First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 941: Poor Xu Fu



Falling into Zhang Bairen’s arms, listening to Zhang Bairen’s muddy gasps and hot eyes, a sense of badness suddenly rose from the heart of Wuguo, the grandson. Before the thought was extinguished, Zhang Bairen had already hugged him. He rubbed it in his arms desperately and kissed it fiercely.


   "It hurts!"


   The salty smell on his lips, accompanied by severe pain, caused Zhang Bairen to wake up instantly and suddenly loosened Changsun Wuguo.


   Changsun Wugou's eyes were red with anger, tears swirled in his eye circles, and his body kept trembling, staring at Zhang Bairen with a pale face, looking extremely aggrieved.


   This look is definitely not a pretend, the grandson Wu Gu is angry. I didn't get any benefit, but was taken advantage of by others, and Wu Gu Lung, the grandson, almost exploded.


   "Flawless girl, it's the governor of the capital who is rude..." Zhang Bairen hurriedly clasped his fists to apologize, but saw that the grandson Wuguo had already turned and walked away on the river, leaving Zhang Bairen standing on the bow of the ship without speaking.


"What's the matter, is this the attraction of Innate Qi? When I met Changsun Wuguo, there was no resistance at all. This innate Qi is of great use to me, and you must not miss it!" Zhang Bairen thought secretly in his heart, not knowing what to do for a while.


  , however, said that the tears in the eyes of Changsun Wuguo ran into the forest and stood facing the north wind, thinking of Zhang Bairen's frivolity before, and thinking about calling himself out to show off the beauty of Li Shimin, and hate him to death!


  Walking in the mountains and forests, feeling the salty smell between his mouth and teeth, Changsun Wugou subconsciously clicked his mouth, then realized something, and suddenly spit on the ground, "Bah"!


   "Zhang Bairen! Li Shimin!" A cold light flashed in Changsun Wuguo's eyes, wiped the tears on his face, slowly walked out of the mountains, and returned to Taiyuan Li's house. Changsun Wuguo was full of grievances.


   "Second brother!" Walking into the yard, looking at Li Shimin, who closed his eyes and meditated, Wu Gu's eyes suddenly turned red.


   "Wugou, you're back? Why did Zhang Bairen bully you like this?" Seeing the appearance of Wuguo, Li Shimin suddenly felt his heart and hurried forward to support him.


  The grandson Wugou did not speak, but cried silently.


   "How can Zhang Bairen bully you if he isn't close to a girl? Who is bullying you outside? Tell me, I will clean him up!" Li Shimin looked at Changsun Wuguo with a pair of eyes, revealing a murderous intent.


   "Second brother, Jiangshan is your man's business, don't you want me to seduce Zhang Bairen, okay?" Changsun Wugou said pitifully.


  Looking at the face that I saw pity, Li Shimin's head was agitated, and he opened his mouth to respond, but the word ‘good’ was held tightly by reason, and he couldn’t spit it out anyway.


   Seeing Li Shimin's appearance, the eldest son Wugou was greatly disappointed, his face suddenly became cold, and Li Shimin's hands were abruptly thrown away. His voice was cold and said, "Do you like wearing a green hat so much?"


   After speaking, he slapped Li Shimin and turned and walked into the backyard.


   "No dirt! No dirt!" Li Shimin shouted.


Returning to the backyard, the grandson Wugu took out tea, rinsed his mouth continuously, and after gargle for a long time, his lips were dry and white, and then he stopped bitterly. A cold light flashed in his eyes: "Since you like green hats, then I will do it. you!"


   But he said that Zhang Bairen returned to Xiyuan, thinking about the phoenix blood in his heart, but now that he can't find the phoenix blood, the elixir of immortality cannot be opened.


   At this moment, there was a soft footstep outside the door: "The governor, there is a Taoist outside, saying that he is familiar with the governor, waiting outside the door."


   "Familiar? Do you have a greeting card? Famous stab?" Zhang Bairen said.


   Hearing what Zhang Bairen said, the guard shook his head: "The other party just said that he can solve the Phoenix Blood issue for the governor."


   "Oh?" Zhang Bairen was taken aback: "Please come in!"


   After a short while, I saw a ruddy-faced middle-aged man in a robes walking slowly into the hall.


   is very imposing, this person's every move is very imposing, he looks like he has been in a high position for a long time.


   Just somehow, looking at the Taoist in front of him, Zhang Bairen always felt a little familiar.


Zhang Bairen looked at the Taoist, and the Taoist also looked at Zhang Bairen. He saw a ray of light lingering from the corner of his eyes. He quietly swept through Zhang Bairen. After a meeting, he suddenly sighed: "It's really talented people from generation to generation. For hundreds of years of coquettishness, it is the blessing of my generation and the blessing of my human race to be able to produce a figure like a chief governor in this world."


   "Dao Master, have we met?" Zhang Bairen swept across the Taoist in front of him, wearing a common law crown on his head, his clothes and robes were all ordinary, but he had an unspeakable aura.


   "Naturally, I have seen it, Xu Fu, the poor Taoist, and the governor!" Taoist respectfully saluted.


   "Xu Fu? This name is a bit interesting!" Zhang Bairen was taken aback when he drank water, and he looked at Xu Fu with a pair of eyes. He was sure that he had definitely seen the person in front of him, but he couldn't remember where he had seen it.


   "Where have you seen it?" Zhang Bairen asked.


   Xu Fu smiled inexplicably: "The governor is not in a hurry to ask the origin of the poor road. It is said that your Majesty has obtained the elixir of immortality, isn't it?"


   "It's the extreme, this matter is all over the world and everyone knows it" Zhang Bairen looked around Xu Fu, but couldn't remember where he had seen each other.


   "Does the Governor know how Na Danfang got to Goryeo?" Xu Fu asked.


   Zhang Bairen shook his head: "I don't know, does Mr. Know?"


   "There are some things that can only be said to allies, if the governor is willing to make a covenant with the poor road, he will never be harmed in the future, and all these reasons are poor enough to know a little bit" Xu Fu said with a smile.


   "Oh!" Zhang Bairen looked at Xu Fu up and down, and then said after a while: "As long as my husband doesn't harm me, I will never be an enemy."


  "The chief governor Jinkouyu said that it is difficult to follow a word!" Xu Fu smiled and drank a sip of tea: "If you want to talk about this elixir of immortality, you need to start from the ancient times."


   "Oh?" Zhang Bairen was taken aback.


Xu Fudao: "Back then, the first emperor was orthodox in the world, overwhelming all directions, covering the four seas, and casting twelve gold people. Even if the innate gods faced the first emperor, they had to retreat. The first emperor killed twelve innate gods who fell into a deep sleep. Incorporate into the gold man, use it as the spirit of consecration, to burn the seal, and to turn it into something handed down."


   Zhang Bairen listened carefully, but in his heart he was shocked by the power of the first emperor. He never thought that the ancient pre-Qin was so powerful and could kill the innate gods.


As if seeing the shock in Zhang Bairen’s eyes, Xu Fu smiled lightly: "You got it wrong. It is the sleeping congenital god. As early as the ancient war, he was hit hard by an unknown existence, and was picked up by the first emperor. Otherwise, the congenital **** It's not a good match. Even so, in order to capture the innate gods, His Majesty has devised various schemes, secretly set up a lot of conspiracies, and used all the scholars as the pioneers, and finally picked the peaches."


Having said this, Xu Fu paused, and a flash of memory flashed in his eyes, with a sense of sorrow: "It is precisely because the twelve golden men and the twelve congenital gods gave the first emperor the true and true power, invincible in the world, and reversed the universe. The mighty power. The first emperor took the Great Qin Dragon Qi as nourishment..."


   "Take it far!" Zhang Bairen was listening intently, but he saw Xu Fu react and sort out his spirit.


   Hearing Zhang Bairen's old blood spurted out of these words, he wished to slap the Taoist to death.


   Xu Fu said unhurriedly: "The first emperor is overwhelming the world, whether it is gods, or a hundred schools of thought, they can't hold their heads up."


"When it is, there is a goddess who wants to fight for the world, find a way out, and meet her majesty in the spring breeze of Lishan. She wants to destroy the spirit of the first emperor and true dragon, but she never thought that the first emperor had twelve gold people to suppress the energy. Treasure, not only did not vent the dragon spirit, but tore a scroll from the goddess." At this point, Xu Fu looked at Zhang Bairen: "The scroll is the medicine for the immortality of West Kunlun."


   "What?" Zhang Bairen was never thought that the magic drug had such a source.


   The goddess lost his wife and broke down. The elixir of the immortal medicine fell into the hands of the first emperor, so the first emperor summoned the monks in the world to refine the eternal eternal medicine.


   At that time, there were countless masters of Da Qin, and there were more than a dozen of the most powerful. At that time, the world was overwhelming and fierce covering the whole world. Even the dragon king of the dragon race had to obediently bow his head and tie his neck, automatically spit out the dragon ball on the pill furnace, and save his life.


   Hearing this, Zhang Bairen suddenly became excited!


  Ps: Thanks to the "Ninth Street Lamp" classmate for the reward, that... everyone really don't reward, just subscribe, no need to spend. Every time I see the rewards, I feel a little bit in my heart. I feel embarrassed when I see everyone rewards... I've been really busy recently, and I plan to save the manuscript to find a job...I will add more if you don't give me a reward, so I don't need to spend money. .





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