First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 925: Only 3 swords

Li Yuan happily accepted Li Jing. To be honest, Li Jing is indeed a talent, and he has a convincing attitude.


"You mean you are looking for Lingbao, a master of Shangqing to suppress Yang Su?" Li Yuan pondered a little, looked at the guilty bearded guest and Li Jing, and pondered slightly: "The old man has some friendship with Shangqing Dao, the two are better off following me into the city. , An old man’s handwriting, naturally there will be a Maoshan master to help out."


   "Thank you Guo Gong!" Li Jing is very grateful.


   was talking, suddenly there was a sound of breaking through the air from a distance, and Li Shimin and Chunguijun came together.


   Waiting to see the four people on the court, Chunguijun's complexion changed, and Li Shimin secretly heard: "One step too late, I got on the ground first."


   Li Shimin's expression remained unchanged, and he went straight to the court: "The boy heard that Dad was chased and killed, so he chased him overnight. Fortunately, Mr.'s easy calculation method is quite accurate, otherwise I am afraid that the time will be missed."


   "Just come! Just come!" Li Yuan nodded, and after seeing Li Shimin and Chunguijun, his heart suddenly became calm.


   "Let's go into the city later in the morning. With your support, who can assassinate me? As long as I can meet the general, this will be done!" Li Yuan's face was full of excitement.


  Looking at the pale-faced Qiuqiu and Li Jing, Li Shimin took out the pill from his arms: "I have some healing medicine here. If the two of you swallow it, the injury will heal faster."


   Thanks to Li Shimin, Li Jing and the bearded man swallowed the medicine, waiting for dawn.


   Zhuo County


   Zhang Bairen tapped his finger on the case table, sitting on the chair of the teacher's office, his pupils dilated, and he had secretly lost consciousness.


  What is going on with the seal of the emperor?


   I remember that before the tomb of the dead shadow was opened in Beiman Mountain, the emperor once said that the seal of the country was fake, so why has it become real now? I don’t know what happened in this.


   Zhang Bairen couldn't figure it out. As the sky shined, the night passed, Zhang Bairen stood up slowly, the fish on one side was still sleeping.


   "Is there no news yet?" Zhang Bairen carried his hands and looked at the purple light in the sky with his eyes.


   The guard lowered his head.


   Zhang Bairen stood there, watching the sun in the sky without speaking.


   three poles a day, suddenly a rush of footsteps came: "Report! I found the trail of Li Yuan, but the brothers are not easy to do."


   "What happened?" Zhang Bairen's expression changed.


   "Wang Yi, Qiu Luke, Li Shimin, and Li Jing were accompanied by Li Yuan. The brothers saw that the opportunity was bad, so they could only monitor it secretly!" the guard whispered.


   "Wang Yi dare to come to the muddy water, I think he is tired of life!" After speaking, he flicked his sleeves and walked outside the manor.


   Entering Zhuojun City, the Li family, father and son, Qiu Luke and others, all felt the subtle atmosphere, and kept watching secretly.


   "Go!" Wang Yi urged, turning into a shadow and blending into Li Yuan's shadow.


   "It's too late!" Li Jing sighed softly.


   The more people leave, the fewer people, as long as you are not fools, you can see that there are murder weapons hidden in the waists of those ‘traffickers’.


   On a bridge, Zhang Bairen looked down at the clear water with his hands on his back and turned his back to a group of people speechless.


   Looking at Zhang Bairen, who was wearing a purple shirt and a jade crown, Li Yuan's pupils suddenly shrank, everyone's heart tightened, and the real test began.


   "Li Yuan has seen the chief governor!" Li Yuan respectfully saluted.


Zhang Bairen put his hands on his shoulders, his gaze retracted from the blue water, he turned his eyes and looked down at the group of people. When he saw Li Jing and the skewers, his brows were slightly frowned, and he said quietly: "Li Yuan? Where is Li Yuan? The local governor only looks To a rebellious party!"


   "Why the chief governor must kill me!" Li Yuan was puzzled.


"Everyone can bet, see the imposing aura, how can the Governor fail to see through?" Zhang Bairen stretched out his palm, and the clear water slowly rose, turning into a sword of ice: "I just want to Try to see if the trend is really irreversible!"


   "Everyone knows that the general governor is the number one master in the world, and I am definitely not a rival to the general governor. If the general governor wants to kill, I will kill it when he naturally leads the neck. Do it!” Li Shimin stretched out his neck.


Looking at Li Shimin, Zhang Bairen's heart suddenly moved, and in an instant he sensed the changes in the qi machine, subconsciously said: "Three swords! I only make three swords! No matter what method you use, as long as you can take my three swords, you will Fanger waiting for a way out!"


   This is in the city of Zhuojun, it is not suitable to fight.


  Looking at Zhang Bairen, the bearded guest stepped forward and stood in front of Li Yuan: "Below, thanks to Tang Guogong for saving his life, I would like to block this sword for the Guogong!"


   Looking at the bearded guest, Zhang Bairen frowned. He said three swords, not unfounded empty words.


  Wang Yi can block one of his own swords, and Chungui Jun can block one of his own swords. The remaining sword Li Yuan will undoubtedly die.


   Thirty breaths out of three swords, and three swords to protect himself. This is already Zhang Bairen's limit.


   And with the help of jade bamboo slips and Dao, it is not a small amount for Zhang Bairen's true energy consumption.


   Thirty breaths are enough for Zhang Bairen to make a hundred swords, but he can only go all out with six swords at most.


   Zhang Bairen never thought that the Qiu Luke was so close to Li Yuan, close enough to die for Li Yuan.


   "You have considered it clearly. Although you helped me fight against God back then, this matter is related to the number of lives in the world, and I may not be merciful." Zhang Bairen stroked the ice sword in his hand.


   "I owe others, so naturally I have to pay it back!" The Qiu Luke closed his eyes blankly.


   "Since then, you and I have settled the grievances, cause and effect, and if the crime is in my hands next time, you will definitely be left at the first level!" Zhang Bairen said indifferently: "Let's let go, this first sword is forgotten.


  陬陬陬客 was silent for a while after hearing the words: "Thank you for not killing the general governor!"


   turned to Li Yuan and gave a salute, the stunned face was sullen, and his heart was mixed.


   "Thank you heroes for your help!" Li Yuan said excitedly.


  虬髯客 sighed softly: "It's the love I owe the country's father."


   After finishing speaking, Meteor strode and turned away and walked out of Zhuojun city.


   "The old man is irrelevant, and wants to ask the general governor of swordsmanship!" Facing Zhang Bairen, Chunguijun was eager to try, and wanted to take the opportunity to test Zhang Bairen's true realm now. Only by knowing the enemy and confidant can he win the battle.


   The ice sword in Zhang Bairen's hand cut across the void in an instant. The world seemed to freeze under this sword, time and space lost their perception, and time was pressed by the pause button.


   Chun Guijun roared in his heart, his eyes were full of the sword that filled all his mind, and he kept desperately urging the exercises.


   The time of all things in heaven and earth seems to have become sluggish, but Jungui Jun knows that this is not because time has really become sluggish, but that the opponent's sword intent is too strong and has blinded his senses.


   "Block it! Block it!" Chungui Jun's body flashed green.




   Chunguijun’s body was green light like a piece of paper, and it was penetrated by Zhang Bairen.


   Chun Guijun watched Zhang Bairen pierce his throat with a sword and cut his own trachea, but he couldn't move.


   If you don't face this sword, you will never know how terrible this sword is.


The sword intent disappeared, Zhang Bairen was still standing quietly on the Chungui Jun clutched the ice sword at his throat, and kept screaming, the next moment the green light circulated, the ice sword vaporized, Chunguijun The flesh continued to recombine, blocking Zhang Bairen's sword.


   It's just that Chunguijun's complexion is not good at this time, his vitality is greatly injured, and the green light all over his body is dimmed by five or six points.


   "Who will block the third sword?" Zhang Bairen grabbed the river again with his palm, and an ice sword thin as a cicada's wings formed again.


   Wang Yi's body is distorted, and he steps forward with hesitation and hesitation.


   To be honest, facing Zhang Bairen's infinite sword, he really has no bottom in his heart.


   "You have a good chance and good luck. Someone is willing to die for you!" Zhang Bairen blew the long sword, the long sword trembled, and the sobbing of the cut air flow.


   "It's a pity that your cultivation is a rare breakthrough, but it is a good material for corpse training!" Zhang Bairen's sword is as fast as thunder, the world seems to be locked by this sword, and the world is the only one.


   For Wang Yi, Zhang Bairen was murderous, and this sword used at least seven points of power.


  The assassin family has been embarrassed with himself many times, and almost caused himself and dangerous places several times, especially when these guys become shadows and come and go freely, very slick. Now that Wang Yiken took his own sword head-on, and had the opportunity to kill him, Zhang Bairen would certainly not show mercy.


   The smell of death! Wang Yi couldn't remember how long he hadn't felt this way.


  Ps: Thanks to classmate "aayyaye" for the reward.

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