First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 940: Encounter at Beimanshan

"It's a coincidence that time is pinched. I just gave up my work. These lifeless things dare to take the initiative to calculate the door. The other party has such a good grasp of time. There must be a ghost next to this emperor!" The cold light in Xihe's eyes: "Lunar Star The lunar yin and the sun inhibit each other. If I go up now, I will die!"


  Speaking of this, suddenly the world revolved, Zhang Bairen's thoughts came back, standing in the yard speechless for a long time.


   "The governor, all the great families and people outside the Great Wall have made arrangements!" Yuan Tiangang walked in.


Zhang Bairen collected the ten-day refining diagram, looking into the distance, thinking about all the mists of ancient times: "Looking for the phoenix blood with all his strength, now all the treasures are in place, and there is still a shortage of the main medicine of phoenix blood. ."


   "It's difficult!" Yuan Tiangang sighed softly.


   "The governor of the capital will go to Beiman Mountain for a while!" Zhang Bairen stepped outside the gate: "Maybe the king of Beiman Mountain can do something."


   Looking at Zhang Bairen's back, Yuan Tiangang hurriedly went down to make arrangements.


   Along the way, Zhang Bairen continued to ponder in his heart: "Xihe has lost his work, why is his work lost?"


   "Why did the emperor waste his work?" Zhang Bairen muttered to himself, wondering why the emperor used his work.


   "Because the emperor found out that he had gone the wrong way, so he stopped practicing!" Yiyuanquan said.


   "Wrong way?" Zhang Bairen was taken aback.


"Everything in the world, only the sun, moon and stars are eternal and immortal. Even the real Sun God cannot withstand the invasion of the cycle of years. The Emperor wants to turn himself into the sun, eternal and immortal, so he found that he had gone the wrong way, so he wasted effort. I've been here," Yiyuanquan said with eyes.


   Zhang Bairen heard the words silently, did not say much, but slowly pondered.


   "I have only refined my skin and flesh now, and my bones have not been refined by the power of the sun, so I am not in a hurry to adjust the origin of the sun between heaven and earth!" Zhang Bairen thought to himself.


   walked all the way, slowly came to the inaccessible Beiman Mountain, to the place where the emperor was suppressed last time.


   Zhang Bairen stood at the town monument with his hands on his back, and looked at the town monument speechless for a long time.


   "The emperor can be here, Zhang Bairen comes to visit!" Zhang Bairen's voice went into the underground through the town monument, and entered the underground palace through the portal.


   Zhang Bairen!


   The emperor in the underground palace was surprised when he heard the words: "What is he here for? Is he trying to kill me?"


   "If you want to kill me, I'm afraid he is not coming alone, but leading the powerful people of the human race together. It doesn't hurt that the king will meet this person when he goes out!" On one side, the person who looked like a prime minister said.


   The emperor thought for a while and nodded: "It's true!"


   I saw the billowing dead shadow spreading. The emperor, wearing the emperor's diadem suit and wearing a black diadem, opened the door of the cave, accompanied by countless soldiers. In an instant, it was as if the door of **** opened, and the ghost king descended on the world.


   "I have seen the emperor!" Zhang Bairen clasped his fists in a salute.


   "I have seen a real person!" The emperor also gave a gift, looked up and down Zhang Bairen, and then said after a while: "A real person came to Beimanshan to look for the king, what's the matter?"


   "Why didn't the emperor be born? I can't stop you from the town monument!" Zhang Bairen looked at the town monument, which had been eroded by the ghostly spirit and might be broken open at any time.


   "There has been a big change in the underworld, but unfortunately you will destroy the king's merits, otherwise the king will have died and will live for another life!" The emperor sighed softly, "We are not finished with this account, let's write it down for now."


   Zhang Bairen's eyebrows trembled: "The Mansion?"


   The emperor does not want to say more: "When you become a Yang God in the future, you can naturally blend in."


   Zhang Bairen nodded: "Today, the poor way came here to ask the emperor if there is still the remaining phoenix blood? When today's son has the elixir of longevity medicine, if he wants to refine the eternal life immortality medicine, he must be phoenix blood."


   "Nothing! Nothing! All the phoenix blood has been searched away by Er et al! Now that the Immortal Medicine is here, it seems to be a sign of the imminent chaos!" The emperor's eyes were full of sorrow.


   Zhang Bairen looked at the monument beside him, his eyes were full of sorrows: "I am waiting for the blood of the phoenix to break the chance of the emperor. Naturally, I can't help but make up for the poor way."


   At this point, Zhang Bairen looked at the emperor: "The poor road can borrow the road from the emperor. Regardless of the surrounding foreign races or the Sihai Dragon Palace, the blood can be enjoyed by the emperor, and the strong from all walks of life shall not be disturbed."


  Dijun shook his head: "The blood of fish and shrimp is cold and does not contain pure yang energy. It is useless to eat. If you want to eliminate the dead shadow, it must be human blood!"


   Zhang Bairen smiled bitterly, and the emperor turned and left: "The big change is coming, so please do it yourself!"


  In the Beiman Mountain, ghosts cried and howled, leaving Zhang Bairen alone in the Beiman Mountain, speechless, watching the overwhelming soul wandering aimlessly, Zhang Bairen slowly walked out of the Beiman Mountain.


   Beimang Mountain is a dead place, and Zhang Bairen does not want to stay here.


   "Where can I find the blood of the phoenix?" Zhang Bairen thought to himself: "If not, let the gods catch the phoenix blood?"


  In the desolate and endless mountains, the withered grass on the ground suddenly ignited, and then was swept away by the cold north wind.


   The earth began to scorch gradually, and it seemed to have been burnt, showing the color of crunchy sand.


   There was a roar, and suddenly the birds flew in the mountains and rivers, fleeing all around and flew away desperately.


  God slowly drilled out of the mud. Although his face was ashamed at this time, his eyes were filled with unprecedented excitement.


"Li Shimin! Guan Zizai! You are driving me like a mourning dog, Lao Tzu called you to know that it is amazing, I now swallow a drop of drought blood, and add supernatural powers, I have supernatural powers against the sky, see that you are still my opponent!" While speaking, God jumped out of the mud pit and disappeared in the jungle without a trace.


   "It's a pity that Tianfeng's true body is still short of a line, and it is too late to complete. Back then, King Wu swept through the invincible hands with Tianfeng's true body.


"The age of the Phoenix is ​​too long, otherwise the young man will get the corpse of the Phoenix, find out the Phoenix Aperture, and want to condense the real body of the Phoenix, but it is just around the corner." Chungui Jun held a paintbrush in his hand, and a fire phoenix by his side was vivid: "Want to see If you want to think of a phoenix, you need to know its shape before you can visualize it. It will be vivid and accurate."


Junguijun handed the picture scroll to Li Shimin: "Zhang Bairen has a human sword and can destroy all things without strength. If the son can understand the true body of the phoenix and practice the true phoenix body, then the human and the phoenix will be one. Weaker than Zhang Bairen, even in the face of the god's law body, he may not have the power to fight.


   "Is the Phoenix really so powerful?" Li Shimin was surprised and surprised.


   "The phoenix, in the ancient times, was able to fight the gods, and in the ancient times, it was also an overlord. You must not underestimate the phoenix" Chunguijun said with a solemn expression.


   Li Shimin nodded, took the phoenix picture of Spring Return, and sat cross-legged in the courtyard again to visualize.


   "No time, why are you here!" Zhang Bairen just came out of Beiman Mountain when he met the woman who looked like a clear moon.


"Oh, my ancestors were hiding in Beiman Mountain. The little girl came here to pay her respects, but she never met the governor." The grandson Wuku smiled lightly, and the whole body was full of impeccable air: "How come the governor is so ghostly? local?".


   "It's a coincidence, I'm here to meet with acquaintances." Zhang Bairen changed the topic: "Let's go back to the Central Plains."


   There was no time to sigh softly: "The little girl heard people say that the elixir of immortality was born, and she was in the hands of the governor of the city. I don't know if this is true or false."


   "Naturally is true" Zhang Bairen smiled, came to the river and waved his big sleeve, and the boat fell on the water.


   Zhang Bairen set foot on the flat boat Gu, the grandson sitting beside him, sighed faintly: "Who doesn't want to live forever? It's a pity that the little girl never saw it."


   "Coincidentally, I put the elixir of longevity in Xiyuan, otherwise I can show it to you." Zhang Bairen's mouth cocked.


   Looking at the look of regret on Wugou's face, Zhang Bairen said, "What is this? After a few days, the elixir of immortality is refined, and the pill is whatever you want."


   "The governor is generous, and he casually told the secret recipe of immortality to the outside of the Great Wall. The wolves outside the Great Wall are ambitious, and the governor is not afraid of backlash outside the Great Wall!" Changsun Wugou said.


  Suddenly the waves rolled up, the boat swayed, and the grandson Wu Gu exclaimed, and he was about to fall into the water.


   Zhang Bairen's eyesight is quick, and he takes the grandson Wugou in his arms.




  The divine fetus in the divine nature is restless, Zhang Bairen only feels that his three souls and seven souls have taken aphrodisiac, and he starts to get excited.



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