Five Elements Heaven

Volume 1 Chapter 125 Method

Ai Hui felt that he was really a crow's mouth. See

Hearing the long roar of the beast, he knew that the situation had reached its most critical moment.

What he just said to Duanmu Huang was not just nonsense, but a lot of confusion in his heart. There are still many doubts in his heart that he has not said yet, but at this moment, all doubts are not important.

He couldn't tell what kind of beast it was from the beast's roar just now, but he could tell from the sound that this unknown beast was definitely not something they could resist.

Maybe only Instructor Zhou can resist?

He has seen many wild beasts in the wilderness, and any powerful wild beast must have extraordinary momentum. Just like human beings who are in high positions, the temperament of their gestures and gestures is very different from ordinary people. The laws of the jungle are more cruel, and the fight between beasts is more direct. In order to maintain its own territory, the beast never knows what it means to be low-key. The beast king must be ferocious, brutal and aggressive, so that it can win the most direct competition and aspire to the throne.

The fear of danger and the fear of the strong are the instincts of wild beasts who survive under the laws of the jungle.

Ai Hui clearly saw that the moment the beasts roared, the beasts surrounding them went into a brief panic.

At that moment, he knew that the beast in the distance was not something they could contend with.

And when he saw that the beasts around him were like a tide, they suddenly roared, as if a hole was opened at the other end, and they left the rocks and dispersed into the distance.

The other people's faces showed joy, but Ai Hui's pupils suddenly shrank, and the hairs all over his body stood on end.

There were many pieces of animal flesh and blood scattered on the ground, and the escaping beasts did not even care about the flesh and blood that they could not refuse. This was the first time Ai Hui saw pieces of flesh and blood on the ground.

There is only one possibility, that ferocious beast is approaching here!

Damn it!

The intense fear stimulated every nerve in Ai Hui's brain. He knew he had to respond. By the time the beast spotted them, it would be too late.

what to do?

He forced himself to calm down, telling himself repeatedly that this was not the first time he had encountered such a situation. In the wilderness. The situation is worse than this. Without support, Master Yuanxiu around you will not care about your life or death at all, but the masters will not just watch you die...

How did I escape before?

Ai Hui was suddenly startled. Hide away...


Get away! Only by hiding can it be possible to survive!


Ai Hui's mind was spinning rapidly. He carefully recalled the dangers he had experienced before, including the most dangerous times. He only survived by covering his whole body with mud and hiding in the mud.

There was no mud here. He glanced around and saw nothing but rocks.


Ai Hui's eyes fell on the largest rock, which was more than ten meters high and tilted at a certain angle. Ai Hui's eyes lit up and he shouted loudly: "Everyone, get under that rock!"

Everyone looked confused.

Duanmu Huang's mind was filled with the speculations Ai Hui had just made, one of which had come true. The deterioration of the situation made him even more uneasy. When he saw that Ai Hui, who had been extremely calm from beginning to end, suddenly reacted so violently, he suddenly became alert.

"Everyone, go over and follow Ai Hui's command!" Master Xu's voice sounded at the right time, and he also noticed Ai Hui's nervousness. In his impression, Ai Hui had never been so nervous.

"Master, can you move that rock over here?" Ai Hui pointed to a long, horizontal rock.

"I'll do it." Fairy Cui didn't ask why. One end of the red satin in her hand flew out, like a flexible snake, wrapping around the long stone.


Long rocks flew up. It is stuck under the boulder to form a semi-enclosed space, like a small house.

At this time, all the surrounding beasts disappeared. Even the most obtuse person knows something is wrong.

"All go in!" Ai Hui urged the students. When the students hid in hastily, he asked Master Xu: "Is there a way to seal all the gaps with soil?"

"I have a way. I am a local cultivator." A student whom Ai Hui didn't recognize raised his hand, but he immediately asked: "What should I do about breathing?"

"Hold it for now! Speed ​​up, it's coming soon!" Ai Hui said anxiously.

Ai Hui's palm holding the grass sword trembled slightly. In the state of sword fetus, his six senses were sharp, but just like that, he felt more deeply how terrifying that unknown beast slowly approaching was!

"The thicker the soil, the better! It's best to have a mountain to bury us!"

The soil cultivator students directly take action. For soil cultivators, controlling the soil is not too difficult. The surrounding soil and gravel wriggled like ugly monsters, slowly climbing up the long stone.

Ai Hui glanced at the abandoned pieces of meat not far away, and his heart moved: "Is there any way to get those pieces of meat above the soil?"

Duanmuhuang somewhat understood what Ai Hui meant.

A thin blue and white vine flew out of his hand. The blue and white vine reached the top of the minced meat and suddenly spread out into dozens of thinner blue and white vines. Each blue and white vine rolled up a piece of minced meat.

Duanmu controlled the blue and white vines at dusk, rolled up the minced meat, and reached the top of the giant rock.

When the last gap was closed, the green and white vines disappeared, and all the pieces of meat lost their support and fell onto the huge rocks and gravel.

Everyone fell into darkness.

The soil cultivation student sat down on the ground. In order to make the soil layer as thick as possible as Ai Hui said, all his energy was exhausted. If you look at it from the outside, you will find that the topography of the rock group has undergone tremendous changes. Half of the boulders that were originally standing diagonally in the air were completely buried by sand and gravel, forming a small mound.

"It's coming, don't make any noise."

In the darkness, Ai Hui's deliberately lowered voice made everyone's nerves tense.

Snap, snap.

The unhurried footsteps were extremely clear in the darkness, and everyone's heart was in their throats.

A dark red wolf appeared on the outskirts of the rocks. Its nose twitched, seeming a little confused. The small mound in front of it was scattered with a large amount of flesh and blood, and it was a little puzzled.

The smell in the air was covered by the fragrance of flesh and blood.

It quickly put these doubts behind it, and the flesh and blood in front of it exuded fatal temptation. It started to feast on the minced meat, which wasn't the best, but it wasn't bad. In the former Wansheng Garden, it was not a powerful beast. Even if it had just undergone a transformation, its remaining instincts had not been eliminated and it would not waste food.

The people at its feet lived for seconds like years.

The sound of bones being cracked and chewed came from above their heads, making everyone's hair stand on end.

The blood wolf swept away the pieces of meat around him. Not only did he not feel any satisfaction, he became even hungrier.

Its eyes lit up with a bloodthirsty red light, and its gaze fell deep into the jungle.

At this moment, a beast roar sounded in the distance, and the blood wolf turned its head. It knew that there was another big guy like it.

It can't understand what kind of beginning this is, and now it just wants to have a full meal.

The blood wolf withdrew his gaze, turned around and walked into the jungle.

ps: There is also. (To be continued.)


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