First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 879: Golden Summit

Looking at the two red and white bodies on the bed, the old man gritted his teeth as if struck by lightning, "Dog men and women! Dog men and women! Real dog men and women! It deserves a thousand cuts!"

As he spoke, his red eyes looked at the servant behind him: "What are you looking at? Don't hurry up and prepare the things to be buried!"

A group of slaves ran away quickly as if they were amnesty. After all, it was not a glorious thing to run into a scandal like the master's house, and it might not be easy to say that they would have to pay for it.

At this time, throughout the Great Sui Dynasty, a series of killings continued to take place, making people couldn't help but be frightened.

"The old man went to see Tang Guogong. Tang Guogong's mansion needs to come forward for such things. The Military Secret Mansion is simply too unscrupulous!" Li Family Grandpa stood outside with a gloomy expression.

The unbridled and unbridled killings of the Military Secret Mansion caused dissatisfaction in the hearts of the great families, and for a time the overwhelming memorials were impeached towards the Central Dragon Court.

Golden Summit

Huang An looked at the sparsely lit Jinding Temple, with a little bit of murder brewing in his eyes. Behind him are the elites from all over the world. The worst is the Yijin Dacheng realm. He is proficient in martial arts and is also in the Yijin realm. Can be regarded as a master.

"Everyone, don’t get entangled with the Jindingguan monk. If you encounter a roadblock, kill it directly. If you can’t kill it, avoid it immediately. My goal is Jindingguan Zhang Baiyi and the heavenly book in Zhang Baiyi's hands! After Jindingguan's chance to counterattack, Jindingguan has three real Yangshens, and they still need some fear!" Huang An's voice was solemn, full of murderous intent.

Hearing this, everyone nodded in unison, and then only listened to Huang An's order, countless good hands lurking towards Jinding Temple like ghosts.

A sun **** flickered in the sky, and Liu Tong came to the court with a pair of eyes scanning Jinding Temple, and said to Huang An beside him: "Where is Zhu Kui?"

"Zhu Kui had already gone up the mountain, and he should have started his action in the mountain at this time!" sneers came from the sky.

Zhang Bairen glanced blankly at the head of the clouds in the sky, and then looked at Zhu Wu not far away, with his hands behind his back, showing a good show.

This kind of good show of a dog biting a dog's mouth is his favorite!

"Zhu Wu, don't let Elder Chu go quickly!" The palm teacher's expression was green, his eyes were murderous.

Hearing what the master teacher said, Zhu Wu's expression was cold, but he smiled: "Release Elder Chu? Can you let the old man live if Elder Chu is released?"

The head teacher heard the words and said gloomyly: "Zhu Wu, you were the first master who personally led the mountain back then. You never thought that you were a wolf with ambition and borrowed my reputation from the celestial master to do such a bad thing! But remember my Nantian master, the patriarch Daomen Keluo of writing?"

There was a fierce light in Zhu Wu's eyes: "Don't tell Lao Tzu that if you are not careful, I only know that if you refuse to let me down today, this old guy will never want to survive!"

The head teacher looked gloomy, and Zhang Bairen jokingly said, "The head teacher, can I help you?"

After hearing this, the head teacher forced a smile: "It's okay, the celestial master said this scum, this seat should cleanse the door, and give justice to those wronged souls!"

Turning his head, the palm teacher's expression was cold: "I don't repent, it seems that I can only cramp you and break your soul!"

As he spoke, a yellow light burst out from the sleeves of the palm teacher, as if it turned into a heart nail, and instantly shot into Zhu Wu's heart.

I saw Zhu Wu's movements become stiff, and he didn't wait for his reaction.

"Take down this wicked barrier for me, draw my soul and refine my soul in front of Taoist priests of all sizes, and justify my celestial master's laws!" The palm of his hand was flushed.

Elder Chu was saved and kicked Zhu Wu out. He quickly grabbed the special hook on one side and hooked the other side's pipa bone.

With a stroke of the palm of his hand, the yellow light flew out of Zhu Wu's heart and fell into his sleeve. Even with Zhang Bairen's eyes, he couldn't see the yellow light.

Zhang Bairen’s eyes flashed with a sneer, watching the Nantian Master Tao’s concoction meeting, from noon to the moon’s midday, looking at the dying Zhu Wu, Zhang Bairen’s eyes suddenly moved, and the five gods actually felt:

"Golden Summit View!"

Zhang Bairen tapped his fingers on the jade belt around his waist, revealing a pensive color: "This feeling should be from Zhang Baiyi's body? What happened to such a big mood swing, even the five gods are alarmed?"

Zhang Bairen was curious in his heart, the water **** moved across the void, and the **** descended into Zhang Baiyi's body, and the five gods in Zhang Baiyi's body were swaying, seeming to come to life in an instant.

"Weird! What a terrible anger!" At the moment when the **** descended, Zhang Bairen noticed the abnormality of Jinding Temple, and countless shouts of killing came from all directions, and a raging fire broke out.

At this time, Zhang Baiyi fell to the ground dying, and his bones and muscles were broken, and there were waves of shouts from the horizon, and everyone was in a ball.

"Someone is working on Jinding Temple? Zhang Baiyi, the hapless guy, was almost killed by someone!" Zhang Bairen's thoughts flowed, but he kept saying: "No, Zhang Baiyi can't die! His mother practiced the illusion Taoist technique. Baiyi cannot die!"

While talking, I saw the water **** pumping the water vapor between the heaven and the earth to nourish Zhang Baiyi's damaged meridians, and then suppressing Zhang Baiyi's mind, slowly stepping out of the house, watching the battle in the sky, just listening to the ancestor Chaoyang: "Huang Ann, Liu Tong, Zhu Kui, Er, etc. dare to attack me Jindingguan, the old man is endless with you!"

Didn’t the three ancestors die with Jindingguan? Why did you suddenly shoot now?

I had to start from the beginning, but said that the three ancestors made the wrong idea. When Huang An and others climbed to the top of the mountain, they did not intend to destroy Chunyang Taoist Temple at all, but were directed at the heavenly book.

What's more, it just keeps setting fire to disturb the Jinding Temple, and there is no time to kill. Looking at the chaotic Jinding Temple, the bandits are not as killers, and the small Taoists naturally have the courage to resist. They just provoke the chaos in the Taoist Temple, except for a few. The elders who were full of blood and couldn't rub the sand were hacked to death, and the remaining Jindingguan monks had no casualties. For a while, these ancestors looked ugly.

Waiting to see that the bandit went straight to the top of the mountain, unexpectedly grabbed Zhang Baiyi, several ancestors suddenly couldn't sit still, Zhang Baiyi was the only seedling of Jindingguan! The three ancestors suddenly became anxious, Zhang Baiyi absolutely couldn't die, so they shot one after another.

Everyone is in the rivers and lakes, and when the means shine, you can know what they are doing.

"Brother, this old Taoist recognized us. I'm afraid I will have some trouble afterwards!" Huang An said with a cold face.

"When the book is in hand, let's go straight into the deep mountains and old forests. Where can Jindingguan look for us?" Liu Tong disapproved.

Looking at the mess at the bottom of the mountain, and then at the battle in the sky, Zhang Bairen frowned: "Book of heaven?"

Touching Zhang Baiyi's body, the pocket has indeed been torn.

"It's useless, and the heavenly book can't be preserved!" Zhang Bairen's face was cold, smog hung over his face, covering his figure, a pair of blue divine light flowing in his eyes, and the surrounding mountains for dozens of miles flashed in his eyes. Over.

"You have found your body!" Zhang Bairen controlled Zhang Baiyi's body, and stepped across dozens of miles to a cave.

The cave was full of flames, and a skinny old man was sitting cross-legged in the cave, like a wooden and motionless.

Zhang Bairen had a cold light on his face and didn't say a word, just quietly waiting for the end of the war on the mountain.

After about a quarter of an hour, suddenly I saw a stream of air in the air, and a burst of laughter spread throughout the cave: "Hahaha! Hahaha! After decades of hard planning, the book of heaven finally fell into my hands. It is time for me to wait. Brothers fly into the sky and make great achievements."

Liu Tong opened his eyes, his eyes full of laughter.

"Hey! People die for money and birds die for food!" Zhang Bairen sighed softly, resounding through the cave, and suddenly Liu Tong's laughter stopped abruptly, with a frightening expression on his face: "Who are you? Why are you here? "

"The old Taoist priest killed dozens of people in my Zhang family, don't you know who I am?" Zhang Bairen slowly turned around.

"Zhang Baiyi? Aren't you dead? I didn't expect that you would not die like this!" Looking at the face in front of him, Liu Tong smiled dismissively: "Who am I? It turns out that you are a wasteful person. Since the old way can kill the first time, Naturally it can kill you a second time."

ps: The third update today.

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