First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 883: Good show opening

No matter who it is, it is strange to hear that my man asks him to seduce other men.

Changsun Wugou turned and left with an aura, Li Yuanba lowered his head, as if blind to the foreground.

The Spring Returned gentleman adorned the plum blossoms with his back to Li Shimin, and said slowly: "Don’t forget the son, you have Zhang Bairen’s secret technique in your body. If you can exchange the scumbag for the secret technique, son will only No worries!"

After listening to Chunguijun, Li Shimin looked ugly and went to persuade his daughter-in-law to seduce other men. How could this be said?

After Chunguijun finished speaking, he was not making stubbles, but just sorting out the plum trees in the yard.

After a while, I saw Li Shimin gritting his teeth: "Anyway, I said before, now there is nothing wrong with persuading!"

Seeing Li Shimin's enlightenment, Chunguijun nodded: "Russ can be taught! It's not asking you to give Wugou to Zhang Bairen, just to tempt you. The ancient criminal gave Xi Shi, which has achieved the great cause of the King of Yue. There are many people who do this. You are just temporarily putting Wuhou by Zhang Bairen's side. After you have achieved Wangtu's hegemony, it will not be too late to bring Wuhou back. Anyway, Zhang Bairen can't be like a girl, and you won't suffer. !"

These words seemed to be the catalyst, and Li Shiminli nodded her head repeatedly: "Mister is right!"

After speaking, he strode to his yard, but saw the grandson Wugu sitting in the pavilion. The cold wind blew and wetted the hair on the top of his head, and the mist continued to fill, like a fairy.

"Still angry?" Li Shimin stood behind the grandson Wugou, holding him in his arms.

The grandson Wugou was silent. She was a virtuous woman and didn't want to argue.

Li Shimin was silent for a while before speaking slowly: "Zhang Bairen has five incarnations of innate gods, Wugou also practiced martial arts, you should know what this means! If you can't hold Zhang Bairen, even if the Great Sui is destroyed, the world will never want to be unified. When the time comes, the world's dragon spirit will be torn apart, and he will be the number one person in the world, unable to reunite with the middle-earth dragon spirit, no one will be his opponent."

"Five innate gods? The second brother will not have a fever and burn his brain. How can one have five incarnations of innate gods? One has the blessing of inviting heaven, let alone five?" Changsun Wugu did not believe it.

"I didn't believe it originally. How can people have five incarnations of innate gods!" Li Shimin smiled bitterly, feeling the five innate gods phantoms stationed in his five internal organs. I didn't think of these before, but through the previous spring. Li Shimin had already believed in the words of Guijun very much.

"For my husband, he was hit by Zhang Bairen's secret technique and turned into a puppet by him. If he can't win the position of the 95th Supreme, he won't be able to escape his palm in the future." Li Shimin wanted to give himself a slap in the face, where there is a pie in the sky. At that time, I was blinded by benefits.

To blame, the aura of the innate gods is too tempting for the acquired creatures. It is simply a fatal temptation. It comes from the temptation of instinct and is not controlled by anyone.

"Second brother, are you really in the calculation?" Changsun Wugou suddenly turned around, his eyes full of worry.

Li Shimin gritted his teeth, his eyes were soaked with tears, his eyes looked far away silently.

"I go!"

Changsun Wugou's voice was a little choked, she could clearly feel Li Shimin's body tense, murderous and painful in her heart.

"Wugou, I'm sorry for you! In the future, if I am the emperor, you must be the queen of the world!" Li Shimin hugged the eldest grandson Wugou tightly, seemingly wishing to rub his arms into his arms fiercely: "Although you have Wugou Body, but it is also where your terminal illness lies. The earthly red air continues to erode your unsullied body, and sooner or later it will kill you. Now Zhang Bairen is the first person in the world, he If you are willing to take action, there may be a way to solve your hidden illness."

"I help you to purify your blood with Wushen Qi, and it is my mission to become a phoenix body. If you can achieve something, I will rest assured! Even if you die, there is no regret!" Changsun Wukui stood up gently , A pair of eyes looked into the distance: "Where is he?"

Li Shimin was silent, and after a while, he said, "Nantian Master!"

The Li family deserves to be the Li family, and the mastery of Zhang Bairen's deeds is astonishing.

Wu Gu's eyes were red and swollen. After a while, he said, "Don't worry, I will buy enough time for you anyway. Zhang Bairen can't get close to female sex. I am immaculate. It is a fatal temptation for monks. Don’t worry about him taking advantage of me, then I can try to seduce him!"

After speaking, the grandson Wu Gu turned to the agency and stroked Li Shimin's cheeks. At this time, Li Shimin's eyes were closed and his cheeks twisted, which was really terrifying.

"Let's go!" Changsun Wugou sighed lightly, without preparing to pack his bags, he walked out of Li's Mansion so lightly and headed towards Mount Lu.


Zhang Bairen finished his vomiting and finished morning class with the Taoist priests. The Taoist Master of the Heavenly Master gave Zhang Bairen a banquet, which was counted as a compensation.

"Nan Tianshi said this scum, it is simply a shame to my Nantian Shidao, I am ashamed of my ancestors! Ashamed of my ancestors!" A murderous look appeared in the eyes of the Taoist teacher, "Don't be offended by Taoists. My Nantian Master Dao must capture the traitor as soon as possible, and give an explanation to the chief governor! Give an explanation to the dead souls of the Zhang family!"

Zhang Bairen smiled secretly in his heart, Liu Tong and the others had been slaughtered by himself.

Looking at the head teacher of Nantian Shidao, Zhang Bairen nodded, holding up the wine glass with a gloomy expression: "Thank you for the head teacher, the governor of the capital will do it first!"

I was eating a banquet, and suddenly I only heard the bell ringing at the foot of the mountain to welcome guests, and then heard a rush of footsteps: "Teacher, the three ancestors of Chunyang Taoist Temple come together, come and visit!"

"Oh?" The instructor looked at Zhang Bairen. Now it is no secret that Zhang Bairen and Jindingguan are related: "Later, the Taoist priest will go to the foot of the mountain to pick up the three people and have a feast with him."

Zhang Bairen nodded without changing his face, and sneered in his heart: "A good show is here!"


An elder lowered his voice when he saw the master teacher walking by, "Master, we don't have a deep friendship with Chunyang Taoist Temple. The three real Yang gods from the other side are coming together. I am afraid that the person who came is not good! You need to be careful about everything. !"

The palm teacher nodded slightly and walked down the mountain calmly.

How can he not know this? But so what? Zhang Bairen is sitting here! No matter how great the contradiction between Zhang Bairen and Chunyang Taoist temple is, it is also an internal contradiction!

Zhang Bairen accompanied the elders to drink slowly and ate vegetarian food on the table. At this time, the head teacher came to the foot of the mountain and looked at the three real people with serious faces and upright Yang Gods, and said in his heart: "If it is true, it is not good. , I just don’t know where the problem is!"

"I have seen a few fellow daoists. It's a coincidence that a few fellow daoists came. The chief governor was having a banquet on the mountain. Now that a few of them are here, they happen to talk to the chief governor!"

"Oh, Zhang Bairen is here?" The ancestor Chaoyang nodded, with a little joy in his eyes. Zhang Bairen is here, then some things are easy to do: "There is a labor leader to lead the way, I will wait to see the governor! "

The instructor nodded, and led the three of them to the mountain: "A few fellow Taoists come with Taoist Temple is really lucky, and there is such a figure as the governor of the city. This is a lifelong cultivator. The blessings that come."

"It's so so, it's just my accumulation of luck for thousands of years in Jindingguan!" The ancestor Chaoyang said politely, his eyes full of pride.

On the one hand, Ancestor Zhengyang and Ancestor Sunset followed them expressionlessly like puppets. Seeing this scene, the palm teacher turned his mind to himself, but didn't know what medicine was sold in the three old gourds of Chunyang.

Just thinking about it, a group of people came to the main hall, and all the elders of Nantian Shidao had stood up to greet him. Only Zhang Bairen sat in the main seat, like an old **** like Taishan, sipping wine without hesitation.

Seeing this scene, all the elders of the Tianshi Dao were moved in their hearts. It seemed that the relationship between Zhang Bairen and Jindingguan was not as good as everyone had imagined.

Nantian Master Taoist Master saw this scene, and his thoughts flowed.

"Everyone, these are the three Daoists of Chunyang Taoist Temple, all of whom have Taoism cultivation!" Nantian Master Taoist Master said.

Everyone saw the ceremony, but Chaoyang Patriarch's complexion was a bit ugly.

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