First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 886: Fatal attraction

This woman is indeed the best, her looks and body are the best of the best, but this woman is no better than her grandson sisters and Zhang Lihua. How can she keep her eyes on her?

It seems that compared with this woman, everything in the heavens and the earth has turned into filth, and she alone is the only pure thing, making people unable to help but want to cleanse the filth.

"Weird! Weird!" Zhang Bairen felt strange, and he felt strange about the origin of this woman.

The two walked all the way, Zhang Bairen's feet shrank into an inch, leading the woman to Zhuojun and back to Chengnan Manor.

"Sir, I brought back a sister again. My sister is really pure, like melting snow in the mountains, pure and flawless!" Zhang Lihua looked at Wuxian, and hurriedly stepped forward and took a step forward, glaring at Zhang Bairen. , Joked.

Zhang Bairen was immune to Zhang Lihua's gaze, and tapped his fingers several times: "Have you found the news about the illusion?"

Zhang Lihua shook her head: "I didn't find the news about the fantasy road, but I found a lot of news about Jindingguan!"

"Oh?" Zhang Bairen sat on a wicker chair, looking directly at the sun in the sky.

"The book of Jindingguan is lost. Zhang Baiyi washes his face with tears all day long. The treasure is like grass in his hand. Only when you lose it can you know how precious the treasure is" Zhang Lihua sighed.

"Have there ever been news from the heavenly book? How about the chasing and killing of various people?" Zhang Bairen frowned.

"Most of them died, and the remaining very small part was also fleeing, and some people were missing. It seems that all traces in this world have been erased, and the Military Secret Mansion can't find it!" Zhang Lihua said.

Zhang Bairen tapped his finger on the case table, and Zhang Lihua sat with Wuxian, whispering.

"By the way, the three ancestors of Jindingguan have been waiting for you with Baiyi for three days, and they are waiting in Zhuojun!" Zhang Lihua said.

"Oh?" Zhang Bairen's movement of hitting the case was stagnant: "The cause and effect of the Governor and Jindingguan have been wiped out. Why are they looking for me?"

"Zhang Baiyi lost the heavenly book, lost the orthodox practice method, the method you practice is the most core method of Jinding Temple, who else can you have without looking for you!" Zhang Lihua said.

"Hahaha, kid... You humans, this **** thing is so fun!" Yi Yuanquan couldn't help but laugh.

"Shut up, you guy!" Zhang Bairen stabbed the sleeve, while looking at Zhang Bairen's sleeve in surprise, showing a thoughtful look.

"I'm just telling the truth, so why do you become angry!" Yi Yuanquan said with a dull eye.

"If you dare to talk nonsense anymore, I will tell you to taste what is pain" Zhang Bairen smiled coldly.

The Yi Yuanquan smiled bitterly after hearing the words: "Okay! Okay! Okay! I'm unlucky for my ancestors. I'm afraid of you, ancestors, okay? I've never heard of grandpa saluting my son..."

Listening to Yi Yuanquan's ridicule, Zhang Bairen's expression suddenly became gloomy. This man was mocking himself.

"Tell them to come in! Send it back soon so that you can be clean!" Zhang Bairen sighed helplessly.

Zhang Lihua nodded, got up and ordered.

Not long after, I saw the three ancestors of Chunyang Taoist Temple, leading the desperate Zhang Baiyi walk in.

"Bairen!" Chaoyang ancestor sighed softly.

Zhang Bairen stood up helplessly: "Aren't we clear of our grievances, cause and effect? ​​Why do you come to me?"

Zhang Bairen looked at the ten-day refining map in front of him, and turned around to look at the three ancestors and Zhang Baiyi.

The ancestor Chaoyang looked silent, and after a while he said: "The heavenly book is lost, you should have received the news too!"


Zhang Bairen’s brush was turned into two paragraphs, and he suddenly turned his head to look at the crowd: “What is the meaning of teaching the ancestral book to me? You don’t know. That is the only thing my mother left behind. It was originally deposited in Jinding Temple. The governor didn't say anything. Who would have thought that you would have lost the heavenly book!"

"Now you tell me that the heavenly book is lost, how should I reply to you?" Zhang Bairen's eyes flashed with murderous intent.

He is indeed angry! For him, the book of heaven did not have that great effect, but its significance was greater than its effect.

The three were silent.

"Brother, it's my fault. If you want to blame you, please blame me! Don't blame the three grandpas. The three grandpas never thought that the other party came for the book of heaven." Zhang Baiyi stepped forward, bowing his head.

Looking at Zhang Baiyi, Zhang Bairen looked at it for a while before turning around and continuing to observe the Ten-Day Refining Chart: "There is indeed growth. The previous arrogance has worn away a lot, and I actually knew that I took the initiative to admit my mistake!"

"Brother, blame me if you blame it!" Zhang Baiyi whispered.

"Blame you? Blame you to find the heavenly book?" Zhang Bairen looked at Zhang Baiyi, and then scanned the three ancestors: "If several people come to discuss the heavenly book with me, it is unnecessary. Up!"

"Bairen, you have practiced the Three-Yang-rectification method. There is no one before and after. Your brother has lost the heavenly book now, and his future is slim..." The ancestor Chaoyang hesitated and said: "I hope you can teach the Baiyi Sanyang-rectification method. The Pure Sun Taoist Temple has been in decline. If Baiyi cannot rise, the Zhang Family's Taoism will be extinct. We are all sinners who are ashamed of our ancestors!"

"Sanyang Golden Crow rectification?" Zhang Bairen frowned, and looked at the crowd: "Don't you all have the formula?"

"There are formulas, but how to adopt the power of the sun and practice the three-yang key, I can't understand it!" Zhengyang ancestor said helplessly.

Zhang Bairen took a deep breath, feeling a little helpless! After all, there is a feeling of incense!

But to practice the Three Suns Golden Crow-rectification method, you must cultivate the Aoki real body. If you don't practice the Aoki real body, how can you simulate the power of photosynthesis?

How precious is Qingmu's immortal body, this kind of righteous law is directed at the longevity law, how can he pass it on?

"Enlightenment is enlightenment! One of the key points will naturally be understood!" Zhang Bairen ran his finger across the ten-day refining map: "Back then, I had taught you all the insights and formulas. You can't understand it, but you are talented. , I don’t have enough chance, I can’t help it!"

"Bairen, Jindingguan is destined to decline. Baiyi is your own brother, a blood-linked brother. You have broken bones and connected tendons. You can’t leave him alone! You have a bright future, but your brother still needs your care. "It's a good deal," said the ancestor of the sunset hastily.

"There is such a shameless person in the world!" Zhang Bairen was speechless and said after a while: "The incense between me and Jinding Temple and Chunyang Taoist Temple has long been cleared. Back in the East China Sea, when I suffered a lot of calamity and life and death, Jin Dingguan and Chunyang Taoist temples are a number of real Yang gods, but none of them helped me. What do you want him to do with this kind of affection!"

As soon as these words were made, the three ancestors all showed helplessness and shame.

Zhang Bairen looked at Zuoqiu Wuji who was eating abalone: ​​"Wuji, see off the guests!"

Zuo Qiu Wuji took the abalone and stood up and came to a few people: "Master, don't make the villain embarrassed."

The three ancestors took a look at Zhang Bairen and didn't say much, pulling Zhang Baiyi's head down, and walked out of Chengnan Manor.

"Grandpa, what should I do now?" Zhang Baiyi's eyes were full of confusion.

Now that Jindingguan is rumbling, the sunset is west, and he has lost the blessing of Jindingguan. Only then did he know that the rivers and lakes are more terrifying than he thought. This is a cannibalistic world.

And his eldest brother can be famous in this cannibalistic world ~ so that the world's heroes have to bow their heads, and his ability can be imagined.

Hearing this, the ancestor Chaoyang shook his head helplessly: "The Buddha has a big day Tathagata statue. Grandpa will find a way to find it for you. Otherwise, I will ask you to go to various major sects. Although your brother is cold-hearted, he is a cold-hearted person. As long as you don't toss around in the future and really make a deadly enemy, if someone bullies the door, he will still not sit idly by!"

Zhang Baiyi is silent!

The ancestor of Chaoyang sighed softly: "Don't blame him. A five-year-old boy who tasted the warmth and warmth of human affection, reached the top, and crushed the world with his immature age. He had to bow his head and call the chief governor. Who knows what he has experienced , It is my Jinding Taoist theory that is deficient, my pure Yang Taoist owes him, everything is karma!"

Inside the manor

Zhang Bairen threw away the pen in his hand and said with a gloomy expression: "Is there still no news from the heavenly book? This is forcing me to wash the rivers and lakes with blood!"

ps: The fourth update today. guys don't give rewards, and don’t add any rewards. There are free votes to vote.

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