The food was not good, but the food was not good.

"Thank you, Master Rocky, for your praise, but I don't know when the food will be available..."

At the door of the granary, Kozuki Sukiyaki looked at Rocky below and finally couldn't help asking.

There were thousands of hungry people blocking the door.

These people were not a threat to Rocky.

But for him, it was a matter of life and death.

If he couldn't give an explanation today.

He wouldn't have to stay in the village of Biankasa anymore.

Maybe someone would set a fire in front of his house when he was sleeping in the future.

And take him away directly.

Regarding Kozuki Sukiyaki's question.

Rocky didn't answer directly, he smiled faintly.

With a gentle wave of his arm, Guangyu Sukiyaki's unforgettable scene appeared.

A large amount of white rice suddenly gushed out of thin air like a tide.

There was a rumbling sound!

Soon the entire granary was filled up, like a flood that submerged him, leaving only his head exposed.

Outside the door, a large amount of rice gushed out, and suddenly a group of hungry people saw the long-lost rice.

They rushed up like crazy, picking up the rice on the ground, one grain after another.

Everyone usually eats brown rice mixed with husks, wild vegetables, and tree bark.

When have you seen such fine grains?

Just pick up a handful, and a pot of rice soup will be settled.

With some tree bark, the family can survive another day.

There was a constant trend of grabbing food outside.

But they didn't dare to rush into the granary to find out.

Because Rocky's knife was so terrible, in their hearts, he was already a reincarnation of a dragon horse.

Ryoma is a legendary figure in their Wano country, and they dare not offend him.

"It seems that this place can only hold about two million catties at most!"

Rocky checked how much food was left in the system space.

He couldn't help but frowned. He had just transported out only about one-tenth of the food.

If the remaining four places are also the storage limit of about two million catties.

Then there will be 10 million catties of food left in his system space.

He had ordered that when Kozuki Sukiyaki built the granary, the pattern should be open.

It seems that this person did not listen to what he said at the time.

The pattern is not open enough, and now the granary is built small, it is their own loss.

"Rocky... Lord Roki..."

Kozuki Sukiyaki pulled himself out of the pile of food with difficulty.

His lips trembled, his brain was blank, and his eyes were wet with tears.

Since Kaido and Kurozumi Orochi stole his country and fled.

He has not had a full meal for a day.

It can only hold two million jin!

He heard Lord Rocky's complaint just now.

This shows that Rocky still has a huge amount of food in his hands.

Thinking of this, Kozuki Sukiyaki was completely unbelievable.

It's okay to be able to revive his stupid son, but he can also make food out of thin air.

If there is a god in the world, it can only be Rocky.

Originally, I just wanted Rocky to take out 10,000 or 20,000 jin of food.

It would be a blessing to solve the food crisis in the village of Bikasa.

But now it seems.

With such a full warehouse of food, I'm afraid the whole Jiuli can be relieved.

It is necessary to build shrines for Lord Rocky in various places in Jiuli and worship him day and night.

Kozuki Sukiyaki made up his mind instantly.

"Are the other four granaries also only to this extent?"

Rocky asked in a calm tone.

"There is another super warehouse, far exceeding the storage limit here."

Kozuki Sukiyaki answered immediately, his face flushed and extremely excited.

His heart skipped a beat.

It seems that the amount of food stored in Lord Rocky's hands far exceeds his imagination.

Maybe there will be no hungry people in Kyuli in the next one or two years.

This is simply a miracle.

"Then let's continue to set off."

Rocky stepped on the moon step, came to the door along the top of the cliff, and grabbed Sukiyaki, who was confused.

He was a little impatient now and had to solve this matter quickly.

Then go to the Flower Capital to capture Orochi, and the time is almost a week.

It's time to return to Onigashima to receive the stick education from Teacher Kaido.

He felt that he was very close to mastering the Conqueror's Haki entanglement.

After all, he is now Conqueror's Haki LV2 (80/100), and has a good foundation.

I hope that after a few sticks, he will break through like King Luffy.

In this way, he will

I can leave Onigashima and Wano Country, and I am completely free.

Then I will ask someone to get the Pluto buried in Wano Country, regardless of whether it can be used or not.

I will not consider whether the hole can be opened or not, but I will control it first.

The scientist Quinn will be more or less helpful in controlling Pluto.

If it doesn't work, he will go to Water Seven to get the design drawing of Pluto in Franky's hand.

By the way, he will go to Alabasta to get Nico Robin, and with the cooperation of these two people.

I believe that with Quinn's brain, he should be able to start the most evil battleship in history.

I heard that Pluto can sink an island with a normal shot.

In the pirate world, this is like an aircraft carrier crushing a small fishing boat against other ships.

No wonder the high-level officials in the world government once made remarks.

They said that with Pluto, the great pirate era can be ended.

Of course, if Pluto is really so awesome, what that person said is true.

After dealing with Pluto, Rocky went to the Dragon Palace on Fishman Island and invited Princess Shirahoshi to live on Ghost Island.

Not only can you change fishing spots to continue to improve your strength.

You can also make big news during the action, improve your reputation, and get luck enhancement cards.

With luck cards, you can get more rewards from the Fisherman System.

In this way, not only the Sea King has a place to stay.

His strength is also improved in this process, killing two birds with one stone.

With these thoughts, Rocky then pushed open the stone door and no longer cared about the hungry people.

He flew straight to the sky.

As the door opened, a huge amount of rice was like a tide, instantly swallowing up the hungry people guarding the door.

The world was silent, and everyone looked at this magical scene and fell into shock.

Everyone couldn't believe what was happening in front of them at the first time, thinking that it was a dream.

The most beautiful scene in the dreams of these hungry people.

That's it.

"Farewell! Lord Loki, the Immortal!"

"Farewell! Lord Loki, the Immortal!"

I don't know who reacted first, raised his head, and shouted loudly to Loki in the sky.

On the ground, there were a few thousand hungry people.

They also reacted immediately and shouted the same loudly!

The voice was loud and uniform.

The surrounding scavenger birds were all frightened and flew up.

They knelt on the ground and bowed to Loki, who was about to disappear in the sky.

Everyone was excited and tears flowed in their eyes, and they were reluctant to raise their heads for a long time.

Loki's kindness to them was really great.

With these grains, everyone can reasonably distribute and save a little, and they can get through a long time.

This favor is like rebirth, and such a favor can never be repaid in a lifetime.

Loki didn't care too much about the scene below.

He quickly flew to the next granary location pointed out by Kozuki Sukiyaki.

At this moment, a familiar electronic voice sounded in my mind.

[Ding Dong! Congratulations to the host, you have become a god-like existence in the hearts of some people. They worship you and reward you with an A-level luck enhancement card. ]

[Ding Dong! Use the A-level luck card, and the next shot will definitely be an A-level or higher reward. ]

It's not why it's only A-level!

Rocky felt a little sorry. The system's reward was a bit stingy this time.

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