First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 952: whisk

In front of the heroes, Zhang Bairen certainly did not dare to manipulate the Five Gods Yugui Dafa to really win Li Shimin. He saw the light in Zhang Bairen's hands and a seal on his right hand. At this time, Zhang Bairen was stained with a touch of earthy yellow. It also emits a bright light, which seems to have turned into a big seal of suppression of time and space.


   The force field of heaven and earth changed. Zhang Bairen's eyes flashed with mockery, and the power of the earth in a radius of five miles was completely controlled by him.


   At this time, Zhang Bairen mobilized the origin of the earth, and his whole body seemed to be transformed into the origin of the earth, and he controlled the geomagnetic field to an unprecedented degree.


   "Bang!" As soon as the shot fell, Li Shimin was blasted out and fell into the ruined wall in the distance. He struggled to stand up, and the phoenix blood was constantly repairing the strength in his body.


   Fingers flick one after another like a lute, and the earth's magnetic field is twisting, making the people in the field top-heavy.


   Seeing Zhang Bairen's palm fell towards Li Shimin, he couldn't sit still while Chunguijun, suddenly rolled the soil under his feet, and crossed his hands to intercept Zhang Bairen's palm.


   "Huh!" Looking at Chungui Jun, Zhang Bairen was surprised: "Good cultivation, great strength!"


  The cultivation base is indeed high, and the strength is really domineering, and he actually resisted the Fan Tianyin that Zhang Bairen hit during his heyday.


   Zhang Bairen showed shock in his eyes, and the next moment his fingers popped out continuously, each finger was like a small hill, and the bounce made Chungui Jun back five steps in succession.


"Vitality plunder!" Chun Guijun's face was gloomy, and his arms on Zhang Bairen's wrist flashed with a green light. The next moment Zhang Bairen's complexion was solemn, and suddenly he flicked his fingers, forcing Chunguijun back, revealing a solemn expression: "Five Years! You actually took my five years of life at that moment. It's the ultimate evil."


   "This kid has too many methods, it's amazing. If you don't do anything, I'm afraid the old man can't hold on!" Chunguijun said to the outside.


   I can’t do my best to make the outsiders profit.


   After listening to the scolding, I saw the light of Buddha in the distance, and bald heads with hidden figures slowly came from the sky.


   "Take Zhang Bairen and seize the elixir of immortality!" Someone exclaimed, and the light in his hand was erratic, and a bowl slowly enveloped Zhang Bairen.


   "The universe is in the sleeve!"


   Not to be outdone, Zhang Bairen opened his sleeves suddenly, trying to swallow the bowl.


   "Amitabha Buddha!" ​​A Buddhist bead seemed to contain the boundless world of light, and it ejected towards Zhang Bairen's chest.


   Zhang Bairen surrounded his body with a ray of blue air current, and then flicked his fingers, only to see the beads flying upside down, then pierced through the wall, and there was a scream outside the wall.


"People haven't arrived yet?" Looking at the heroes who kept rushing into the yard, Zhang Bairen's eyes were filled with murderous intent, and the emerald green air flow dissipated from his body, turning into rainbow light in his second body, an old man who had just stood on the courtyard wall and had not had time to speak. Has been turned into two halves, the soul of the primordial spirit was smashed.


   "Capture the pill furnace!"


   Zhang Bairen is not important, the key is the pot of elixir of immortality.


The pill furnace was blazing with flames, and the heroes stepped forward. Li Shimin took the lead and slapped a palm on the pill furnace, but saw the divine light flowing in the pill furnace. The six-character mantra was like the sound of heaven, condensing directly into the spell in the void. Zuqiao Meixin came from suppression.


   "Damn it!" Li Shimin turned around and shot out the Phoenix Nirvana. All the energy in his body changed in a short time, and the power in the void lost its sense, and he returned to the furnace again.


"I come!"


   Li Jiancheng's whole body was surging with cold air, and the pill furnace was turned into a large ice pile in an instant, but the flames were still raging, seemingly unaffected by the cold air.


   Li Jiancheng exerted his strength all over his body, so he would pull up the pill furnace, but the divine light in the pill furnace turned, and the six-character mantra appeared in the second flow, and Li Jiancheng flew into the air.


"This pill furnace is so evil!" Wang Yi got out from the shadow of the pill furnace, and he wanted to lift the pill furnace to escape, but the pill furnace seemed to be grounded and rooted, even with Wang Yi's strength, it was difficult to move the pill furnace. Cents.


"I don't know how to live or die!" Zhang Bairen sneered and turned into a red light directly on the pill furnace. The ice under his feet continued to melt and turned into an airflow to evaporate: "The pill furnace contains the great fortune that reverses life and death, and is blessed by the power of heaven and earth. How can you shake it?"


   While talking, Zhang Bairen felt the six-character mantra post under his feet, and the power that escaped from the pill furnace to reverse life and death was absorbed by the post. Over time, the material of the post gradually exudes various changes.


"Amitabha Buddha, all supervise the means. Even the six-character mantra stickers of my Buddhist school have been stolen by you. Please also ask the governor to speak with my Buddhist school." Master Guangming slowly walked from the sky around the sky, as if the day had fallen, in his eyes The light of majesty is constantly brewing.


  When he got closer, the Bright Master was taken aback again, with a shocked expression on his face: "Damn, you have cultivated to the Golden Light Consummation, and you are better than me. How is this possible?"


   Master Guangming was full of disbelief: "I have practiced hard since I was a child, and have the blessing of the whole country of Tubo, how can you be stronger than my six-character mantra stickers!"


   Master Guangming couldn’t believe his eyes. How many years did Zhang Bairen practice? How many years have you practiced?


  How old is Zhang Bairen? He has been practicing hard for hundreds of years. How old is Zhang Bairen?


"What's impossible, if anyone lives longer, he will win. You don't have to try when you encounter it. Just show your age directly." Zhang Bairen smiled coldly, his eyes full of mockery: "I am not a monk better than you. The great monk has come to practice quickly. It seems that you, the great monk, have no relationship with the Buddha, or the Buddha never felt sorry for you as a believer!"


"What a poisonous heart, I dared to shake my Buddha's heart. It is really shameful! You must have acquired the powerful legacy of a certain Buddhist school before you can practice the six-character mantra to the point where you are now, God Injustice! I have been cultivating for several lifetimes and accumulated for several lifetimes, but I can't afford the ability of the other party overnight. It's really unfair! Unfair!" Even though I knew Zhang Bairen was shaking his beliefs, Master Guangming was helpless.


It’s like everyone is working hard for ten years in the cold window. You are going to sleep in the night and five heads. You sleep all day, and the person who has no ink on the belly is unexpectedly appointed by the emperor as the champion. Everyone is squeezed out, how do you balance the hearts of everyone? How can you keep everyone from being angry?


"Everyone, this pill furnace has a six-character mantra sticker. If you don’t break the six-character mantra sticker, no one will ever want to open the pill furnace and steal the undead medicine. If you want to steal the undead medicine, you can only break the six Words of truth!" Master Guangming suppressed the unhappiness in his heart and said to the monks around him.


   Everyone heard the words and saw that there was a post on the pill furnace. It was called a six-character mantra sticker. The six handwritings on it flashed with divine light and contained infinite power.


   "I'm coming!" Wang Yi stepped forward and grabbed the six-character mantra. He was already struggling before he got close.


   I saw Wang Yi holding the six-character mantra sticker with one palm, and he was about to exert force suddenly, but suddenly he staggered.


   Wang Yi's face was shocked, and a small hill could be uplifted by himself, let alone a post on this mere post?


   still need to exert force, Zhang Bairen's long sword swept towards the opponent's throat like a snake.


  Wang Yi stepped I don't want to entangle Zhang Bairen in the crowd. There are strong people around here, and they don't know the depth, even if Wang Yi is such a strong person, he dare not rush into chaos.


"Hum! Well! Ni! Ba! Mi! Hum!" Mage Guangming urged the six-character mantra mantra, and said to the surrounding people: "This person's gold sticker has already reached the golden light, and only the true Yangshen can uncover it, everyone For the time being entangled this person, when I break this six-character mantra post, everyone is discussing the division of the undead medicine, it's not too late!"


   Hearing these words, everyone, look at me and look at you, the ancestor of the Wang family came from a distance with a whisk on the talisman in his hand, sweeping towards Zhang Bairen.


   "Good treasure!" Looking at the whisk, Zhang Bairen didn't dare to accept it, so he hurriedly pulled back and landed on the courtyard wall not far away.


   I don't know what material the whisk is made of, but every hair of the whisk is engraved with densely packed charms, and each charm contains infinite power.


   Even if Zhang Bairen's cultivation is now, he is still swaying in the face of that whisk.


   "Is this the background of the clan family?" Looking at the whisk, Zhang Bairen sighed slightly.

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