First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 903: Strange Storyteller

The Northern Heavenly Master is indeed merciful. If he changes to Zhang Bairen and learns that his secret method has been leaked, he will have to draw his soul for refining.

Zhang Bairen's words immediately caused Zhang Fei's words to stagnate.

"But after all, he is your brother, the brother of a compatriot, and he can't write two sheets in a stroke. Chunyang Taoist Temple can't hold you back, I can't hold you back, but your brother is innocent." Zhang Fei Hastened to persuade him.

After listening to Zhang Fei's words, Zhang Bairen stopped the fingers of the chess piece, turned his head and blinked his eyes: "The Northern Heavenly Master Dao is very good. Although the root is not as good as the Golden Summit, it is much stronger than the Golden Summit. Baiyi went to the Heavenly Master Tao, and there is nothing wrong with it."

"But Baiyi went to the Dao of the Heavenly Master, isn't my Jindingguan Taoism cut off?" Zhang Fei suddenly got anxious.

"If you cut it off, what do you do to me? It's better to save a life than to abolish the cultivation base." Zhang Bairen flicked the chess pieces with his fingers, and slowly tidied them up neatly: "I have no grudges and no grudges with the Beitian Master You can’t make enemies everywhere for yourself because of a Jinding Temple that you don’t look like before! To say that Zhang Baiyi’s future path is his own choice. It is between his own thoughts to waste his work or enter the Northern Heavenly Master. , I want me to offend Beitian Master Dao for Jindingguan... You are afraid that I am unworthy!"

Zhang Fei's expression turned pale as soon as such mocking words came out.

"Send the guests off!" Zhang Bairen waved his hand expressionlessly.

Zuoqiu Wuji walked up and said to Zhang Fei: "A real person must make it difficult for his subordinates to do it!"

After taking a few breaths of Zhang Bairen, Zhang Fei turned and left.

When Zhang Fei walked away, Zhang Lihua walked out from behind the screen: "Bairen, is this really good? Even if Zhang Fei is sorry for you, he is also your father, and his reputation is not good!"

Zhang Bairen was silent, and after a while: "I can't be tired of being famous. Whatever the outside world wants to say, it's up to him."

As he was talking, he listened to the guards outside the door to pass through again: "Captain, the real person of the Taoist Master of Beitian Master is here!"

"Invite him in!" Zhang Bairen slowly sat up straight and gave the guard.

Not long afterwards, I saw the erratic Northern Heavenly Master Dao of Yangshen slowly walk in, and saw Zhang Bairen sitting upright, and bowed respectfully: "Pan Dao has seen the governor!"

"Get up, the Governor is considered half a person in the cultivating world, let's not be polite!" Zhang Bairen said.

After listening to Zhang Bairen's words, the Taoist Master of the Northern Heavenly Master stood up, sat on one of the golden piers, and then hesitated a little before he spoke: "The battle in Mobei, the governor of Dadu, has shaken the world and the swordsmanship has been invincible in the world. It is me. The pillar of the human race, the general governor can carry half of the human race, and I am also very happy!"

After hearing this, Zhang Bairen stood up slowly, playing with the golden slips with his hands on his back, his eyes scanned the calligraphy and painting on the screen, and after a while he said, "You came here to be polite with me?"

The Taoist Master of the Beitian Master smiled embarrassedly: "The chief governor is refreshing, in fact, it is for Zhang Jiatianshu."

Speaking of this, the Taoist head of the Beitian Master said, "According to seniority, I am still the uncle of the governor."

"Oh?" Zhang Bairen said nonchalantly: "Since you are my uncle, when my mother was hunted down and the Zhang family suffered a catastrophe, why didn't you wait for help?"

Hearing this, the master was silent, and after a while he said: "The survival of the fittest, your grandfather inherited the heavenly book, but he refused to practice. He had to return to the mundane, but he refused to give it to me. What kind of truth do you think this is? Isn't this too much?"

It's really too much. It's like a biscuit. Two brothers fight for it. One of them wins, but he doesn't want to eat it. Instead, he lets it grow mouldy and grows hairs. You are not angry?

"Because of the heavenly book, your grandfather broke with your ancestor, severed the relationship between father and son, and hid the heavenly book in the mortal dust.

Your grandfather has been hiding, how can I find it? If it weren't for the Jindingguan incident the day before yesterday, I'm afraid I would still be stuck in my bones. "

There is no impermeable wall in the world, and he is full of treasures, but without the power to protect him, it is inevitable that he will be targeted.

It doesn't matter who was right and who was wrong, everything has passed!

"Your grandfather wants to see you, your mother, and your brothers!" said the head teacher.

Zhang Bairen looked at the screen in front of him, and then said after a while: "No matter, everything is over, what can I say? I don't need to meet each other. I can't find my mother's whereabouts.

Speaking of this, Zhang Bairen sat on the bed: "I don’t want to care about your entanglement with Jindingguan, please feel free to do it. I have long been clear with Jindingguan and have nothing to do with him! Zhang Bairen’s righteousness is to kill or cut. Just let you wait."

Seeing Zhang Bairen's indifferent attitude, the head teacher smiled helplessly: "Don't you think about it? A fence with three stakes, a hero and three gangs. With my Beitianshidao to help you, you will be much easier to act in the future. "

"No! I have formed some forces of my own over the years, but it is barely enough!" Zhang Bairen refused.

"Mr Beize counts, he is your uncle, the brother of your maternal grandfather and compatriots, Bai Yunguan fights decisively, I hope the governor can be merciful!" The head teacher saluted.

"Let's talk at that time! I can't let others want to kill me, I want to be stunned!" Zhang Bairen said casually: "Three decisive battles, I must win all, no discussion!"

The Taoist Master of the Beitian Master heard the words for a moment of silence, then respectfully saluted, turned and left.

Watching the Northern Heavenly Master walk away, Zhang Lihua said: "The Governor, you can be said to have been rebellious and lonely!"

"A group of intrigues, it's hard to become a climate!" Zhang Bairen sneered.

"The day of the decisive battle is right in front of my eyes. I had known that the place of the decisive battle was outside the Great Wall, so I should stay in my hometown for a few more days!" Zhang Bairen played with Jin Jian: "Lihua also let me take a look!

"Ah? Can I go too?" Zhang Lihua was taken aback.

"Naturally" Zhang Bairen said with a smile.

"I want to go too!" Ding Dong rushed over and hung on Zhang Bairen's back.

"Go together! Go together!" Zhang Bairen's face was full of helplessness, he never took this decisive battle to his heart.

"Wuji!" Zhang Bairen said.

"Captain!" Zuo Qiu Wuji walked into the room.

"You are also an old man by my side. Yi Bone has been completed. In the future, you can retreat in Zhuo County and see God with peace of mind. Leave everything to the Feng Yu Lei Dian brothers to take care of everything!" Zhang Bairen said.

"Thank you Governor!" Zuoqiu Wuji's eyes were full of joy, seeing God is an eternal pursuit for a warrior.

After preparing for the night, Zhang Bairen led the Yangshen of the four Lu Family brothers, dragged Yang Lihua and Dingdang, towards Baiyun Guan.

Baiyun Temple is located at the boundary of Zhuojun, but it is very remote and it is difficult to walk. Fortunately, the mountain scenery is good.

Zhang Bairen walked slowly on the street, and it has been a long time since he went shopping so comfortably.

Both Zhang Lihua and Dingdang disguised themselves as men, and coupled with disguise, no one could see the flaws.

"Captain, there are storytellers there!" Ding Dong pointed to the restaurant in the distance, showing expectations.

"Go and see" Zhang Bairen's expression moved, leading everyone to the restaurant and sitting down around a table.

"But it is said that the national destiny for eight hundred years of the wantonly tortured the people. At this time, all the princes of all walks of life in the world are in danger, and they have risen in rebellion. When it was, there was Tai Gong Jiang Ziya who refined the supreme fetish list , To fight against the magical soup!" The storyteller had a sloppy beard, but his clothes were clean and tidy, and he was fascinated by words and laughter.

Listening to the scholar's words, Zhang Bairen said, "So, where did I come from the list of gods? It turned out to be made by Taigong Jiang. How unpredictable is Jiang Taigong's cultivation? He can actually refine such a god. How powerful should the Chengtang artifact be able to fight the Conferred God List?"

Everyone didn't hear Zhang Bairen's words, they just listened intensively to the story of the scholar on stage.

"Hey!" The sound of the waking wood hitting, shocked everyone in the scene, and they recovered. The storyteller smiled: "Everyone, foresee the future, and listen to the next breakdown!"

"Sir, you have never talked about this episode of King Martial King's attack on the old man before!" Someone in the audience made a roar and threw a lot of copper coins up, and the storyteller smiled and put away the copper coins: "This is not to say today. Yet?"

ps: Thanks to the new leader of this book for his reward of "I can't see the name in a string of numbers", plus one more.

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