Five Elements Heaven

Volume One, Chapter 115: Watching with Cold Eyes

Holding his Sawgrass Sword in his arms, Ai Hui watched with cold eyes as the students around him vomited. He had no sympathy at all. When he first rode the Clover baggage train, he vomited more exaggeratedly than them. Today, Mu Xiu, who was in control of the baggage train, was obviously showing mercy. Compared with the shamrock wagons in the town, the shamrock baggage wagons are much wilder. This wild temperament is all-round. With thicker stems and leaves, if the clover on the three-leaf vine cart looks like a delicate and slender beauty, then the clover on the baggage cart looks like a giant man with an iron tower covered in muscles. The calf-thick grass stems are difficult to damage with swords, and each blade is like a blade the size of half a door panel. When it turns, it makes a numbing sound. Baggage trucks not only need to be able to carry enough supplies, but also have sufficient protection and a certain degree of flexibility. The outer wall of the rattan cart is covered with colorful plants, with buds and thorns of different colors, each of which has its own story. For example, some energy sources continuously emit billowing poisonous smoke to drive away flying beasts in the sky and cover the escape of baggage vehicles. However, the vitality of wild flying wild beasts is extremely strong, and the poisonous smoke can only play a very limited role. On the contrary, the extremely annoying smell of some wild beasts can help the baggage train avoid disaster. Therefore, the smell emitted by these flower buds is definitely not good, and when mixed together, it is even more disgusting. Although it is a baggage vehicle, the requirements for flying in and out of the wilderness are much higher than those of the three-leaf vine vehicle in the town. It is like a strong man with a huge body but very flexible. Mu Xiu, who controls the baggage train, likes to give newbies a variety of difficult flights as a gift. Ai Hui had a look of enjoyment. The wooden repairman in front was obviously reminded not to overdo it. This level of bumps is almost inducing sleep. The other students were vomiting. They had only ridden on those smooth-flying fire clouds and three-leaf vine cars. Where had they ever ridden on such a crazy baggage truck? Ai Hui glanced at the white-eyed wolf next to him. The white-eyed wolf was placed next to him. Duanmu Huang's performance was much better than the others. He sat in his seat, motionless. Although his face didn't look too good, he didn't vomit. Ai Hui noticed that Baiyanlang's muscles were all tense, and he reminded him as if nothing had happened: "Spit up if you want to, don't hold it in. It will make you feel more comfortable when you spit it out..." Wow! Duanmuhuang, who had been holding back, suddenly felt that his throat was a little dry and itchy. He couldn't control it anymore, and he bent down suddenly, like a flood breaking through a dam, vomiting all over the sky. "You spit on yourself? You're so careless. There's no place to wash you in the wild, so it doesn't really matter. I just need to smell it for a few days." Ai Hui's devilish voice came from above his head. Duanmu Huanghuang saw the dirt on his trouser legs and clothes, and his pupils suddenly shrank. Being a mysophobic man, he couldn't control it anymore and started vomiting again. Ai Hui looked unbearable and moved to one side. I don’t know what Taozi thought, but he arranged Bai Yanlang to be in the same group with him and sit next to him. It’s really frustrating. Zhou Xiaoxi glanced at Mrs. Xu next to her and couldn't help but shook her head secretly. Mr. Xu's face was pale and he was trying his best to hold back. Fortunately, he was traveling far away in the induction field. If he went to the wilderness, he would not be the nanny for these rookie students even if he were killed. Among these people, the most eye-catching one was Ai Hui, the only student who made Zhou Xiaoxi feel at ease. The old bird, you can tell from the posture that he is an old bird, his body is relaxed, and his body rises and falls along with the ups and downs of the baggage train. Hold the weapon and look calm, so that you can deal with dangers that may arise at any time. The eyes are constantly paying attention to the movements outside, and they are very alert. Even a veteran like Zhou Xiaoxi couldn't find any fault with it. He remembered that Li Wei had said that Ai Hui had worked as a coolie in the wilderness for three years. Looking at it now, Li Wei was not lying. It is better to have someone reliable than none at all. "Haha, we're just ahead!" Mu Xiu whistled. The sound of the baggage train suddenly changed, and the train suddenly began to pull up. With a pair of horrified eyes, Ai Hui couldn't help but shake his head. Do these guys even have such similar bad tastes? Can't there be some new tricks? The high-rise baggage train suddenly plunged downwards, swooping down wildly. Ai Hui was drowned by Lai's high-pitched scream that suddenly rang out from the entire baggage train. He was indifferent and silently complained in his heart, couldn't these guys have some new ideas? Can't you come up with something new? The familiar and strong falling feeling made Ai Hui feel as if he had returned to the wild days. He missed Fatty more and more. In the past, whenever this happened, Fatty would chatter non-stop. Fatty would talk too much when he was nervous. Ai Hui was the first to jump out of the baggage truck, and he couldn't stand the smell in the truck. The others' feet were weak and they almost crawled out of it. A few timid girls did not dare to come out because they were thrown out by Zhou Xiaoxi. Mu Xiu didn't know whether it was with pride or ridicule, he sang loudly as the baggage train roared away. A group of students were left behind, like a group of helpless lambs, in the wilderness. When Master Xu arranged the itinerary, he took the students' immature into consideration. They are just new students in their first year of school, and their strength is already weak. The purpose of this trip is just to let them experience it. "Tonight, we will rest here for a day and start setting off tomorrow. The first thing we have to learn now is how to set up camp. After graduation, everyone will know that setting up camp is a very important thing. We will have a weekly meeting of Yinghua Fengshe The instructor came to teach us. Instructor Zhou is an elite member of the Beihai Department and is very experienced." Zhou Xiaoxi did not refuse, as this was originally one of their tasks. This is the tradition of Five Elements Heaven. Veterans on the front lines come back directly to impart their experience to the students, which is of great benefit to the growth of the students. Zhou Xiaoxi did not start immediately, but said first: "Classmate Ai Hui, you are responsible for guarding." "Okay." Ai Hui nodded, held his sword, and walked towards the woods.

"Let's start learning to camp now..." Zhou Xiaoxi said. "Why let him be on guard?" Duanmu Huanghuang suddenly interrupted Zhou Xiaoxi: "Instructor Zhou, shouldn't the strongest person be on guard?" Duanmu Huanghuang was tricked by Ai Hui just now, and he was thinking about how to get back. "In principle, it is like this." Zhou Xiaoxi smiled kindly: "Classmate Duanmu, do you think he is stronger?" "That's right!" Duanmu Huang did his part: "I am stronger, and I have learned vigilance and have more experience. ." "Okay." What he didn't expect was that Zhou Xiaoxi readily agreed: "Then Duanmu will be on guard, and Ai Hui will set up camp." Feeling that his plan was successful, Duanmu sneered at Ai Hui in the evening, and said Plunge into the woods. Ai Hui didn't care. He often worked as a vigilante and knew that vigilance was more difficult than ordinary work. Duanmuhuang was willing to take over this matter, which he couldn't ask for. Under Zhou Xiaoxi's guidance, the students quickly learned how to set up camp, and the discomfort of riding in the baggage train disappeared. Everyone regained their vitality and worked enthusiastically. As night falls, the bonfires are lit and the wind gets stronger. Ai Hui suddenly raised his head.


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