The two guns were so powerful that they were so powerful that they could not be defeated.

[Ding Dong! Congratulations to the host for getting the S-level reward, Dual Guns Tetsuya·Shinzo]

As the voice in his mind fell, Rocky was delighted.

He took the two guns in his hands, and the one in his left hand was engraved with the word "Che".

Presumably this gun is called Tetsuya.

The one in his right hand was also engraved with the word "San".

No need to think about it, this one is called Shinzo.

Then a light blue panel appeared in his eyes.

[Dual Guns, Tetsuya·Shinzo

No need to reload, the user's domineering aura is extracted and compressed as bullets.

The power is determined by the host's domineering aura quality and weight.

Combined Skills: Use ‘Toruya’ to inject Haki into ‘Shinzo’, and ‘Shinzo’ will further compress Haki.

The power is increased several times.

Note: If you use combined skills beyond the limit, it will cause a certain degree of damage to ‘Shinzo’, please use with caution.

Rocky looked at the double guns in his hand and fell into deep thought.

His fishing system is somewhat unorthodox.

The name of these double guns is somewhat a joke of hell.

But it’s not a big deal.

These double guns are similar to the gun version of Yan Mo.

It’s still very suitable for him.

Everyone who watches One Piece knows it.

It’s particularly difficult to kill a famous person in this world.

Even if the big moves played by the strong destroy the world.

Looking back, neither side suffered much damage.

But the pistol killed many famous people.

In the original work, Oden was given the last blow by Kaido’s gun.

And when Whitebeard participated in the war on the top.

Finally, after being hit by a barrage of bullets, it became the last straw that broke the camel's back.

Doflamingo executed his brother Corazon with a pistol...

In short, pistols are still quite useful, especially the two in his hand.

Rocky tapped his toes, activated the Moon Step, and came to a deep mountain in Jiuli.

He wanted to come here to test the power of these two guns.

Release the control of the domineering in his body and let it flow into the double guns.

Then he fired wildly around, firing hundreds of domineering bullets in a row.

Infinite bullets, his double guns finally became the same as the pistols in the TV series.

Boom boom boom~

The surroundings were shaking.

Because his armed color now reached the level of LV3 internal destruction.

Rocky walked to a towering tree, and a bullet just shot here.

There was a small bullet hole on the front, and a large pit appeared on the back of the tree.

The bullet not only has strong penetrating power, but also enters the enemy's body and explodes internally after contact.

The attack power is good, and it is no problem to blow up a boulder with one shot.

Rocky nodded.

In the Beast Group, there are those who are not good at domineering, or are not defensive givers.

He should fall down with one shot.

Even with the recovery and vitality of the animal system, it is difficult to stand up again.

Although it is not as good as Yan Mo's compression, it is better in terms of fast attack speed and can be continuous.

Then Rocky used the combined skills of the two guns, and 'Tetsuya' injected domineering into 'Shinzo'.

The next moment, the red light flashed inside the gun body of Shinzo, and a dangerous breath was brewing in the gun body.

When the gun body of Shinzo began to tremble under the heavy burden.

Rocky knew that the limit had been reached.

If it was injected forcefully again, 'Shinzo' might explode.

He pulled the trigger, and a red light gathered at the muzzle of Jinsan's gun, and then it was like a laser beam.

A thick red light, directly followed Rocky's swing, cut a small hill.

The hill slid down, boulders and trees fell, stirring up a large amount of dust.

There was a loud noise.

A large number of vultures or crows were startled and flew into the sky.

Jiuli starved to death from time to time.

There were few other birds, but there were many carrion-eating strange birds.

Rocky looked at the small hill in front of him.

The cut surface was as smooth as a mirror, and the power exceeded his expectations.

Not bad, they are really two good guns, Rocky's face showed joy.

The domineering gathered and compressed through Jinsan, and the laser beam was emitted.

Its performance ability is not worse than the laser cannon after the awakening of Kidd Fruit.

This greatly enriched his long-range offensive means.

If you hold two guns, ride on the female horse Speed, and travel through the wilderness.

This style has a bit of the flavor of Red Dead Redemption.


After testing the power, Rocky quickly put away his two guns.

He touched the ground with his toes, flew into the sky, and returned to the canal again after a few leaps.

Fortunately, he did not choose to test the gun by the canal.

The noise just now was quite loud.

Yamato, Kuina, Xiaoyu, and Speed ​​who were sleeping would all be woken up.

Soon Rocky calmed down and swung the fishing rod again.

Sure enough, without Kozuki Oden's gaze, his luck improved.

Keep trying and see if there are any good things to catch tonight.


On the other side, Jiuli, on the coastline.

A huge Pteranodon, with flames on its body, crossed the sky.

It was extremely fast, like a meteor across the sky.

Soon this Pteranodon quickly swept down.

Bringing a gust of wind, the Pteranodon landed on the coast.

After a burst of fire, a tall man with a mask and a black body came out.

The man was the head of the Three Disasters of the Beast Group, Flame Disaster Jin.

He got news from his subordinates that there was a change in Jiuli, and it was suspected that the descendant of Longma was born.

He killed Ashura Boy with a shocking sword.

And a large area of ​​coastline was also cut off.

After getting a detailed report from his subordinates, it was also mentioned that Master Yamato had a close relationship with this mysterious man.

After analysis, he quickly deduced who the so-called descendant of Longma was.

That was naturally Mr. Kaido's youngest son, Rocky.

"Is he really like Mr. Kaido said...Joey Boy?"

Jin folded his arms and stood on the edge of a hundred-foot-high cliff, looking at the dark sea below.

The strong wind at the seaside made the flames burning behind him fluctuate.

Originally, this area was a flat beach, the best port for outsiders to land in Wano Country.

But now this place has become a cliff of a hundred feet, and the original flat beach was cut into the seabed by this knife.

Dramatic geological changes have occurred here.

He looked at the mirror-smooth cut surface and fell into deep thought.


At the same time, in the Flower Capital, the General's Mansion.

Black Charcoal Snake collapsed in the arms of several prostitutes.

He seemed to be having fun on the surface, but he was actually scared to death.

A few days ago, the think tank Fu Lu Shou told him that in the flower and willow street.

A man wearing a mask danced the same naked dance as Kozuki Oden more than ten years ago.

He was naturally furious when he heard the news, and immediately sent his men to track down.

But nothing was found.

The man who danced naked disappeared as if he had evaporated from the face of the earth.

At the same time, his loyal subordinate Kyoshiro could not be contacted.

In addition, the news just sent back from Kuri's men said that the descendant of Ryoma was born.

A knife cut off the coastline.

All these unusual things are the precursors of the coming storm.

"At least I have to play with Kozuki before I die..."

Kurozumi Orochi felt sympathetic.

He knew how lucky he was to get the position of general.

If it came to that.

Like Kozuki Oden back then, he also suddenly fell.

Then at least before that, he should use the power in his hands to have a good time for the last time.

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