First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 913: Rely on the old and sell the old

After listening to the little Taoist priest, the Taoist teacher of the Northern Heavenly Master looked ugly, and pointed to the room: "The decisive man is in the room, you can ask him personally."

After speaking, the head teacher led a group of disciples of Beitian Shidao to watch the battle.

Doubtful, the boy turned and walked into the hall, looking at the sitting real person Beize and Zhang Huaiying, and respectfully saluted: "I have seen two real people, and now the chief governor is already waiting in the square. I don't know when the real person will move and leave?"

"The chief governor and the real person only agreed on a date, but did not set a time. You have to say more, just ask Zhang Bairen to wait outside!" Huaiying stood up and sent out the little Taoist.

Seeing this, the little Taoist dared not ask any more, he immediately turned around and walked out of the main hall, came to the square and whispered in Bai Yun's ear.

Bai Yun's face suddenly became gloomy, and he slowly stepped out to Zhang Bairen: "Bairen, the real man Beize is still meditating, and he hasn't determined the time of exit. Would you like to find a place to rest?"

"No, the view of the square is pretty good, I just stand here and wait." Zhang Bairen declined Baiyun's kindness, but stood leisurely on the square and looked into the distance.

The crowd around the audience was impetuous, and one by one secretly angrily rebuked the real man Bei Ze for entrusting him.

Since the sun rises in the east and the sun rises to the sky, some Taoist disciples bring vegetarian food for everyone to eat. No one dared to relax and leave, as time went on, no one knew when the real person Bei Ze would come out.

"General Governor, have some fast food!" Bai Yun came over with the fast food.

Zhang Bairen shook his head, his eyes still looked at the sea of ​​clouds in the distance, his complexion was always calm, no one knew what he was thinking.

Bai Yun reluctantly stepped back, and the surrounding Taoist priests were eating, and they secretly cursed the real person Beize, and greeted the eighteenth generation of the ancestor of the real person.

As the setting sun went down, a ray of blood red from the sky gradually disappeared. The Taoists simply raised a bonfire and began to hold a dinner party. The fire slowly rose, and the atmosphere gradually became warm. Only Zhang Bairen stood quietly on the square.

At that moment, Zhang Bairen seemed to be forgotten by the world, and Cumin stood still and turned into a silent sculpture.

"Major Bei Ze is too much!" Zhang Lihua gritted her teeth with hatred.

"Relying on the old and selling the old, most of the governors will definitely not give him good fruit." Dingdang clenched his fists tightly, his small face pale with anger.

Looking at the still upright figure in the field, Ding-dang said with a little distress: "The chief governor has not run out of rice in a day, but the real person Bei Ze is replenishing his energy, which is really unfair!"

On the one hand, Baiyun audience members and Taoist priests all looked ugly.

The people of Beitian Shidao also smiled bitterly, with embarrassment on their faces, looking down at the campfire without speaking.

The atmosphere in the field gradually became warmer. In the distance, under the willow tree, Changsun Wuguo looked at the quietly standing square, and the figure in purple clothes that seemed to be isolated from the world, for some reason, suddenly felt that Zhang Bairen at this moment was a bit pitiful and inexplicably distressed.

"Why isn't this real Beize coming? It's unreasonable to tell Lao Tzu to sit here and wait for a day!" A Taoist priest couldn't help but yell.

"This old **** just relies on the old and sells the old, and only hopes that the general governor can give him a good lesson in order to relieve his hatred. I really think I am invincible in the world? Actually asked us to sit here for a day!"

"Yes! That's right! It's so deceiving!"

"This is playing us like monkeys!"

Listening to the discussion, the Taoist Master of the Beitian Master couldn't bear it, turned around and went back: "I'll urge you!"

"Sir, what do you think the governor is thinking?" Li Shimin looked at Chunguijun.

"The chief superintendent is murderous!" Chunguijun drank his drink unhurriedly.

Li Shimin was taken aback after hearing the words of the Spring Return Jun: "The chief governor is still calm. Where can I see the murder?"

"In any case, the general governor is one of the best in the world, one of the top masters in the world, and Makoto Beize is just the general governor, a nameless maternal uncle, such a contemptuous general governor, how could the general governor not move to murder? Eyebrows, is every eyebrow slowly standing up right now?" Chungui Jundao.

Li Shimin blinked and looked at Zhang Bairen's eyebrows. At this time, Zhang Bairen quietly looked at the Big Dipper in the sky without saying a word.

"Indeed!" Li Shimin nodded.

"This will be fun!" Chunguijun drank a bowl of wine, his face was full of lively expressions.

"Ancestor, now the jade rabbit has risen to the east, should your old man go out and show his face, right?" Beitian Master Taoist teacher walked helplessly into the hall.

Madam Bei Ze ate dinner slowly, and said: "What anxiously, after I finish dinner, it will not be too late to do some activities!"

On the other hand, Huaiying accused the head teacher: "Since you became the head teacher, you have become more and more ignorant of the rules. How can the ancestors let you interrupt the meal? What is the ancestor's own cut off, which green onion are you, you will not return Go down!"

Looking at the real person Bei Ze, whose eyebrows were drooped, he was half-dead with anger, but he couldn't say anything. He had to exit the hall obediently, his teeth clenched.

Willow on the moon

Countless Taoists sat together in a boring manner, and Zhang Bairen had been looking at the Beidou in the sky since sunset, his eyes had never moved.

"You said that the old man Bei Ze would really let us all the pigeons?" A Taoist priest suddenly turned and sat up, with an expression of impatience.

"The Taoist Master of the Northern Heavenly Master is here, it stands to reason not?" Someone hesitated again.

"Then this old thing is leaning on the old and selling the old, and asking so many of us to wait for him outside is simply too much!" Another yelled.

"This bastard, he should really shave his ears!"

Everyone kept scolding and Zhang Bairen turned a deaf ear. On one side, the people of Beitian Shidao looked ugly, but did not dare to argue, they just kept laughing.

Zhang Lihua was cooking Sanxian soup with an ugly face, and hated Madam Bei Ze to the extreme. For her, Zhang Bairen is all she has. The real Beize actually made Zhang Bairen hungry for a day, which is inexcusable to Zhang Lihua.

far away

Members of the big family members were eating barbecue, silently waiting for the final result.

Changsun Wugou was holding the broth, looked at the man who stood in the court, and wondered whether he should send a bowl of broth, and went to get a relationship.

When everyone was thinking about it, they saw a Yang Shen twisted across the void, standing in the square.


I don't know who yelled, and the atmosphere in the field was mobilized in a moment, and suddenly it became hot, and a pair of eyes looked at the field, looking at the two figures standing in the field.

"This old immortal finally came out. The old man has never met such a brazen person!"

"I don't know if this old guy is well-known, but his prestige is indeed not small!"

"This bastard, the bullshit!"

The real person Beize asked everyone to blow a cold wind for a day, and it was strange that he could get better. At this time, the real person Beize screamed. Anyway, everyone scolds together, and the law does not blame everyone!

"Zhang Bairen! Don't salute the real person!" At this time, Huaiying didn't know when he came to the court, and looked at Zhang Bairen who was still looking in the direction of with an angry cry.

Zhang Bairen was silent, motionless, but few people noticed that Zhang Bairen's eyebrows were slowly erecting.

"In terms of seniority, the old man is your uncle, and the real person is your uncle's master. You don't have to quickly kneel and kowtow to court!" Huaiying scolded.

Seeing that Zhang Bairen still looks like a fairy and does his own way, the real Huaiying stepped forward, came to Zhang Bairen, and pointed to Zhang Bairen's nose and yelled: "Rebellious! Did you hear the old man talking to you? Offending the old man, the old man has not investigated your fault yet, and you dare not follow the ancestor's etiquette today. Are you bored?"

Zhang Bairen remained motionless, and the old-fashioned spitting stars of Huaiying had already splashed on Zhang Bairen's face. Under the moonlight, Zhang Bairen's eyes were serene and tranquil, seeming to be filled with all the beauty in this world.

"You Nizi, do you pretend you can't hear it?" Huaiying stepped forward and slapped Zhang Bairen with a slap: "Nizi, he actually wanted to do something with the ancestor, and he quickly knelt down and confessed his mistake, begging the ancestor for forgiveness. If the ancestor is in a good mood, maybe he can spare your life, otherwise you will just wait to eat the ancestor’s family law!"

ps: The leader owes it for the time being, and it's a bit busy recently... I hope you can understand. I'm sorry...

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