First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 942: Daqin Xu Fu, try

The Dragons of the Four Seas are so powerful and domineering now that they have suppressed the various Taoist views of the Human Race and dare not fight with them.


   In the ancient times before the Qin Dynasty, in order to refine the elixir of immortality, the first emperor actually forced the Dragon King of the East China Sea to come to Xianyang to spit out the dragon ball, to extinct Xianyang, and to save the dragon clan in the world.


   These scenes, thinking about it, make people excited, I want to replace it.


   "The first emperor is so strong!" Zhang Bairen slapped his palm in praise.


"In order to obtain the blood of the phoenix, Bai Qi took the command of five thousand soldiers, joined the general Meng Tian, ​​and Yu Tiannan beheaded the undead bird Phoenix, and was able to refine the elixir of immortality. The governor and the little doll of the Li family and the little thief The undead blood obtained by Beiman Mountain was left by the first emperor at the time." Xu Fu narrowed his eyes slightly: "As for how to get acquainted with the Dudu, the Dudu can still remember that he swallowed two drops of phoenix blood in the magma pool. Skeleton?"


   "Is it you?" Zhang Bairen's hair was horrified, and the tea cup in his hand was suddenly turned into powder: "Reincarnated from death, really become?"


   "Naturally it is! Thanks to the governor, otherwise the king of Beiman Mountain will not be able to deal with it. If the poor road wants to reverse life and death, it will take a lot of hands and feet!" Xu Fu tapped the case with his fingers: "It's a fluke!"


   Zhang Bairen looked up and down Xu Fu with a pair of eyes, then got up and came to Xu Fu's side, opened his eyes and looked at him, he was no different from a stranger, and his whole body was full of vitality, which was shocking.


   Zhang Bairen was surprised, and after a while, he said: "The Governor of the capital was in the pre-Qin period, and there was a magician in the sky beside the first emperor. He called: Xu Fu. He has the same name and surname as the Taoist chief, I wonder if he is of the same family?"


   "The governor actually heard of the poor name of the poor Dao, and the poor Dao Sansheng is fortunate!" Xu Fu showed a look of surprise, but did not hide it.


   "It's really you? How can a person live for thousands of years? Even if the Yangshen is a real person, is it possible that the real person has become an immortal?" Zhang Bairen said in amazement.


   "No, it's all about the first emperor's plan. I can't wait to enjoy the first emperor's legacy, and one person has the power to ascend to heaven." Xu Fu's face was full of emotion.


   "It is recorded in the history books that the husband went abroad to find the magic medicine for longevity, how about the authenticity?" Zhang Bairen asked the biggest question of future generations.


"At that time, the Dragon Clan of the Four Seas wanted to invade my human race because of the fall of the Dragon King of the East Sea, so I was ordered by the first emperor to carry the blood of three thousand boys and girls to sacrifice to the East China Sea. Today’s peace!” At this point, Xu Fu looked at Zhang Bairen in amazement: “The governor is the world’s best man, and the first person in this world. Back then, the first emperor won twelve gods, and the governor was transformed into five. It’s really incredible. Every time Pang Dao approached Dudu, there would be a kind of crisis inexplicably. I don’t know where this crisis came from. It seemed that Poverty Dao could be cut by the sword at any time. The first emperor never gave me this feeling. What an incarnation of the gods exist!"


Xu Fu’s eyes were full of amazement. Zhang Bairen refined the five gods as external incarnations, and continued to nurture and incubate from the wombs, while Qin Shihuang used the repressive and violent suppression of the gods into the golden man. Both sides argued. Know it.


   And Zhang Bairen got five incarnations of gods. It can be said that those five gods incarnations are him. If there is no catastrophe in the future, he will be immortal!


   The five divine wombs were met by Zhang Bairen before they were born. What kind of luck should this be? Saying he is the illegitimate son of God, I am afraid that no one will object.


   "The governor, poor Dao skills, I don't know if you can ask the governor for advice." Xu Fu looked at Zhang Bairen, showing a touch of eagerness.


   When a master meets a master, what I want to do most is to fight.




   Zhang Bairen stepped forward and fell into the lake in Xiyuan, standing quietly on the water.


   Xu Fu walked out slowly, his body shape changed for a while, and he appeared out of thin air not far from Zhang Bairen, ten feet away.


   "The sword is coming!" Zhang Bairen yelled.


   only heard the sound of ‘clam,’ a cold light came from the small building and fell into Zhang Bairen’s hands.


   At this point, there is not much difference between the iron sword and the wooden sword for Zhang Bairen.


   "I'm about to see the skills of the ancient and pre-Qin period, but please make it all first!" Zhang Bairen held a sword flower with a long sword in his hand, as if a lotus flower was slowly blooming, slowly moving towards Xu Fujuan.


   Xu Fu expressionlessly, with a punch, the air turned into liquid.


   The power of a liquid air explosion is terrifying, but Zhang Bairen's long sword is even more terrifying. He cut the liquid air open in an instant, and then the human sword merged through the void and cut towards Xu Fu.


   The air exploded, Zhang Bairen would never dare to take it hard!


  The combination of man and sword is Baidi's unique skill, man and sword are integrated, turning into a rainbow that is invincible.


   Xu Fu is not moving like a mountain, but his body merges with the lake under his feet, and then he is scattered in the lake.


   "Huh!" Zhang Bairen received his sword light and stood solemnly on the lake.


   "Mr. is worthy of being a real person in ancient times. The first emperor relied heavily on his right hand, and he actually achieved the Yang Shen, which is admired by the governor!" Zhang Bairen praised it, absolutely sincerely.


"You also have the realm of the Yang God, but you can't keep up with your fate. It's a matter of time before you turn into a Yang God. Poor Dao is just one step ahead of you. What's the fuss!" Xu Fu's voice sounded from all directions. The next moment the lake fluctuated, and gradually rolled up ripples, turning into a huge whirlpool, drawing towards Zhang Bairen.


   The entire lake in Xiyuan was mobilized by Xu Fu.


   Zhang Bairen smiled, and began to recite the mantra in his mouth, and the Fubo Mantra chanted, and the waves he passed by were instantly smoothed.


   "The Governor, you are scamming!" The lake condensed and turned into Xu Fu, staring at Zhang Bairen with an ugly face.


"There are many supernatural powers, and it is also a kind of ability, sir, why be angry! You have become a true sun **** and master the laws of heaven and earth, if I want to defeat you, it will be easier said than done!" Zhang Bairen breathed out, and Qing Feng in his hand exudes Ear-piercing humming, the light in Zhang Bairen's eyes flashed in the next moment, the sword in his hand swept across the void, and the lake was instantly cut open.


   Xu Fu screamed, broke through the sonic boom to avoid the sword qi, and when he came to Zhang Bairen, he wanted to hold his entire body.


   Zhang Bairen's face didn't change color, and the three-foot long sword in his hand turned into a soft finger to protect the whole body.


   When Xu Fu's palm approached Zhang Bairen's body, he was entangled by the soft fingers, and Xu Fu's figure collapsed, turned into nothingness, and dissipated in the void.


"It's a familiar method. This is the real Yangshen, if I don't mobilize Jin Jian, or use an incarnation, I really can't help him!" Zhang Bairen sighed in his heart, the two sides are not fighting for life and death, naturally it is not worth expanding. trick.


   This is the power of the Yang God. Zhang Bairen had passed the Yang God back then, and he naturally knew the secrets of the Yang God.


   "Old Taoist priest, if you bully me based on the characteristics of the sun god, the governor is not welcome!" Zhang Bairen carried his hands behind his back, his whole body wandering like a snake like a long sword, making Xu Fu dare not get close to his body three feet.




   Xu Fu suddenly appeared, and the ice under his feet continued to condense and penetrate Zhang Bairen.


   A smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and all the ice was three feet close to his body, turning into spring water.


   Xu Fu was stunned, turned into a ball of flame, and wrapped towards Zhang Bairen.


   Universe in the sleeve!


   The universe in one sleeve forced Xu Fu to retreat.


  The real person of Yang Shen, masters the laws of heaven and earth, also known as the power of supernatural powers.


   "Lei is coming!" Xu Fu merged with the thunder and lightning, and attacked Zhang Bairen one after another.


   "Run!" Looking at the thunder and lightning, Zhang Bairen ran without saying a word.




   The lake water resembled a few tons of explosives, and was blown away by lightning in an instant. Zhang Bairen stood firmly, watching the thunder and lightning that followed him closely, and took out the golden slip from his sleeve and tossed it gently. I saw the thunder and lightning that covered the earth was led into the ground, and could no longer exert any power.


   "The Governor has good means! Good means!" Xu Fu appeared in the lake, somewhat speechless.


   The ordinary monk had already been cut off by his own hands. The opponent had too many treasures, and he changed repeatedly, but he couldn't help it.


   "Sir, how about a tie?" Zhang Bairen took back the golden slip and stuffed it into his sleeve.


   Xu Fu shook his head: "This is just a small method. The strongest thing in the poor way is the body, not the way!"


  Ps: The leader of the tenth watch. The two leaders still owe nine more...





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