First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 890: Back to Saibei, there is a sweet girl

"With me in Zhuojun, you can rest assured! Unless I'm dead!" Yu Juluo promised, patting his chest.

Zhang Bairen nodded, stood up and walked out of the lobby: "When I come back, please drink the general!"

The lonely smoke in the desert is straight, and the sun sets over the river.

In fact, the scenery of the grassland is not worse than the desert at all.

The north wind was whistling, Zhang Bairen walked slowly in the cold wind in a purple robe, wrapped in fur.

Coming from and going everywhere. Follow the road when you came, to the small village that year.

Zhang Bairen accidentally saw the lake caused by the birth of the water **** Dongtian, and stood in front of the lake without a word for a long time.

The Baiyun Temple was not far away, and the bells faintly floated in the mountains and forests.

I got acquainted with Baiyun here, and Baiyun was not the master of Baiyun Guan, but just a little Taoist wandering down the mountain.

At that time, I was not a majestic chieftain, but a child who couldn't eat enough to eat, as long as he could eat coarse grains every day, he was full of unknown worries about Middle-earth.

Walking on the icy ice, Zhang Bairen recalled the past, those memories that have faded away in an instant, everything is just like yesterday.

I met the first noble person, the water **** of Huai Shui!

The bead still remains in the pubic field, and the details are not visible. If there is no such bead, I am afraid that I will be in serious trouble. Congenital loss of kidney meridian, I don't know when to make up for it.

Going forward, I came to the riverside not far from my house. Back then I was fishing here. Huai Shui Shui God presented himself with a big carp every day. That was probably my happiest time. I met Huai Shui here. Water God.

After standing for a while, looking at the endless ice, the water was still flowing, breaking the ice, and a carp was pulled up by it and walked towards the village.

Even though he was able to catch prey back then, he still had to rely on Uncle Zhang to help him carry it back and clean up the internal organs.

My mother and children owe him too much!

Miaomiao cooking smoke in the village, Zhang Bairen smiled suddenly looking at the only one.

Carrying a big carp, I came to the village. After fifteen years of wind and rain, the village had long been dilapidated and all collapsed.

The house was rebuilt, and Uncle Zhang's house was also completely new.




Zhang Bairen knocked on the door.

"Who!" There was silence in the room, and then there was a sweet female voice.

"Me!" Zhang Bairen said in silence for a while.


The door opened, revealing a gray face, and his face was full of surprise: "The governor, why are you here?"

While talking, he hurriedly wiped his hands and quickly let go.

Looking at the gray but still seeing the picturesque girl, Zhang Bairen grinned: "Why don't you go to the middle earth to enjoy the blessing with Baihua?"

"I don't bother to send someone under the fence!" The girl lowered her head and gave way to Zhang Bairen.

Zhang Bairen destroys Baihua Valley, she doesn't like Zhang Bairen very much. Back then, it’s hard to tell who is right and who is wrong. In the past 15 years, girls have also thought a lot, their thinking has gradually matured, and many things have become more objective.

Zhang Bairen slowly stretched out his fingers, took out the silk scarf from his waist, and looked at the girl's white-washed clothes with countless patches, showing a smile.

Real smile!

Simple things can always arouse people's favor!

Zhang Bairen wiped the girl's face, causing the girl to quickly retreat. She actually tripped under her feet and fell to the sky.

"Hahaha" Zhang Bairen laughed and walked into the room, causing the girl to roll her eyes again and again, and stood up angrily.

"Uncle Zhang, here I am!" Zhang Bairen opened the curtain and walked into the house.

"Oh, I said the magpies keep calling today, why are you here?" Uncle Zhang looked at Zhang Bairen and put down the hunting clip, his eyes full of surprise.

"Come and see you!" Zhang Bairen and Uncle Zhang sat down, the smell of meat in the room was fragrant.

The badger simmered in the big pot, making people drool.

"Oh, this is really blessed, I happen to have a few jars of fine wine here, with badger meat just right!" Zhang Bairen's big sleeves drifted, and a jar of aged wine appeared in the room.

"Hahaha, it's better for your kid to know me!" Uncle Zhang took a jar with a smile, and suddenly patted it open. The wine was overflowing, revealing intoxication.

At this time, the little girl brought the big pot of meat with his hands and feet quickly and placed it in front of the two of them.

"Girl, come here! The governor is not an outsider!" Uncle Zhang said.

The little girl looked at Zhang Bairen, showing hesitation.

"Sit down, I'm so afraid of what I will do, I don't know how to eat people" Zhang Bairen patted the seat.

The little girl sat down with a stern face, Zhang Bairen opened the pot, and the meat was fragrant in a moment. He unceremoniously picked up a piece and put it in his mouth to chew, praised: "Good cooking! Good cooking!"

"Tiantian, this girl stays outside the lonely Great Wall to accompany my old man, old man, I am blessed!" Uncle Zhang smiled.

Seeing that black face was full of nervousness, Zhang Bairen took a piece of meat and put it in the little girl's bowl: "This girl can abandon the prosperous six desires, it can be said that it is intentional."

Seeing this, the little girl lowered her head and kept poking the badger meat in the bowl.

Zhang Bairen smiled: "Tiantian is a good name, as the name suggests!"

He Tiantian!

This is the first time Zhang Bairen knows this little girl's name.

Zhang Bairen drank a drink, had a drink with Uncle Zhang, then left drunk and returned to his house.

The fire in the house was raging, and the little girl hurriedly raised the fire.

The furnishings in the room remained the same, but it was not stained with any dust, and it was obviously often wiped off.

"You girl is really energetic, just want to live like this?" Zhang Bairen leaned on the stool drunkly, recalling the familiar voice and smile of the past, and he couldn't help but feel the feelings of all kinds of things, and Qingming was not there.

"I don't want to be immortal, but I feel that the world is sinister, and there is nothing wrong with hiding here and doing clean repairs!" He Tiantian whispered.

Zhang Bairen was stunned, then shook his head, looking at the little girl, there was a trace of envy in his eyes: "It's rare to be pure!"

"If the governor wants to be clean, where can he not be cleaned?" He Tiantian summoned his courage.


Zhang Bairen was stunned, then shook his head: "I'm preaching, and being clean may not be suitable for me! On the contrary, you..."

Zhang Bairen looked up and down the little girl: "You are born with insufficient foundation, Baihua Valley's Taoism is not superior, and the method of river cart transportation is even more stubborn. If you continue to practice, it will only be a monstrous god. It is hard to find a true god."

The little girl lowered her head when she heard the words, chopped the firewood weakly.

"You can stay here to take care of Uncle Zhang for me, and do my filial piety for me. The capital governor needs to accept your favor." Zhang Bairen looked at the little girl's thin body, stretched out his palm and pulled the little girl in front of him.

"What are you going to do!" The little girl, like a frightened rabbit, began to struggle.

"Quiet!" Zhang Bairen yelled, like a drum in the morning and evening, the master couldn't help but startled.

"You are inherently inadequate, so I will help you make up for it!"

A wisp of innate divine power flowed, submerged in the little girl's three souls and seven souls, constantly moisturizing the other's innate vitality.

"Baihuagu Dao Gong is hard to become a great weapon, I will help you to abolish Dao Gong and practice again!" Zhang Bairen said domineeringly, and before the little girl could react, all Dao Gong had been quantified.

"I have a Scripture here, pointing directly to Yangshen The worst grade is also a real soul. If you want to be a ghost and immortal, it is a fantasy. As long as you are not a pig, you can form a yuan in three years. God, travel the world!" Zhang Bairen took out a volume of scripture from his sleeve, sealed it with a jade box, and placed it in the hands of the little girl: "A good student to practice, the great road is not suitable, you have such a character that is rare."

While talking, Zhang Bairen slowly let go of his hand, actually lying on the chair and gradually falling asleep.

The little girl looked at Zhang Bairen blankly, then looked at the jade box in her hand, like falling into a dream.

"This is still notorious, is Zhang Bairen, the child's night-cry killer?" Holding the jade box in her hand, the little girl retreated to the fire and sat down slowly.

Dao Gong in the body has been abolished, and most of them supervise cultivation is really incredible!

This night, He Tiantian sleepless all night.

Woke up in the morning, Zhang Bairen looked at the burning fire, covered with a blanket, and the little girl was sitting in front of the fire with red and swollen eyes, cooking meat.

"I didn't sleep last night?" Zhang Bairen said, shocked that the little girl's iron hook fell on the ground, and there was another rush.

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