First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 888: 5 lines are perfect, calculate the world

There is no doubt that Sun Simiao has met Wuguo the grandson!

In those days, the eldest grandson Wugou consumed too much life due to his special physique. It was Sun Simiao who helped Sun Wugou suppress his physique.

Li Shimin thought about everything, but left out Sun Simiao.

With the sound of footsteps of'ta','ta', and I saw no time to walk in slowly, a pair of eyes looked at Sun Simiao in the lobby, his complexion changed slightly, and then he walked in with his head down: "I have seen the chief governor, I have seen this Taoist chief."

"Daoist, this is a body without dirt?" Zhang Bairen looked at Sun Simiao.

At this time, Sun Simiao's complexion was tangled, and he wanted to stop talking. After a while, he smiled bitterly and said, "It's indeed an innocent body."

"Please also Dao Chang's move to awaken this woman's memory!" Zhang Bairen said.

Sun Simiao smiled bitterly, took out the silver needle in his hand, and said to the woman: "Come here, and wait for the old Dao to signal your pulse."

No time to walk over obediently, looking pitiful, a pair of big eyes seemed to be able to speak.

Sun Simiao held the Immaculate Vein Gate for a while, and then said: "The governor, this woman is not a memory loss, but lacks the heroic spirit, the old man can do nothing! Her heroic spirit seems to have been hooked away, even if the old man Shots can only awaken part of her memory. As for how much she can awaken, it depends on chance."

"Oh!" Zhang Bairen looked worried: "Also ask Dao Master to try his hand."

Sun Simiao heard that the golden needle in his hand pierced the various acupuncture points on the top of the flawless head, walked through the acupuncture points around the body as quickly as lightning, and then retracted the golden needle: "It is done!"

After speaking, Sun Simiao stood up and said, "Captain, the old Taoist furnace pill is about to be practiced, but it can't be delayed here. As for how much memory this woman can recover, it still depends on God's will, I leave!"

Sun Simiao hurried away, not giving Zhang Bairen a chance to speak.

Looking at the back of Sun Simiao away, Zhang Bairen looked at Wuxian: "How is it? How much memory has been restored? Have you ever remembered his family life?"

No time to shook his head, eyes filled with confusion: "I never remembered!"


Zhang Bairen sighed: "You have lost the Tianying Soul, and you still need to find a way to retrieve your Tianying Soul, otherwise your memory will never be restored."

"Thank you for your help!" No time to thank you.

As I was talking, I only heard a crisp bell ringing: "Bairen! Bairen! I heard that you are back, why don't you go see me!"

Ding Dong's voice came from far away, and Zhang Bairen couldn't avoid it, so he could only bite the bullet and stand in the hall waiting.

"What a beautiful sister!" As soon as Ding Dong entered the hall, he was attracted by No Time.

Curiously came over, wandering around No time, Dingdang looked at Zhang Bairen: "Okay, you saddler, it turns out that there is such a beautiful sister. Forget me!"

"Ding Dong, don't talk nonsense!" Zhang Bairen said helplessly: "I have no time to lose my memory. I accidentally picked it up."

"Oh~~~" Ding Dong stretched the tone, strangely said: "That's it!"

After speaking, I got no time: "Let's ignore him, he is a big bastard, but don't be fooled by him."

Seeing the two go away, Zhang Bairen looked to one side of the hall: "Let’s check the grandson Wugou of Taiyuan's grandson family!"

"Yes!" A guard retreated secretly.

Lu Yu walked in from the outside, eyes full of resentment, and Zhang Bairen had goose bumps.

"What's the matter? Why do you girl look at me like this?" Zhang Bairen rubbed Lu Yu's head. This little girl is about to become refined and has grown into an adult appearance. Although it is not a charming girl, she is also Xiaojiabiyu.

"It's okay, it's about Yang Su...Should we take action?" The little girl looked at Zhang Bairen.

"I'll discuss this matter with the general!" Zhang Bairen groaned slightly.

Hearing this, the little girl hummed, turned around and left arrogantly, leaving Zhang Bairen standing in the hall speechless.

"Huh!" Just as Zhang Bairen was going to find Yu Juluo to discuss Yang Xuangan's preparation for rebellion, suddenly the divine nature in his body was agitated, and a mysterious mood had been secretly transmitted.

"Weird! Could it be that the water trip is done?" Zhang Bairen walked quickly into the secret room, sat down cross-legged, and all his spirits sensed the divinity in his own body.

Within the divine

The vitality of the small world is boiling between heaven and earth at this time.

All the gold, wood, fire and earth in the small world have returned to their place, only one water vitality.

At this time, Zhang Bairen regarded his divinity inwardly, and saw that the last ten thousand water sources in the divine nature collapsed, turning into water and dissipating between heaven and earth.

In the next moment, the vitality of the water between the world and the earth was constantly agitated, and countless water essences condensed, seeming to be feeding back something. I saw the void constantly vibrating, and the dark divine light flowing, unexpectedly condensing the essence of ten thousand waters.

At this point, Zhang Bairen's five elements of vitality have returned to their place, and there is a magical object to suppress vitality.


With the recondensation of the essence of the ten thousand waters, the small world in Zhang Bairen's divine nature suddenly distorted and vibrated, and then the five elements' vitality became chaotic for a moment, and then calmed down at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Zhang Bairen closed his eyes. Although he couldn't understand what this wave of fluctuations meant, he also knew that this was a great opportunity and great fortune.

I can't comprehend it myself, but my divinity can.

It's just that his divinity seems too advanced, a little out of his control.

The Wanshui Essence Bead condensed and formed again, and Zhang Bairen suddenly felt that he seemed to be in touch with the water vitality between heaven and earth.

Regardless of the manifestation of external supernatural powers, Zhang Bairen put all his mind in the small world.

With the derivation and circulation of the five elements of vitality, the vitality of the five elements began to rapidly interweave into a mysterious force and merged into the space barrier. The space of the small world seemed to have a skeleton in an instant, and some subtle changes began to occur.

"It's a pity! I don't have enough Dao and deeds, I can't understand the nature and laws of this change!" Zhang Bairen simply ignored the fluctuations, but looked at the mainland condensed by his own soil.

The elements of the five elements are rapidly deriving, and the earth is rapidly condensing. In such an instant, there are already a radius of more than a dozen miles.

At this time, the power of the origin in the earth is intertwined, and the gold, wood, water, fire and earth shuttle through the stratum.

The most central part of the earth is the origin of the earth. The origin of the earth, the size of a fist, sinks and rises in the origin of the earth, like a weight of iron stone.

In addition to the origin of the earth, there are layers of soil that surround the origin of the earth, and layers of accumulation occupy one-fifth of the earth.

Outside is ordinary soil, countless soil flows, and the overwhelming soil elements quickly condense and turn into ordinary soil, and then ordinary soil undergoes the vicissitudes of the vicissitudes of life and turns into the most precious soil.

At this time, the underground river interspersed in the soil, and a mouthful of springs brought countless vitality to the earth, turning it into the blood of the earth.

In the soil, a dark bead kept rising and falling, and under the bead was a bottomless pond.

This is not ordinary pool water, but pool water composed of various real waters.

Aoki stands quietly on the edge of the pool, growing quietly.

The soil is mixed with Gengjin, and the earth becomes firm and indestructible in an instant.

Everything is moving in a good direction. The only thing that is unsatisfactory is that Zhang Bairen can't realize the changes in the world Zhang Bairen is just studying his own divinity, which is spread all over the space and every inch space.

Every minute and every second of the world's changes are calculated by the divine nature in an instant.

Zhang Bairen's head is a bit big, and the power of divine deduction is too terrifying. Although his world is small, it has formed a five-element cycle after all, but his own divinity is actually measuring the changes in the world every minute and every second, which is simply incredible.

If anyone can grasp every minute and every second change in the world, then he is a god!

He can use leverage and the butterfly effect to exert unmatched power.

"The divine nature wants to deduce a world, it's incredible, too crazy!" Zhang Bairen was shocked inexplicably: "Maybe the third volume of the Taoist Demon Seed, the chance is here!"

Zhang Bairen couldn't imagine how strong the Dao-born Demon Seed would be with the world as a heavenly book.

"It's unbelievable!" Zhang Bairen's face was shocked, and the waves in his heart were hard to calm.

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