First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 885: Peerless Legacy Independence

When these words fell, the elders were silent for a moment, and all of them bowed their heads and ate the vegetarian food on the table, seemingly not hearing the words of the master.

Liaodong is a big fire pit, whoever jumps in will die!

Even if you don’t die, you have to have karma for cause and effect, and it’s hard to turn around later.

Dressed in purple, Zhang Bairen walked down from Lushan unhurriedly, carrying a wine jar the size of a baby's head.


The wind and clouds in the sky are changing, and the black clouds that are crushed in a moment are swept in with the gust of wind, and the sky becomes much gloomy.

Zhang Bairen never does anything horrendous. There is no doubt that Zhang Bairen likes beauty.

The overwhelming sleet fell from the sky, and the Yellow River Dragon King urged Dao Fa in the distance, and his eyes widened to the boss: "Humans are really terrible. Even their own wives can sacrifice for the great cause. If you change to this king, this king will definitely I won't do it like this!"

There were ripples on the river, and a small boat was suspended on the shore. At this moment, the curtain of the small boat was lifted, and an old man said to Zhang Bairen: "The master, hurry into the cabin to avoid the wind and rain. !"

Zhang Bairen’s clothes were already wet by the sudden rain and snow. He smiled when he heard this, and stepped on the bow: "Thank you, Mr. Zhang!"

Opening the curtain, Zhang Bairen was stunned for a moment, but saw a woman dressed in white sitting quietly.

Quiet and no time!

There seemed to be a weird qi to stir up his mind all the time, the innate **** in the soul was beating, this woman seemed to have a fatal attraction.

White and flawless, unparalleled in the world.

Zhang Bairen has a way of cultivating, and he immediately recovered, but was amazed by the woman's face. Compared to Zhang Lihua, it was not a difference. On the contrary, because of the flawlessness that could not tolerate any filth in the world, it made him even more. Sub-style.

"This woman is a guest of Lao Zhang. I don't know why the other day, this girl actually committed suicide by throwing herself into the river, but she was saved by the old man, but she lost her memory!" The boatman sighed lightly and raised the fire. , The plump big carp was cut open and put in the stove to boil.

"You have meat and I have wine. Let's go together, but the match is just right!" Zhang Bairen put down the wine jar in his hand.

"Hahaha, Dao's long clothes are luxurious, and he looks extraordinary. This wine is definitely not an ordinary wine!" The fisherman complimented, his face full of wind and frost.

"Now that the old man relies on water for drafting, he also ends up at ease" Zhang Bairen smiled.

"It's not as simple as what the Taoist said. Now there are many wild monsters in Heze, and they have killed them if they don't pay attention. The old man is just asking for a life!" At this point, the stove was turned up and the smell of fish came out, and the old man took out his chopsticks. Handed it to Zhang Bairen and the woman, the three of them sat together, listening to the old man's words: "The little old man asks for something, and I hope that Dao Master can help me."

"It's a fate that you and I met. It doesn't matter if you have anything to say," Zhang Bairen poured a glass of wine to the old man.

"Good wine! I'm afraid that for some years, the little old man has never had such a good wine!" The old man's face was full of intoxication, and the layers of ravines and folds also relaxed a lot in an instant.

Zhang Bairen pecked the wine lightly, looking at the white-clothed woman, forcibly suppressing the restlessness of the divine fetus, sipping the wine unhurriedly, and looking at the river with his eyes.

"There is a saying: A hundred years of cultivation can be carried on the same boat, and a thousand years of cultivation can sleep together. The little old man is alone, just such a fishing boat. This woman looks like a woman from the family. The little old man is afraid that he can't afford it! And nowadays, the army is in chaos, this Waiting for a woman to stay with the little old man will only bring disaster! The boat is so big, it is really inconvenient for lone men and widows." The fisherman paused, then looked at Zhang Bairen: "The heavenly court is full, and the majestic spirit is so powerful that he wants to come. He is a big and earth-shattering man. He also hopes that the son will take this woman away and ask the little old man to ask for a peace."

"Oh?" Zhang Bairen showed a look of surprise, then nodded: "You are a wise old man. It is a mistake to be beautiful in this chaotic world."

The old man said, "This woman was spotted by a big family under Lushan the other day. The little old man couldn't bear to let this woman go into the tiger's mouth and ruined her life in vain. An old man stepped on the water last night and did some divination. Point out that I have a distinguished guest passing by today, you can ask!"

Zhang Bairen was stunned, and he never thought that someone could guess his track, the magical magical powers in this world are really incredible.

Human beings are so weak that they can fight against the unparalleled ruler of the heavens and the earth, naturally there are all kinds of incredible methods.

"I also ask the son to take in. The little girl is willing to follow the son as a slave and serve the son!" The woman took the opportunity to salute.

Zhang Bairen nodded: "Since the meeting is destined, it doesn't hurt to be by my side."

The old fisherman is witty, and the beauty of a woman in troubled times is itself a sin.

Zhang Bairen looked at the woman and looked at the face of the other side carefully, only to see that her forehead was full, her lips were rosy and attractive, and her small nose was even more tickling. The two eyes are like grapes, dribbling around, coupled with the blush, it is very heart-warming.

Zhang Bairen said, "Do you still remember your name?"

The woman shook her head, her face full of innocence.

Zhang Bairen drank a glass of wine: "You have a fate, although your fate is only a rudimentary form, but your future identity is also very noble, and being with me is considered a good bond."

far away

The Yellow River Dragon King shook his head and said, "This kid Li Shimin is really ruthless!"

As he spoke, his figure dived into the river and disappeared.

Watching the wind and snow stop, Zhang Bairen took out a little silver from his sleeve and put it in the cabin, then stepped down to the shore.

The fisherman looked at the woman: "If you haven't followed up yet, this Taoist leader is a noble person. He will continue to follow the old man, I'm afraid you will encounter accidents!"

The woman nodded, reluctantly stepped off the boat and came to Zhang Bairen's side.

"Let's go!" Zhang Bairen took the woman and walked slowly on the mountain path.

"Do you remember your name?" Zhang Bairen walked ahead.

"No time!" The woman bit her red lips and said.

Zhang Bairen was silent for a while, and then said: "You are a good martial artist, you are upright, and the blood is pure. This capital governor has never seen it before. If it falls in the mouth of a monster, it is an elixir of life."

The woman sneered when she heard the words: "How can the son be so exaggerated."

After walking for a while, came to the top of the mountain and stood still in the cold wind. Zhang Bairen looked at the woman beside him, and his whole body was not stained with dust.

"Weird! There seems to be a strange power in you, so that you will not be contaminated with the worldly filth!" Zhang Bairen stretched out slowly, looking at the distant scenery with his eyes.

The woman stared at Zhang Bairen's profile for a long time in a daze.

"What? Is there a flower on my face?" Zhang Bairen turned his head and smiled narrowly.

The woman's face was slightly red, and she quickly turned around: "No!"

Zhang Bairen smiled: "Let's go, follow me to Zhuo County, since you have a name, then I can find your family."

The two went down the mountain, Zhang Bairen walked in front, and after a while, they heard the woman say: "The son seems to be working in the court?"

"The running dog of the court" Zhang Bairen smiled.

"Huh?" The woman was taken aback, as if she was shocked by Zhang Bairen's answer.

Zhang Bairen didn't look back, but just continued to walk: "I'm contributing to the court and being an enemy of the big family. In the eyes of the big family, isn't it a running dog!"

"When today's son is tyrannical and mediocre, causing the people to live in a hurry, and the son has an extraordinary demeanor, why should he be loyal to the current sage?" No time to show curiosity.

"You don't understand the righteousness of family and country!" Zhang Bairen said.

"The governor discriminates against women, how can I not understand?" There was no time to argue.

"Do you know what is the Great Harmony of the World?" Zhang Bairen turned around and glanced at him without time, standing still and thinking, the mountain breeze makes his eyes straighten.

Peerless people are independent!

It seems that she was born specifically for this woman.

"Naturally, the monarch is wise and the people are well!" There was no time to look back at Zhang Bairen who was in a daze.

Feeling his flawless gaze, Zhang Bairen quickly retracted his gaze, and his heart moved secretly: "What happened today, it seems that all my mind is attracted by this woman! There is something in this woman that exudes fatal attraction to me!"

Something is wrong!

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