First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 880: The Bible is lost

"Oh?" Zhang Bairen was surprised: "I said why this squatter almost died, it turned out to be yours!"

"Are you not Zhang Baiyi?" Liu Tong was shocked: "You are a dove occupying a magpie's nest! Who are you?"

"The dead don't need to know the truth!" Zhang Bairen pointed out with a finger. Facing the power of the innate god, Liu Tong had no power to fight back. One of them pointed his eyebrows and forehead, and his three souls and seven souls were drawn out with one finger. , The whole body gasified, leaving behind a pile of clothes and mess.

Zhang Bairen looked at the pile of debris blankly, and shook his head after a while: "The Book of Heaven is not on Liu Tong, so it must be on Zhu Qi and Huang An!"

Now that Jinding Temple is in a mess, where to look for the traces of Zhu Qi and Huang An?

Zhang Bairen left the cave, not interested in the remains of the old Taoist priests, but walked towards the distance.

I saw Zhang Baiyi stretch out his finger and make some calculations. Just about to leave, he accidentally saw a familiar figure dangling in the far field: "Some familiarity, but how could Liu Zhou's remnant appear here? I read it wrong! It's still important to retrieve the heavenly book!"

While talking, Zhang Bairen walked towards a mountain range in the distance.

In the crowd

Liu Zhouwu was an agitated spirit, sensing the murderous intent lingering in the darkness, as if he wanted to freeze his three souls and seven souls, and his blood, his face was full of panic.

When the gaze left, Liu Zhou had a lingering fear and said: "Damn, the Golden Summit View is worthy of being a great school that has been passed down for thousands of years. The background is really unfathomable. The other person's gaze made me feel like I was in death. The feeling of the abyss, there is definitely a terrifying powerhouse in the Golden Summit, but I have never made a move! Fortunately, I have never committed a murder, or I will confess here today!"

Liu Zhouwu's heart was full of fluke. Originally, he wanted to take the opportunity to kill the Zhang family and his son by surprise, so he didn't use any real means along the way. He just dealt with it indiscriminately, and never wanted to let himself escape. Jie, he is really a man of good fortune, this is really good luck.

Without saying anything, Liu Zhouwu immediately dived downhill quietly taking advantage of the chaos, and then disappeared in the mountains and forests.

Zhang Bairen didn't know about Liu Zhou, and his heart was all tied to the book of heaven.

It's nothing more than a person who sees the gods. For him, there is no difference compared with the bone-changing ones. They are all crushed to death.

As he was talking, Zhang Bairen stretched out his finger and tapped his hand on the ground. After a while, I walked to a mountain gorge port and stood quietly on a bluestone, waiting for someone to come.

Before Zhang Bairen waited long, he heard a burst of air breaking, and the harsh sonic boom could be heard as long as he was not blind.


Zhu Ku broke through the sonic boom and shuttled in the darkness. Suddenly, a large handprint that covered the sky and the sun fell from the sky. Before he could react, he had already patted it into flesh.

"No?" Zhang Bairen frowned, flipping through Zhu Qi's relic, there was no trace of the heavenly book.

Zhang Bairen scratched his eyebrows: "It must be Huang An's body!"

After taking Zhu Kui's Heavenly Chongpaku and turning it into air, Zhang Bairen stretched out his palm to make calculations, and then stepped forward to the far horizon.

"That's it!" Zhang Bairen stood still and waited alone in the dark.

Not long after hearing the sound of footsteps, Zhang Bairen frowned suddenly: "Who came from? But Huang An, guardian of the Heavenly Master Tao?"

Why not just slap the opponent to death? It's because the popularity machine is a little weird, and Zhang Bairen is afraid that he will kill the wrong person.

"Who are you?" With a sound of footsteps, the figure stopped in the darkness.

"It seems that you are Huang An, and the heavenly book is on you. The Governor is the one who takes your life!" Zhang Bairen's words were cold, seeming to be colder than the north wind, a strand of hair cut through the void, instantly fighting the head Soaring into the sky.

Zhang Bairen came to the visitor, looked at the other person's clothes, and then his complexion changed wildly. It was suddenly difficult to look like: "That's okay! The heavenly book is not on this servant at all. Did you kill the wrong person?"

This is impossible. Judging from the tone of the other party's reply, it is Huang An with seven to eight points.

Zhang Bairen's complexion was ugly, and he looked into the distance. At this time, Jinding Temple was in a mess. The bandits of all walks of life had already gone. How would he find it?


Don't be kidding, the heavenly book can automatically block the secret!

Looking at Jinding Temple from a distance, Zhang Bairen's expression was gloomy: "Come on! Stop! Stop! The heavenly book is always stolen by the people in the field. When I chase and kill me in the future, I don't believe I can't find the heavenly book."

After speaking, Zhang Baiyi's divine light disappeared and he collapsed in the canyon.

Golden Summit

The ancestor Chaoyang looked at the ruined wall with an ugly face, and then looked at the disciples with their heads drooping, not feeling angry.

"Brother, how can this end?" Zhengyang ancestor said helplessly.

Originally, the ancestors of Zhengyang planned to take the opportunity to subvert the number of days of Jinding Temple, and then re-establish Jinding Temple without breaking or rebuilding. He never thought that something like this happened!

Now that most of the Jindingguan building has been destroyed, the disciples have not died much, but a lot of treasures have been lost. This is a loss. If I had known this, I shouldn't let the heroes below go up the mountain smoothly, and the opponent must lose half of the men.

"Three ancestors, it's not good! It's not good! Baiyi is gone!" Zhang Fei looked panicked, and ran up from the mountain with a muddled face.

"Baiyi is gone?" The three ancestors changed their expressions when they heard the words. Look at me and I see you, and the sunset ancestor said: "Hurry up! Find it! Baiyi must have nothing!"


Zhang Bairen watched Zhu Wu's soul refining, and as soon as he stretched out his palm, he saw the sky soaring out and falling into his own hands.

"Why is the Governor?" The Taoist Master of Heaven was taken aback.

Zhang Bairen said unhurriedly: "Zhu Wu broke up Zhang Jingan's Tian Chong Po, and the governor used his Tian Chong Po to make up for it."

The head teacher nodded when he heard the words, and when Zhu Wu's whole soul was lifted, he looked at Zhang Bairen, "Captain, is this explanation satisfactory?"

Zhang Bairen nodded: "Tian Shi Dao deserves to be a Tian Shi Dao, with strict disciplines and regulations, even the governor has to admire three points."

Listening to Zhang Bairen's words, the head teacher sighed helplessly, with a shame on his face: "The Patriarch is ashamed!"

"If it's not early today, the governor invites you to enter and rest, how about a banquet for apologizing for the governor tomorrow?" the head teacher respectfully said.

Zhang Bairen nodded, agreeing with the arrangement of the master teacher, but secretly said in his heart: "Tomorrow, the teacher is afraid that there will be a good show! I will not be too late after watching this good show!"

Lying in the guest room, Zhang Bairen went to sleep directly.

Zhang Bairen slept soundly, but the entire Nantian Shidao and Jinding Temple were sleepless all night.

"Such a big scandal happened tonight, and the prestige of my Nantianshidao will surely plummet." In the main hall of the Tianshidao, the torch was blazing, and the head teacher stood in front of the statue of the patriarch, respectfully put on a stick of incense, and turned around. Said: "This matter has become smaller and smaller. I don't want to hear anything from the outside world. Can the elders do it?"

The elders below nodded together, and one of the ancestors said: "I wait for the face of the heavenly master, naturally I won't say much, just where the chief governor..."

After listening to the ancestor's words, the head teacher was speechless and started to have a headache.

Zhang Bairen is just a smelly and hard stone, what can he do?

The palm teacher hit the case waved to the people below, and walked towards the back hall.

Golden Summit

The three ancestors gathered with Zhang Fei.

"Baiyi found it. Jindingguan is now surrounded by people. If there is no response, I am afraid that people will think we are good for bullying!" Zhang Fei gritted his teeth.

"It’s fine for Baiyi to be fine. There are people from Nantian Master Dao who have taken this shot. Although Nantian Master’s Dao is strong, he still needs to give me Jindingguan an explanation, otherwise the matter is endless! I am not bullying. !" The ancestor of the setting sun was hot-tempered: "Tomorrow, let's go to Nantian Master Dao and ask a clear understanding. How can I easily expose my Jindingguan suffering such a loss?"

"Good! This remark is great!" The other two ancestors also nodded together: "Jin Ding Guan is not easy to provoke. Now Jin Ding Guan has suffered such a big loss, it should be called Nan Tian Shi Dao to make up for our losses."

"Tomorrow, I'll be there soon!"

ps: Fourth more.

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