not your Majesty's successor?"

Zhang Bairen was stunned for an instant, he had never thought of this possibility.

If the Li family is actually Yang Guang’s successor, what should happen?

Empress Xiao dismissed the maid, made a bowl of tea for Zhang Bairen herself, and then said: "It's just that this palace just said it casually, don't take it seriously."

Zhang Bairen shook his head and held up the tea cup, showing a pensive expression: "It may not be true."

"The Li family can't see this palace" Empress Xiao smiled lightly: "As for the court, the family of clansmen don't want to catch you."

"Thank you, Niang Niang!" Zhang Bairen saluted Empress Xiao.

After eating in Yong'an Palace, Zhang Bairen got up and walked out of the palace, his eyes flashing in contemplation.

Without staying in Luoyang City for a long time, Zhang Bairen went straight to Zhuojun.

"Sir, it's not good!"

When he came to Zhuo County, Zhang Bairen felt that the atmosphere in Zhuo County was a bit wrong at this time. He walked back to the manor quickly, but saw Zhang Lihua with red and swollen eyes.


Zhang Bairen's heart beat suddenly, and he couldn't help but step forward quickly: "What happened?"

"Madam... Madam... She..." Zhang Lihua's eyes were red, and she knelt down with a'poof': "Madam, she... disappeared, it was all the fault of the concubine. The concubine did not take good care of the old woman. Lord, please punish!"

Zhang Bairen's head blew upon hearing this, and he stood there blankly, staring at Zhang Lihua with straight eyes, forcibly resisting the fluctuations in his heart, and holding on to Zhang Lihua: "Get up! Get up! What are you doing? The manor guards are not tight. , How could it be your fault."

Soothing Zhang Lihua, Zhang Bairen looked to Zuo Qiu Wuji and the others, and the Eagle King smiled bitterly: "Master, it is the lady who wants to go by herself! The subordinates wanted to send someone to follow, but the lady sternly stopped him."

"Oh? Mother is going to leave by herself?" Zhang Bairen hurriedly walked toward Zhang's mother yard.

Standing in front of the small courtyard, looking at the fence stained with wind and snow, Zhang Bairen paused, speechless for a long time.

How many years are there? How many years have you not been in your mother's yard?

Zhang Bairen can't remember!

The "du governor" looked at Zhang Bairen who was stunned by the devil, Zuo Qiu Wuji whispered.

Zhang Bairen waved his hand and walked stiffly into the courtyard.

Pushing open the weather-beaten door, he came to the courtyard, then Zhang Bairen stopped, his brain blank.

In the yard, there is a qi left by my mother.

The courtyard is very simple, with only a simple vegetable garden and a stone table.

Walk into the house

The room is also very simple, without the slightest luxury.

A quilt, a square table, an incense burner and a few books on the square table.

There are a few large book boxes in the corner. They were the pastimes that accompanied me for five years in Zhuo County. I had forgotten them a long time ago, but my mother still kept them.

The oil in the oil lamp has dried up a long time ago, and the house is extremely simple, not at all like the house where the mistress of the big family should live.

In addition, there is only one dressing table that is decent.

Zhang Bairen stood in front of the dressing table and was struck by lightning in an instant.

This dressing table was exactly the same as the one made by Zhuojun himself.

Sitting slowly in front of the dressing table, Zhang Bairen's fuzzy shadow appeared in the bronze mirror.



Zhang Bairen saw the two characters deeply engraved on the dressing table.

One love, one fantasy.

Zhang Bairen frowned and felt something wrong. Touching the two words with his fingers, there seemed to be a mysterious artistic conception in it, but his sword intent was too domineering, and he collapsed when he touched the artistic conception.

Sitting blankly in front of the dressing table for a long time, Zhang Bairen seemed to be able to see his mother's voice and smile, as well as the sight of her mother dressing up.

The warmth after years of absence!

After sitting for a while, Zhang Bairen came to the square table, carefully sat on the stool, and picked up the books placed on the table.

They are all my favorite enlightenment books of the year.

"Fifteen years later, I didn't expect my mother to remember" Zhang Bairen sighed lightly.

After turning to the last book, a letter came into view: "My son, please!"

Zhang Bairen's movements were stagnant, and trembling fingers took out the letter, slowly opened it, and then frowned tightly.

His body also instantly recovered his composure.

"Illusion Road!" Zhang Bairen's eyes were wiped out of murderous intent.

I don’t know its name or root. No one knows when the Illusion Dao arose. Few people in the arena have heard of the reputation of the Illusion Dao.

The illusion road directly points to the essence, sees through all the feelings of the world, reflects sentient beings with my heart, and finally transcends.

Twenty years ago, Zhang's mother was also a lady in Jiangnan, and her family was suddenly destroyed. In order to protect the Taoist book, she went all the way north and fled outside the Great Wall.

In the process of fleeing, Mother Zhang met Jinghuan Xiangu, who was in Huanqingdao. Jinghuan Xiangu saw that Zhang's mother was in exile with her pregnant belly, and she couldn't bear it, so she immediately passed on the Supreme Dao.

At that time, Mother Zhang and Zhang Fei were far apart, and her heart was ashamed. If it hadn't been for the family heirloom and the fetus in her belly, she would have died long ago and followed the ancestors of the Zhang family.

After teaching for a month, Fairy Jinghuan had to say goodbye to Mother Zhang because of an urgent matter. At this time, the catastrophe broke out and Mother Zhang had no choice but to go north.

A woman with so many books in troubled times can be imagined.

At that time Zhang Jingan, the golden sword of the desert on the side of the rivers and lakes, came out from the desert and went to Jiangnan to participate in a secret event, which coincided with Zhang's mother being besieged by bandits, and then offered to help.

Zhang Jingan saw Zhang's mother shocked like a human being, and did not care about her pregnancy in June, and the heart of love grew crazily.

"It turns out that Zhang Jingan is Uncle Zhang!" Zhang Bairen's fingers were whitish.

Zhang Jingan fled to Saibei, but his wife was implicated. Uncle Zhang had to go to rescue his wife after placing Zhang's mother outside the Great Wall.


Mother Zhang didn't know what happened during that time. When Uncle Zhang came back, his whole body was soaked in flesh and blood, his bones and muscles had been abolished, and he could not use force in this life. And because his seven souls were broken up by others, he lost his memory completely.

On that day, Mother Zhang only saw the **** Uncle Zhang walking aimlessly with the baby in his arms. He came to the outside of the Great Wall with dementia, and his wife had been killed.

No one knows what happened to Zhang Jingan, only that Zhang Jingan disappeared in the arena, and there was an uncle Zhang outside the Great Wall.

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