Five Elements Heaven

Volume 1, Chapter 116: Barrier

Ai Hui heard a vague voice.

He raised his head, looked around warily, and listened carefully.

During the campfire hunting, the students recovered from the discomfort during the day. The novelty made everyone's mood high. They discussed enthusiastically around the campfire, and some students with lively and outgoing personalities began to sing and dance. Master Xu was infected by everyone's enthusiasm and smiled all over his face.

Ai Hui did not sit over, but quietly sat under a big tree about forty meters away from the bonfire.

A bonfire in the wild at night is the most eye-catching target, and it is too easy to attract wild beasts.

Although Ai Hui also knew that there were no ferocious beasts in the induction field, and with the protection of an expert like Instructor Zhou, there would be no danger. But his long-standing habit has become his instinct. Hiding himself in the night makes him feel safer.

As soon as he entered the wild, Ai Hui felt as if he had returned to the wilderness, to that cold and murderous world. He was surprised to find that not only was he not at all repelled, but he was actually slightly excited. From the moment he stepped into the jungle, he felt like a fish in water, making him feel that maybe he was actually a beast living in the jungle in his previous life.

People are just mean!

Ai Hui laughed at himself, saying that after just a few good days, he began to miss the past.

The wind rustled the leaves, but the ground was as quiet as ever. There was no sound of dead branches breaking, no strange noises from deep in the bushes, and there was no unique sound of wings breaking through the air in the wind.

Is it my own illusion?

Ai Hui glanced at Instructor Zhou who was not far away. Instructor Zhou had no reaction and was bragging about his achievements that year. He enjoyed the admiring looks of his classmates.

Ai Hui's tight lips couldn't help but outline an arc.

How beautiful!

Yes, the wilderness here is not wild, there are no dangerous beasts, only peace and tranquility.

His reaction was a bit excessive, and Ai Hui shook his head secretly. He thought that when he first entered the induction field, he almost accidentally killed someone several times. It took him a long time to gradually adapt to the induction field. The scenes in the wild could easily awaken his wild memories.

This is not a wilderness.

Ai Hui had to remind himself again. He had not reminded himself for a long time.

The white-eyed wolf must be very happy now, and Ai Hui is a little gloating about his misfortune.

Duanmu Huang felt terrible now. The wind on the tree canopy was much stronger than below, and he was almost filled with wind. He felt like his head was really spinning. Why did he want to take this sentry job?

Instructor Zhou explained to him in detail the details that the sentry post should need.

Duanmu Huang couldn't tolerate being perfunctory, so he carefully followed the instructor's instructions. For example, you should always be alert and pay attention to the disturbances around you.

Duanmuhuang didn't think it was too difficult at first, but as time went by, nothing happened. As time went by, the feeling of boredom and tedium made his eyelids heavier and heavier. The sound of the wind blowing the leaves is like hypnosis if you listen to it for a long time.

Um? what sound?

He was suddenly startled. He just seemed to hear a faint sound, which was completely different from the rustling of leaves.

But when he listened carefully, all he could hear was the familiar sound of rustling leaves.

Is it my own illusion?

Duanmuhuang wasn't too sure. He was in a daze and was about to fall asleep just now.

He cheered up. Although he was inexperienced, he also knew the importance of sentries in the wild. I am concerned with everyone's safety, so I can't slack off. Since he had snatched the sentry job, he must do it well, at least better than that bastard Ai Hui.

The blazing bonfire gradually became quiet. The day's fatigue and tossing made everyone unable to hold on. Soon the campground became quiet and everyone fell into a deep sleep.

One night, nothing happened.

When Ai Hui opened his eyes, he saw only the embers of the bonfire under the dim blue sky.

Zhou Xiaoxi, who was patrolling, also noticed Ai Hui waking up, nodded towards him, a hint of appreciation flashed in his eyes, and continued to patrol. With such a bunch of pink lambs, he is also under great pressure. Bragging is a boast. He is not ambiguous at all when it comes to serious matters. He knows the importance.

They are indeed elite!

Ai Hui was filled with admiration. Zhou Xiaoxi's performance was better than those of Master Yuan Xiu he had seen. The elites of the Thirteen Divisions are indeed not comparable to the Yuan Xiu of those hunting groups.

Gradually, more and more students woke up, and when the sun rose, everyone was called out. After simply washing and tidying up, everyone was about to start the day.

Duanmu came back from duty at dusk, with two clearly visible dark circles under his eyes.

The white-eyed wolf turns into a white-eyed husky...

It’s not easy either, Ai Hui sighed in his heart, what a great job!

After the team gathered, everyone began to trek towards the next destination.

Listening to the lively discussions among the students, and many students taking out snacks that had been prepared long ago, Ai Hui felt that it really felt like an outing.

Ai Hui is a bit out of tune with the team. He hangs at the tail of the team.

The person in charge of explaining on the way was Master Xu.

"The direction we are moving forward now is the old soil. Many of the students are from the old soil, which means that we are moving towards your hometown. The old soil is not only the hometown of these students, but also the hometown of all of us. Hometown. The establishment of Five Elements Heaven is inseparable from the old earth. The old earth and Five Elements Heaven have the same origin. We are brothers and relatives. In the future, many of our students will also join Five Elements Heaven. From now on, we will fight side by side, not for the Five Elements. Heaven is not fighting for the old land, but fighting for the tomorrow of all of us.”

In the sunshine, Master Xu's expression was solemn, and the students listened with rapt attention.

Zhou Xiaoxi said nothing. He glanced at Master Xu and continued to move forward with his head lowered.

Ai Hui noticed that Instructor Zhou was not very interested, and he knew why. On the front line, the barrier between the Five Elements Heaven and the Old Earth is like an invisible wall. It seems invisible, but it is always there and everywhere.

But Ai Hui didn't think that Master Xu said anything wrong, because whether it was the old land or the Five Elements Heaven, the wilderness was the biggest enemy.

Moreover, he also admired Master Xu very much. Masters in the induction field can all feel this problem, but rarely discuss it openly, but Master Xu did it with great courage.

Of course, the reason Ai Hui was able to face this problem so calmly was because he felt that such a high-level issue had nothing to do with him.

My world is very small, too small to accommodate such big ideals.

Surviving, becoming stronger, and being able to protect a few people he cares about is enough and perfect.

Ai Hui's eyes seemed to scan around randomly. Suddenly, his eyes fell on a tree stump not far away, and he stopped.

He walked to the stump and squatted down.


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