First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 926: Raise the East China Sea, open the golden lock and walk away

Assassins, the strongest method is to assassinate, to confront people head-on, isn't it to attack the enemy's strength with his shortcomings?


   Everything between heaven and earth is gradually moving away from oneself, between the vast and vast universe, only that magnificent sword penetrates time and space, occupying all of his mind.


   "What a powerful sword!" Wang Yi wanted to hide, but couldn't. If you want to avoid it, you can't avoid it. If you don't face this sword, you will never know how powerful this sword is.


  Only when he really faced this sword, would he know that Zhang Bairen was able to retreat with a sword in Mobei that day. Only when you really face this sword can you understand what death is and what despair is!




  Wang Yi was split by a sword and turned into two halves, blood spurting out.


   The dignified and powerful person could not stop Zhang Bairen's sword power.


   Of course, Wang Yi has just touched the threshold, and has not really crossed the threshold. Even so, they have already diverged from the strong man who saw the gods, otherwise they would not have chased Li Jing and the beards for hundreds of kilometers.


   Zhang Bairen looked far away with a pair of eyes, and the ice sword in his hand turned into powder and scattered on the ground.




   saw only a shadow ejection, Wang Yi's body merged with the shadow, and then got into Li Yuan's shadow and disappeared.


   "The Assassin's family really has some ways, it's not dead!" Zhang Bairen's heart turned murderously, and he extended his hand to the river again, wanting to absorb the water in his hand.


   "The governor, three times have passed, how can a person like the governor make a face without faith?" Li Jing stepped out, staring at Zhang Bairen with bright eyes.


   Zhang Bairen looked down at the group of people at his feet, and finally his eyes fell on Li Yuan: "It's really lucky, this won't kill you!"


   "The ones who gain the way help more, the ones who lose the way are few, nothing can be done! This is the reincarnation of the way of heaven, why should the governor go against the sky!" Li Yuan respectfully said.


   "Huh!" Zhang Bairen hummed coldly and turned and left.


   Zhang Bairen left, and the trafficker was completely evacuated in an instant.


   "This level is over!" Looking at Zhang Bairen's back, Li Yuan sighed, "Thank you for your help, but there will be instructions in the future, Li Yuan is absolutely unambiguous."


   "Let's go, go to see the general, and settle the matter early, once the chief governor regrets killing him back, I can't handle it anymore!" Chun Guijun urged.


   At the other end of the bridge, Zhang Bairen stepped off the bridge, and suddenly stopped.


   "The governor has repented?" Xiaohu said.


   "Is it a bit bad to go back?" Zhang Bairen looked at the Xiao brothers.


  The Xiao family brothers nodded together, and Zhang Bairen frowned: "I didn't know why before, but I actually said the **** promise of the Three Swords like a ghost. Now I really want to go back and take another sword to tell Li Yuan to meet the Sanqing Dao Zun.


   "That's it! This is the number of anger!" Zhang Bairen couldn't help but repented, and turned to the Yujuluo mansion.


   "How?" Yu Juluo was practicing boxing in the courtyard at this time.


   "How many days!" Zhang Bairen sighed inexplicably.


"Ten years ago, if you had the abilities that you are now, it would be no time to take Li Yuan’s life away. Ten years later, the great sui spirit will disappear, and the grassy rivers and lakes and the world’s heroes will gain the dragon spirit that belongs to the great sui. Own fate, with the aura of heaven and earth, and with his own luck, it is difficult to kill." Yu Guluo stopped his movements and slowly recovered his power: "The weaker the Da Sui, the more the aura spread. It’s harder to kill those who have gotten angry! For example, this time, Wang Yi and the **** guy happened to run into Li Yuan. Isn’t that angry?"


   "How to kill it?" Zhang Bairen said.


   "Be discouraged first, and the best policy is to kill!" Yu Juluo sighed softly: "Time comes and the world is the same force, and there is no freedom for heroes, so what can I do?"


   "Those with great numbers will have the blessing of heaven and earth, beheading is equivalent to fighting the heaven and the earth, naturally it is difficult to please!" Yu Goluo wiped the sweat on his face.


   "I don't believe in fate. If I kill Li Yuan now, I will call him dead!" Zhang Bairen snorted.


   "That's because you got the fate of the innate god!" Yu Juluo looked at Zhang Bairen.


   Zhang Bairen was taken aback, then shook his head: "I don't believe in fate, I only believe in my own sword! My sword is my fate! If fate stops me, I will cut off the fate of fate!"


   Yu Ju Luo was silent, but couldn't say what he wanted to refute. Zhang Bairen was qualified to say this.


   In the battle in Mobei that day, Zhang Bairen had already touched his fate with a single sword. As long as he continued to study and comprehend, the fate was just around the corner.


   Looking at Zhang Bairen's confident face, Yu Juluo sighed, then turned and walked into the room: "Then why didn't you kill Li Yuan with a single sword?"


   "Oh!" Zhang Bairen sighed, "All the three swords I promised were blocked by him! The bearded guy broke my calculations, or Li Yuan would be dead."


   Yu Juluo smiled without saying a word, and listened to the guard outside the door: "General, Li Yuan visit!"


   "Please go to the lobby" Yu Gula narrowed his eyes.


   Li Yuan came to Zhuojun and had not seen Yu Juluo before being killed. The emperor asked, Yu Juluo could push two hundred fifty six. But if Li Yuan had seen Yu Juluo and was assassinated again, Yu Juluo could not shirk the blame.


   "I'll meet him, do you want to go?" Yu Juluo looked at Zhang Bairen.


   "I'm upset when I see this bastard!" Zhang Bairen waved his hand impatiently.


   Yu Juluo smiled, got up and walked into the hall, leaving Zhang Bairen to sit in the courtyard blankly, not knowing what to think.


   About an hour later, Yu Juluo turned around, and Zhang Bairen said, "Li Yuan is gone?"


   "Immediately take office, Zhuojun dare not stay long, for fear that you can't think about it for a while, kill him!" Yu Juluo joked.


   "Open the golden lock and walk away from the dragon, Li Yuan will leave this time, and he will surely lose his shot in the future." Zhang Bairen stood up and walked outside.


   "Don't be foolish, you kid" Looking at Zhang Bairen's back, Yu Juluo suddenly got anxious.


   "I'm going to see Ma Zu!" Zhang Bairen went away: "The Li family colluded with the Dragon Clan and wanted to calculate me. If you don't give the Dragon Clan some eye drops, how can I show my ability?"


With the congenital **** possessed by the Dharma body, Zhang Bairen stepped across thousands of mountains and rivers, and instantly came to the boundless sea. Looking at the ten thousand hectares of waves, his palm stretched out, and a huge icicle that was thousands of meters long and hundreds of meters wide plunged into the sky, and then compressed and solidified in an instant , Turned into a bowl size.




   Zhang Bairen smashed into the East China Sea Dragon King's camp like a thunderous stick.




When    fell, the seawater turned into chaos within a radius of ten miles. I don't know how many sea monsters died, and the seawater turned into a bright red color.








  Zhang Bairen kept moving, but he pushed for thirty miles in an instant. Hundreds of thousands of the sea clan army died unfavorably and became the nourishment for the Four Swords of Zhu Xian.


   "Zhang Bairen, dare to come to the East China Sea to be presumptuous!" The Dragon King of the East China Sea rose into the sky, surrounded by lightning, like a rope hanging from the sky, bound towards it.


"Kill!" Zhang Bairen shot down, the thunder and lightning were swept away, the whole body was rolled up, and all the thunder and lightning were introduced into the sea. Countless fish and shrimps died in unfavorable You dare to collude with the Lisong and want to plot this seat. , I won’t teach you a long lesson today. I really think the capital is good for bullying.” Zhang Bairen fell with a blow, and the sea condensed into ice in a moment, and the overwhelming cold wave froze towards the Dragon King of the East China Sea.


   The two played against each other, rolling up an endless wave.


   Zhang Bairen deliberately rammed into the East China Sea army, causing countless marine shrimp soldiers and crabs to be turned into ice sculptures.


   "Zhang Bairen!" The Dragon King of the East China Sea roared, looking at the sea clan with countless casualties, his anger rose to the sky.




   Zhang Bairen was accidentally swept away by the tail of the Dragon King of the East China Sea. Like a cannonball, he fell into the sea without knowing his life or death.


   The next moment the sea exploded, an icicle that covered the sky and sunk across the void, smashing the huge dragon body of the Dragon King of the East China Sea into the sea water, and the two sides fought together, Xuanzhen could hardly be separated.


   "Zhang Bairen, don't force me!" Donghai Dragon King's eyes were red.


"Boy, the dragon king and the sea dragon king only control one percent of the power of the sea. This little loach is too scumbag. If you can really control the power of the sea, wouldn't it be invincible in the world? Don't be afraid of him, just hit him! This fellow It's just bluffing!" Yi Yuanquan yelled in Zhang Bairen's sleeve.


   "Yuanyuanquanyan, you actually took away my oneyuanquanyan!" Listening to the Yiyuanquanyan, the East China Sea Dragon King suddenly exploded, like an angry tiger, roaring to the sky.


  Ps: The leader is ten more. Fourth today:

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