First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 904: Huangliang 1 dream, enlightened by a real person

While talking, the storyteller came to Zhang Bairen's side and smiled with a fist: "Gord, can you give me a bowl of tea to moisturize my throat?"

"Mr. Take the seat!" Zhang Bairen stretched out his hand and motioned to the storyteller to sit opposite.

"I saw my husband hungry and just ordered a few side dishes. If the husband doesn't dislike him, he can fill his stomach." Zhang Bairen looked at the storyteller.

The storyteller smiled, he was really welcome, picked up the carp on the table, and began to feast on.

"Mr. said before that King Wu cut down. Xiaosheng heard it interestingly, but the list of gods was actually made by Jiang Taigong?" Zhang Bairen drank a glass of wine.

Hearing this, the husband nodded with a smile: "Otherwise? The Fengshen List cannot be born out of thin air. It is precisely because of the Fengshen List that humans can truly get rid of the innate gods and replace them!"

Zhang Bairen nodded: "If you are interested, you might as well talk about King Wu's attack on Zhou."

"The little old man hasn't thought about the matter of King Wu's attack on the king, but the little old man has some insights about what is going on today. I wonder if the official would like to hear it?" said the little old man.

Zhang Bairen said unhurriedly: "Oh, then just talk about it!"

"Now Da Sui wants to forcefully open the eternal empire, suffering from the backlash of days and being broken by the canal. It is a family of clansmen who made trouble, but it is not because of God's will!" The gentleman sighed softly and took a sip of the drink: "Don't ask. Regardless of the cause and effect, the official thought that the current scene of the Sui Dynasty should perish? Should it be replaced?"

"The labor is heavy, the people are displaced, the people of the world don't have a living, and there are countless anti-thieves, they should be perished!" Zhang Bairen pondered for a while before speaking.

Regardless of whether or not the clan’s clan secretly manipulated, Yang Guang had such arrogance and hegemony. It is true that the people can’t live without talking, and the dynasty should perish. But Zhang Bairen knew all the causes and effects, and was full of anger and helplessness for the situation in front of him.

"Oh! There are countless rises and falls in ancient and modern times, great successes, great successes, and great successes! The change of historical reincarnation is the truth, why the captain must forcibly block the wheel of history! The number of days is not so easy to reverse!" Taoist eyes are full of compassion.

Zhang Bairen was silent, and after a while, he said, "I don't care about history or general trends. I am just unwilling to take care of Da Sui. There is no chance today. Since there is a chance, I will give my full support to win the opportunity."

Hearing this, the husband was silent, and after a while, he said, "The governor is taking pictures!"

"It's boring to be idle anyway. Watching the excitement is not afraid of big things!" Zhang Bairen was noncommittal.

Taoist smiles bitterly, just because of your boredom, the world's major forces have trouble sleeping and eating, and can't sleep at night.

The scent of the case was erratic, and the scent was intertwined and distorted. The next moment Zhang Bairen felt that the sky was spinning, and when he reappeared, he had turned into a refugee shivering in the cold winter.

"Er Gouzi, when the Zi was serving the people today, your father went to repair the canal, hasn't he come back?" a skinny child said with a weak voice.

"I don't know, there is no news from the three fathers!" The other child's lips were white, it was cold and hungry.

"I heard people say that this place is hundreds of miles away from Luoyang, do you think Dad will encounter misfortune?" Er Gouzi said pale.

"There is still a ball of grass roots here, you can eat it!" The dog left the ball of grass roots to Er Gouzi.

"Aren't you hungry?" Er Gouzi was stunned, and took over the clump of grassroots.

There was no expression on the dog's remaining dirty face, only his lips were rolled up.

"Not hungry!"

Er Gouzi ate the grass roots and laughed: "Then I'm not welcome!"

The dog is nine years old, and the second dog is four years old! The two are brothers since childhood. His father was enlisted by the court to serve, and only the two depended on each other.

"The dog is left, why don't you talk?" Er Gouzi turned his head to look at his own hair. There is no color on his dirty face, and his hair is full of fluffy dirt and a sour smell.

"Dougou, why don't you speak!" Er Gouzi stretched out a finger from the broken quilt and stab Er Gouzi in the waist.

"Dog left? Dog left?" The dog left muttered for a while before his complexion changed drastically. He suddenly turned over and shook the dog left: "Dog left, don't scare me, you kid! You wake up!"

"Wake up, wake up! Don't joke with me, I'm afraid!" Er Gouzi burst into tears: "Wake up!"

"Don't cry, this kid is dead!" A woman in her thirties and dirty walked in numbly, grabbed the leftover dog, and dragged it out.

"What are you doing! What are you doing!" Er Gouzi desperately clutched at the dog's leftover body.

"If you don't eat him, all of us will starve to death. One day is a day! Ergouzi, let go! Let go!" The woman persuaded.

The picture turns

Zhang Bairen turned into a five-year-old child, held in the arms of a mother.

"Mother, I'm hungry!"

The woman stood up, swayed a few times, and walked vainly in front of the rice jar. After a while, she turned around and walked out of the house.

"Mother, I'm hungry!"

"Mother is cooking meat for you in the pot, mother first go out to do something, you will remember to eat it later!"

A woman's voice came from outside the house.

After a while, the smell of meat came, and the little boy couldn't help being attracted by the smell of meat and ran out.

The main stems of the two trees in the stove are burning, and the white fleshy flesh in the pot has been cooked and the aroma is overflowing.

The red blood stains around the stove are shocking.

The little boy was so hungry that he fished out the meat and began to devour it.

When his belly swelled, the child turned around and shouted: "Mother? Mother? Where are you?"

Since that day, the child has never seen his mother again, and there is a thin child who is tidying up and looking forward to his mother's return.

"Aunt Wang, do you see my mother?"

"Uncle Li, why isn't my mother coming back?"

The picture turns

Zhang Bairen turned into a sturdy man, and a woman cried and cried and followed behind him.

"Go to Liaodong, more than tens of thousands of miles, Cui Niang, you find someone to marry! Now in troubled times, you can't live without a man to rely on! Forget me!" The man said blankly. .

"I'll go with you! I'll go with you!" Cui Niang burst into tears, her voice excited.

"Then your father? What about your mother? If I die in Liaodong, how can you survive by yourself?" The strong man was expressionless and resolutely refused, but the woman kept crying all the way.

"I don't care. Since I marry you, I will marry a chicken and a dog, a dog and a dog.

Following the group of people, the strong man came to the court's brigade, not only Cui Niang, but countless women like Cui Niang, crying and crying behind the team conquering Liaodong.

There are women holding full-moon children, and elderly people in their 70s or 80s.

Along the way, Cui Niang became accustomed to life and death.

Every day, countless corpses can be seen falling down, unable to endure the pain of the long journey, and dying in the wilderness.

Che Bibi, Ma Xiaoxiao, pedestrian bows and arrows are at the waist. Yeniang's wife walked to see each other, but Xianyang Bridge was not seen in the dust.

Liaodong Battlefield

The numb fight of the strong man was simply inexplicable, and the Sui army was defeated! The master was missing, and the remaining soldiers had no heads, and in a short time became cattle and sheep waiting to be slaughtered under the Goryeo sword.

"My life is the right time, and I am carrying a fight, and I will never destroy Liaodong, and I promise to pay it back!"

With sorrows sounded, Zhang Bairen raised the spear in his hand, and instantly fought with the opponent.

The comrades around him kept falling down, and those desperate and hideous faces shocked people's minds and griefed them, and wanted to have the power to recover.

"Yu Wenji, I drafted grandma! Greetings to your eighteenth generation ancestors and immortals!" With a mournful cry, a dozen cold lights flashed in the next moment, and he was already dismissed.

Time warps Time will turn again.

Those desperate faces made people feel sad and sighed to the sky!

"Alas! The Taoist leader is so good at cultivation, he can actually enlighten me with Huang Liang's dream, and the cultivation is incredible!" Zhang Bairen sat there, Zhang Lihua and Ding Dang on one side were eating their food, seemingly unaware.

"Can the governor gain something? Can the governor explain the 300,000 soldiers who died in the frontier?" The real man looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes.

Zhang Bairen was silent and slowly lowered his head.

Poor Wuding River Bone, still a deep boudoir dream.

"No grievances, no entanglements, only the people!" The storyteller said quietly.

ps: Thanks for the reward of the new leader of this book, plus two more.

In principle, the leader is more than ten, and now there are two more leaders, four changes have been issued, and sixteen is owed to everyone. Time is really pressing lately, I will try to update it.

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