First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 889: No time to leave

If a person can count all the changes in the world, even every inch of air flow can be accurately calculated, then this person is no longer a person, but a god! The only true God, this is the ruler of the world.

The circle of the five elements in the world within my family is complete, and it continues to expand and derive, beyond the scope of the sky.

The biggest difference between the cave sky and the small world is that the small world can continue to grow and evolve. The cave sky has been shaped, and there will be no gains in the future.

However, it seems that since entering the practice, I have never heard anyone talk about who condenses the world.

Because nothing can carry the power of the world!

Zhang Bairen slowly opened his eyes, and the vitality of the water screamed around him, and he slapped his fingers at random, and saw that the futon under his hand had turned into an ice tuft and was sealed by one of his palms.

"I hold the supernatural power of water, and this hand is no different than the ice talisman of the ancestor of the Chen family!" Zhang Bairen sneered, and slowly walked out of the cave with his palms on his back. His eyes looked far away. There was heavy snow in the courtyard, but Zhang Bairen did. Can't feel the slightest cold.

"The Chen family also has a little beast hiding in the Li family. If you can't kill it, this seat will feel uneasy!" Zhang Bairen stood in the courtyard and kept calculating, thinking about how to get rid of the opponents.

Some opponents can die, and some opponents cannot die!

Some opponents are more valuable alive than dead! Take Li Shimin, for example, the value of living together is far greater than that of death.

The living Li Shimin's life is in his own hands. If there is an uncontrollable change in the overall situation in the future, he still has a back hand to re-layout.

In fact, Zhang Bairen felt that Yang Guang had given up, at least Yang Guang was ready for the fall of the Sui Dynasty. The emperor is like this, let alone the ministers of the DPRK and the major families?

"The governor, there is a message from the court, and your majesty's handwriting is here" Zhang Lihua walked in from the courtyard.

Zhang Bairen took the yellow edict in Zhang Lihua's hand, and then smiled at the corner of his mouth: "On March 3rd of the Shangsi Festival, a national memorial will be held. With the help of the last breath of the Great Sui Dynasty, it seems that I still need to go to Mobei and paste my gold. Take it back."

"The governor's retreat lasts for three days, can it be rewarded?" Zhang Lihua looked at Zhang Bairen with surprise.

"A great harvest, a leap-forward harvest!" Zhang Bairen stroked Zhang Lihua's blue silk, took it into his arms, and stroked the satin-like long hair.

"Capital Governor, you now have countless enemies. If Da Sui is defeated, will there be a way out?" Zhang Lihua said.

"There is a natural retreat. I and the general are in Zhuojun. Who dares to wait for me to be embarrassed?" Zhang Bairen smiled, and with the war of the four seas, his own Zhuxian's four swords gradually became psychic, and Zhuxian's array can also show its glory.

"If these idiots are not interesting, I will give them a good look!" Zhang Bairen hugged Zhang Lihua: "Don't worry!"

"By the way, the intelligence of Changsun Wuguo has been collected. Changsun Wuguo married Li Shimin, the second son of the Li family several years ago. It is said that Changsun Wuguo nearly died of illness when he was young. Fortunately, Sun Simiao took the shot in time and was spared. Difficult!" Zhang Lihua said.

Hearing this, Zhang Bairen stroked Zhang Lihua's hair with his fingers, and then said after a while: "Maybe I'm so worried!"

"Flawlessness" Zhang Bairen muttered to himself.

"Can the Governor be here?" A soft and ethereal word came from outside the door.

"No time, why are you here?" Zhang Bairen let go of Zhang Lihua and walked out of the yard, only to see No time standing in the yard, looking at him beautifully.

"Wu Xian came to say goodbye to the governor today. I had no time to recover some memories the day before, and I was about to follow these clues to retrieve my own memories." A smile appeared on the corner of Wu Xian's mouth.

Clean and innocent, this smile can't help but be intoxicated.

After a while, Zhang Bairen said: "Never mind, the fate is together and the fate is scattered, if you encounter distress in the arena, just write a letter."

"Thank you, the Governor!" No time to respectfully salute, then turned and left.

"The governor suspects that she is the eldest grandson Wuguo?" Zhang Lihua stood beside Zhang Bairen, looking at the back who had no time to go away, revealing a look of doubt.

"Eight or nine do not leave ten! It's just suspicion!" Zhang Bairen recalled Sun Simiao's astonishment at seeing Wuxian, and then concealed it without a trace. If he hadn't had a clear mind, it would be difficult to detect all these things.

"So indulging in seduction" Zhang Lihua's mouth burst into an astonishing arc: "If it is really the eldest grandson Wugou, Li Shimin can spend his money, even if his wife is given up, and if he doesn't do anything, he won't be able to resist Li Shimin's calculations."

Zhang Bairen was noncommittal and walked outside the manor: "The governor of the capital has something to discuss with the general. Lihua will look for the heavenly book for me, and all those who intercepted will be killed!"

Hearing this, Zhang Lihua nodded, then smiled and turned away.

General Manor

Zhang Bairen walked straight into the yard and heard bursts of breaking air. Yuwen Chengdu was practicing martial arts in the yard.

"General Governor!" Yuwen Chengdu respectfully saluted.

Too lazy to pay attention to Yuwen Chengdu, Zhang Bairen went straight to the lobby, and Yu Juluo was lying on the chair and sleeping.

"I said, General, you have been eating constantly in the past few years, and you have been sleeping constantly in the past few years. What is going on with your old man?" Zhang Bairen came to Yujuluo and pulled Yujuluo awake.

"Well... it's your kid!" Yu Juluo opened his eyes in a daze, then leaned back and said, "What's the matter if you come to me this time? It's disturbing dreams all day. ."

"Hey, the kid will naturally go to the Three Treasures Hall!" Zhang Bairen sat beside Yujuluo and began to vomit bitterness.

By the side of Yujuluo, Zhang Bairen had nothing to conceal. He directly sat beside Yujuluo without any demeanor, and took out a jar of vegetarian wine in his hand: "Yang Su wants to transform into a drought, and he wants to use Da Sui Longqi. . Come and ask me the day before, you said how should I reply to him!"

Yujuluo was taken aback when he heard the words, and his sleepiness disappeared instantly.

"He's going to rebel?" Yu Juluo was startled, and then shook his head again and again: "Mischief! Your majesty's great cause is in sight. If Da Sui is defeated, your majesty will fall short. If your majesty's great event is completed, I am afraid that you and I will be bothered. This guy is involved in it."

Speaking of this, Yu Juluo said: "Don’t underestimate your Majesty’s methods. Your Majesty is still the number one person in the world. Rebellion is absolutely impossible! The embankment of a thousand miles is destroyed in the ant nest. If Yang Su causes your majesty to fall short, you I have no ransom for a hundred deaths! Golden Summit View is a lesson for you and me."

Zhang Bairen nodded: "I'm afraid that I won't be able to persuade him and prevent others from enlightenment. It is no less than the hatred of killing his father and taking his wife!"

"When Duke Yang was alive, your majesty was like a fire and water with Duke Yang. I wish he could be killed as soon as possible. Do you dare to help Duke Yang?" Yu Juluo said, "Let's assume that nothing happened and know nothing. , Then everything will follow your majesty's will."

"Where is Yang Su, I still need to warn!" Zhang Bairen's heart moved slightly. Yang Su was controlled by himself, but after all, he was working hard and had his own ideas. Once he really went back, the consequences would be terrible.

"If it doesn't work, erase Yang Su's memory!" Zhang Bairen thought to himself, for Yang Su, he didn't have much kindness in his heart.

It's just a deal between myself and Yang Su!

If Yang Suruo rebelled, disasters occurred within the Sui Dynasty, and I was afraid that the country would collapse in an instant. UU reading

"It just so happens that I am going back to Luoyang in March to preside over the sacrificial rites personally! Now your Majesty has abolished all the gods in the world, just to help me practice the six-character mantra stickers" Zhang Bairen drank a drink.

"Six-character mantra stickers, your kid has a good chance. At the beginning, the old man wanted to find the six-character mantra stickers and didn't find the method of sacrifice. If he can find the six-character mantra stickers, he can use the six-character mantra stickers to suppress the mind and the horse, and he will not be able to see God. It’s just a matter of time.” Yu Juluo said with a smile: “You have to be careful. If the six-character mantra stickers are really practiced, they will inevitably become the fat in the eyes of all parties. Don’t fly the duck.”

Zhang Bairen smiled confidently: "Don't worry, general, I know it in my heart."

Having said that, looking at Yuwen Chengdu who is practicing martial arts outside the courtyard: "Why hasn't this kid left yet?"

"The savvy is one of the best, and seeing God is also one of the best, but it is a pity that it is not so easy to break through!" Yu Juluo shook his head: "I am not bad for this little rice!"

Zhang Bairen stood up slowly, then sighed slightly, and said with a little bewilderment: "Oh, there have been a lot of things recently, and the changes are too fast. I have to go to the old place for a while, and the Chengnan Manor will be handed over to the chief governor!"

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