The old man was born in a strange land, and the old man was born in a strange land.

Just before Rocky and Kozuki Sukiyaki met.

The edge of Kuri.

The land of each region of Wano Country is not adjacent.

Such as Kuri and Suzuki, Kuri and Xuewu.

They are all separated by the river.

The bridge between the two regions is connected to each other.

But since Kuri fell into an irreparable famine.

A large number of hungry people who could not find a way to survive in Kuri.

They fled to the neighboring Suzuki and Xuewu through the bridge.

At first, the daimyo of Suzuki and Xuewu did not care, just regarded them as a large number of cheap laborers.

But with the surge in the number of people.

The two regions could no longer bear it.

The two bridges were completely controlled, and no more victims from Jiuli were allowed to pour in.

And the victims who had come here were sent back.

Many of them were sent back again.

Even so, many desperate hungry people chose to take the line and cross some dangerous sections.

Smuggled into the next two areas.

Even though people died every day because of smuggling, it never stopped.

"What a spreading disaster!"

A small official guarding the bridge in the Linghou area.

He looked at the huge crowd of Jiuli across the river and sighed as usual.

He was busy with today's workload.


At the same time, not far from the canal.

Hearing that Lord Rocky asked him to lead the way, Kozuki Sukiyaki was puzzled.

Brother, I haven't seen a grain of food yet.

It's not appropriate to check the granary first, right?

Brother, you should take out ten or eight kilograms of rice.

I can take it back so that I can report to everyone!

With some food to take back, he can continue to make promises and continue to brag.

Then he can find a chance to run away.

Now he is going back empty-handed.

He is really a little afraid of being beaten to death by the hungry people.

But he dare not say his true thoughts.

He had to lead the way honestly.

He was in a state of anxiety, not knowing what Rocky would do next.

The emotions of the hungry people were very high now, and he had lost control.

He was forced to come to Rocky in advance.

He wanted to test whether the food was in place.

But there was no sign that the food existed at the moment.

What if Rocky couldn't get the food?

What could he do?

He had no way to deal with Rocky.

Let alone the fact that this man had the strength of a great swordsman who could cut off the coastline with one sword.

His resurrected stupid son still called Rocky his master.

For this reason, Kozuki Oden even made a filial speech to him.

He threatened that if he didn't cooperate with Rocky, he would really cut him.

Now he felt cold in his heart when he thought about it.

He only knew that he would be angry, and then he got angry for a while!

With these emotions and thoughts.

Kozuki Sukiyaki still quickly brought Rocky to the vicinity of the first granary.

In fact, Rocky's LV3 observation color that can foresee the future.

He clearly sensed Kozuki Sukiyaki's heavy breathing.

The micro-expressions of struggle on his face from time to time, which all showed that his emotions were volatile and his heart was suffering.

As long as this person took the initiative to ask him about the food?

Rocky would answer, so that he would not worry anymore.

But this person just didn't ask, worthy of being the most patient man in Wano Country.

He could endure the destruction of the country for more than ten years, doing nothing, and hoping for a prophecy of the founding of the country in twenty years.

Now this patience is nothing at all.

Rocky also experienced it again.

He gave his evaluation that Kozuki Sukiyaki is the real ninja.

Jiraiya, one of the three ninjas in the anime, once said.

Only those who can endure are true ninjas, not how many ninjutsu they have mastered.

Kozuki Sukiyaki perfectly fits Jiraiya's argument.

None of the 5,000-man Oniwabanshu ninja troops under Kurozumi Orochi can compare to Kozuki Sukiyaki.

Soon, the hungry people who were excited here saw Kozuki Sukiyaki coming back.

They rushed over like locusts seeing rice.

It was like a flood and beast that was about to drown Kozuki Sukiyaki.

However, when they noticed Rocky behind Sukiyaki, they immediately became honest.

Now in this area, the reincarnation of Ryoma is passed down by word of mouth.

Isn't it the Lord Rocky behind him?

He came to support the bastard Tenguyama Hichetsu?

Everyone couldn't help but think of it.

, and began to retreat.

Ashura Boy did not retreat a few days ago, so he fell.

Everyone remembers the fate of this famous bandit leader in Jiuli.

"So handsome!"

What's even more outrageous is that some women of marriageable age who were so hungry that they were yellow and thin saw Rocky's handsome face.

For a moment, they actually forgot the hunger in their stomachs and the anger of being deceived.

Instead, they screamed in excitement, and some even fainted.

The sisters' reaction was too intense.

The last time Rocky fought with the bandit leader Ashura Boy.

They were afraid of being affected by the battle and could only watch from afar.

But at that time, they were already shocked by the sight of him from a distance.

Now Rocky is so close to them, how can they bear it?

Then the first woman fainted, and soon the second one, and slowly a group of people fainted...

The situation at the scene became more chaotic.

"It seems that I am more or less a star in Jiuli."

Looking at the women who kept falling in front of him, from eighty to fifteen, none of them were spared.

Rocky once again had a better understanding of his appearance.

As expected of the biggest beneficiary of the Jade Liquid of Creation, it has reached a level that goes against common sense.

There is a fairy spirit.

There is a saying that when you are full and warm, you will think about sex.

These women should not have enough food to eat.

They should not have any thoughts when they see him.

But what happened in front of him told him that things were not that simple.

I am afraid that compared with the attractiveness of the empress Boya Hancock to men.

His appearance and temperament are not inferior to the attractiveness of women.

What's more, the empress used the devil fruit she ate to achieve this level.

But he did not use the power of any devil fruit at all.

It seems that he is better.

"Lord Rocky, please come in!"

Kozuki Sukiyaki walked up the high stone steps, pushed open the stone door of the granary, and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Everyone's emotional reaction was more intense than he had originally expected.

Fortunately, Rocky was following him just now.

These hungry people did not dare to act rashly.

If he came alone, he would probably have been captured by now.

Rocky nodded and walked into the granary in the eyes of everyone.

After Rocky entered, Sukiyaki hurriedly followed him in and then closed the stone door ajar.

He blocked the wooden mouth to prevent the hungry people outside from following in.

"This place is very good."

Rocky walked to the bottom of the granary and nodded continuously.

He looked around. This was a granary that was expanded and renovated from a natural cave.

The sealing is very good, except for the stone door in front.

There is no exit in other places.

It can effectively prevent the invasion of moisture and pests.

The thermal insulation performance is also excellent, the temperature inside is relatively constant, warm in winter and cool in summer.

It reduces the impact of external temperature changes on grain storage.

The grain storage environment is also very clean, with no debris piled up, and a thick layer of licorice on the ground.

There is no leaking place above the cliff under his observation color scan.

Overall, it can be seen that Kozuki Sukiyaki has put a lot of effort into building the granary.

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