Time flies like water.

Four days later, Jiuli, by the canal.

[Ding Dong, congratulations to the host, the proficiency of observation Haki +5]

[Congratulations to the host, the current observation Haki strength has been increased to LV3 (0\100)]

[Observation Haki LV3: The perception range is further expanded, and the future of nearby things can be predicted briefly. ]

As an electronic voice fell in his mind, Rocky showed a happy face.

Finally, his observation Haki was raised to LV3, and he could predict the future briefly.

Adjusting his breathing and sensing the surroundings, his perception Haki directly covered the entire Jiuli.

And it continued to extend to the outside.

Several nearby areas, including Bell Queen and Snow Dance, expanded all the way to the Flower Capital before slowly stopping.

Covering most of Wano Country.

Compared to covering a small island with extreme perception, the perception range has expanded by more than five times.

Then Rocky pulled his attention back.

His eyes glowed red, exploring the future and focusing on a tree next to him.

After the next five seconds.

He saw that three leaves would fall down under the influence of the breeze.

One floated on the ground, one fell into the water, and another would come to his feet.

Perception completed.

The next moment, a breeze blew.

The surrounding trees shook, and three leaves flew out from a tree next to Rocky.

One fell on the ground, and one fell into the river.

The last one did not fall to his feet, and was caught in Rocky's hand.

Being able to perceive a few seconds into the future.

Naturally, he could intervene in advance to prevent what was about to happen.

Rocky looked at the leaves in his hand and smiled.

If the LV3 level of observation Haki is the same as Katakuri's short-term foresight of the future.

Then what level will the LV4 observation Haki reach?

Rocky is very much looking forward to it. I am afraid that his observation Haki will be unrivaled in the world by then.

He mainly stays here to fish these days.

At the same time, he waits for the rice to mature in the planting space to solve the food crisis in Kuri.

The rice thing is going smoothly.

In order to prevent his servants, Kozuki Oden from being too bored in the planting space.

He found a very physical job for Kozuki Oden.

In addition to leaving one thousand acres of land, Rocky planted fruit trees to prepare for hunting devil fruit ability users.

The remaining four thousand acres of land, now the rice is fully mature, has been harvested by Oden.

And the yield of each acre of super rice is extremely high.

Kuri's land for a year.

One acre of ordinary seeds can produce about 350 kilograms of rice under good conditions.

And one mu in his planting space can produce 5,000 kilograms of rice.

This is normal, these super rice seeds.

But he used the magic item such as the Jade Liquid of Creation to dilute and soak it.

After the famine, there are about 20,000 to 30,000 people in Jiuli.

All calculated as adults.

A person needs to consume about one kilogram of rice every day without eating meat.

One person a year, if he is given a little more, it is 400 kilograms of rice.

Jiuli consumes at most 12 million kilograms of rice a year.

He now has about 20 million kilograms of rice.

It only took four days to use the land resources of 4,000 mu of planting space.

It can feed everyone in Jiuli for a year and more.

Rocky's current planting space is the best logistics in the world.

These 20 million kilograms of rice were all transferred into the system space by him.

The system space has no concept of time flow.

Once things enter, they will never deteriorate.

Moreover, the quality of these rice has also been greatly improved, and it seems to have the effect of strengthening the body and prolonging life.

Kozuki Oden mentioned to him that after eating the rice here, he was very active in farm work!

Originally, he could only harvest 2,000 acres of rice a day using Ame-no-Habi-zan and Enma.

Now, after eating the rice inside, he can harvest 3,000 acres of rice.

After the harvest, Loki continued to plant and it would be another batch of rice in a few days.

Why continue to plant?

Mainly to let Oden exercise.

He also plans to plant some cotton in the future, after all, harvesting rice is too easy for Oden.

Originally, Kozuki Sukiyaki asked him to solve the hunger situation in the village of Bakasa.

But now there is too much food, so he solved all the food crises in Kuri.

With the super rice seeds, there is more than a year's worth of food reserves.

If Jiuli still starves to death, then we can only let them fend for themselves.

Of course, these are just external things.

For himself, he has made a lot of progress in the past few days.

In addition to the upgrade of the observation Haki to LV3.

The proficiency of the Armament Haki Lv3 has been improved to (90\100).

Only the last ten points are needed to upgrade to LV4. I believe that with this level of Armament Haki.

It should be able to surpass Iron Fist Garp, Black Arm Zephyr, or Hawkeye...

These unique Armament Haki.

The last iron block of the Navy's Six Styles was also fished up.

For this iron block, it has no effect on him if taken out alone.

But fortunately, the six styles are complete, and the physical skills of the six styles can be further developed.

The proficiency of the most rare Conqueror Haki has not made much progress in the past few days.

It was just that when he was lucky, he caught a few rods and reached LV2 (80/100).

The rest was left to Mr. Kai.

I don’t know how many rods he can use to upgrade his Conqueror Haki to LV3.

So he can master Conqueror Haki Entanglement.

In general, the harvest was quite fruitful.

But the same old problem appeared on Onigashima.

After he kept fishing for a few days, the quality and probability of the catch here were rapidly declining.

What’s more uncomfortable is that his reputation seems to have declined.

Because Jiuli is too desolate and remote, the News Bird is unwilling to come.

Maybe it’s afraid that it will be suddenly solved by the hungry people.

His information can’t reach the outside world.

The popularity of defeating Ace some time ago.

As time goes by, it gradually decreases, further reducing Rocky’s probability of shipping.

In a word, whether it is Wano Country or Onigashima, the potential of fishing is almost exhausted.

To further improve, either make a big event to improve the reputation.

Like the last time he defeated Ace and got the lucky star card, he got an SS-level reward.

He caught the Snow Drinking Sword of the Supreme Great Sword level.

Or he left here and changed the fishing spot.

Every time he arrived at a new location, the first rod would also get an SS-level reward.

He caught the idiot Kozuki Oden in Wano Country.

After mastering the Conqueror's Haki, Mr. Kaido should allow him to leave here and venture out on his own.

Even if Mr. Kaido doesn't want to at that time, it doesn't matter.

Just see who has the harder fist.

Anyway, this is the family rule, whoever has the bigger fist is the father.

If you are not from the same family, you will not enter the same door.

Kaido, Yamato, and Rocky all recognize this.

"Is this guy Kozuki Sukiyaki... so anxious?"

Just when Rocky was thinking about these things, the red light of his observation color flashed in his eyes.

A kilometer or two away, a little old man wearing a mask was slowly walking towards him.

It was agreed that he would deliver the goods to him within a week.

Only four days have passed, and this guy couldn't help but come over?

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