First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 873: The murder 25 years ago

"Illusion Road!"

Zhang Bairen looked at the remote case with a pair of eyes: "Mother is a disciple of Huanqingdao. It turns out that my mother has been working hard to restore her cultivation for all these years. In the past, she fleeed outside the Great Wall in a battle, and her mother was so exhausted that she barely managed to hang her life. After arriving in Zhuojun, after Sun Simiao's recuperation, and the great supplement of various spiritual things, his mother returned to his cultivation."

"My father got married, and my mother saw the shackles and suddenly realized that, so she locked herself in a small courtyard to practice. Now that she has achieved success, she will go looking for Jinghuan Xiangu!" Zhang Bairen closed his eyes, collected the letter, and walked out the door: "This small courtyard is sealed, and no one can be allowed in or out in the future."

The guard immediately went down and gave instructions. Zhang Bairen looked at Zhang Lihua: "The battle of Zhang Jingan, the golden sword of the desert 20 years ago, was transferred by the superintendent of the capital! And...there is a rumor that the superintendent of the capital is looking for clues to the illusion path, who can? Provide me with clues to the Illusion Dao, and the Governor can bestow him a treasure. Search for the Illusion Dao news with all my strength!"

"The war twenty-five years ago?" Zhang Lihua was taken aback and stopped talking, and immediately went down to give orders.

In the Military Secret Mansion, all cases in the world are recorded in the record, without any omission.

Before Zhang Bairen was allowed to wait long, a stack of documents was handed over. Zuo Qiu wuji said: "My lord, I only found clues to the war 25 years ago. As for the fantasy road... we never collected it."

"Tell the Military Secret Mansion to search for the news of Illusion Dao!" Zhang Bairen unhurriedly tapped the case table.

Zuo Qiu Wuji withdrew, Zhang Lihua slowly opened the dossier, spreading out in front of Zhang Bairen.

Twenty-five years ago

The Great Desert Golden Knife spreads across the Mobei generation and is known as the king of the sword. At that time, the national fortune was prosperous and the world was suppressed. The bone-changing masters can already be called masters of the side.

Zhang Jingan traverses the desert, cuts the gold with one hand and cuts the jade sword with one hand, and the desert is invincible.

At that time, Da Mo Jin Dao came to the Buddhist ruins of the Central Region to search for secrets. He wanted to pursue a breakthrough opportunity, but he didn't know why he got into trouble and affected the young and old at home.

At that time, all the young and old in Zhang Jingan's house were captured by the adversary. The whole family was burned to death. Zhang Jingan was hit hard by others, was broken up and completely lost his memory.

Only when he desperately snatched a baby girl out of the fire, and then went missing, the desert golden knife lost its trace.

The case is not long, but it is definitely not short.

According to the case, coupled with Zhang's mother's narrative, Zhang Bairen began to deduct various details in his heart.

"At that time, Zhang Jingan went to the Buddhist ruins in China to seek a breakthrough to see the gods, but he accidentally broke through the massacre of the Zhang family. Then he saw Zhang mother who was pregnant in June, and she was shocked to help Zhang mother cut. Killed the bandits and fought fiercely all the way, escorting Zhang's mother to escape outside the Great Wall." Zhang Bairen looked at Zhang Lihua: "Then the organization behind that traced back to Zhang Jingan's heels. Using his family as a threat, Zhang Jingan had to return to Mobei from outside the Great Wall. Fought a shocking battle with that mysterious organization."

"Zhang Jingan’s family was burned to death, and only one baby was rescued by him. This baby was Zhang Xiaocao! Uncle Zhang was broken up by others, and since then he is incomplete. I can never recover my memory!" Zhang Bairen quickly deduced and restored the truth of the matter.

Tianshu is tempting!

"The opponent's inability to kill Uncle Zhang in the realm of Yi Bone Dacheng proves that the opponent's strength is actually not as strong as expected, and it is not my opponent at all!" Zhang Bairen thought in his heart.

Twenty-five years ago, the great dynasty of the Great Sui Dynasty suppressed the world and the world. It is extremely difficult to break through and see the gods. Where is it like now, the great Sui Dynasty’s destiny is ruined, the air is distributed and the rivers and lakes are wild, and the sage warriors began to emerge like a blowout well. And out. At that time, there were great powers that saw the martial artist sitting in town, and they were all the existence of suppressing the national movement.

"Twenty-five years ago, do you have a dossier with someone behind you?" Zhang Bairen looked to Zhang Lihua.

Zhang Lihua turned over, then shook her head: "I haven't found it right now, but the Military Secret Mansion must have recorded it. After all, there is a mysterious force in Da Sui, and I can't help but investigate."

As he was talking, I saw Zuo Qiu Wuji walking in with the file: "My lord, the file of the person behind the shot was found."


A killer flashed in Zhang Bairen's eyes.

"After the war, the chief inspector of the Military Secret Mansion inspected the scene and found a well-known figure at the time, known as the King of Yama: Lan Chen!" Zuo Qiu Wuji placed the case file on the table: "Lan Chen There were eight brothers, three of them in the Heavenly Master Dao, and two exiled in the arena, and the remaining two died in battle. They were split in half by Zhang Jingan!"

Zhang Bairen's face was gloomy:

"Any roster?"

"Shen Teng, the soul chaser, now lives in seclusion in Chaiyun Taoist Temple, and has not walked in the world for twenty-five years! Huang Bao, the soul-seeker, lives in seclusion in Changle Temple! The remaining three Taoists are all in Nantian Shidao, unknown names! "Zuo Qiu said warily.

After hearing this, Zhang Bairen stood there for a while and said, "Family enmity must be reported. The governor will have to go to Chaiyun Taoist Temple for a while, and then he will be there for a while!"

"My lord, be careful to move your whole body with one start, Nantian Master Dao is not easy to provoke!" Zuo Qiu Wuji said with a solemn expression.

"Nan Tian Shi Dao is not easy to provoke? Is it that the governor is so easy to provoke? Da Sui is not dead yet! That dare to go right with me!" Zhang Bairen smiled coldly, "All you can do is to search for information on the Illusion Dao, the governor must know. Where is the illusion."

After speaking, Zhang Bairen has already stepped away, leaving Zuo Qiu Wuji with a wry smile: "This time the governor is afraid that he is really murderous, and the rivers and lakes may be embroiled in blood and blood."

"Who would have thought that the governor of the city is actually a descendant of Zhang Daoling!" Zhang Lihua's eyes flashed with surprise.

"Look for the illusion road with all your strength and closely monitor the movements of the Nantianshi!" Zhang Lihua commanded.

Zuo Qiu Wuji nodded, turned around and ordered.

Deep mountain and old forest

A figure in a purple robe slowly appeared on a bluestone step. Zhang Bairen was walking through the mountains and forests with his hands on his back, his eyes scanned the distance, revealing a careless look.

"It is indeed a good place to live in seclusion, this place is deserted and uninhabited, not to interfere with outsiders!" Zhang Bairen stepped on the small road, at this time the 17-year-old boy hurried awkwardly into the mountains carrying firewood.

Hearing the movement behind him, he immediately turned around, and then said: "Who are you? What is it that came to my Chai Yun Taoist Temple?"

"The Governor of the local capital came to meet Senior Shen Teng, the soul-seeker, the little Taoist priest is very diligent!" Zhang Bairen came to the boy, looked at the boy's red face, and couldn't help but squeeze it.

"It turns out that you are looking for Jushi Shen. Jushi Shen has been cultivating hard, never seeing guests, and never going down the mountain in 25 years. You are afraid that you will be disappointed and come home!" The little Taoist smiled sharply.

Zhang Bairen picked up the firewood for the boy, and the two rushed to the mountain while talking.

After walking for a stick of incense, I saw the mountain gate.

Although the temple is hidden in the deep mountains, it is not small in scale, with a radius of acres.

"Fusheng immeasurable Tianzun, I don't know where the Taoist friends came to my Chai Yun Taoist Temple, but I am sorry that the poor Taoist cannot be greeted far away. It is rude!" A figure came out from the gate, looking at Zhang Bairen with a solemn expression.

"Master!" The little Taoist respectfully saluted the old Taoist priest.

Looking at the load of firewood in Zhang Bairen's hand, the old Taoist's complexion changed and he reprimanded: "You boy, you dare to ask a distinguished guest to bear the firewood. You are so bold."

Hearing what the old Taoist priest said, the little boy secretly stuck out his tongue and made a grimace. He took the firewood from Zhang Bairen and rushed into the gate.

"Very cute There will be someone to succeed the old Taoist priest!" Zhang Bairen carried his hands on his back: "The capital governor Zhang Bairen!"

The Taoist priest suddenly changed his color when he heard the words, and he was even more respectful: "It turned out that it was the chief governor in person, and the poor Dao was rude!"

"Don't say much, I just have to see Shen Teng!" Zhang Bairen's words revealed an indisputable taste.

"Daoist Shen Teng has been in retreat for nearly 30 years and has not seen a guest for 30 years..." The old Taoist tried to defend.

"The Governor wants to see Shen Teng!" Zhang Bairen's words remained unchanged, and he said again.

"Master!" The little Taoist went back and forth, looking at the tense atmosphere in the field, and cried out in a low voice.

For some reason, Zhang Bairen's close face was full of suffocating majesty at this time, making the little Taoist dare not speak.

The veteran Taoist took the little Taoist aside and gave way with a bitter expression: "The Governor, please!"

ps: third more.

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