First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 951: The real sword becomes silk

The most powerful, the cultivation base is between the mystery, and the telepathy is also between the thoughts. There are all kinds of incredible mystical powers that make people's hearts shake.


   Zhang Bairen's whole body turned into Gengjin, and he joined the long sword in his hand, and instantly cut off towards Wang Yi.


   Maybe someone will ask at this time, in the face of these scums, why not directly turn on the incarnation of the gods and kill them all?


   It's not that Zhang Bairen doesn't want to, but that he doesn't dare.


   How many enemies are hidden secretly? Zhang Bairen didn't know and didn't understand.


  The incarnation of the gods is a deterrent, because Zhang Bairen has a limited time to fit the innate gods. He is not afraid of the other party rushing up, but he is afraid that the other party will come one by one. Once the time for the **** incarnation is delayed, the trouble will be great.


   So before the moment of life and death, Zhang Bairen will never use the innate god's body easily!


  The light in Zhang Bairen's eyes flashed, and Wang Yi's palm seemed to come from nothingness. He actually swept Zhang Bairen's sword light and shot him out of the state of combining his own swords.




Cutting a rockery not far away, Zhang Bairen just showed his figure, but at this time Zhang Bairen looked like an iron lump, a living iron lump, the whole body revealed a bright metal color, and the sharp air kept cutting open the air, exuding The invincible will.


   "Take my hand!" Wang Yi was merciless and landed a punch on Zhang Bairen's chest.




   Zhang Bairen was shaken off, crushed an unknown number of rocks, and fell to the ground.


   "Whoo!" A carp smashed, Zhang Bairen stood up and looked around him, but it was shining with dazzling light, and an inch-deep palm print on his chest was slowly creeping and disappearing.


"You old guy really has some ways, but it's not enough. You can't even break my real body, let alone kill me? If you want to seize the elixir of life, you will face the Governor's chase, you can wait. Think about it!" Zhang Bairen's long sword was shaking like a snake, and the snake rolled up in the next moment and bit it at Wang Yi's throat.


   Wang Yi's complexion changed, and the air continued to condense and compress with a punch, but Zhang Bairen didn't change his face, letting the compressed air burst open.


   Bombs can’t explode solid metal, and they can’t explode Hundred Alchemists, not to mention bombs or missiles.


   "Huh!" This sword was almost at its extreme, almost equal to consciousness, and it came to Wang Yi in an instant.


"Huh!" Wang Yi turned over with a pigeon, avoiding Zhang Bairen's domineering long sword. Before he could react, he saw that Zhang Bairen's long sword had condensed into the sword flowers and enveloped his whole body. .


   "What a powerful sword intent!" Wang Yi's expression changed, and he did not dare to hold on. He continued to step back three steps, avoiding the bite of the long sword in Zhang Bairen's hand.


   No matter how high martial arts are, I am afraid of choppers!


   No matter how powerful the other party's cultivation base is, he has to avoid the sword spirit of Zhu Xian.


   "Huh!" Two short blades appeared in Wang Yi's hand at the critical moment, which actually blocked Zhang Bairen's ultimate blow.




   There was a sound, sparks flew everywhere!


   The long sword in his hand twisted and twisted like a snake, winding along the weapon to Wang Yi's arm.


  Wang Yi's face didn't change his face. The two short blades in his hand merged in an instant and turned into a strange weapon, locking Zhang Bairen's long sword, even though the long sword was twisted and twisted, it was difficult to get rid of Wang Yi's control.


   "Boy, you are tender!" Wang Yi smiled coldly, staring at Zhang Bairen with a pair of mockery: "Without weapons, how can you be my opponent?"


   "Do you really think you have locked the Governor's sword?"


   Zhang Bairen sneered, and the long sword in his hand shook, and it turned into a liquid, and it flowed down to avoid the blockade, rolled in his hand, and condensed again.


   "You just peeped to the threshold of the Tao, and the distance to the Tao is still tens of thousands of miles. How can I be my opponent?" Zhang Bairen flicked the long sword lightly with his fingers, only to see the blade bend, exuding a nice buzzing sound.


   "Since you dare to jump out, then I will teach you how to be a man!" Zhang Bairen was dubious, and he clearly said to Wang Yi, but the sword in his hand was cut to the side of the Dragon King of Xihai.


   "This bastard!" The lightning in the hands of the Dragon King Xihai turned and shot Zhang Bairen in an instant.


   There was a tingling, Zhang Bairen wanted to laugh but not laugh. Although the lightning could not kill him, the taste of electricity was really uncomfortable.


   is like the static electricity of the human body. It can't kill people, but it has the six gods and no masters of electricity.


   "Kill!" The other Dragon Kings of the Four Seas also used methods, each carrying the power of wind, rain and thunder and strangling towards Zhang Bairen.


   Zhang Bairen stepped back, his body flew lightly, and landed on a willow tree in the distance, his whole body turned into a normal flesh, and the long sword in his hand was turned into an infinite stretch, turning into a nearly invisible silk thread.


"go with!"


   The sword wire cuts the void and shatters everything.


   Refining the sword into silk, this is the real refining of the sword into silk.


   The sword wire passed, turned the wind, rain and thunder, and continued to wrap around the neck of the Dragon King Xihai.


   No one would doubt that with the sharpness of Zhuxian Jianqi, once it is entangled by the sword wire, it will be the end of the dead.


   "Everyone, don't hide the means. This kid understands that the sword is made into silk. If I can't take it down close, I will be worn to death by this sword sooner or later!" Li Shimin's expression changed.


   The speed of the sword wire is too fast. It is as fast as lightning and without a trace.


   The soil broke open, and a scalp-numbing rustling sound continued. Countless poisons came out of the soil and approached Zhang Bairen.


   "Tuo Bayu, you are forcing the capital to kill you!" Zhang Bairen sighed slightly, his eyes full of helplessness.


   Hearing what Zhang Bairen said, a figure walked outside the courtyard. Isn't Tuobayu still having that?


"Who can resist the temptation of immortality? Not everyone is like a captain, who can go straight to the path of heaven. For me, this magic medicine of immortality is the path of heaven. Can you say that the old man can give up?" Tuobayu A pair of eyes stared at Zhang Bairen.


  Zhang Bairen shook his head, and the scorpion essence machine attached to his arm was exposed, causing countless poisonous insects to hurriedly retreat in a moment, and they killed each other and swallowed each other.


   "Damn it!" Tuoba Yu's expression changed wildly: "What kind of means are you doing?"


   Zhang Bairen didn't say much, the sword in his hand cut through the void and cut towards Tuobayu.


   Tuobayu sighed helplessly, he could only disperse the Yang God, and possessed himself among the Gu worms: "The governor broke the old man's flying centipede last time. Today, you might as well try the old man's golden silkworm!"


   While talking, saw the earth squirming, and the thumb-sized golden silkworm jumped up and ejected at Zhang Bairen.




   The sword silk returned to protect, all the golden silkworms were cut to extinction before they approached, no matter how fast the golden silkworms were, they could not be as fast as the sword silk.


   The speed of the sword silk was controlled by the divine fetus in Zhang Bairen's body, and it was close to the speed of the instinctive reaction of the mind. All the golden silkworms had just been spotted, and they had been beheaded by Zhang Bairen.


   Refining swords into silk is not without its shortcomings, nor is it omnipotent. Sword silk needs the essence of Zhang Bairen's sword energy as its power. How long all sword silk can last in the air depends on how much sword energy Zhang Bairen has attached.


   Sword qi is the key to making swords into silk. Without the support of sword qi, sword silk has no power at all.


   And the sword silk is flexible, and it is not suitable to face the enemy head-on, otherwise the sword energy will be consumed too quickly. After a blow, you must return to replenish the sword energy. By then, people have already attacked the front, and the sword will become a chicken rib.


Seeing Zhang Bairen's Tuobayu let out a cry of sorrow, and quickly summoned his remaining golden silkworms back. His eyes were full of panic: "I have met the nemesis for the rest of my life. Sacrifice to the point where swords and spears do not penetrate water or fire, and then come to compete with the governor."


   After finishing speaking, Tuobayu turned and left without any sloppyness, but he was a man who knew how to distinguish the situation.


   The long sword recondensed, Zhang Bairen looked at the Li family, the golden light of the long sword in his hand turned into a sword wire and went underground.


   "Not good, everyone be careful!" Chunguijun exclaimed.




  When the sword wire passed, a master was turned into two halves, and the master of the Li family had no place to bury him.


   "Four uncle!" Li Shimin cried out in sorrow, and looked at Zhang Bairen with a scarlet face. In an instant, it seemed to transform into a lifelike phoenix and grabbed Zhang Bairen's head.


   Zhang Bairen had a cold light on his face, and thunder light circulated in his palm: "I don't know how to live or die, if you still have some use, today is your death date!"

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