First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 874: Refining the soul, the roster is in hand

Although Chai Yun Taoist Temple is good and ranks top in the spiritual world, how can it be compared with Zhang Bairen? How to withstand the pressure brought by Zhang Bairen?

The old Taoist priest did not dare to violate Zhang Bairen's will, so he could only obediently let go and opened the door to let Zhang Bairen in.

Zhang Bairen walked in the Taoist temple without expression. The old Taoist looked respectfully and led the way to a remote and shabby palace.

Before the people arrived, I heard an angry voice coming from the hall: "Old Xianyun, didn't I say that, the old man is not seeing guests! Why are you leading me again?"

Old Xianyun stood silent outside the hall, looking at Zhang Bairen with his eyes.

With his hands on his back, Zhang Bairen scanned the hall, slowly stepped forward and opened the door, and walked into the side hall.

The door opened, but there was a Taoist wearing a brocade robe sitting in the middle of the lobby, glaring at Zhang Bairen at this time: "Asshole, who asked you to come in?"

Zhang Bairen glanced at the hall and shook his head: "Life is going well!"

"Who are you?" Taoist Shen Teng glared at Zhang Bairen, then looked at Taoist Xianyun behind him: "What is he?"

"This is when the governor of the court, Zhang Bairen, is face to face, you must not offend the adults" Xianyun smiled bitterly.

When Shen Teng heard the words, his eyes condensed, his eyes fixed on Zhang Bairen, and then he bowed his head respectfully: "The chief governor is driving here, and the trail is not far away. I don't know if the chief governor is coming to find a Taoist, is there something important?"

"Just ask you one thing." Zhang Bairen looked at Shen Teng's fat body, slowly stepped forward, shot lightning fast, took the opponent's pipa bone, and plunged into the opponent's body with immortal sword energy.

"The Governor, why are you? The villain never offends, why is the Governor embarrassed!" Shen Teng was startled, but could not move.

Ignoring Shen Teng’s collision with the sky, Zhang Bairen said to himself: "Ask you about a public case 25 years ago, when Zhang Jingan was intercepted in the desert and Zhang Jingan was burned to death. Have you ever been there?"

"Capital Governor, what are you talking about? Taoist priests don't understand! Zhang Jingan was killed, and the whole family was dead. Pang Dao had heard of it. As for the murder, the Governor was joking?" Shen Teng's pupils shrank quickly, revealing his injustice. color.

Zhang Bairen sighed softly, "What about the besieging and killing Zhang Family in the south of the Yangtze River and taking the Zhang Family Heavenly Book? Did you do it?"

"Book of heaven? What book of heaven?" Shen Teng was puzzled.

"I don't have to talk with you, just go down with a bowl of obedient water, I'm not afraid you won't open your mouth to explain." Zhang Bairen smiled coldly, pinched Shen Teng's chin, and took out a bowl of obedient water in his horrified eyes. Down.






Shen Teng struggled desperately, but couldn't break Zhang Bairen's arms like an old tree.

"Hehe" Zhang Bairen smiled coldly, seeing all the potions poured into Shen Teng's body, and then slammed his hand, slamming the opponent against a case not far away, and the case was smashed.

Shen Teng retched on the ground, but did not see the slightest spit out of water, and looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of spiteful eyes: "The general governor is too domineering!"

"Domineering is the style of the governor, it's just an appetizer!" Zhang Bairen sat on the desk slowly and waited for the water to happen.

The atmosphere in the court became dignified. After a while, Shen Teng's eyes were blurred. Zhang Bairen said, "Did you participate in the interception 25 years ago?"

"Naturally, I participated. Not only did the old man participate, he also lit a torch with his own hands and sent Zhang Jingan's family back to the capital." Shen Teng showed a cold smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Who did the shot at that time?" Zhang Bairen said blankly.

"I'm waiting for the eight brothers, plus some guardians and disciples of the Southern Heavenly Master Dao. After all, the book is such a big thing, outsiders can't be mixed in, so as not to leak the news!" Shen Teng said triumphantly.

"You did the Zhang family murder?" Zhang Bairen clenched his fingers tightly, a little white.

Looking at Zhang Bairen's murderous face, and then looking at the triumphantly, Shen Teng, who is still unaware that his death period is approaching, Xianyun is sweating like rain, and he has been wet with cold sweat behind his back in the cold winter.

"The idiots of the Zhang family are talking nonsense about withdrawing from the world of practice. Such a supreme tactic has never been practiced, but it is only enshrined in the high hall, otherwise I will not dare to rush it!" Xianyun said with a cold smile: "If not Someone secretly communicated the news in Beitianshidao, how could I know that the heavenly book has fallen into the mortal world.

"Wait, you said Bei Tian Shi Dao? Didn't Nan Tian Shi Dao do it?" Zhang Bairen was taken aback.

"It was done by Nantian Shidao, but Northern Tianshidao is the base camp of the Zhang family. If there is no information from the Zhang family, how can Nantian Shidao know the whereabouts of the heavenly book?" The Taoist snorted coldly.

"Master Beitian?" Zhang Bairen frowned.

Although both Nan Tian Shi Dao and Bei Tian Shi Dao carry the word Tian Shi Dao, they are completely different in nature.

The Northern Heavenly Master Dao was transformed by Zhang Daoling’s Five Dou Rice Sect. The Nantian Master Dao was formed by Lu Jing Xiuzhen. Although both are Heavenly Master Dao, they all enshrine the Zhengyi League Prestige Dao, but one is orthodox and the other is unorthodox, with different meanings.

"The roster! I want the roster!" Zhang Bairen turned murderously in his eyes, and took out the pen and ink from his sleeve: "I want the roster!"

Shen Teng smirked, stepped forward and picked up pen and ink, and began to write continuously.

There are dozens of names on the paper, and Zhang Bairen's murderous intent is revealed in the eyes of those people.

"Are there any omissions?" When Zhang Bairen saw Shen Teng finished writing, a murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

On the one hand, Xianyun's veteran only felt that his scalp was tingling and his head exploded. He wanted to turn around and walk out of the house immediately. Just listen to these things casually, so what better?

"No! Hey! No more! Hey!" Shen Teng smirked.


After the words fell, Shen Teng instantly fell into his qi and died, breaking his breath.

The three souls and seven souls were wrapped in the spirit of the immortal sword and flew out, and came to Zhang Bairen.

This person has condensed the primordial spirit, the three souls and seven souls gather but not disperse, staring at Zhang Bairen with a grim look: "Zhang Bairen, you must not die! You must not die!"

"Should you not die? Let's take your soul out first, so that you can't die!"

The real fire of the sun in Zhang Bairen's hands continued to burn the soul of this person. After one saw his heavenly soul, earth soul, and life soul were all refined, they returned to the void and dissipated into nature.

Then the Qipus were smelted one by one, and only Tianchongpu was left by Zhang Bairen and locked in a jade box.

Zhang Bairen had a cold expression on his face: "Wait when you disperse others' Tian Chong Po, you will need your Tian Chong Po to complete it."

After speaking, a flick of his finger completely destroyed the corpse and burned the flesh on the ground.

He looked at the old Taoist priest, but saw the old Taoist knelt down in a hurry: "The Governor, the old Taoist did not see anything, he saw nothing!"

Zhang Bairen was silent, and after a while he said, "Are you good friends with Shen Teng?"

The old Taoist Xianyun smiled bitterly: "The governor must not misunderstand. This servant gave ten thousand taels of gold to practice in my Chaiyun Taoist Temple. Although the old Tao is beyond the world, the little Taoist priests below cannot be separated from the things of the red dust. Of course the old Taoists will not Can't make it with money."

Zhang Bairen clenched his fingers tightly, the air was depressed and solemn like a daughter, and Xian Yun did not dare to breathe.

After a while, Zhang Bairen took a breath and said, "Finally, the Governor is not killing innocent people. If you conceal the news of Shen Teng's death, the matter will be revealed in one stroke."

"I'm afraid it won't work!" Old Xianyun hesitated, then said: "The old Dao also heard about the Zhang family back then. The eight brothers lighted the lamp of life. As long as one of them died, the other eight would have the feeling. Someone will come to check it soon."

"Oh?" Zhang Bairen's eyes lit up suddenly: " I ran around in the province!"

Nantian Shidao

A secret room

A Taoist is meditating and practicing. Not far from the Taoist, six lights are slowly burning, and two candles on the side of the six candles have already gone out.


The wick burst into flames, and another oil lamp went out instantly.

The old Taoist priest suddenly opened his eyes, "Damn it, how could Shen Teng die? Didn't you tell him to take refuge in Chai Yun Taoist Temple?"

Staring fiercely at the extinguished light, the old Taoist's complexion was hard to see the extreme, and a paper crane in his hand flew out and hurried down the mountain.

"I still need to send someone to check it out. I don't know why. I have always had an ominous premonition recently. Jindingguan should move quickly. The more Zhang Bairen gets stronger, the more difficult it is for me to wait!"

ps: Fourth more.

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