First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 956: 2 Sword Retreat

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   "We are not his opponents in close combat, everyone hurry up and attack from a distance!" Han Yan jumped away, picked up the ground roller and slammed it at Zhang Bairen.


   "These bastards!" Zhang Bairen couldn't help cursing in his heart, and the universe opened in his sleeves, putting the overwhelming stones and pillars into his sleeves.


   Fortunately, there is the fetal membrane of the earth, otherwise the universe would never want to show it in the sleeve.


   The stars in the hands of Ulchi Wende in the distance were intertwined, and the next moment a meteor suddenly deviated from the trajectory and hit the Xiyuan of Da Sui.


   No matter what you say, the emperor of the Great Sui will never live forever. As for the elixir of immortality, no matter how you calculate it, the middle-earth masters have an absolute advantage, and they have no turn.


   If you don't get it, then destroy him!


   The meteors on the horizon are as fast as thunder, locking the pill furnace of the elixir of immortality, and want to turn the elixir of immortality into powder.


   "Amitabha Buddha!" ​​The abbot of Falang Temple stretched out his palm, and the meteor on the horizon had not yet approached Luoyang, so it had been collected by him.


  Meteor contains meteorite iron outside the sky, but it is a good material for refining weapons.


   While talking, Zhang Bairen and the heroes confronted each other, and the land shook with a roar in the distance.


   "Dare you!" Zhang Bairen's complexion changed wildly, and he put away the jade seal, the golden slips combined, and the endless sword intent rose to the sky in an instant, as if to split this endless world.


  Droughts unexpectedly detonated the veins and turned into a volcano to hit Xiyuan.


  Once the volcano erupts, I am afraid that the people in the radius of Xiyuan will be smashed along with them!


"this is?"


   Feeling the nine days of shaking, the magnificent and endless sword aura, all the heroes in the field have changed their colors.


   Zhang Bairen was traumatized by the drought and forced the drought to avoid Mobei, and the world was shocked!


   "Didn't he have passed the time for the incarnation of the god? What kind of power is this?" Li Shimin's eyes were full of shock.


   "Don't forget, he has five gods!" Chunguijun whispered, and countless monks withdrew from the yard, for fear that the sword would hit him.


   The ‘corpse’ of the strongest Khitan Dao on the ground suddenly jumped up and fled out of Xiyuan like a girl.


   "Damn it, it's this sword again!" Drought Yan raised up to the sky and shouted wildly, and had to give up detonating the ground veins and fully embrace the sword.


   Yang Su, who was running, suddenly his eyes lit up, and Sa Yazi ran towards the place where the drought was.


   Li Shimin seemed to have thought of something, and looked at the Chunguijun next to him: "Sir!"


"Go away, just to help you complete your magical powers and transform into Tianfeng's true body!" Chun Guijun also smiled: "When you take the world, you can open the furnace and practice again. There is no need to fight with Zhang Bairen. Let others get cheap!"


   This sword split the void and penetrated the void, only to hear a scream of drought, a little bit of golden blood fell, and was swallowed by Yang Su who came from below.


   "Leave the golden blood!" Seeing Yang Su swallowed the blood and had to flee, Li Shimin was immediately anxious. How could this opportunity fulfill Yang Su?


   was about to continue chasing, and suddenly only heard a roar from the drought above, suddenly heaven and earth seemed to have been pressed the pause button, and time stopped.


   Without facing Zhang Bairen's sword, you will never know how terrifying Zhang Bairen's sword is! How desperate!


   The second sword came one after another.


   Li Shimin's brain was blank at that moment, and then a scream came out, the golden blood dripped, was taken by Chunguijun, and entered Li Shimin's mouth.


   "Run!" Chun Gui Jun's complexion was sluggish, and his face was sallow. Although this sword was not aimed at him, it was only the aftermath, which caused Chun Gui Jun to suffer a heavy heart attack.


  If the Spring Returning Lord protects himself, of course he will not be afraid of this sword aura, but with Li Shimin's burden at this time, he can't make Li Shimin leave a shadow under this sword.




   This is the only feeling that Spring Guijun feels, this sword can only give himself such a feeling for this sword.


   Li Shimin didn't know that the Spring Returned Lord had blocked 80% of the damage for himself, and at this time he still had a lingering fear on his face: "Horrible! Terrible! Really terrible!"


   is indeed terrible. If it is not terrible, Spring Guijun does not need to vomit blood.


   Li Shimin got the essence and blood, and the two of them were not staying, and ran away quickly.


   Looking at the battlefield in the distance, the drought man fell to the ground, fell into the cliff and disappeared without a trace.


   "Dead?" Li Shimin questioned.


   "It's hard to say, but the drought is reincarnated from death, and it is not so easy to die. It is certain that it will damage the origin, and it will not be a fear in the future!" Chunguijun looked disdainful.


   Zhang Bairen killed the drought with two swords. At this time, the elixir of immortality has been thoroughly practiced, and the gold paste material has been transformed.


   With a wave of the big sleeve, the pill furnace was put away, Zhang Bairen scanned the crowd in the field, and the third sword began to gain momentum.


   "Go!" Feeling the mighty and magnificent sword aura in the sky, all the heroes showed a look of shock and fled desperately.


   Although the elixir of immortality is important, it is not as important as your own life.


   After ten breaths, Zhang Bairen dissipated his sword intent, and his whole body was restrained.


   "Huh!" exhaled, Zhang Bairen's expression was cold.


   In fact, Zhang Bairen told everyone in reality that with the sword spirit of Mobei, Zhang Bairen could not only make a sword.


   The life or death of the drought that two swords split is unknown, and the world's strongest people are shaking.


   This is the aura of the world's No. 1 swordsman and the No. 1 powerhouse, two swords will live and die!


  Who would dare to say that he was worthy of drought? Who can stop Zhang Bairen's two swords?


   "Congratulations, the elixir of immortality is saved. After all, this seat has no chance to shoot." Guan Ziyi slowly walked from the pavilion in the distance and landed beside Zhang Bairen.


   "The comparison is just the hole card!" Zhang Bairen was noncommittal, then looked towards Guan Zizai: "You should leave now!"


   "Why?" Guan Zi was taken aback.


   "The Emperor of Sui is not easy to bully!" Zhang Bairen said with a smile.


   Suddenly, Guan Zi’s complexion changed, a pair of eyes looked in the direction of the imperial city in amazement, and then turned into a streamer without saying a word.




   The emperor of the Great Sui Dynasty roared and saw a golden claw crisscrossing the sky for nine days, penetrating the void and attacking in all directions.


   "The emperor is spared! The emperor is spared!"


   A condemnation and mercy sounded. Whether it is your Yang God or seeing God, the soul flies and annihilates under one claw, leaving no trace.


   "Don't pretend to be dead, get up quickly!" Zhang Bairen said with a smile.


   The little monk King Kong stood up with a carp, where is the slightest sign of injury? It's just that King Kong's eyes are a little hairy at this time, and a pair of eyes fixed on Zhang Bairen: "The governor, the monk knows that it is wrong, please also ask the governor to show his favor!"


   "Oh?" Zhang Bairen looked at Monk King Kong with a smile, before sighing quietly, "Go!"


   The little monk was taken aback: "The Governor will let me go?"


   "The Governor is just curious about where you can go, nothing more!" Zhang Bairen shook his head and walked slowly into the backyard.


   Looking at Zhang Bairen's back, the young monk King Kong solemnly saluted: "The monk owes the chief governor a life!"


   "Just know!" Zhang Bairen smiled softly.


   The little monk left, Xu Fu walked out slowly, and came to Zhang Bairen: "The general governor has supernatural powers! So domineering!"


   "Oh?" Zhang Bairen turned and looked at Xu Fu: "Sir, I don't know if the magic medicine of longevity can really prove its effect!"


   "The governor can rest assured," Xu Fuxin vowed: "There are two pills for the immortality, one yin and one yang, you can ask people to try pills."


   Hearing these words, Zhang Bairen nodded, his big sleeve waved the pill furnace and landed on the ground, the six-character mantra stickers automatically rolled up and landed on the palm of his hand.


"Good treasure!" Xu Fu stared at the six-character mantra and exclaimed: "If you can go further, you will have the power of invading the world and the mysterious power of ghosts and gods. This treasure is incredible! But! How does it look like a Buddhist path?"


   "Mr. Good eyesight, it is a treasure of the Buddhist family!" Zhang Bairen took the gold sticker into his arms, opened the pill furnace with a clap of his palms, and saw a'swish', two red pill pellets shot out, and he wanted to escape control.


   "Come on! Slowly!" Zhang Bairen moved the palm of his hand and rolled the pill back with a wave of his big sleeve, and he saw two pellets, one red and one black, falling on the palm of his hand.


   Danwan is only the size of an ordinary glass ball, shining brightly and struggling.


   "The black pellets are suitable for women to swallow, and are based on phoenix blood. The red pill is based on dragon **** and is suitable for the emperor to swallow. If the emperor is not at ease, please find someone to try the medicine!" Xu Fu smiled.


   "One yin and one yang, really good fortune is mysterious!" Looking at the pills in his hand, Zhang Bairen's eyes showed a smile.


  &Bsp;ps: The fourteenth watch of the leader.

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