Five Elements Heaven

Volume 1 Chapter 114 Travel Practice

For Ai Hui to understand such a nervous person once, it is already very rare. ∈♦Even if something big happens, it’s definitely not you who can turn the tide. So, what does it have to do with you? He is just an insignificant and weak person.

He continued to devote himself to intense practice. Only through practice could he feel that his time was not wasted. He has just opened the Dual Palace, and the realm of the Dual Palace is nothing in the induction field. Unless someone like Zu Yan possesses unique skills, the realm of the two palaces can be discussed.

His practice was still interrupted on the second day.

"Travel far away for practice?"

This was the doubt in the minds of all the students in the class. They all looked at Master Xu, and each of them was summoned back by Master Xu.

Master Xu explained: "Yes, every year we organize a class trip. The main purpose is to help everyone broaden their horizons. This time I will lead the team, and the hospital will send some strong masters to accompany us. In addition, two instructors from Yinghua Fengshe will also accompany us. Our target this time is the edge of the induction field."

The students were eager to try. Duanmu Huang frowned: "Master, can I not participate in such a long trip? My recent training tasks are very heavy."

White-eyed wolf, White-eyed wolf, White-eyed wolf!

Ai Hui cursed three times in his mind, and then looked at Master Xu expectantly. As long as Master Xu agrees, he can use the same excuse to stay. The edge of the induction field? He doesn't have the luxury of time to go on outings to such boring places, and he doesn't even bother to go to the wilderness. It would be great to spend so much time practicing.

No one had any objections to Duanmu Huang's words. With Duanmu Huang's strength, such a long journey would really not serve as a training for him.

Unexpectedly, Master Xu shook his head: "No, classmate Duanmu, this is the first group activity of our class, no one can be absent. You are the class monitor, you must set an example!"

Duanmu Huang opened his mouth, but finally remained silent.

When Ai Hui heard this, he just had to give up his thoughts.

The master doesn't even give me the face of a white-eyed wolf, it seems that he really can't do it. Although he despised Baiyanlang's character very much, he had to admit that Baiyanlang was more respectable to his master than he was.

It's bad……

Now that it was determined that nothing could be changed, Ai Hui began to plan his outing.

It looked like he was going to be idle for a few more days. It looked like he had to ask Lou Lan to help him make some dry food to recover from fatigue. This way, you can practice while setting up camp.

Well, let's go to Shopkeeper Li and pick out a sword that's handy. The induction field is very safe, but being prepared and having the ability to protect yourself is more important than anything else.

Dry food and a sword, Ai Hui smiled bitterly in his heart, it was another huge expenditure.

He now only has more than 300,000 yuan left with him, which was paid in advance by shopkeeper Li. There is always not enough money, and I still owe the mistress a lot of money, which must be paid back. The noodle shop girl's 80 million is so hard that I don't even have the courage to think about it.

Rabbit hair, rabbit hair, you have to live up to your expectations!

Ai Hui returned to the dojo and spent 50,000 yuan to buy materials for Lou Lan to make Qi and Blood Cake. The reason why my body was able to recover so quickly last night was thanks to Loulan's bowl of yuantang. The effect of Yuantang can last for about three days, but it is getting weaker day by day. The effect of Yuantang is much better than that of Buqi and Blood cake, but the price is also much more expensive.

Ai Hui then went to Shopkeeper Li's shop alone.

This was Ai Hui's first time visiting Shopkeeper Li's weapons shop. It was located not far from the dojo. In fact, Songjian City was only that big.

Ai Hui's eyes were dazzled by the dazzling array of weapons on the shelves.

Shopkeeper Li was extremely enthusiastic when he saw Ai Hui. He was even more enthusiastic when he heard that Ai Hui wanted to buy weapons: "Oh, just try it. If you think you can get it, I will definitely give you the lowest discount."

Ai Hui's eyes fell on the shelves with various swords, and his mouth started to water. As a person who has experienced many battles, Ai Hui's love for weapons comes from the bottom of his heart. In the balance of life and death, weapons are an important weight.

In the wilderness, he used the simplest sword thatched sword, which cost only two to three thousand, which is equivalent to ten bowls of noodles.

There are many kinds of grass swords, and there are also high-end products. High-end products are not cheap at all.

Ai Hui immediately fell in love with a sawgrass sword worth 120,000 yuan. He had tried a similar sawgrass sword before, but had no money to buy it. The Sawgrass Sword was heavy to hold, and Ai Hui was very sensitive to the weapon. The weight was two and a half times that of the previous Grass Sword. It would have been a bit difficult for him to use it before, but now that his body is much stronger than before, this heavy sword is just right for him.

The edge of the dark gray sword body is made of fine dark red serrations, which are extremely sharp. Sawgrass is a variety cultivated by Mu Xiu. It needs to grow in metal-rich soil. After a year, it will enter the mature stage and can enter the grass weapon primary manufacturing facility for use in making swords and knives. Compared with the sawtooth sword, the sawtooth sword is more widely used, and the lethality of the irregular serrations can be better utilized in chopping.

It is said that the color of grass is related to its age. The older it is, the darker the color will be. Sawgrass that is more than ten years old will turn black in color and become very expensive.

What surprised Ai Hui most about this sawgrass sword was its price. At 120,000 yuan, it was definitely considered a low price. If you want to buy a sawgrass sword at a supply point in the wilderness, it will cost at least 350,000 yuan.

Although this was the rear, the price of 120,000 yuan was still so cheap that Ai Hui did not hesitate to buy it as soon as he saw the price.

The weight of the sword is much heavier than ordinary grass swords. It is difficult to use without a certain amount of strength. It is normal that not many students can use it, but the price is a bit abnormally low.

After asking shopkeeper Li about the reason, Ai Hui couldn't laugh or cry. He said that it was because the sawgrass sword didn't shine and was not loved by the students, so it was sold cheaply.

Shopkeeper Li then strongly recommended to Ai Hui the so-called best-selling grass sword, Yan Crimson. The red sword body emits a faint red light, like a red-hot iron. When it is swung, there will be fluffy sparks from time to time, which are said to be called fire trees and silver flowers. It is really beautiful.

Ai Hui was shocked when he saw such a dazzling grass sword for the first time. When he took it and took a closer look, his expression became strange. The red light on the sword was not high temperature at all, but a kind of cold light. Those sparks were grass seeds.

Shopkeeper Li said that Mu Xiu, who cultivated this kind of red light grass, could not sell it at all at first. The texture of the red light grass was very average, and the performance of the grass sword he made was also very average. But shopkeeper Li had a keen eye, bought the agency rights, sold it in induction stores, and it became very popular all of a sudden. Veterans in the wilderness don't like flashy glowing swords, but students who don't need to fight and kill like them very much. It's so handsome.

Ai Hui gave a thumbs up, he likes your profiteer look!

It all depends on you!

Back at the dojo, Ai Hui unfolded the information handed out by Master Xu. When he figured out the location of this long journey, he was a little stunned.

The induction field used to be the front line, but with the expansion of Five Elements Heaven and its continuous outward expansion, the induction field has become the rear. Its location is closer to the old land, and the destination of this journey is close to the edge of the old land.

Old soil...

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ps1: Merry Christmas everyone!

ps2: The Christmas extra has been posted on Fangfang’s WeChat public platform xiaofangfang1985. The key word is four words: Christmas extra. It has almost become our tradition to pull everyone out to spend Christmas and New Year with you every year. Ye Chong, Rui Bing, Chen Mu, Wea, Zuo Mo, Senior Brother, Tang Shaojun, Qian Hui... The more books I write, the more the lineup grows, and we will become a big family in the future!

ps3: Just now at 8 o'clock in the evening, red envelopes were distributed in the group. My phone was almost stuck. Everyone was so enthusiastic and I was in a hurry. Thank you everyone!

ps4: I'm really sorry, I forgot to notify you about the red envelopes... Everyone should join the WeChat platform. Any events will be announced on it. The editor is obviously much more reliable than me...

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