First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 957: King Kong Little Monk

The vigorous elixir of immortality finally set the universe with Zhang Bairen's two swords, and the curtain was brought down by strong suppression.


   Although the curtain fell, the real good show is still on stage, and strong people from all walks of life in the mountains continue to fight.


  Drought hit hard and fled overseas to be chased by the Dragon King of the Four Seas, and can only survive.


   The drought that was hit hard again was much more severely damaged than the original sword, and his strength dropped to the lowest point in history, and even if he didn't pay attention to being found by the enemy, he would have fallen.


   "Zhang Bairen! The Dragon King of the Four Seas!" Drought gnashed his teeth with hatred.


In the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea, the Prime Minister tortoise drank wine and ate fish and shrimps, showing a touch of enjoyment: "The strongest thing in this world is not force, but calculation! There are talented people from generations to generations, and there is no eternal invincible person. So I almost asked the idiot to confess his life, old tortoise, I'm so smart."


   That is Zhang Bairen’s treasure, did you plunder it anytime you wanted?


   Li Family


Junguijun looked at Li Shimin with excitement in his eyes: "Although he didn't grab the elixir of death, but he got the blood of Droughty, your Tianfeng's true body Consummation is right in front of you. Once Tianfeng's true body is complete, you will die. difficult!"


   "I would also like to thank Mr. Zhang for his support, but Zhang Bairen's cultivation is simply earth-shattering, if those two swords are slashed at me..." Li Shimin digested the phoenix blood, his voice was full of solemnity.


After hearing Li Shimin's words, Chunguijun fell into deep thought, and after a while, he said, "That kind of sword aura, Zhang Bairen can never send out the Five Dao! This kind of power is beyond Dao and Yang Shen, with incredible power, unimaginable With great power, Zhang Bairen’s sword is not as easy as outsiders imagined. Otherwise, he would have killed all the strong players in the field long ago. How could it leave hidden dangers?"


   Li Shimin's face loosened when he heard the words, and then he smiled bitterly: "Even so, it is amazing enough. If you replace the drought and replace it with someone else, you can fly away with a sword under that sword light and no room for reincarnation."


"Don't think so much, as long as you train into the real body of Tianfeng, you may not have the power to resist in the face of that amazing sword! Moreover, the world is wolves eating tigers. I don't know how many people are staring at Zhang Bairen, and he dare not casually. Once the sword shows weakness, it is the time to die! What's more, Zhang Bairen is not uncontrollable, such as the whisk left by the teacher Zhang Daoling, and the other few hidden treasures!" Chunguijun comforted Li Shimin. Heart, but recalled that amazing sword in his mind, and his mind trembled involuntarily.




   This is the only thought in Chunguijun's mind, Zhang Bairen is invincible.


   Ordinary monks can't beat the incarnation of God, and those who have beaten the incarnation of God can't stop the shocking sword.


   I want to use cannon fodder to consume it, I am afraid it will not be so easy.


   "I will complete Tianfeng's body first, and then make other plans!" Li Shimin was shocked and slowly closed his eyes.






   The sunset ancestor's figure is shaky, his face is like golden paper, and seven or eight pearls all over his body hold the three souls and seven souls.


   "A strong sword, even if it was the aftermath, it almost smashed me away!" The sunset ancestors were full of lingering fears.


"This kid is getting stronger and stronger, but it’s a pity that it has nothing to do with my Golden Summit View. Find a time to give gifts to ease the relationship. Over the years, my Jinding View Sunset and Western Mountains have been thin, and the more difficult it is, Baiyi is The mud can't support the wall, and can't continue to practice the heavenly scriptures, but can only follow the path of the ancient Buddhist school!" Zhengyang Patriarch looked ugly.


"No, my Jinding Temple is the doctrine of the Emperor of Heaven. It suppresses ancient and modern times. If my ancestors are alive in the sky, knowing that I will walk the evil way, I am afraid that I will be too angry to hold the coffin board. I will wait and slap me to death!" Chaoyang ancestors quickly stopped.


   "Now that the aura is like this, what can we do?" Zhengyang ancestor sighed helplessly.


   "Although Dahuanxi Zen is the right way of Buddhism, it has extremely high requirements on the mind and nature. If you don't pay attention, you will fall into the endless world of desire, sinking into eternal life and not being able to transcend life." Zhengyang ancestor said.


After hearing the words of the ancestor Zhengyang, all the monks in the field changed their faces. While the ancestor of the setting sun said: "I have collected Jinding Temple for thousands of years, and there are countless kinds of Taoism. How can you practice Buddhism? This elder brother shouldn’t say more, if I practice Buddhism, I’m afraid I will not be able to face the first emperor after death!


   After hearing this, everyone smiled bitterly. You look at me and you are silent.




  The ancestor of the Wang family looked at the whisk in his hand, his face was extremely serious, showing a pensive color: "Jizhe! What a shocking finger of twenty-four solar terms! Specially to counter my Wang family's secret method, this whisk is waste in front of him!"


   After pondering for a while, the ancestor of the Wang family said solemnly: "This person can't stay!"


   then lowered his head to look in his hand and brushed the dust: "Nicky animal, don't return quickly, otherwise, Huo blames the old man for being cruel and cruel, making you empty and completely training your wisdom!"


   The dust was dead, and there was no response, the ancestor's face was even more angry.




At this time, the powerful people from all walks of life in the Northern Heavenly Master and Taoist gathered together. Look at me and I will see you, and then I saw the Taoist Master of the Northern Heavenly Master: "The Three Treasure Whisks left by the ancestors actually fell into the hands of the Southern Heavenly Master. The news, but now I see the shadows. The Three Treasures Whistle is the treasure of the Taoist teachings of my Northern Heavenly Master, and it is absolutely not allowed to be left outside. If the Three Treasures Whistle is in hand, why should my Northern Heavenly Master Dao be forced to a place in the north and cannot go south Jiangnan."


   "Yes, Fuchen must come back. It is something of my Northern Heavenly Master's Taoism, absolutely not allowed to be left out!" An elder echoed.


"Assemble real people from all walks of life in the north, quickly restore the elixir of the eternal immortality medicine, and be sure to restore the elixir of the eternal immortality medicine!" The eyes of the Taoist teacher of the Northern Heavenly Master were helpless. Zhang Bairen turned his face, and based on the relationship between Beitian Shidao and Zhang Bairen, how about going to the door for a look?


   "Yes!" Everyone nodded, their eyes full of excitement.


   Buddhist House


   At this time, Buddhist monks from all walks of life gathered in Tubo. A group of monks and Yangshen gathered together and looked at the young monk of King Kong with their eyes.


   "King Kong, the future of my Buddhism is all pinned on you!" Mage Guangming sighed with an illusory expression on his face.


   Today's battle, completed the King Kong monk.


   This little monk resists the strong from all walks of life but is still alive and well. I am afraid that Yujuluo may not be better than him.


  Moreover, the young monks are more young, and there will be plenty of opportunities in the future.


   King Kong shook his head again and again after hearing the words: "How can the little monk, He De, actually asked all fellow Daoists to show love? And the little monk is young, with shallow knowledge, and is afraid of being overwhelmed!"


   The little monk's eyes were full of lingering fears. Whenever he recalled Zhang Bairen's two earth-shaking swords, he couldn't help but trembled. If he changed himself, he would definitely not be able to resist it.


"This statement is not correct. You have the power of the King Kong Temple to pass on through the ages, and you have a wide range of knowledge throughout the ancient and modern times. The hope of my Buddhist school lies on you. Don't want to go to the prosperous and prosperous Middle-earth to preach?" the abbot of Falang Temple said.


   Hearing the words of the abbot of the Falang the little monk suddenly hesitated and didn't know how to answer.


   The prosperous and fertile Middle-earth, the rich and natural treasures, the outstanding people, the young monk dreamed of opening a temple in the middle-earth.


   It is a pity that Middle-Earth is a forbidden area in the Buddhist school. Even if it is a monk in the past, Tong Tian Da Neng dare not step into Middle-Earth without authorization, let alone show its sacredness before others.


   "In the Middle-earth, there are such figures as the chief governor, and I am afraid that there is no chance for my Buddhist family!" A frustration flashed in the eyes of the little monk.


   "Not necessarily, the general governor and the group of middle-earth guys have become nasty, maybe we secretly mix up, and we can still use the power of the general governor to smoothly preach to Middle-earth!" The abbot of the Falang Temple showed a mysterious smile.


   "Really?" The little monk was taken aback.


"Righteousness, in the future, all my Buddhist resources will be poured out on you to help you achieve the Diamond Sutra as soon as possible. If you can break the Diamond and see the Buddha, that would be great. My Buddhist great happiness will fall on you!" The monk's tongue blossomed with lotus flowers, and he flickered what the little monk had said, spreading out the endless splendid future in front of his eyes, making the little monk excited: "Okay! Then do it!"


   "Amitabha Buddha"


   "It should be so"




   All the great monks made a loud chant of Buddha with a smile, and they all praised.


   The little monk sighed softly in his heart, looked at the expressions of the great monks, and forced a smile: "The situation is like this, I can't help it!"

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