First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 884: Scheming


No grievances!

Jin Dingguan asked Zhang Bairen to take action twice to eliminate Zhang Baiyi's Taoist merits. It is already a grievance and grievance, and even the friendship between the two parties is gradually fading.

"I have seen the governor!" The ancestor Chaoyang led the three brothers and saluted Zhang Bairen.

For the cultivator, filial piety is first.

But grandpa salutes his grandson, what the **** is this?

The faces of the three ancestors were unsightly, and the faces of the elders of Nantian Shidao were also somewhat intriguing and unpredictable.

Zhang Bairen nodded: "Get up, the capital governor is not interested in this set!"

Is there no hatred for Chunyang Taoist Zhang Bairen?

If Chunyang Taoist Temple was willing to make a move, the Zhang family would definitely not suffer this calamity.

But there are no ifs in life, and even Zhang Bairen suspects that Zhang Fei's approach to Zhang's mother is for the heavenly book!

Seeing the awkward atmosphere in the field, the Taoist Master Nantian hurriedly said: "Three fellow Taoists, please come here!"

The three of them sat down, drank a glass of wine with everyone, and listened to the old ancestor Chaoyang put down the glass and said: "Teacher, today my three brothers came to Nantian Shidao. There are important things to ask for advice. Most of the supervisors are present, and you can also be a witness! "

"What's the matter? The three Dao brothers do not hesitate to come!" The palm teacher was smiling, but his heart became vigilant.

The ancestor of Chaoyang said: "Last night I was attacked by criminals at Jindingguan, and my disciples were killed and injured, and most of the Jindingguan houses were burned down!"

Hearing the words, the head teacher was taken aback, his face was full of stunned: "Who is so bold and dare to attack Jinding Temple?"

The ancestor of Chaoyang fixed his eyes on the master teacher, and after a while, he said, "The leaders are Liu Tong and Zhu Wei of the Nantian Master Tao. I still need to teach me Jindingguan to explain this matter, otherwise I will give me an explanation. Viewing is a face-sweeping. How can I gain a foothold in the spiritual world in the future? I'm afraid that my disciples of Jinding Temple won't let it go!"

"It's actually these three traitors!" Without waiting for the teacher to speak, Elder Chu suddenly slapped the table, angrily: "If you meet these two traitors, even if you kill them directly, I will never pursue them. ."

"Elder Chu, stay calm for the time being." The head teacher waved his hand and motioned to Elder Chu to sit down, looking at the three elders of Chunyang who looked confused, and said helplessly: "My Nantian Master Taoist School is unfortunate, and there are three traitors, most of them supervise. Because of this, the two elders said that the door wall has been removed by my Nantian Master Dao! An endless hunting order was issued, and now my Nantian Master Dao is also looking for those two traitors. If you meet me, please tell me to wait. My Nantian Master Dao is grateful."

After listening to the master's words, the three old Chunyang had become angry and didn't know how to speak for a while.

The head teacher told the story once, and then looked at Zhang Bairen: "The chief governor is in person, and the chief governor participates in all matters. I know that my Nantian Shidao never made any false statements!"

Hearing this, the third elder Chunyang was dumbfounded, and the ancestor Zhengyang suddenly slapped the table: "Teacher, you are not kind, and everything is pushed back and forth, where is such a good thing? Zhu Kui and Liu Tongjii came from Nantian Shidao, so I will naturally have to hold Nantian Shidao accountable. Now, I will not conceal it anymore. Zhu Qi and Liu Tong stole the celestial books left by the ancestor Zhang Daoling. The Book of Heaven is so precious, Nantian Master Dao will not wait for me to explain, this matter must not be let go!"

"Book of Heaven?"

The hall was silent for a moment, and the needles were almost audible. Even the breathing of the elders almost stopped in an instant.

"Yes, it is the celestial book left by the ancestor Zhang Daoling. It has now been robbed by the band of bandits led by Zhu Qi and Liu Tong. Would you please explain to me Chunyang Taoism?" Zhengyang ancestor said solemnly.

"Teaching the ancestor's book is a treasure of the Northern Heavenly Master, I don't know how to fall on the Golden Summit?" The Nantian Master said calmly.

The ancestor Zhengyang opened his mouth and explained the relationship between Zhang Bairen, Zhang Baiyi, Zhang Mu, and Zhang Fei. Everyone in the field was stunned. Although they knew about the relationship between Zhang Bairen and Jin Dingguan before, they had never done so. As clear.

Seeing that Zhang Bairen didn't refute it, it was obvious that the matter was not made in a random manner, it was true!

Seeing Zhang Bairen who was sitting in the main seat, the elders suddenly had trouble.

If Zhang Bairen is not there, everyone can push two, five, six, everything is clean, but Zhang Bairen is here, although the relationship with Jindingguan does not look very good, but if you blatantly bully people, I am afraid it is not it is good.

The head teacher grabbed the chopsticks, and looked at the three ancestors with a pair of eyes: "The heavenly book is lost, is there any evidence?"

"If you lose it, you will lose it. Where is the evidence? Your celestial master is not thinking of shamelessly!" Zhengyang ancestor scolded.

The head teacher touched the temples: "My Nantian Master Dao has always been upright and honest, how can I be shameless? When I wait for Liu Tong and Zhu Qi to catch Liu Tong and Zhu Qi, I will definitely give Jin Dingguan an explanation, and wait for you to retrieve the heavenly book!"

Hearing this, everyone's complexion changed. There was nothing wrong with this, but it was not what the three ancestors wanted.

No matter what, you have to take the traitor back first, right?

The traitor is not talking about wool?

Looking at the three ancestors whose complexions were constantly changing, the head teacher solemnly said: "Once the two traitors are captured, the book of heaven will definitely be given with both hands."

The three ancestors glanced at each other, seeing that things in the book of heaven did not take advantage, Chaoyang ancestor said: "Then what about the loss of my Jinding Temple? What about the dead disciple?"

"What kind of compensation do the fellow daoists want? Even if you make a list, let's discuss it. My celestial master will pay for it, and my celestial master will have no other words!"

The ancestor Chaoyang stood up and said, "Well, just wait, the list will be delivered soon!"

Then the three ancestors left!

"Just left like this?" Seeing the three of them go away, everyone in the field was stunned, without the quarrel as expected.

Zhang Bairen drank the wine unhurriedly, and the authorities were fascinated by the bystanders. He saw some ways.

The three ancestors came here for the sake of the book of heaven. As for the few people who died, and those buildings, are they now in chaos, and Jindingguan lacks people? Jindingguan has been based for a few years, is it short of money?

It is the purpose of the three ancestors to leak the news from the heavenly book.

In the future, there will be no way for the thieves to survive in the rivers and lakes, and the swords and swords in the rivers and lakes will be rolled up again. Heavenly Master Dao will definitely go all out to find the whereabouts of the heavenly books. At that time, it will be the time for Chunyang Taoist Temple to exert its strength.

"A scheming plan!" Zhang Bairen groaned, and continued to drink slowly.

"The chief governor, look at this matter..." The instructor looked at Zhang Bairen with a wry smile.

Zhang Bairen shook his head: "Everything started because of the Heavenly Master Dao, and this matter should also end on the Heavenly Master Dao. Your Majesty's second expedition is imminent, and the Governor is afraid that there will be no time to intervene.

Holy Book?

Just one volume of heavenly books, Zhang Bairen himself has five living heavenly books in his body, and he may not be able to fully understand all of them after exhausting his life.

"Your Majesty is going to march again?" The head teacher was taken aback.

Zhang Bairen nodded: "I wonder if the Heavenly Master Dao can contribute any more this time?"

The head teacher smiled bitterly: "The general governor, the celestial master told such a thing, how can he help the court? Moreover, the Eastern Expedition is a big fire pit. If people do not speak secretly, the general governor should know the meaning of the trail."

"Where is Nantian Master Dao Yabao?"

Zhang Bairen suddenly changed the Do not make a joke, do not make a joke! "The head teacher almost slipped out the words, so scared that he hurriedly shut up.

Zhang Bairen shook his head: "This vegetarian wine is not bad. Give me thirty jars!"

"Capital Governor, you are killing people, this treasure is only fifty altars in the Southern Heavenly Master Tao! If it weren't for the Governor's method to drive today, I would not bear to drink it on weekdays!" The instructor smiled bitterly.

"Twenty altars, can't be less!" Zhang Bairen took the wine altar and stood up slowly: "Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the country. It is a good thing for us to take the opportunity to reduce the national strength of Goryeo!"

"The governor, Ulchi Wende cultivates the Great Zhoutian Stars Divine Art, which is truly on the ancient road. We may not get any benefits if we go, but it is better not to go. There is a great governor, which is enough to be worth thousands of troops. "The head teacher complimented.

"Let's do it!" Zhang Bairen glanced at the instructor, turned and walked outside the hall.

"This...what's the matter with this! What kind of evil did I make!" The head teacher looked at the elders with a weeping face: "Which elder is willing to go to Liaodong?"

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