First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 911: Tangled Li Shimin

True person Ziyang and Chunguijun, look at me and I see you. For a long time, I was speechless. After a while, I listened to Chunguijun’s Dao: "The key is to find a way to get Dadu Governor to remove sword energy within two years. The old man is also weak!"

Zhang Bairen's sword-intent domineering and vicious, even the Spring Return Jun is the first time I have met.

"It's worthy of the power of the innate god, but I can't get rid of it! If the old man is in his heyday, there is no way, but it is a pity that my strength has not yet recovered two points. If I could swallow the drought that day, it may not be the sword energy. There is no way!" Chunguijun sighed softly, making Li Shimin more annoyed.

"Sir, don't the other methods work?" Li Shimin looked at Chunguijun imploringly with a pair of eyes.

"You must tie the bell to untie the bell. So far, the old man has never met anyone who can pull out the sword spirit of Zhuxian." Chun Guijun shook his head and walked out of the yard, leaving the Li family and his son staring at each other.

"It was all my father's fault. I knew today that I should have married Xiu Ning to Zhang Bairen, and the Li family would not end up in such a passive situation!" Li Yuan was bitter.

Li Shimin was speechless, and after a while he heard Li Yuan speak: "Wu Gu, I heard about it for my father. Now the lives of my grandfather, Yuanba, and your uncle’s supernatural powers are tied to Wu Gu. You must urge Wu Gu. , Fascinated that Zhang Bairen, and released my Li family's control, no matter how hard it is, Zhang Bairen’s Taoism will be broken, and his Yuanyang body will be destroyed!"

"Father!" Li Shimin was shocked when he heard this, what does it mean to break the body of Yuanyang? Doesn't it mean that Changsun Wugou broke Zhang Bairen's body?

How can a father-in-law ask his daughter-in-law to do it?

If Li Shimin gave his wife to be ravaged by others, even if Li Shimin could bear it, he couldn't bear this bad breath.

As if feeling the anger in Li Shimin's eyes, Li Yuan reprimanded: "It's just a woman, how can you be so unpromising? As long as my Li family achieves great cause, there are not many women? You can choose all kinds of stunning women!"

Li Shimin was speechless. He just lowered his head. After a while, he muffled and said: "Father, Wu Gu, she is different!"

"Aren't all women, what's the difference? You personally talk to Wu Gu about this matter, urging him to take down Zhang Bairen within two years. No matter how bad he is, he will break Zhang Bairen’s Yuanyang and call him Wuwangyang. God Dadao, you will live in the mountains forever!" Li Yuan looked at Li Shimin: "Isn't a Wushui better than your uncle, your brother, and your grandfather?"

"Father...I..." Li Shimin was speechless, this is not two different things at all.

Li Yuan turned and left. Li Shimin stood in the yard speechless for a long time. After a while, he stomped his feet severely, then walked out of Li's mansion and walked into the mountains.


Baiyun Taoist Temple

At this time, guests from all walks of life were surprised and wondered what major event happened to the Li family, but since Li Shimin hurried away overnight, there must be a major problem in the Li family.

Li Shimin rushed back overnight and came to Zhuo County's other courtyard. He saw the grandson Wu Gu who was still sitting on the stone bench.

"Why don't you go to rest?" Looking at Wuguo, Li Shimin looked distressed, and a touch of guilt flashed in his eyes.

"There is such a big movement at night, before you come back, how dare I go to rest?" Changsun Wuguo put down the cold tea cup and looked at Li Shimin with a pair of eyes: "What happened at home that caused you to be so anxious? greet?"

Li Shimin was silent, and after a while, he stepped forward and took the eldest grandson Wugou into his arms: "The matter of the chief governor!"

"Isn't the general governor in Baiyunguan? What happened in Taiyuan?" Changsun Wugou asked with doubts.

Li Shimin said with a bitter smile about Li Yuanba's affairs, and then said: "I, Yuanba, uncle, and grandfather are all caught by Zhang Bairen's methods. If we can't find a way to restrain ourselves, we will soon follow in Yuanba's footsteps."

Changsun Wugou was silent, and after a while, he said, "It must take two years from Zhang Bairen to get rid of the ban on you waiting, right?"

"Father also said...and said..." Li Shimin lowered his head, embarrassed and unable to speak.

"What else did the old man say?" Changsun Wugou said calmly.

"Also...Also..." Li Shimin couldn't tell.

"If you don't tell me, I'm going to rest!" Changsun Wugu raised his head and looked at Li Shimin. The pure eyes made Li Shimin feel ashamed.

"Father also said that if you can't crack Zhang Bairen's methods within two years, then you must break Zhang Bairen's Yuanyang body!" Li Shimin said weak mosquitoes, as if word by word was squeezed out of his teeth.

Changsun Wugou's body suddenly stiffened, like a sculpture, and the palm of Li Shimin's hand fell weakly.

"Just tell me to accompany him to sleep!" Changsun Wukui looked straight at Li Shimin blankly.

"You promised?" Long Sun Wugou sighed softly after a long time.

Li Shimin nodded insignificantly, and the grandson Wugou suddenly pushed Li Shimin away, his eyes filled with disbelief: "I am your wife, you told me to sleep with another man? Are you still a man after all!"

"Wugou, don't get excited, just listen to me! Listen to me!" Li Shimin hugged Changsun Wugui quickly.


Li Shimin slapped Li Shimin's quarrel with blood, and the pure eyes of the grandson Wukui were full of sorrow and shame: "Who do you think of me? Are you the kind of brothel girl who can casually make affection with men?"

"I, Yuanba, uncle, and grandfather are all controlled by Zhang Bairen. If Zhang Bairen is used to cultivate Yang Shen, my Li family will never stand up. Now the only hope of the Li family rests on you. If you can Delay Zhang Bairen’s enlightenment and buy enough time for my Li family. The Li family gathers the emperor’s dragon energy. At that time, it is the day of revenge and hatred!" Li Shimin swears, his eyes are fixed on the grandson Wugou, his eyes are full Sincerely: "I will definitely take revenge for you, slash Zhang Bairen with a thousand swords, and draw my soul to refine my soul!"

Long Sun Wugou's tears were like rain, and he was silent and silent, but he kept wiping the tears in his eyes with the palms of his hands. His voice was calm and calm and a little terrifying: "Okay! Isn't it just sleeping with him? What's the big deal, for Your Li family's great cause!"

"This is the secret medicine that my father has preserved from the East China Sea. It is said that Zhang Bairen has subverted his mind, and his animalism has become great!" Li Shimin took out a fist-sized wooden box from his arms and handed it to Changsun Wuguo, "Wuji, I am wronged!"

Looking at the palm-sized sandalwood box, Changsun Wugu was shaking, shaking his palm and slowly holding the wooden box, then turned and walked out of the small courtyard.

"Wuji...Wuji..." Li Shimin wanted to chase him, but he was held back by Mr. Yichungui, "Don't chase, let her go!"

"Sir, is what I did right or wrong? I can't bear to be Wushou, but I can't just watch my grandfather, uncle, and Yuanba fly away. Sir, I've never been so helpless!" Li Shimin's eyes were crying.

Chunguijun sighed softly: "Does it make sense for who is right or who is wrong? There is no turning back when you open your Since Wugou knows this matter, don't regret it! Wugou, you again I don't know!"

"Sir, my heart hurts! My heart hurts! You don't even know how much I like Wugou! You don't even know!" Li Shimin sat on the ground in distress, crying, "But what can I do? Can I watch my father, grandpa, and brother just die like that? What can I do?"

Listening to Li Shimin’s words, Chunguijun sighed softly: "You don’t have to be so sad. Zhang Bairen has a way of cultivating, and Wugou, the eldest grandson, may not be able to confuse Zhang Bairen. Achieved. What kind of character is Zhang Bairen? That's a real outstanding person through the ages!"

Li Shimin cried when he heard the words of the Spring Return. His expression was colorful and entangled. On the one hand, he hoped that Zhang Bairen could hold onto his character. On the other hand, he couldn’t help but fear that his father, uncles, brothers might even lose their souls. , Died silently.

"Zhang Bairen! If one day I can ascend to the Ninth Five-Year Plan and gather the dragon energy between heaven and earth, I will have to cut you a thousand knives, and you will never be supernatural!" After speaking, Li Shimin broke the stone table in front of him.

ps: The seventh is the leader.

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