First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 924: Li Yuan and Li Jing, by mistake

Zhuojun City


   Zhang Bairen sat in front of the case, and Yu Juluo sat listlessly opposite Zhang Bairen.


"Your boy tossed me up in the middle of the night, just for this? Li Yuan is not a fool, why would he throw himself into the net to Zhuojun City? Ask me to say, this old boy must first return to his lair, and bring good staff to show up in Zhuojun "Yu Ju Luo yawned again and again.


   Zhang Bairen tapped his finger on the case: "As long as there is a chance, you must not miss it! I have sent people to block the roads to Henan. As long as Li Yuan passes, there will be a dead end!"


   "The general quickly ordered the entire city to be on guard. If you find Li Yuan's trail, don't stun the snake. The governor will personally take him down!" Zhang Bairen looked at Yu Juluo with intense eyes.


   Yu Ju Luo was helpless, so he could only sign a warrant, but looking at the yawning soldier with dissatisfaction, Zhang Bairen's heart sank: "You have to rely on the sky to hear the action!"


   But he said that Li Yuan deserved to be the last person to win the throne, unexpectedly expected Zhang Bairen to be in Zhuojun, secretly waiting for him.


"Return to Xingyang? I'm afraid it won't work. Zhang Bairen had already set up a sky and earth net on the way back, and waited for me to drill into it. Once I returned, it would really be a place of death without burial!" Li Yuan's face was gloomy, and he was there. In the dark night, I suddenly felt desperate in all directions. No matter how much I tossed, I felt like a fish caught in a fishing net, and I could only struggle harder and harder.


   "Who can save me? Who can save me?" Old Li Yuan burst into tears, his eyes full of despair.




   Li Family Courtyard


   Li Shimin and Chunguijun sat facing each other. At this time, Chunguijun was holding scissors to trim the branches. Li Shimin stood in the yard and looked at Li Yuanba soaking in a wooden bucket, showing a heartache: "Zhang Bairen!"


   Li Shimin actually regretted that Zhang Bairen was so good, why did he marry out his little girl in a hurry? Although the Chai family is rich in the world, it is not as good as Zhang Bairen who is the incarnation of the five gods.


   "Second Young Master, your chance is here!"


   A piece of fallen leaf slowly fell, and was held in the hand by Chungui Jun. Chungui Jun felt a little bit and smiled immediately.


   "What opportunity? Can I break through to the Dao?" Li Shimin was taken aback.


   "Although he can't break through to the Dao, he can win the world. If he can get this person, he will be in the army in the future, and he will be invincible!"


   "Oh?" Li Shimin shivered suddenly, and a bright light burst out in his eyes: "There is such a person in the world?"


   "This person is now in Northland. The son will know that he has gone, and now Tang Guogong is also in Zhuojun, but don't let the Guogong take the lead!" Chunguijun put down the scissors in his hand, the corners of his mouth curled up with a smile.


   Zhuo County


   Li Yuan felt that he was trapped, but he never thought that Li Jing and Qiu Shanke in the distance were also in crisis of life and death.


"Li Jing, you don't have to struggle. The old man has already broken through to the Dao. How do you escape from the old man?" Wang Yi followed Li Jing and Qiu Yanke unhurriedly, hanging like a shadow like a shadow. Like a cat catching a mouse, he constantly teases and abuses two little mice secretly.


   "Wang Yi, you are also a world-famous master of martial arts at any rate. Why are you embarrassed with me for no reason? I would lose my master status!" Li Jing shouted bitterly.


"No way, the old man is also a human! Especially after breaking through the realm of the realm, I need too many resources. The benefits that Young Master Yang gave me, the old man can't refuse, so I can only wrong you two and hand over the life to me! "Wang Yi sighed, what about the strongest? Still not being driven by the treasure?


   "My uncle is Han Qinhu, if you kill me, my uncle will definitely take revenge for me! I will definitely ask the general Yujuluo to take action and tell you to pay for my life!" Li Jing ran panting.


   originally went to Shangqing Lingbao, but ran away all night, unexpectedly ran to Zhuojun.


Wang Yi said in a playful manner: "I am not afraid of the general's action. The general can't kill me! The only people in the world who are afraid of me are two people. One is the son of the emperor, and the other is the governor. Zhang Bairen. It's a pity that these two figures don't have a deep friendship with you. Even if the king of heaven comes here, you are dead!"


   "Brother, go! Don't be dragged down by me. You have infinite talent in martial arts. The governor once said that you have the hope of breaking through to the Dao. I will take revenge for me in the future. I will fight him!"


   Li Jing turned around and stopped suddenly, staring at Wang Yi with a fierce complexion, murderous intent in his eyes.


   "Escape? Where to escape? This place is still more than ten miles away from Zhuojun City. When the old man takes your life but flies, where are you going to flee?" Wang Yi's figure flashed, blocking the way of Li Jing and the bearded guest.


The bearded man gritted his teeth and clenched his fists tightly: "How dare a man be afraid of life and death? Eighteen years later, he will be a hero again!"


   "Big Brother, I was the one who dragged you down!" Li Jing burst into tears, her expression desperate.


   He is unwilling!


   Hongfu hasn't found it, his ambitions have not been displayed yet, and he has a gap in his chest, but he hasn't made it out yet. How do you tell him to be willing?


   "I'm unwilling!" Li Jing roared up to the sky: "I owe Hongfu an explanation!"


"Boy, take it to death, how many people in this world have no regrets? Even if the emperor is not perfect, let alone you?" Wang Yi raised his palm and was about to kill Qiu Luke and Li Jing. When the two of them broke most of their muscles and bones, they had absolutely no resistance to face Wang Yi.


   "Who is here?" At this moment, a shout came from a distant hill.


  Wang Yi was taken aback, then turned to look at the people who came: "Old man Wang Yi, is Tang Guogong on the opposite side?"


   "Wang Yi?" Li Yuan in the mountains was suddenly excited, his face was ecstatic, this is really a situation where there is nowhere to go, and the willows reveal another village.


"It's the official, I've seen Grandmaster Wang Yi!" Li Yuan wiped the tears on his face, walked out of the mountain calmly, looked at the atmosphere of the three people in the court, and gave a fist to Wang Yi: "Why is Grandmaster here? ?"


   "It's not about taking people's money and people to eliminate disasters, but Tang Guogong, who is not in the mansion to take fortune, what does it mean to come to this deep mountain and old forest?" Wang Yi was surprised.


"Oh... this matter is hard to say in one word. Your Majesty ordered me to be the superintendent of grain and grass transportation, but he never wanted to walk halfway and was surrounded and killed by the chief governor. Fortunately, the Yangtze River Dragon King helped him to escape. The governor’s lair, I also asked Grandmaster Wang Yi to help me, and Li Yuan will surely end up with grass in the future!"


   "It is good luck for Tang Guogong to escape under the command of the governor!" Wang Yi was shocked. Everyone can see how well Zhang Bairen was. Li Yuan was able to escape from his hand. His skill was amazing.


Now that the Li family has become a major trend, all the people of all furniture are optimistic about the Li family. In the future, the person in front of you may be the lord of the world. Of course, Wang Yi dare not easily offend can make Li Yuan owe his life, and there will be endless benefits in the future. .


   And the relationship between the family and the Li family is pretty good, so it doesn't hurt to help them. Although he was afraid of Zhang Bairen, Wang Yi was still quite sure to get away from Zhang Bairen.


"Since Tang Guogong is in a difficult situation, the old man has a deep friendship with the Li family, but he can't save him. When I kill these two thieves, I will go to Zhuo County with Guo Gong to meet the general!" Wang Yi raised his hand. Li Jing and the bearded guest should be killed.


   "Wait!" Li Yuan hurriedly said, "I think these two people are Zhuangzheng. They are not like the **** thief, why did you kill them?"


  Wang Yidao: "Someone paid a good price, and the killer originally did this kind of unprofitable business!"


   "The old man is willing to pay ten times the price, and ask the grandmaster to sell the old man a face, how about letting them off once?" Li Yuan looked sincere.


"What did the Duke say, since you opened Chrysostom, then I will let them go!" After speaking, Wang Yi glared at the two of them: "If you are lucky, it happens that Duke is waiting for you. Please get out of here, don’t dangle in front of the old man."


   Li Jing fell to his knees on the ground with a ‘piss-through’: “Li Jing, thanks for the grace of the Lord’s life-saving, is willing to obey orders under the account of the Lord, and help the Lord.”


  噬陬客 just clasped his fists in a salute: "Today's grace will be rewarded in the future!"


   "Get up! Get up!" Li Yuan quickly helped Li Jing: "I also have some friendship with Han Qinhu. We are not outsiders, let's not do this! Let's not do this!"

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