First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 912: Decisive battle

What should pass, everything will pass.

at night

Zhang Bairen slept until dawn with the two girls in his arms, slowly put on clothes, walked out of the other yard and stood on the rocks. At a glance, he saw the figure standing in the north wind at the foot of the mountain, as if it were white and white. The ice and snow melted into one, seeming to be in harmony with all things in the world.

"Why, stood here all night last night?" Zhang Bairen couldn't help but was dragged by the Qi machine on Changsun Wukuu's body, and stepped to the back of Changsun Wukuu.

"I'm still a lonely family now. I can't go back if I have a home. The little girl understands the hardships of the chief governor." The voice of the grandson Wugou was cold and quiet, and there was no red dust.

"Oh? I had a quarrel with my family?" Zhang Bairen stood beside Changsun Wuguo, tilting his head to look at Changsun Wuguo, only after the meeting he showed a touch of surprise.

At this time, Changsun Wugu's face was stained with tears, his eyes were red and swollen, and bloodshot. Fortunately, the grandson Wugou is a strong bone-prone person.

"It seems that your family's affairs are very serious!" Zhang Bairen looked at the battered cheek, and couldn't help but stretch out his finger and wipe it on Changsun Wudu's cheek.

Changsun Wugou shivered, trying to avoid it by turning his body sideways, but he was abruptly resisted, a touch of cherry red soaking around his neck.

"Let's go, go back to the house! Where is your house? I'll take you back!" Zhang Bairen slowly retracted his finger, and Changsun Wuguo nodded gently, eyes full of shyness.

It may not be shy, but being frivolous by other men is a bit shy and angry.

But thinking of the purpose when I came, I had to endure abruptly, behave shyly, and turned away.

Sending away the grandson Wugou, Yuan Tiangang didn't know from which corner he came out: "Supervisor, this girl is the grandson Wugou. Nothing is right, nothing but a lie."

"I'm just curious, Li Shimin is too generous to send his wife out!" Zhang Bairen's eyes were full of abuse.

Although there was a song in the previous life that said: "I can't bear my children but can't catch wolves, and my daughter-in-law can't catch hooligans"; but how many of them really give up their daughter-in-law? This kind of shame is unbearable as long as it is a man.

"Longsun Wugou" Zhang Bairen whispered and turned to leave.

"Capital Governor, what do you plan to do on the day of the decisive battle? Are you planning to actually kill Real Person Bei Ze?" Yuan Tiangang hurriedly followed: "Kill Real Person Bei Ze, I am afraid that things will be troublesome! It is unwise to turn against each other's eyes."

"Then it depends on whether the real person Beize knows or not!" Zhang Bairen said as he walked ahead without looking back.

"Since you dared to kill the real Beize, why didn't you kill Jindingguan easily, so as not to worry all day long!" Yuan Tiangang smiled, but he didn't believe it.

Zhang Bairen sighed: "The ancestors of Chaoyang gave me the Taoist scriptures. This is a good destiny. What's more, you know that I am the most filial person. Back then, my mother and Zhang Fei were disconnected and involved. Naturally, I cannot disappoint my mother. !"

"With the delay of time, the governor and Jin Dingguan continue to talk about love, hatred, and hatred. Now that they have been liquidated, they will not be merciful if they do it again in the future! Moreover, my mother has entered the path of illusion, since he has seen love, Only family members may hope to find their lost feelings one by one!" Zhang Bairen said unhurriedly: "Mother loves Baiyi the most, so Baiyi cannot die! Zhang Fei and his mother have countless entanglements, love begets hatred, naturally You can't die either! At least you can't die until the mother pulls it out from the fantasy road!"

Yuan Tiangang said silently, "What about the Northern Heavenly Master Dao? The Northern Heavenly Master Dao and your mother are not too entangled. Using the Northern Heavenly Master Dao to stimulate it will be better for your mother!"

"So, I want to kill the people of Beitian Shidao, my mother can't help but jump out!" Zhang Bairen is holding the ticket: "You don't have to be talking, I have my own opinions."

After speaking, Zhang Bairen turned and left: "Let's do it, I have my own measures for the decisive battle after three days!"

No one can persuade Zhang Bairen, nor can he change Zhang Bairen's will.

Time is long, three days are over!

On this day, in the Baiyun Taoist martial arts field, all the heroes and monks from all walks of life gathered together, and the purple qi in the sky had not yet been revealed, and they had chosen a favorable position to watch the battle at night.

No one spoke, the mountains were silent, and fell into a dead silence, and everyone was waiting for the decisive battle.

A ray of morning light on the horizon broke through the night, and there was a divine light flowing between the sky and the earth. A mighty purple gas seemed to hang upside down from the Tianhe River, converging towards the center of the martial arts field, and there was a purple patch in the rendered circle.

I saw a figure in the center of the square at some point, and that figure was surrounded by the mighty Tianhe Waterfall, making it hard to see its true appearance.

"The chief governor! That is the chief governor! The chief governor can actually breathe the purple sun between the heavens and the earth, and the legend is really true!" A Taoist expression of excitement looked at the figure standing proudly in the field and witnessed it with his own eyes Tianhe hanging upside down, his eyes are full of incredible colors.

"How can a person vomit the power of the sun and the moon? What is the status of the chief supervision? It is beyond the imagination of my generation!"

"The Governor is worthy of being the world's recognized first sword immortal. This method cannot be matched by the General Yujuluo!"

There was a lot of discussion among the heroes, and as the sun jumped out of the ground, Zhang Bairen swallowed the mighty sunrise completely, with a smile in his eyes.

Sometimes, it is necessary to show some appropriately.

After hesitating the purple qi, Zhang Bairen stood quietly in the square, with his hands on his back, playing with Jin Jian silently.

Time passed by, three rods in the sun, and the real figure of Bei Ze was still not seen, and everyone watching the battle was a little restless and talked a lot.

"Why isn't Real Beize coming yet?"

"Could it be that I was afraid of Zhang Bairen, so I secretly took away the treasures of the Li family and escaped?" someone whispered.

"If you can run, the monk can't run to the temple. It's not always possible to escape, but it's the truth to rely on the old man to hang on to the chief governor!" someone said again.

"This old way of Beize is really a big, big captain, he dare to be so negligent? It is an insult to the strong and insults our IQ!"

There was a lot of discussion among the heroes, and Bai Yun stood on the edge with a slight embarrassment and continued to laugh, and lowered his throat to the disciples around him: "You are going to urge Beitian Master, what is going on? Do you want to fight or not?"

When the disciple heard the words and turned away, looking at the disciple's far away back, while the Nantian Master Taoist teacher put on the eye drops: "It seems that this old way is relying on the old to sell the old, don't look at the chief governor, otherwise, how can you dare to be so contemptuous? The governor’s majesty, if I change to a Taoist priest, I will kill a hundred!"

While talking, quietly watching Zhang Bairen, who was indifferent and indifferent, sighed softly in his heart: "The chief governor really doesn't say anything about raising qigong!"

"Old ancestors, you go to war soon, all the outsiders are still waiting!" The Taoist Master of the Beitian Master continued to complain bitterly to his ancestors.

True person Bei Ze took up the fruits unhurriedly: "What's the hurry! That kid is on the edge, let him dry, vent his momentum!"

On the one hand, which elder named Huaiying glared at the instructor: "What are you urging? The ancestor only said that he would fight with the capital, but did not say the specific time. Why are you in a hurry? The child is willing to go early. Watching the group of heroes as monkeys, what can I do if I wait?"

"The old ancestors said so much but a bit too Most superintendents are highly powerful, and they are the top masters in the world. If you wait so contemptuously, spreading it out will damage my name of Beitian Master! Call me Beitian How will the disciples of the teacher and Taoist walk on the rivers and lakes in the future?" The head teacher said dissatisfied.

"Why do you go so early? Zhang Bairen's defeat is set, and the old ancestor Yang Shen is out of his body, and the invincible situation has been settled. After that kid's strength is consumed, this kid is dead!" Huaiying shook his hand. Teach a glance: "You turned your elbow out. Be careful I draw your big mouth. Could it be that you didn't have a long memory that day?"

"Ancestor, look..." The head teacher looked at the real person Beize.

Madam Beize closed his eyes and said nothing, and stomped his feet with anger: "I don't care about this. You can fight whenever you like to fight!"

After shaking his robe, he turned around and walked out of the gate, bumping into the disciple of Baiyun Taoist Temple full of arms.

"Senior, I don't know when the real Beize will go to war?" Seeing that it was the head teacher of the Beitian Master, the little Taoist quickly paid a penalty and said respectfully.

ps: The eighth leader.

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